Just gonna put my two cents out there...
"Omgaawd format your posts or I won’t rp with you"
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You are not worthy to view this magnificence. Go away.
No, but seriously, if you require someone to format their posts or to use icons, you need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself: is that really important? If the answer is yes, then don’t bother coming my way.
As a published author, I can guarantee that the formatting is not as important as the quality of the writing. Can I understand what you wrote? Yes, then great. No, then you need to try again.
If you are more focused on the formatting of a post than on the quality of your writing, why don’t you put your ‘skills’ to creating websites instead? You’re obviously more suited to coding than to writing. Writing takes work, it takes dedication, it takes the ability to look really hard at what you just wrote and rewrite it however many times it takes. Revision, editing, etc, is what makes a writer good. The original idea, the original manuscript or post, that is just a lump in the diamond mine. It’s not been found yet, it’s not been broken free of the confining rock, and it’s not been polished.
Formatting makes it nearly impossible to look back and revise, because you’re so focused on how pretty it looks. Fuck that. Pretty doesn’t mean I can read it or that it’s quality. Pretty doesn’t mean you’re an amazing roleplayer or quality. It doesn’t mean that people want to roleplay with you.
Have you considered that some people have bad eyes and your tiny font is making us less likely to rp with you? Have you considered that when I reblog your formatted posts it looks cluttered? It doesn’t look pretty. It doesn’t look quality. It doesn’t even look nice.
Please consider all these things before formatting. Who are you trying to impress? Certainly not me - you lose points if your writing is crap. If you can’t even keep track of where the roleplay is what character yours is interacting with, why are you bothering to format? Erase all that formatting and try again.
I for one am less likely to roleplay with I can’t read your reply. I am more likely to laugh at you.
Now, this doesn’t mean that all formatting is bad. I have several partners who are quality writers and they format. They’re writing is beautiful and I enjoy roleplaying with them.
But if I can’t read or understand your reply, you can bet your ass that I’m not going to enjoy roleplaying with you.
We are here to have fun. Not to cater to your whims.
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The Bunansa's lip curled, shoulders bunched and her shook his head with a short, soft 'Bah!'. "That's it? That's the reason for your ill mood--?"
If his laugh is just the slightest amount cruel he can hardly be blamed for it with the news he now possesses. A friend dead, cut down in their prime, and Vayne would discuss copycats and marauders. Somehow it made a sick kind of sense.
One life down and the world kept turning.
He already knew that things worked that way, it boggled his mind the way he kept expecting that to change. "They probably sought to cash in upon my renown. I can hardly blame them. I've worked hard for a reputation so... useful."
  "Another sought to be mistook for you, it was most…shamelessly unflattering."
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"I wont give pardon without explanation - I have little patience for round about words this night Vayne."
A soft snort. “Were it my ire you tasted, you would not be standing and we would be different men. Nay, pardon my distaste, it requires retraction and reproach as you have deigned to give.”
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"Your joke doesn't amuse me."
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The tone had a near immediate effect - Balthier stilling like he’d been struck. This wasn’t Locke. That hard hopelessness in his voice wasn’t the man Balthier had come to tentatively regard as a friend. 
Something was very, very wrong.
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cruentatafoedus replied to your post:"I see the time for petty banter has passed."
"Make no idle mistake, it’s affected choice does linger." He’s almost sour.
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"As does the bad taste in your words. Are you always so dour this late in the evening or am I simply to be graced with your ire, as I am most other things of dubious...honour."
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The tone had a near immediate effect - Balthier stilling like he'd been struck. This wasn't Locke. That hard hopelessness in his voice wasn't the man Balthier had come to tentatively regard as a friend. 
Something was very, very wrong.
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"I see the time for petty banter has passed."
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Make Me Choose: unwaveringstrength asked ⇢ Tidus or Balthier?
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"I see the time for petty banter has passed."
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Tom Hughes His eyes.
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Tom Hughes…A great actor that especially i loved in the Game as Joe Lambe.
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A note, folded into precise thirds, is delivered to him by courier: "I'm in town for a while on business, if you'd like to meet for coffee at some point. -Xu"
With a roll of his eyes he turned the note, bidding the courier stay with vague promises of swiftness. He'd no ink upon his person, but for these purposes charcoal would do, even if it was his sketching best. With the hand of a man who knew tomorrow would most certainly not do, he scrawled a note, his letters jumbled together and messy in their calligraphy:
Coffee whilst not my fair, is usually served in the same places as tea, as such I accept your invitation, throw in a slice of something sweet and I will be there post haste. 
There's a tea house on Isling Street. I shall meet you there at your convenience. 
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Vayne's voice stilled him. 
It was, perhaps a credit to his life and the skills within it that he'd been aware of the man from the moment he'd walked through the door of the tea house. Provicial fare was rarely Balthier's tea of choice, especially in a hamlet like this one, but he'd hoped to coax the man out from the confines of the shadows, where seemed far too comfortable for the pirates tastes. 
He'd been aware of the man since before he'd left Archades - the once Solidor not quite as adept a hand at this as he would probably like to think. But then, Balthier figured, many would fall into a category like that when the competition was himself. Trained by Gabranth and a natural gatherer of intelligence, his years as a pirate had only served to hone the skills the judiciary had given him. 
So the voice was no surprise. If anything it was a relief. He'd no longer have to play these bloody games of hide and seek. 
"One such as yourself?" He quipped, smiling at a pretty waitress as he carried his tray, not towards the window he usually sat by, but instead to the secluded, well guarded back corner that it made sense Vayne would favour. "And what category of company, pre tell, would you be wont to fall into?"
With grace born of harsh tutelage he pulled out the chair and sat, unloading the tray with swift efficiency. The tea pot it's self was a glass, see through fare, the fruit of it's gain a small flower bud resting upon the bottom - a camomile, dried - and Balthier watched it unfurl as the water around it bled into dark swirls of colour. 
"I wondered how long it would take for you to try to bend my ear, old friend. This game of chase was both tedious and unnecessary."
A Package Deal
The sound of the clock in the main hall was deafening when compared to the rumble and jostle of voices clamoring and clanking over plates and food, wine and merrymaking. Here he sat, his features recently cleansed and carefully shaved, though they stung with the memory of a well placed jab from one of his more unfriendly fights, and were decidedly set, brows knit, gloved hands teasing his mug of infamous honey wine from Bhujerba. The drink did little to still his mind, keep his eyes from wandering back to his mug, back to the slender package with its illustrious contents.
The once named Solidor was waiting, each tick-tock, tick-tock, the sounding of the clock, a forced reminder to remember what it was to watch the sun rise and fall, what it was to see and breathe the chilled air at the worst of times. Time indeed careened wildly when no one placed a sound upon her neck.
Cold, almost colorless eyes tinted in cold blue looked up, preceding the guest who knew not that they were a guest at all, to sup and dine on what the should-be-dead had in store for them.
It could be said he had been stalking the pirate, indeed, Vayne would not have bothered to argue for, in its own way, it had been true. He had made motion to stalk and watch all that had relevance to this issue, to this case he had decided had wrought enough torture on its own.
He rose and raised his voice over the line that the voices had drawn. “Strange company you are want to keep; perchance you’ve time to spare for one such as myself?” The smile was easy to force while his mind was preoccupied, his face easily seen, easy to be acquainted with since with the same cleansing of his face he had attended to his unruly hair, pulling it back and making some effort to tame the curls and waves that sprang free, unbidden.
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"Fell asleep again?"
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for queenxashelia, for reasons (●´□`) ♡ {insp.}
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Ill shortly be doing a blog over haul as i get back into the swing of things here - new theme/playlist and a new plot arc to keep me busy. 
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sorry gais - i have an interview tomorrow and i'm completely wigging out on it because of a back ground check they have to do. and i know i've done nothing wrong and that i'm not a criminal and the worst they'll find is bad credit because I'm in debt--
--but my life doesnt fit into their neat 'give me tax information and wage slips' boxes, because I dont work under contract...
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