allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
I'm so glad I have stumbled upon your blog. I am currently planning on creating a blog about different world issues as I think it's a good place to share important information as you have. Thank you so much for spreading the word! I have donated to the link you have provided and I hope people will help you do the same!
Thank you so much! I hope to have the same effect on others as well! :)
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
I'm really glad you took the time to speak on this topic. i hope you reach your goal and keep spreading the word!!!
Thank you so much! I will! :)
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
I love how informative and nicely laid out your blog is. I love the use of mixed media to raise awareness on the importance of famine throughout the world, considering I live in a first world country and this is very rarely a problem.
Thank you so much! I hope people can take this as you did!
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
This article was posted only a few hours ago. Very saddening.
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
your blog has really made me realize how big this issue is.I never thought about famine at all and how it could effect me. I'm so glad you decided to work on this project and spread information around! Hope to keep seeing more from you!
Thanks so much! I will continue to be active! :)
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
A lot of people overlook the idea of overpopulation. As the human population continues to grow across the world, there is higher risk for things such as famine, disease, plague and wars.
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
I love your blog so much! I've come across so much new information! Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much! :)
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
Just wanted to share this short article. 
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
Ever thought about how climate change could possibly lead to famine?
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
This link shows a few statistics on famines that have occurred by decades.
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
This is a brief video on Famine which gives basic facts.
WARNING: This video contains sensitive pictures.
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
This video is not about famine but it is about a young boy who, despite facing poverty and famine, created something that helped change his life in a positive way and lead to change the future he didn’t want to accept.
“Whatever happens, don’t give up.” - William Kamkwamba
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
Many people don’t understand that famine can’t strike at any moment. Obviously it’s not usual that one day you’re eating a four course me every 3 hours and then the next day its all gone, but gradually our resources become less available. If countries are producing less than enough for all of its citizens then that can lead to the situation. It’s also hard for many people to even get their hands on food since some countries have issues with the distribution of resources. Government policies also take a toll on the situation. If governments aren’t doing anything for their people and restricting them from resources, then this will lead to their citizens suffering. Not only do these factors play a role in famine, but natural disasters do as well. There is no possible way we can control what happens in nature but we can try to help out when disasters strike.  Then again, a strong government with helpful policies is important to keep all its people safe and able to reach resources needed to live.
Many countries that are currently facing famine have been facing it for centuries or a few months. It’s important to take into consideration that just because you don’t see it first hand does not mean that it is NOT happening. Famine is an issue dealt with all across the globe. 
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
WARNING: The follow article has some sensitive pictures.
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
I'm so proud of the progress you have made with your blog Arienna! I really enjoy seeing what you have to post! Keep up the great job and keep spreading the word!
Thank you so much Sarah! It means a lot! :)
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allaboutfamine-blog · 7 years
This article was recently posted and talks about the famine that Nigeria will be facing reaching next year.
This shows that a country must be in an overall good state to be able to provide for everyone. One of the causes of famine is government policies. Although the famine wasn’t merely caused by the government, because of their inability to help out, the case will worsen.
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