Otp Questions
1. It’s a starry night, what would they want to do the most? EX- Have a bonfire, talk about the world, snuggle up to each other under a blanket. ECT
2. What’s the worst date they have ever been on with each other? Explain what happened.
3. Who takes amazing photos of their partner when their partner is excited about a new hair-do/make-up/outfit they have on?
4. Who is sun tanning while the other playfully throws a water balloon at them?
5. Where was their first kiss? Who kissed who?
6. Would they ever wear matching outfits in public? If so, explain the outfits that they would wear.
7. Who wears the other’s sweaters as a nighty when it’s cold?
8. When cooking in the kitchen together, what songs do they dance to?
9. Who is sleepy in the morning and who gives the other kisses all over their face?  
10. Who loves to hold their partner against their chest?
11. When their partner leaves for a week on a business trip, what is something special they do for their partner when they come home?
12. Who kisses their partner’s hand as reassurance that everything is going to be okay?
13. Who picks up the other and twirls them around just to see their partner giggle?
14. How do they like to spend time together?
15. Who loves surprise their partner by going up behind them for a hug before kissing them?
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#50 This or That Q’s for your OC.
Hot or cold shower?
Summer or winter?
Typically boyish style or typically girlish style?
Night owl or Early bird?
Full breakfast or ‘grab a bite and run’?
Easily panicked or always chill?
Coffee or Tea?
Dogs or Cats?
Writing or reading?
Movies or TV shows?
Outside or inside?
Overprepared or underprepared?
Sunny weather or rainy weather?
Being surrounded by people or being alone?
12-hour clock or 24-hour clock?
Instagram or Snapchat?
Study over a period of time or last-minute cram?
Text or call?
Driving license or not?
Cake or biscuit?
Water or juice?
Says it how it is or keeps their mouth shut?
Always runs out of charge or always keeps a charger on them?
Read the whole book in one sitting or take a year to finish it?
Climb the stairs or take the lift?
Apple or Samsung?
Write on paper or type it out?
Does the assignment as soon as it’s set or does it in the lesson it’s supposed to be handed in?
Love at first sight or get to know them?
Use a hairdryer or let it air dry?
Converse or Vans?
Order the same meal or something new every time?
Listens to the album as the tracklisting or shuffles it?
Hits on strangers or cries because they’ll never meet again?
Believes in fate or takes it into their own hands?
Believes that ‘Sex should be in a bed’ or that ‘Quickies are cool too’?
Ace at tidying or has a literal dumpsite in their house/room?
Marmite or Peanut butter?
Rap or rock?
PJ’s or naked? ;)
Puts others first or ‘every man for himself’?
Bus or Train?
Pen or Pencil?
Candles or Febreeze?
Notes or flashcards?
Chocolate or candy?
Phone camera or digital cameras?
Card or Cash payment?
Smiles in every photo or ignores the camera?
Likely to read this whole post or skip past?
So you guys seemed to like the 50 questions for your OC post, so I thought I’d share my OC this or That list! I made it a while ago on my break while working as a Christmas temp in retail- my first job in retail! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, good luck with your works! Lots of love from Yasmine xox
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Go ahead guys, ask them stuff
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