I don't want to be your friend
I don't desire to be your friend Friendship is nice, when it happens But it's not a drive I have Humans are tiring But I will be your friend, should it happen.
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reflecting on it all, i really think one issue that the aspec community refuses to actually talk about (or, at least, those of us who aren't affected by it refuse to talk about) is that acceptence of aromanticism is still entirely conditional.
i'm not aplatonic myself, but even i can see how the aspec community excludes them. like, yeah, sure, being aromantic is cool!...as long as you still experience platonic attraction and have platonic relationships and replace romance with friendship at every turn.
and if you're aromantic, you also have to be asexual. because sex without romance is immoral and dirty and abusive. and every aroallo is an invader who's trying to destroy your perfect, pure, sex-negative aspec community. if an aromantic is not asexual, they are not a valid aromantic.
if you've ever found yourself wondering why aplatonics and aroallos alike have their own small communities instead of just being a part of the wider aspec community, this is why. you drove us away.
and your acceptence of aromanticism is still entirely conditional.
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Everyone talks about the "am I bisexual or asexual" confusion but no one talks about the "am I polyamorous or aromantic" confusion.
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I love you my fellow aplatonicspecs
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<2 i have made a playlist. icon i used is by @arsonist-frog !!
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Neu Aros are So Cool
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for me the term aroallo is a useful communication tool. it gives others an idea of how i function in relationships, it lets others know i'm not asexual but i am aromantic and it helps me find a community of people i relate to.
but it's not my identity.
because of this, i feel connected to the non-sam aro community too. i don't identify with the SAM in the traditional sense, i don't identify with the asexual / allosexual phrasing.
i'm not allosexual, i'm not asexual. but i'm not completely non-sam either.
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All jokes aside, the bold jumping spider has got to be one of the most aromantic spiders out there. I mean, look at this creature
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This tiny beast is literally aro colours.
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shoutout to loveless aros you deserve to be understood and accepted as you are and to kill everyone who says "love is what makes us human!!!" with one hundred billion hammers
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This pride month remember that aplatonicism can be a beautiful thing. Aplatonics are not 'missing out' on friendship if they are plato averse or repulsed, or nonfriending, or indifferent. Aplatonics are not being 'insincere' or 'fake' if they are plato favorable and/or want friends. Aplatonics who only experience platonic attraction conditionally or infrequently or in a non-traditional manner are an important part of this community!
Aplatonicism is not inherently miserable or lonely. One's value does not depend on whether they have or want friends. Aplatonicism which is romance favorable and/or alloromantic is not 'amatonormative'. Ask yourself why you have double standards about friendship and romance and why you can't comprehend that amatonormativity is a societal mindset ( not something that people can be just by being into romance but not friendship lol) if you think it is.
Another person's preferences with regards to friendship or socialising (or lack thereof) is also not something you need to comment on or pathologise. It is not necessary to hold everyone up to alloplatonic standards. That is platonormative and yes platonormativity does harm people. And so does aplphobia/aplmisia.
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“but actually ☝️🤓 humans are a social species and need friends to live”
wrong! rat attack 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
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shoutout ro systems with no friends at all. shoutout to systems who rely on each other for friendship. shoutout to systems who cant do that because they dont get along.
also shoutout to systems who dont want friends. who dont feel the need to rely on anyone, internally or no, for friendship because you just dont want it.
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its aromantic time hell yea
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I remember seeing something about how platonic identities aren't necessary because everyone experiences platonic attraction to everyone and I think we should get rid of this narrative.
Panplatonicism might be the norm, but it's not the only platonic identity in existence. Some people are biplatonic, heteroplatonic, homoplatonic, aplatonic, polyplatonic, pomoplatonic etc. Like ... some people experience atypical forms of platonic attraction, and that's fine.
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if you can understand that sex and romance aren’t essential to the human experience, you can understand that friends and platonic feelings aren’t either.
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You are not a stereotype for being repulsed. You are not stereotyping any identity for being repulsed. it is not your job as a real living being to be representation for your identity. REAL PEOPLE are not representation. REAL PEOPLE are not stereotypes. REAL PEOPLE cannot perpetuate bad representation or stereotypes by just existing.
Your experiences as a real living person should not be stifled to avoid "generalizing" Or "stereotyping" or "bad representation" or whatever argument people use to try and silence you.
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romance repulsed aros and romance favourable aros are both cool and valid but because i never see anything about us: shoutout to romance indifferent aros. romance neutral aros. aros who just couldn't care less. aros who have a conflicted relationship with romance. aros who are fine with romance in some contexts but not in others. aros who don't mind romance when it's not amatonormativity being shoved down their throats. aros who haven't yet figured out their feelings about romance. aros to whom romance is Just Something That Exists. y'all are rad as hell and it's okay not to 'pick a side'!!
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