king: i can literally count how many fucks i give on no hands
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literally oslo doesn’t have eyes, but you can tell his facial expressions when king says some dumb shit
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alright i originally posted this but i need to make edits
so it’s the same from the first five, and then make helbram 6 and move the rest down therefore the order is now
2- Ban
NNT Characters I would like to date ranked
2- Ban
3- Griamore
4- Howzer
5- King
6- Meliodas
7- Escanor
8- Gilthunder
9- Helbram
10- Gowther
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ban: oh fuck you
helbram: well two can play at that game
helbram: i’ll fuck you, i’ll fuck your mom, i’ll fuck all of you!
helbram: i’ll fuck king too!
king: t-th—that’s not what you think it means helbram!
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king: i’m gonna wake him up
elaine: no!
king: i’m gonna do it
elaine: harlequin!
king: (drops rock on empty side of the bed and ban goes FLYING)
ban: what the actual fuck guys
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bad guy: breathes
escanor: it is hilarious that you think you may exist in my presence
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king: ban can you go get me some glue from the town?
ban: ok
ban: here (throws a dead deer)
king: i said glue not an animal!
ban: oh shit my bad
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Can we talk about the fan service in this episode ?😏
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I am 99% sure that after watching seven deadly sins on netflix, we all started speaking like gowther and it just kinda stuck
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NNT Characters I would like to date ranked
2- Ban
3- Griamore
4- Howzer
5- King
6- Meliodas
7- Escanor
8- Gilthunder
9- Helbram
10- Gowther
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ban: cmon king, we’re going on a manhunt
king: what? for who?
ban: the captain
king: FOR WHAT?!
ban: he ate my bagel
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Request: More Arthur NSFW Headcanons
- He looks really good when he’s all sweaty during/after sex
- His favorite part of himself is his muscles cause gosh darnit he worked hard for those, so he appreciates it when his partner admires them
- His favorite part of his partner is their back/waist. He really enjoys how smooth or soft everything is
- He really can’t get into kinky role play stuff. He tries, but he just breaks character and giggles the whole time
- He enjoys someone who keeps up with their hygiene, but he won’t care if they don’t shave as long as they still smell nice
- Likes when his partner lightly pulls his hair
- He loves just simply touching his partner’s face, especially during a make out session. Just drifting his fingertips over their cheeks and jawline <3
- He’ll yelp a little if his partner scratches his back, but he likes the marks left afterwards. He feels proud of himself
- His absolute most favorite thing ever is holding his partner’s hand during sex. He just adores feeling even more connected to his love
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Request: Griamore Fluff Headcanons
- This man loves being the big spoon. He’ll occasionally request to be the little spoon if he needs comfort, but he just loves holding his partner to his broad chest as close as he can, nuzzling and kissing their head
- He also loves carrying his partner on his shoulders, or even just on one shoulder! If they complain about being too heavy for him to hold, he’ll just lift them with one hand, staring at them with a soft smile
- He tries his best to do cute things for and with his partner(like braiding their hair or baking cupcakes), but he’s so big and strong that he’ll likely end up breaking something or accidentally hurting them, so his partner will have to comfort him
- He looks really cute wearing a frilly pink apron, so please put him in one at some point, both mods are begging you
- He’ll do a lot of the chores like laundry and trash, and will insist that you don’t need to lift a finger when he’s around because he just wants to treat you like royalty
- Is an accidental bed hogger. He’s just too darn big to perfectly share a bed with, but he makes up for it with his gentle warmth and cuddles
- He really likes how his partner smells, so he’ll occasionally just stick his face in their hair and breathe in, arms around their waist. Especially if he’s had a long day
- Would love to get a pet with his s/o!! He’d like a cute little rabbit, but he’ll get anything his s/o wants. He’s such a gentle giant and just loves to spoil his s/o like crazy
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𝑮𝒊𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 | by anon    ↳ Arthur Pendragon
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The Late Nights of Camelot
Arthur Pendragon x fem!reader
First one shot on this blog let’s go. Italicized is flashbacks.
It was a quiet night in the beautiful kingdom of Camelot. Sixteen year old King Arthur Pendragon was sitting on his throne while silently thinking to himself. He knew he might have townsfolk coming in with requests late in the night. He just found it hard to keep his concentration.
The shocking blue of her soft yet fierce eyes pierced him straight in the heart. He could feel himself melting under her glance while stargazing.
He kept thinking of her. Night and day, it was her. Another citizen walked in with a shawl and an offering for the king. She handed the basket to a knight and bowed before the king. “King Arthur. Thank you for your time. My request is a mere moment of your time.” she then took off her shawl and looked at the boy with amber hair. “Of course, please walk with me.” Arthur stood from the throne and walked alongside the woman in the grand hall of the castle.
They fooled around with armor and tipped over a few decorations as they played around the castle. Arthur knee as king he was being irresponsible, but he didn’t care. She was giving him the fun of being sixteen like a normal child should.
The flashbacks continued. Him and the woman walked in a somewhat awkward silence as he remembered those times. “My little brother, Arthur. He’s starving. We’re both starving. I can’t take care of my family. The knights don’t provide us with resources to hardly survive. He’s staying with a shopkeeper, while I go out to find something to eat.” Arthur knew this girl because she was his age. “I hate to ask, but I need your assistance.”
The doors creaked as they entered his grand room with incredible drapes and incredible decorations. She grazed every material with her fingers and smiled back at him while he stood at the foot of his bed. Her blue eyes shone in the darkness as the stars from the window behind her illuminated her skin.
“I will assist you. As your king it is my duty to serve you as a citizen of Camelot.” Arthur heard the tears of the girl and they slowed their pace outside his room. She collapsed to the ground and cried tears of shame. Arthur kneeled in front of her. “Y/n, I don’t want you to ever worry about taking care of yourself and your brother. should shouldn’t have to live like this.”
The silk sheets were disheveled and bare bodies touched in the night. Silence throughout the room besides a few soft sighs. A peasant woman, and his family wouldn’t approve. Arthur was making love to a peasant girl he had met many years ago and had loved very much. Her small fingers through his amber hair and their eyes meeting so desperately. “Y/n, I love you more than ever. I will always love you.”
“Y/n, I hate to see you suffer. You and your brother deserve a better life. I want you to come live in the castle.” Arthur brought his lover on her feet but when back to a knee himself. “I want you to be my queen, and I want to show you a good life with me.” He panted for a moment while silent tears continued to fall down her face. “Because I truly love you, Y/n. I would be a fool to let you go.” Arthur then got on both knees and lowered himself. He looked at her with his soft violet eyes.
“That is why I beg you to be in happiness with me. I beg you to be my queen.”
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Arthur: What does BDSM mean?
Merlin: Being Dead Sounds Magnificent.
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