anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Just got kicked out of my own room because my 14-year-old sister can’t wait another half hour to sleep apparently.
She’s not even sleeping, she’s reading on Wattpad and will be for at least an hour.
Of course my parents take her side. It’s 10:30, she regularly goes to bed at 11:00 or later, and she’s not sick or anything, but of course I’m the crazy one.
I’m literally sitting on the bathroom floor because it’s the only other room with a door.
Can’t wait to move out in two years. Love my family, but I actually need some fucking privacy for once.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Concept: A person with the power to put anyone to sleep within 10 minutes, who also suffers from severe insomnia
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Sleep (Remy) Halloween Costume!
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Not quite done yet, but I’m proud of it so far!
(Plus, an actual valid reason beyond preventing pain to wear my very strong prescription sunglasses)
Had to make a new label though, that one was WAY too big:
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All I need now is some Starbucks!
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Just overheard my Dad telling my brother to be quieter playing WoW because “the girls are sleeping for school”...
I just have the one sister.
There’s only 3 of us, brother, sibling(me), sister.
Brother didn’t correct him, he didn’t correct himself.
I know it was probably an accident, but dude... came out 2 years ago. Changed pronouns a year later. Figured people would stop consistently slipping up after 6 months or so.
So that feels shitty GrEaT!
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
I just- I really don’t know, dude.
Feels weird to watch.
i just started watching the umbrella academy and i just--
can someone please explain this incestuous relationship between Allison and Luther?? like? am i supposed to be rooting for them? wtf is going on?
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Periods sound way cooler when you describe them as “a condition where one organ that only half the population even has annually swells up to twice it’s normal size and bleeds”
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Just got my haircut for the first time since February yesterday, but it’s wrong.
The back and sides are fine, but for some reason the woman who cut it kept the top like, twice as long as the rest, if not more.
There’s info in their computers explaining how I had it cut last time. This is not it.
I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much, I know it’s a petty first world problem, but for whatever stupid reason my hair being the way I like it helps with my disphoria (I’m a born-girl nonbinary pal)? I don’t know how, it just does.
I just feel really bad, kinda a little sick, if that’s the right word?
I didn’t think “trim it short” was a very complex instruction, but maybe I didn’t explain it right?
I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to cut my hair so I can’t fix it, I just don’t know how the back and sides are perfect but the top is somehow too long, when they’re usually all the same length????
It looks fine, it just feels really wrong. I don’t know how else to describe it.
Here’s a picture I sent my friend. It looks fine, but for some reason when I touch it and feel the longer part a feel like I’m gonna cry. I know it’s stupid, I don’t know why it’s making me so upset, it’s a bunch of dead cells on my head.
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Kill me.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
See, this is what happens when you grow up together. Similar mannerisms.
Patton: *random outburst*
Janus and Virgil: …..sURE
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
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I’m just going to leave this here…
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Muppets are on Disney+
Hamilton is on Disney+
Why not make a production of Hamilton, performed by the Muppets?
Anyone else want this?
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@persimmonpollywog @ho-ne-ye hamilton but its muppets wasn’t what we set out to do, but it is what happened and the world is wider for it
hamilton but its muppets
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
It’s funny, heartwarming, and it taught me the term nonbinary, which I now know I am.
So yeah, I owe Sanders Sides a lot.
Lets spread a positive msg. Lets prove we are still loving and kind and we love all of the sides. Lets drown out the silly hate. Reblog with reasons why you love the show and the characters. Draw art, write fics or make anything you want. Show that we can be better and this fandom wont become a heaping pile of hate.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Y’know, I should’ve figured out I was nonbinary like, a LOT sooner.
I mean, in grade TWO I was telling my friends and family that now I was a “goy” (Girl/bOY).
I got made fun of because people though I was saying “gay”, and seven year olds are dumb.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
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Ok, found this on Facebook, and for some reason it bugs me.
I’m a Gen Z kid, proud to be one. I respect my parents’ generation (that being X), and I understand that they’re largely ignored.
But bruh... just sitting down and thinking thoughts isn’t some revolutionary thing.
I know it’s a joke, and it’s a funny one, but after I was done laughing the first thing that came to mind was “I actively distract myself from doing that because that’s when the bad thoughts come”.
Idk what point I’m trying to make here, I guess I’m just saying we all CAN think, just some of us don’t because sitting there with nothing but your thoughts can be a dangerous rabbit hole for some people, myself included.
Ok, rant over. Don’t hurt me, I know it’s a joke, just thought I could share my thoughts safely on Tumblr, because THAT’S a good plan.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
A poem my tired self wrote from the perspective of my angsty bisaster character, because I REALLY don’t wanna do math right now.
Trigger warning, suicidal thoughts, swearing.
Right? By Remy Levi
I want to die.
That’s not normal, is it?
I’m just kidding though,
I think I’m serious.
Guess I should see a doctor then,
My parents said I’m fine.
No doctor.
They’re probably right.
I’m overreacting,
I want to die.
That’s my problem though.
I’ll just keep it in my head,
Damn it...
It never goes away.
And it never will,
I want to die.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
Didn’t expect to get called out at 4am, dude...
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I know this meme is long-dead but I had a thought
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
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I’m surprised, I usually get Virgil on these. Happy though 😋
i made a Sanders Sides quiz! i’m open to feedback :)
i’m gonna reblog with the link so this shows up in the tags.
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anwynb03o3o · 4 years
All I can think is
Plot twist: Orange is just Thomas using the beanie as a hand puppet XD
my favourite theories i’ve read on what the orange side will be
a literal orange
joan’s beanie
a highlighter
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