aphvlion 1 month
that elisabeth pipeline is hitting again I fell in love with the three recordings we have of jesper tyden playing tod 2001 in essen I fear my academic career is about to be ruined
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aphvlion 2 months
Okay I am trying to create a jeandre timeline right now because I am just getting into the fandom and social media documentation is erm a PAIN 馃檭
So if any of you have any important moments feel free to let me know 馃 any help is appreciated<33
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aphvlion 3 months
okay so I like just got into formula e a few months back and am still catching up on all the history- especially between the drivers and I just discovered the gem that is jeandre and let me tell you I am OBSESSED. It is so refreshing to see a genuine friendship formed (and a healthy dose of flirting with your friends never hurts am I right?) (if anyone sees this I am desperate for content so if anyone is so kind to drop me videos or anything I'd appreciate it so much <3)
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aphvlion 5 months
there was a moment when the people in the movie theatre and the capitol audience in the stands were laughing at the same things, having the same reactions to the games, to the deaths, to flickermans jokes, to the doctor's announcement...i wonder aren't we watching it for entertainment too
suzanne collins' books may exist in popular culture as "dystopian", but they have always been a meticulous and startlingly close social critique of our world. at what point does our own idolization of the movies and the books repeat that story? we watch just as the capitol audience does.
all dystopia eventually crosses a line from realistic futurism to current relevancy. how long will it take us to realize we've already crossed that line with these books? and the very people who need to realize this are the ones in that audience...real or fake, we're the same: consuming and consuming.
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aphvlion 8 months
Seeing Tanz today I've waited for this for like four years for this thanks very much Covid
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aphvlion 8 months
I just finished s1 of Broadchurch (no spoilers istg) and holy fuck I need a minute to work through all that
First thoughts under the cut
I think it's absolutely amazing a show managed to make me feel so deeply for fictional characters. For me its strength was being able to show how grief- and its companions- affect everyone differently, how grief and suspicion and distrust seep through every aspect of life and alter it irrevocably.
I've rarely felt this emotional after a season finale, and though I don't know how the show will progress yet, I am absolutely blown away. Were there things I didn't love? Yes. That didn't take away from just how deeply it touched me and made me question how I feel.
Btw the fact they looked at a fictional small town and went: all the crime please checks out in my book, local small town liver can confirm
(also Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller need a hug)
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aphvlion 8 months
fucking SHAKES EVERYONE you beter fucking treat niki well i swear to GOD i am not going through dsmp shit again with her characters you either buck the fuck up and treat her like a person or ill shove you in a woodchipper
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aphvlion 9 months
hey, fuck twitter
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aphvlion 9 months
Just something about queer, bookish characters who are hesitant to break rules even if they know they are technically wrong. About characters who enjoy a quiet life with a cup of tea and vintage clothing. Characters, who at their core, are kind and peaceful and soft and would go feral to protect what they love. Characters, who despite their softness aren't weak and their naivety doesn't make them stupid, it makes them strong.
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(I understand him a little too much and that worries me sometimes)
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aphvlion 9 months
Anathema 馃 Muriel
Dark-haired side characters in good Omens that absolutely stole my heart every second they were on screen
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aphvlion 9 months
There is just something about Good Omens that fills me with so much just pure and utter joy and excitement that I just wanna explode because my body cannot contain this
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aphvlion 9 months
Good Omens fandom, I love you but I need you to realize that ineffable husbands was canon long before they kissed.
Asexual relationships exist and- even though Ace relationships can be physical- don't NEED to be for them to be valid. The physical aspect of a relationship isn't the only one and certainly not the one that matters the most.
And some things I've been seeing sound a tiny bit too much like thinly veiled acephobia for me.
[edit: canon as in they both had love for each other, not necessarily canon as in a romantic relationship]
[edit 2: not aimed at you tumblr peeps, this was about sth I saw on TikTok but Tiktokers scare me so I needed to air out my frustration here; All of you have been very lovely 馃]
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aphvlion 9 months
Can we bring back long-haired Crowley back for s3 please erm for science of course
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aphvlion 9 months
This ending of good omens feels like fitzsimmons ending in agents of shield season 2 in the worst way possible
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aphvlion 9 months
Actually adding onto to this the way angel Crowley was stimming over the stars made me very happy 鈽癸笍
Ive always been ostracized for stimming and seeing it portrayed in a show as just,,, pure happiness without any judgement makes me so so so so so incredible emotional /pos
dhmu brb crying over how angel Crowley being so full of excitement and giddiness over the new turning to demon Crowley who is just so done with everything, so sarcastic about every aspect of life perfectly mirrors the way life sucked my love of knowledge out of me and destroyed all my childish dreams.
The fall forced him to grow up and lose all of that and so did life with me and sometimes I just think that sucks
Just look at hin, he encapsulates perfectly how the joy you had as a child felt
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aphvlion 9 months
dhmu brb crying over how angel Crowley being so full of excitement and giddiness over the new turning to demon Crowley who is just so done with everything, so sarcastic about every aspect of life perfectly mirrors the way life sucked my love of knowledge out of me and destroyed all my childish dreams.
The fall forced him to grow up and lose all of that and so did life with me and sometimes I just think that sucks
Just look at hin, he encapsulates perfectly how the joy you had as a child felt
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aphvlion 9 months
The term is albeit. One word. Not "all be it."
English is not my native language and while I appreciate criticism, this was uncalled for since I got my point across just fine and I was clearly in emotional distress.
As long as the level of english that I speak helps you understand me, I am not looking for grammar corrections or anything of that sort, thank you very much.
This doesn't come across as helpful at all, so if that was your intention, I'm sorry. It is annoying and nitpicky, especially since this is such a small thing to get wrong. No one speaks a language perfectly and I never wanted to- I simply wanna communicate my thoughts with other international fans and it doesn't matter if it's a 100% grammatically correct.
(also thanks I guess for making me even more insecure about my english skills, good job anon I hope you're happy lolsies)
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