uh I swear when I’m on holiday next week I’ll post, and I’ll try between work this week, I’m just an idiot lmao
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we stan a dead dumbass lads
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How would the matsus react to their s/o crying at a disney movie? :> (also lov ur blog sm)
Absolute mood,,, honestly me @ ghibli films
(oh and thank you sm, I love you too anon sweetie!)
There's some simple categories here, really:
Comforting them;
Jyushimatsu, Todomatsu
* Not quite dead inside, but just isn't that emotionally unstable. Might shed one or two tears but only if it's genuinely heart wrenching like Disney's Coco just sayin
* Will hold their S/O's hand and cuddle them in blankets. Would dry their tears gently, soft boiiissss~
Is also crying with them;
Osomatsu, Choromatsu
* Might not seem it but both of them are suckers for Disney. They'd probably cry at anything heart warming to do with family, because they love the rabble really. Oh, or if someone dies.
* Would get caught up in emotions for sure
All of the above;
Karamatsu, Ichimatsu
* They'd be crying floods if any animals die, trust me. Especially Ichimatsu. Anything sappy and romantic to do with true love would set Karamatsu off tho.
* They'd both be very openly sensitive with an S/O, since they are both so fragile. Because of this, they'd also be more aware of their S/O's crying too, so would do the ultimate compromise and just cry in blankets together
I do love writing some cute short fluffy HC's 🌸✨
- Mod Yuki 💗
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MASTERPOST (I wish you could pin posts skjsksjksj)
~Text post list
~Dialogue prompt list
~Headcanon prompt list
~Botanical Asks
~Outfit Ask
~AU list (Will be taken as a fanfic request that will be posted to my AO3)
     [Random Ask Memes are for both the boys and Mod Yuki]
~Random Ask Meme 1 (Weird Questions that say a lot)
~Random Ask Meme 2 (Space Themed Asks)
~I can draw your ask if you request it! (old)
Thank you!!!
Love Yuki <3
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Good day over there! I’d like to ask. Matsu likes s/o secretly but they fell to one of their brothers. One day s/o cried to Matsu and told him they got cheated on. How does Matsu react?
This one's been sat in my inbox for a while, cus it's more of a fanfic-esque prompt. You may not know, but the blog has an AO3 book! Where all the longer prompts go. So if you want to just drop me any specific matsu for this prompt, I'll get right onto writing that out for ya! :D
- Mod Yuki
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Hiya everyone
Sorry for dying for a month, exams were kicking my ass lmao but I'll be back soon as
summer is in a WEEKKKKK
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So here’s a link to some angst
Forgotten Flower  <——Link Here!
This fic is my take on an au that I’m in LOVE with. It’s still a WIP so please stay tuned if you enjoyed the first few chapters! (8 so far but a lot more is to come)
Synopsis: The Mastunos grew up as quintuplets, right? A dirty family secret is uncovered after Ichimatsu got wrongfully arrested and meets someone who shares his face while in prison. Family or not…can his actions be forgiven?
(People I’m Tagging: @creepygnomeking @imaginesmatsu @thebardisabird @faun-buns  @semercury )
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Damn right he would, sweet blue prince with a heart of gold 💙✨
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Karamatsu Matsuno from Osomatsu-San would treat you right!!!
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Happy birthday
to my favourite dumbassessssss! I love them and they're so good sksjksjsjs
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The ending film with the protagonist kissing deeply at their crush. Matsuno would say to himself he would like to-- But s/o seems to not be into that. Little he knew that they heard it clearly. Lucky they were in the last file and the credits screen was dark... Hands holding his shoulders, s/o kissed Matsuno for a whole minute; a passionate french kiss, hardly letting a brief moment to take a breathe. Then they stops. "Let's go, the movie it's over." They say as the get up. Reaction?
They'd be in stunned silence, all of them
They'd just,,, scream
They would be gone, their soul would have left for a solid minute or five
Oso would eventually play it cool, and be like 'aw why didn't ya say sooner *nudge nudge*'
Kara would start a quiet but love-filled ramble in the middle of the cinema ofc
Congrats, your stutter chainsaw has evolved into a froggy broken car engine cus Choro's just dead,,,
Ichi would be internally yelling for days but he'd subtly become more cuddly for sure
Jyushi would be red but would just smile and flap his sleeves and go crazy happy
T(h)otty would be the embodiment of 'uwu' and (,';3c) at the same time n would defo become a tad more close n holdy hands-y (not to be mistaken with handsy, that's Oso's thing sksjjsjs)
- Mod Yuki
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Hi there! I don’t know if you do promos, but if you do, could you give my new ask blog @poke-matsu a shoutout? (Btw, I love your writing. It always gives me a little burst of excitent when I see you on my dash!)
Of course! I don't advertise doing promos, however this blog caught my attention cus I just rlly love pokemon. It's definitely worth a look, go have a gander guys!
(Also thank you so much! If you're the one that runs the blog, feel free to pop into my messages, I'd love to chat to you and make some friends in the imagines community!)
- Mod Yuki
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So I'm gonna alter the rules a little
So for asks, currently you can ask for all of the guys at once?? I physically can't do that most of the time. SO
I will change it to a maximum of three matsus (ie if you wanted older trio or younger trio or some other combo etc.) per ask.
I'll do that later today. Any asks already in my inbox as of right now, I will answer as is. But after that, please no more than three at a time!
This has been a PSA
Thank you
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How do you think any of them will act if they have a younger sister??
Aw that's cute man! I mean, in general they'd all probably be very doting on her, and would definitely be protective.
I'm going to put this in the context of the sister being maybe 18/19 (so around ten years younger than them).
Since I don't write for Totty much, we're gonna specify on Totty and Oso (just bcus I love him)
Osomatsu would be an awful influence, and their mother would know this, but that wouldn't stop them hanging out. He'd teach her how to stick up for herself, just in case one of her brothers couldn't get to her. If she got a job - which she probably would purely out of her parents begging her to not follow her brothers footsteps - he'd always go visit her n say hi. The others would also pop round too, but Oso would make sure her co-workers are being nice.
Todomatsu would definitely help his lil sis with fashion and such. He'd know her fashion sense like the back of his hand and would always be the one to get her so thing cute on birthdays. Totty would be the brother that she'd hang out most with probably. And although he doesn't seem like he'd be able to do much to protect his lil sis if he needed to, believe me he would fight anyone to keep her safe.
Hope these were good for you! Feel free to request some more for this idea if you'd like 😊
- Mod Yuki ✨🌼
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The Ichimatsu idea has me sobbing I can't,,, I always secretly hoped that the Christmas couple did that think where extroverts just adopt someone like 'yep you're a friend now'. I always hoped he ended up w friends cus of that sjsjskjs
AND THE VET THING YES he so would be a vet if anything, just so he can care for cats the best he can!! And so he can spoil his niece/god kid bless him
He'd be so proud and supportive, he'd be the soft uncle Ichi that the kids always go to for advice/cats/the good old meme or two.
I love this, it's so,,, pure. My crops are watered, my skin is clear, and my heart is fill of love for,,, all of this.
(also TotTEA has me screaming pahaha beautiful)
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Osomatsu san doodle dump! 
Most are just kind of stupid, I just really like the idea of Ichi being like really good with Homura/ Jyushis and the christmas couples kids,,,, he is soff,,, 
For the Youtube!au I might go into more detail later on but for now enjoy a bunch of thumbnails/ paused screens lmao
(Pls no BLMatsu thanks,,,) 
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Haha yeah surprise puccinos guess who lives
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Mm how about the bros with a s/o who very emotional and cried a lot? Not even just out of sadness but like with every emotion like frustration, anger, happiness, when they’re laughing, when they see smth cute, etc.
First off, mood
Second off, I think they’d all get used to it eventually but woooohooooo it would throw them off at first. Like, why is water leaving your eyes are yOU HURT??? I’m sorry ily I didn't mean to upset you-
Oh, it’s just a meme and it’s that funny? Ah.
Sometimes they’d mistake one for another. But they would always be concerned regardless. They always want their s/o to be happy
Sorry for the short response, was racing against my laptop battery lmao
- Mod Yuki
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How about the matsus with a s/o who donates? I did it a few times for a project at school but it was so fun I’m gonna continue after I graduate soon
Donate in what sense anon?  Like,,, money or blood
That sounds morbid now ive typed it lmao
but I mean,,,I’m a blood donor so when you say donate im like?? Donates to charity or to the local vampire hive blood bank
Please resend this ask with more deets pls anon babes x
- Mod Yuki
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