allyndra ¡ 7 hours
Face Blind Lan Wangji who assumes Mo Xuanyu's face is pretty similar to Wei Wuxians original. He is Extremely Wrong
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allyndra ¡ 1 day
Me whenever I see Jason Momoa in a movie
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allyndra ¡ 1 day
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allyndra ¡ 2 days
my cat never looks at the clock knows now and that's all and I don't have the luxury of living that way but for her sometimes I try
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allyndra ¡ 2 days
Sophie grifting: hot duchess. seductive investor. mysterious businesswoman.
Eliot grifting: ridiculously competent chef. hot athlete (any sport). heartthrob country musician.
Hardison grifting: overly-confident criminal. assertive FBI agent. heartthrob classical musician.
Nathan Ford grifting: goddamn piece of shit oily slimy scumbag ambulance-chaser untrustworthy con artist with a stupid fucking voice and a silly hat
the show is not doing Nate any favors in the likeability or attractiveness departments here
(Bonus mention: Parker grifting: autism creature)
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allyndra ¡ 2 days
[Please consider reblogging to increase sample size! 🗳🐦‍⬛]
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allyndra ¡ 5 days
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we did the best we could to extract the perfect columbo reaction gif, and here it is - been wanting to make this for bloody weeks
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allyndra ¡ 5 days
“liking something in fiction doesn’t mean you condone it in real life” but instead of dark fanfiction tropes it’s about liking jeeves and wooster while being a socialist
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allyndra ¡ 5 days
petition to bring back saying "huzzah!" when something goes your way and "alas." when it doesn't
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allyndra ¡ 6 days
I went for literal years after first seeing Rogue One thinking that Baze and Chirrut were textually and factually a couple. I didn’t even question it. It wasn’t a theory to me or a fandom ship. They were just clearly in a committed romantic relationship. then I remember reading some article with the director or someone saying that it wasn’t intentional!? Like I thought in 5-10 years they’d come out saying that they wanted it to be more explicitly stated but couldn’t because of Disney but NO instead we got a “I don’t see it but Godspeed to those silly little shippers” like what to you MEAN they aren’t married. What do you mean.
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allyndra ¡ 7 days
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Assume they have access to ikea furniture
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allyndra ¡ 7 days
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A Tiger and His Boy
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allyndra ¡ 8 days
if anything spring is the lilac season here and gone again in the blinking of an eye
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allyndra ¡ 10 days
I think it's interesting how the two big holidays we celebrate today have completely exchanged places over their lifetimes.
When it started, Towel Day was very much a memorial. The date - May 25th - has no textual significance whatsoever. Rather, like the feast day of a Saint, it is the anniversary of Douglas Adams' death. The observance with the towels and all is/was a Fandom reference, but the purpose of the holiday was to honor the memory of a Great Man - and how more appropriately than with a bit of silliness? And in the, what is it, 20? more? years since his death, the memorial aspect has been eroded away, until it is now basically a celebration of the work more than the man, fun unalloyed by grief, a way to fly your geek colors. And perhaps that's what he would want in the end.
The Glorious 25th of May is exactly the opposite. It is - or was - purely a Fandom thing. It's a holiday in text, and we celebrate it alongside the characters because, well, Night Watch is a frickin amazing book and deserves to be celebrated. And there's admittedly always been a melancholic aspect, deriving from the text itself, but the date and the celebration were ultimately fictional. What I used to say is that I celebrated both, but I celebrated Towel Day harder because it commemorated something real.
And then Terry Pratchett died.
And this silly fandom thing we were already doing proved a ready made memorial to honor the memory of a Great Man. The fan art now us bursting with lilac covered fedoras. It now celebrates the man in addition to (perhaps even more than) the work.
I always wondered if Pratchett chose May 25th in honor of Adams. And I wonder what this day will look like in another 20 years, when the grief of this death has faded as well.
GNU Terry Pratchett. GNU Douglas Adams.
Happy Memorial Day.
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allyndra ¡ 11 days
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allyndra ¡ 11 days
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allyndra ¡ 12 days
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Victor and Yuuri hugging
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