ant111fragile · 3 months
daily reminder you can block whoever you want for no reason!! 🙏 #selfcare
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ant111fragile · 3 months
this is the kinda shit that i used to do when I started for about months lmaoo!!
"I like to think of shifting as a skill I need to work on because it prevents me from being sad when I have a failed attempt"
The fact you think you need to actually practice shifting/manifesting is precisely why you keep having (failed💀) "attempts" instead of successes😭 Shifting isn't something you should have test runs for or "try" to do. YOU JUST DO IT‼️ (Internally!! Then the outside will reflect it!!).
If you think shifting is a skill, that also completely contradicts the encouragement that "successful shifters aren't better than you!!", because the former assumption insinuates that they have "more mastery" in the "skill" of shifting realities than you, which is why they've succeeded and you haven't💀
Shifttok is addicted to setting themselves up for failure everytime.
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ant111fragile · 3 months
so somehow there were people in my dms telling my void state story was contradicting with what i say i only actually manifested (shifting) ... first of i don't even remember what I wrote lmao it's been a year ig idk,, so i read it again and i saw I said "get my desired life" that shit literally means the life I wanted in my DR as in actually shifting. People be saying I could just have it here with the void state....LISTEN I have heard people manifesting unreal stuff in this very reality okay and i ain't saying it's fake why would I? I KNOW IT'S POSSIBLE but It's just that stuff is hard for me to imagine for myself so i shift realities to live stuff I can't do here. thass it, stay mad<3
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ant111fragile · 3 months
hi! I am brand new to the law of assumption and was wondering if it was possible to manifest other people's skills and beliefs at manifesting, like someone being a master at manifesting/someone being able to enter the void and stay in the void easily? I'm brand new and i think that if someone else was to help me out in that way it would give me that boost i need. So i guess i wanna know if its possible and if you would be able to help me out in that way please and thank youuuuuuuu :)
it could be possible or not... these days I'm not all that into this stuff... i feel like you should ask someone better educated on this topic I really don't know dear. did try something similar to this before and it didn't work FOR ME mind you for me, could work for someone else I personally believe anyone can do anything!!
sorry couldn't help you!
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ant111fragile · 3 months
Hi, stupid question ahead!
Okay, so I have probably read your void success story multiple times ever since you published it. It has inspired me to do the 10k challenge for either entering the void, or just overall getting a better void concept so it’ll feel easier to enter.
Here’s where the question is coming in, because I simply don’t know where to begin. Like, what kind of affirmation is a void concept affirmation; Do you have any examples for what could be an affirmation for the void concept?
- Have a nice day/evening/night, depending on when this ask reaches you <3 :)
first of all no ques is stupid, (okay some of them are but yours isn't chile) and if i had to suggest, I would you rather use like a simple and only one affirmation.... and if you're not a natural at feelings and stuff then it's okay!! YOU HAVE ONE JOB, JUST ONE!! repeat it, repeat it sooooooo much that the moment you wake up your head's automatically like oh "I get into the void on command" or I get into the void state whenever I want, however I want. or the simplest "I get into the void date easily" if it's hard to believe, just go for some self concept stuff like begin with "I CAN GET INTO THE VS" I BELIEVE IN MYSELF,, " I DESERVE THE BEST" etc,and trust me honestly, it's not even that deep!!
make yourself feel good about yourself first. you derve the best in life like all of us so why won't you get into the vs? it's you vs your own consciousness
hope you have a good time <3
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ant111fragile · 3 months
Hi sorry for asking
Have you manifested changing your birth year or other people's birth year?
Thank you
no dear, never had to🙃
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ant111fragile · 3 months
If you can manifest your current reality, you sure as hell can manifest your dream reality.
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ant111fragile · 3 months
You Only Need Your Thoughts: the key to manifesting your dream life
The key to living your dream life isn’t hidden behind hours of work, thousands of solely spent on courses or millions of “life changing books” that will help “fix” your habits and make you a productive member of capitalism. The key to living your best life is your thoughts.
Every thing that’s happened or haven’t happened (aside from trauma) is because of your thoughts. If you didn’t get the job you wanted it’s because you had the wrong mindset. If you don’t have the looks you want it’s because of a lack of self love and your mindset. Your mindset is the key to success happiness and beauty.
“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”— Neville Goddard
The best way to change your mindset is through self concept and a mental diet. Begin to affirm that you’re in control of your life and that you can have whatever you want! Focus on how deserving you are of it, how the world revolves around you and it’s your oyster! Then cut out any negative thoughts relating to your desire. Only think of how you’re living your dream life and how amazing it is!
Once this happens, the ball will begin to roll and everything will work in your favor. You have the power! Use it.
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ant111fragile · 3 months
for all my darling shifters out there :)
search matterport on pinterest to get full 3d tours of houses, flats, etc. sometimes they come with an exterior view as well!! if not, there's likely an address, and you can simply look that up on google maps and it'll appear
I've been using this for my dr houses for a while, and it even has castles! (for my royalty dr darlings). so if you struggle to find a cool house or design it or something, that'll probably help :) plus in your script you can make as many modifications as you like <3
that's it for now :) byeee <33
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ant111fragile · 4 months
i have an exam today, and welp I'm gonna ace it as usual✨🦋
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ant111fragile · 4 months
I can't stress enough how important it is to rely on yourself instead of running from one post after another, one video after another, one account after another like it is going to solve your issues. Only You alone can do it because you're All there IS. As long as you keep thinking there is something external to reach and chase or something/someone to hold above you, there's more seeming suffering.
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ant111fragile · 4 months
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kitty artist 🌈🖍️
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ant111fragile · 4 months
ᰔ you are pretty
ᰔ you are kind
ᰔ you are important
ᰔ you are capable
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ant111fragile · 4 months
also guys, I turned 20 last nov i don't even realise how fast time passes by woah
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ant111fragile · 4 months
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little shifting story post ahead,
hey guys so it's been sooouuu long ik but i have this really pretty dr story i wanna share, well specifically my wr so what happened was i heard about got7(for those who don't know, they're a k-boyband) will most probably make a comeback this year and i was missing themm ssooo much so i scripted them in my wr along with my bestie Dean(I'll share about him, my wr, and like how he looks,our experiences etc only if y'all wanna know more just tell me ) anyways,
when i woke up there the first person i saw was dean and then Jayb also my bias forever and I hugged him ssauuuu tight and cried instantly and then all of us hugged eachother and comforter me....like I've seen them in my other drs and a lot of times but it had been a long time this time and we had long convos about music and they were all like the g7 with the experiences similar to the ones in our reality and they told me they will be coming back super cool and shared new songs I've never heard? idk how that works but okay and i was for that moment soooo happy? like cause it felt genuine and i felt like I'm talking to got7 from my reality and hey who knows lmao so they told me all sorts of things they do backstage and tours and then we sang so many songs and did karaoke and we played so many games, the best part was when we all rode Rooh(she's my friendly neighborhood blue whale there, ilovewhales) it was sauu sauu much fun in the ocean (since my wr is an outside area like it's not a room it's this vast area I'll share stuff about it later)
basically what i wanna say is we are so LIMITLESS and it's so sad some of us don't realise it until later and suffer so much, like more than a hundred experiences I have had in my frs i couldn't have here I flew ... like I actually FLEW???!! LIKE 😭
and fun part WE HAVE THIS GAME IN MY WR WE CALL IT “Cloud Hunting” it's basically we have a start line like in the race but it's flying. so we fly and select a cloud of our choice my dr has colourful clouds and the fishes eat clouds (not all the time but like they're edible I eat it too, childish ik but cool) btw so we choose a cloud fill out jar with it and the one who brings it back and feeds to the fishes first wins lmaoo laamee ik but it's so much fun 100/100 recommend for y'all's Dr's but credit me if you use it cause it's an original from me lmao
so I shifted last well was it ig, and I'm writing it today it was top fun to not share.
holyyy imma have to try cloud hunting with got7 too bye... stay limitless don't let anyone tell you otherwise. dont stress, YOU WILL SHIFT ✨
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also since I'm hear I'll just say this, stan got7 bring em back wtf guys where all my ahgasaes at?!!!!!!
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ant111fragile · 4 months
shifting is so insane cause you randomly get hit with "an infinite number of people are shifting for me in an infinite number of universes. they saw me and decided i was worth jumping through space and time for" and then you kinda just have to continue with your day
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ant111fragile · 9 months
a challenge.
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Are you tired of affirming and persisting? Are tired of consistent spiraling? Are you so focused on your circumstances you feel hopeless? STOP right there. @aphrodieties and I GOT YOU.
The law of assumption governs the universe and no one is exempt from this phenomena. Understanding the law is truly a privilege however feeling the law is priceless and the key to a fruitful existence.
The goal of the next 7 days is to consistently identify with your true self, Your godliness.
"I ask you: are you really keeping the faith? Do you always turn to your imagination and, no matter what happens, do you remain faithful to the state imagined? If you do, you have passed the test." - Neville (this quote here is your BIBLE).
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1) Stop asking questions and start doing. (no running to blogs for reassurance, reassure yourself, God is capable of reassuring,he reassures the world)
2) STICK TO THE BASICS! No void, vain repetition, and following the newest community trend.
The basics : Accept it and Sustain it.
3) Don’t question yourself and do what feels correct.
The whole purpose of this challenge is to identify with your inner man, your eternal being. Your eternal being has no questions for it is ALL KNOWING. You are all knowing.
4) Ask yourself in times of doubt . “Would God be worrying about this? Should I be worried about this?” YOUR I is GOD. It is EVERYTHING and Nothing at the same time. You are not your body, personality,thoughts and emotions. That’s not who you truly are, It’s who you CHOOSE to be. Ultimately you are nothingness.
5) Do this mediation, EVERYDAY. Feel the law and feel that you are God.
It is in no one’s best interest to say that reality is fake but I will say that your reality is what you make it.
Lectures to listen to this week (not mandatory for the challenge but highly recommended.)
Be angry and not sin - Edward Art
Law and Liberty - Neville Goddard
Fulfillment of God’s Promise- Neville Goddard
The pearl of great price - Neville Goddard.
Try to internalize these in the best way you know how , whether that be : to listen on repeat, journal your thoughts and/or meditate on the message. Just internalize the information and feel it to be true.
By the end of this challenge your self concept should be rock solid and you shall view your outer man in your desired light because your inner man has been fully embraced. All your “desires” will be realized.
Please update @aphrodieties and I !! we’ll love to hear about your successes, your new found faith and unshakable confidence.
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