Connor: *does something cute*
Hank: I don’t care.
Narrator: But Hank did care.
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So apparently, the fic from the last ask is Steal my heart, in case someone was wondering.
Thanks a lot to @la-taupe and @manadrite for finding the name
(Also, I will start posting again but life’s crazy + I burned my right hand and quite a big part of my neck with boiling fat so I’m basically always covered in aloe vera and can’t go near my computer bc I’d be too lazy to clean it afterwards)
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Hey! I've been asking around as I can't seem to locate a fic I read! It was rk1k, Markus had a gallery opening and the critic tried to blackmail him, and Connor stopped it but ended up getting hot coffee spilled on him. I have searched both ao3 and tumblr but nothing. Sorry if this ask is out of line, your blog was the first one I thought of to ask for help.
Don’t worry no ask is ever out of line on my blog.
Although I’ve never heard of this fic but it sounds nice as heck. Anyone remembers this and can help a pal out ?
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rk1k prompt: how long does it take for Connor and Markus to finally stop pining over each other, and what (or who) finally gets them together?
Thisone will be in headcanons bc I love varying pleasures
It takes them one year, two months and Josh to finally get over their asses.
They are ridiculously crushing on each other
Have been for ages
They spend hours on end talking to each other, they send each other messages during the day and all.
But they are also complete mess.
Markus once fell down the stairs because he heard Connor laugh from the other side of the room
Connor didn’t see this, thankfully
Connor faceplanted in front of Markus once. He was walking Sumo and Markus was running without a shirt on.
Connor’s systems stopped altogether so he stayed rooted in his spot.
Sumo didn’t stay rooted.
He started running after a squirrel and Connor just fell. Face forward, perfectly standing upright, planking and all around great fall.
He never went to this park again.
He can still hear children laughing at him when he closes his eyes sometimes.
Thankfully, they didn’t see each other that much for the first few months of pining.
Everything was fine, Connor was friends with everyone and he actually started letting go of some of his guilt
But he mostly stayed with Hank or at the police station so he only saw the Jericho Squad once a week really.
Also he didn’t want to go there too much because he never knows if he’s going to embarass himself in front of Markus. his systems seemed to be malfunctioning sometimes.
Then one day android haters ambushed Josh while he was walking down the streets, arms full of speeches, contracts, accords and other important official documents
Josh didn’t want to be aggressive but it became clear that he wouldn’t have a choice
Then Connor arrived and he kicked all of their asses without killing anyone
He had never liked violence but damn, that was impressive
Since then he developped a sort of hero crush on him and asked him to come over to Jericho more often to hang out and they should totally start tonight
Markus freaks out when he says that upon returning home
« Dude, chill I’m fine, Connor took care of them »
« I know that I started scanning you as soon as you entered the room but why did you ask Connor to come over ? »
Now Josh’s pissed and ready to defend Connor’s honour and reputation but then he sees the flush on Markus cheeks
Markus who’s also fidgeting a lot
« Oh right, I forgot about your little crush, well you’re gonna have to suck it up because Connor’s coming over tonight»
Markus squeaks and starts fretting over his clothes and hair
« You’re bald, chill »
So Connor starts coming a lot more. He hangs out with Josh on the regular now.
They have memberships at every theaters in town. Josh likes how the movies make him feel and Connor likes to think seeing humans interact will help him understand his emotions.
One day, they’re watching a movie in Josh’s room and Connor starts nodding off
Josh let him sleep and go off to finish working on some stuff he kept putting off
Then Markus goes in and sees Connor sleeping so peacefully
He freezes for twenty minutes, afraid he’s going to wake the other android up if he moves
Josh comes back and starts livestreaming the scene to the Simon and North
When Connor wakes up, Markus’s gone. He’s in Simon’s room complaining about « pretty curly haired puppy eyed men and their abilities to make him short-circuit »
Markus then decides to distance himself from Connor because he’s such a mess around him and he needs to get himself together.
So they still see each other and talk to each other but Markus doesn’t smile as much or lingers to speak with him and he’s weirdly professionnal
Connor on the other hand is moping.
His movie nights with Josh turn into moping nights. Full of rom-coms and horror movies. (It’s weirdly therapeutic)
Josh wants to hit Markus repeatedly for making Connor look this sad but Markus is also moping and weirdly intent on not talking to the detective.
Then there’s a reception with the Mayor and Connor is security.
He doesn’t do shit but stare at Markus all night.
One man is really drunk when they leave the reception and he starts being really rude to Markus
Connor’s in front of him in a second, staring down at the man and asking him to step away
Markus is the literal definition of heart eyes.
He wants to thank him and apologizes for being such a dick to him by avoiding him but Connor’s already leaving with the lieutenant.
Hank makes fun of Connor during the entire ride home.
« I don’t have a crush »
« Kid, I’m a detective, I know how you look at someone you want to bone »
« You’re insufferable lieutenant »
« And you want to have sex with android jesus »
« He doesn’t like me this way »
« I’m sure he’d like you in all sort of ways, sidewa-God why am I saying this I disgust myself »
Meanwhile, Markus is babbling about how cool that was and how Connor is probably the best android ever made and why did he even think that he had to keep his distance to protect their friendship or the well-being of androids, Connor is g r e a t and Markus want to be with him forever
Josh joins him because he’s the second biggest fanboy of Connor.
Simon threatens them with driving the car into a pole.
Markus relents and accept to just grow some balls and talk to the other android.
Connor keeps a list of some ideas to get Markus to notice him. Because he’s organized like that and he’s over Markus bullshit.
He talks about it to Josh one day and Josh makes fun of him but he relents and listen to him rant about how having a crush is so hard especially if the other person is so perfect but doesn’t seem to like you and it’s so frustrating.
Connor is ranting about loving this guy who he’s not supposed to love but he can’t help it
Markus overhears them as he’s gearing up to finally confess to Connor and he’s heartbroken. If he thought he had a chance it’s clear that he doesn’t now.
Still, he can be a good friend if nothing else so he’ll still go inside and cheer Connor up since he’s basically in the same position as himself and Markus knows how much it sucks so he’ll make sure the detective isn’t as crushed as he is right now.
Except just as he pumps himself up to go in there he hears Josh
« You do realise you can say it’s Markus,  we all know it and honestly I don’t blame you, I think everyone had a crush on him at one point. »
Connor says nothing for a long time and Markus has forgotten how to move, his stress levels are rising dramatically
« I mean, most of us had some crush on you at one point too, but have you seen yourself take down a man ? I’m not attracted to you but damn when you do that ?I would eat you up »
« Fuck off Josh »
« Gladly »
They don’t say anything for a few moments and Markus can imagine Connor fidgeting with his coin behind the door
« Don’t tell him, he has enough on his plate to worry about my feelings on top of it »
That’s when Markus decides to make himself known « Your feelings always matter to me you know »
Josh fake vomits « You fucker, that was so sappy I’mma throw up »
Connor doesn’t say anything but before Josh leaves he can see Markus sitting down on the couch next to Connor and he’s smiling timidly while Connor is freaking out, stress levels dangerously rising until Markus takes his hand in his and starts muttering some stuff he’s too far away to understand.
When he comes by a few hours later to ask them if they’d like to go to a concert North is dragging him to, he’s met with the sight of the two of them, curled up together on the couch
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From my ao3 account “how about Carl meeting Connor for the first time after listening to Markus practically recite poetry about Connor”
Thanks to my pal, my buddy, my friend, my mate @theythoughtthelionswerebad for helping me figuring out how to end this
Markus was a busy man, leading a revolution did that to you. He had tons of meeting to go to, androids to meet and reassure, hands to shake, laws to write and defend… The press followed his every move, some were doing this out of support, to help get his message across, while some… Just wanted to see him fuck up so they could sprout their anti androids rhetoric.
So Carl understood that between dodging those so-called journalists and actually spreading his ideas, Markus wouldn’t have time to see him quite as much as he would have liked to.
Except Markus still went to see him quite a lot actually. Every Wednesday and then some. They spent their time discussing politics or the latest Jericho crew shenanigans (Josh did what now?). Sometimes one of them would paint and the other would critique it or they would both work on a same piece, it was a fun time, one of the highlight of both of their weeks.
It was during one of those nights, Markus was talking about the brutality against androids rising again now that more humans came back to Detroit.
“Connor is trying his best to stop it but besides some police officers the others are such conceited prejudiced jerks, I can’t understand how he manages to stand it and I’m the pacifist”
“Well mayb-” Hank didn’t get to finish whatever he tried to say, Markus was at it again, the painter wondered if his son even heard him try to add something. “I mean, I get wanting to help the androids, I goddamn led a revolution but he never rests because he’s trying so hard to fix this and it can’t be healthy.”
“That-” Markus interrupted him once again, too worked up to even realize what he did “And I know it’s because he still won’t forgive himself for being the deviant hunter but it wasn’t him! I keep trying to make him realise that he can’t be held responsible for this, that he’s not the same man and he’s actually one of the best android any of us have ever seen but he won’t listen! I don’t know what to do, what should I do Carl?”
Carl said nothing, only watched him with a knowing look.
“Oh, am I allowed to talk now?”
“What do you mean, you’re alw-” This time it was Carl who stopped Markus by lifting a hand “Tell me more about this guy”
“No, I know this smirk and I won’t fall for it, you’re just going to tease me endlessly afterwards”
Carl actually laughed out loud at that “True but wouldn’t it feel good to be able to say everything out loud without North’s taunting or Simon’s heart eyes?”
Markus seemed to muse over it for a minute before he seemed to arrive at a decision.
“I think I really like him dad”
Never had Carl seen his son look so bashful. It made something in his heart flutter and he got hit by a newfound inspiration, young love did that to him sometimes.
So that’s how it started. Fast forward a few weeks and Carl started regretting his decision to push Markus into talking about Connor. Carl Manfred was an artist, as such he had an eye for beauty. That’s one of the things Markus got from him. Which filled Carl’s heart with joy but was also ultimately his demise because once Markus started talking about his crush he just couldn’t stop.
“So he came around Jericho last night, he was walking Sumo. I had never seen him smile that much. He’s so cute it should be illegal. And he was wearing Hank’s shirt so it was way too big on him. Did I ever tell you about his collarbone? They ar-”
“A thing of beauty carved by God himself and as much as you hate Kamski you want to send him a letter to thank him for allowing such a beautiful thing to walk the earth? You did tell me about it”
Markus levelled him with a nasty glare before sighing and putting a hand on his face and honest to god whining “I’m so gone on him it’s not even funny isn’t it?”
“Well you could always tell him how you feel you know. Or better, bring him around next time, if I have to hear about his dimple I would like to see it at one point and I swear I’ll behave.”
Markus had blabbered his way around asking the detective to come meet his father. Of course Josh had to be around and heard all of it. Which means that he told Simon and North to come by so they could witness Markus embarrass himself. Which then meant that they all teased him about introducing his father to his boyfriend. In front of Connor.
He needed new friends. Although to be fair, it did make Connor tilt his head in this particular way that made him look like a puppy, which was always a good thing.
And when Markus finally managed to get his friends to leave him alone, the detective did smile shyly at him before agreeing. So Markus would still count that as a win.
They met at the police station, Connor waited for him in front of the gates and Hank made a few hand gestures from behind the window that made the both of them blush, Connor actually giving him the finger before gripping Markus hand and dragging him away from the laughing lieutenant.
They walked in silence for a few minutes, none of them let go of the other’s hand and Markus felt a surge of courage come over him, gently rubbing his thumb over the detective’s knuckles.
“So, anything I should know about Carl?”
“Just be yourself and don’t listen to anything he says”
“That would make having a conversation difficult, wouldn’t it?”
That was another thing Markus ranted about to Carl, he loved that the android finally felt confident enough around him to make jokes.
“Maybe that’s for the better, trust me”
They left it at that, Connor smiling at him in a way that made his heart skip a bit.
Soon enough they fell back into their usual easy conversation, alternating between the new music they heard or this reporter Markus saw every morning who’s always wearing the same colour from head to toe.
“She has a schedule, on monday it’s green, tuesday’s blue, wednesday’s pin-” The android stopped talking when he felt Connor stop behind him, he turned around to ask what was wrong and suddenly they were face to face, Connor was standing ever so slightly on his tiptoes so his eyes were level with Markus.
They looked at each other, the air thick with tension, sharing the same breath. He saw Connor looking at his lips, saw the other’s led spinning yellow for a second.
“That’s Carl’s house right?”
Talk about a cold shower, Markus felt mortified. He felt himself blush and cleared his throat. “Yeah, hum, that’s it, follow me”
The AI opened the door to show Carl already waiting for them in the hall.
“You must be Connor, I heard a loooot about you” So much for behaving.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Manfred, Markus has only good things to say about you.”
Markus caught Carl’s eyes over Connor shoulder and he could practically hear him approve of the other android. Not that he was scared he wouldn’t but it was always nice.
“So Markus told me you have a dog, what’s his name?”
Markus could kiss Carl right now, Connor wasn’t nervous per se but at the mere mention of Sumo it was like all tension drained from him to be replaced with a childish joy that left him weak in the knees.
He took both of their coats and left Carl to show the house to Connor while he put them in the dressing room. Had he not been so starstruck by the sight of the brown haired android happily telling his father figure everything about “the bestest dog in the world”, he would have realised why this was a bad idea.
“Markus told me that you were good looking but I must admit that I thought he was over-exaggerating. Although, I should have known, you were Elijah’s prototype after all and he always loved beautiful people, I mean have you seen Markus?”
Markus stopped dead in his tracks. Screw family solidarity he was going to fucking commit a patricide right here and there.
“Dad for the love of everything unholy, stop talking you’re embarrassing”
Carl only laughed and Connor joined him, hiding his own smile behind his hand. Markus sulkily threw himself down the couch next to the detective. Connor nudged him with his shoulder “don’t be a grump about it, Carl’s nice”.
“Thanks Connor, Markus really didn’t lie when he said you had the biggest heart he ever saw in anyone”
“Daaaaaaaad” Markus whined, hiding his face in his hands. I’m the leader of a political party, I started a revolution, why did his father not respect this and left him crush in peace without making him look so ridiculous?
Carl actually more or less behaved himself after that, they were able to talk about different things without Markus wanting to turn into a puddle at his feet every few seconds.
Although it did happen a few times. When Carl mentioned how beautiful Connor’s eyes were and how he understood why Markus wanted to paint them so much. Or when he asked if the next time the detective came around he could come with his curly hair because “I heard it suits you really well”. Or when, as they were leaving and Connor put his coat on, Carl said something about “feeling so much safer now that he knew someone as trustworthy as him was protecting his son when they walked down the streets, speaking of which, you should totally spend more time with Markus, just so he knew his son would be safer” accompanied with a few heavy winks.
Markus had never ushered someone away so fast, he could feel his face overheating and he knew if he had still his led it would not be spinning blue at all. Connor was laughing though and normally it was his favourite sound in the world and it made him feel so at peace but now he just wanted to run away from everything and hide in a cave forever.
He was planning on doing just that when he felt Connor stop him by grabbing his wrist. He felt himself being pulled behind before Connor kissed him. It was simple and straight to the point, just a brush of lips that left him waiting for more.
“Your dad was nice, wait ‘til you meet Hank.”
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Why do I write everything in past tense ? What made me do this ? Why am I like this ? Just W h  y ????
Is it weird to u ?
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Know what would be dope ?
A coming of age story about a young teenager who falls in love with themselves, drawing, music, food and life itself.
And there’s no cliche stuff that makes you feel like you’re gonna find your perfect SO in highschool or whatever and then your life will get so much better
Just give me someone learning how to love life and be happy. Maybe they move and love their new city, maybe they hear someone playing guitar and get obsessed with guitars, maybe the just feed pigeons but they like their feathery friends
Just give me young adult novel who romanticise being alone and being fine
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I’m sorry I don’t have a prompt, but I just had to say how much I love your writting!!!! Keep up the great work!!!
Lmao I need to stop being so insistent about prompts if it makes you guys say sorry for not having some, it’s fine I’m just a lazy piece of shit and I need people to tell me to do something so I can actually do it.
But that’s really really nice of you and don’t hesitate to come talk to me even if you don’t have prompts I know I’m always thirsting over prompts but I’m also thirsting over actual conversations too
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Sorry if this has been asked, but do you have an ao3 or ff account?
It has actually but a few years ago, before the latest of my tumblr hiatus so it’s totally normal if you don’t know it. I have actually, I think I have a ff one but it’s from 2011 so it’s all in french, german and russian and no english + it’s supeeer cringy and I’m trying to erase it from my memory.
But I do have a more recent ao3 account, I don’t have any dbh stuff posted in there tho, I should probably do it. I’m planning on writing a rk1000 coworkers au so I’ll probs cross post it on ao3. You can find it there, it shall become more interesting. (Also my username is freeforuse and it’s actually the name of my first tumblr ever and god this brought back so many memories and I want none of them)
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Elijah, obviously very drunk and surrounded by blueprints of animal androids while national geography plays in the background : I’m here, I’m queer, I want to fuck a bear
Chloe : Elijah- NO
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oh I absolutely need to send a prompt. What about Connor getting hurt on a mission and Markus just l o s i n g i t and like everybody's surprised that the pacifist is reacting so strongly but that is his BOYFRIEND (already loving your fanfic omg)
Hey pal, u already know I would die for you.Why do I keep making these so long wtf ?
Connorknew he’d fucked up the moment he entered the house to find thewalls drenched in thirium. That alone should have been a strongenough signal to turn the fuck back and ask for reinforcements butHank was just behind him and they should have been fine.
Which,to be fair, they were. For like, a good portion of time, almost thewhole thing, really. Hank had kicked the door down and Connor tookout two of the guys standing near it while Hank took care of thethird one.
Nothingtheir intel told them about this android slave ring said anythingabout a fourth guy. He leapt from his hiding place behind the couchand fired three rapid fire shots at Connor.
Thelieutenant was quick but he had a decision to make, stay with Connoror follow the culprit. The android had been in his place not so longago and he stayed to help Hank, letting a deviant escape even beforeConnor even deviated. There was no way Hank would leave him alone.
Connorfelt himself falling in slow motion, error panels appearingeverywhere in his vision but he couldn’t focus on any of them. Hefelt scared and cold. So cold… Why was he feeling cold? He waswearing a hoodie, he couldn’t be cold.
Heshouldn’t be cold. … Should he ?
Whywas everything so cold ?
Hewas scared.
Heremembered that he stole his boyfriend’s hoodie today, right now hewanted nothing more than to curl in himself and breath in hisboyfriend’s scent, let it soothe him and make him forget about theholes in his stomach, rapidly leaking thirium.
Buthis body wasn’t responding
hewas still falling
Whydid it him take so long to fall?
Wasit a symptom of low blue blood?
Shithe was leaking thirium on Markus’ hoodie, what a terrible boyfriendhe made.
Markus.Connor would really miss hi-SLAM
Beforehe could finish his thought, the android hit the floor and errorsspammed his vision once more.
“Connor,shit. Son, do you hear me? Stay with me, god fucking damn it”
Hankwas fiddling with his phone, his hands were soaked with blue bloodand tears were already gathering in his eyes. None of that matteredright now, he had to get help and save his son. He wouldn’t loseanother one. Not today and not ever, not if he could help it.
“It’sokay, you’re gonna be okay boy, trust me, just don-don’t leaveme”
Connorwanted to reassure him, tell him it wasn’t his fault and he lovedhim but he couldn’t move, why couldn’t he move?
“Justtell me what to do, do I need to put pressure there, will it damagethe components? Fuck why do we not have first aid for androids yet!”
Connorgathered his strength, blinking away the errors once more and liftedhis hand. This one movement felt so difficult. That wasn’t a goodsign at all, no need to be the latest android model to understandthat.
“Jus-”Thirium flooded his mouth, making it difficult to talk “St..Stay?With m-me?”
Hankfelt a sob broke his way down his throat and gripped the hand offeredto him. The other ran through the android’s hair while he keptmurmuring reassurances to the android, squeezing his hand in betweenhis. He didn’t let go, not even when the policemen arrived andreminded him that he had a report to file in. He ignored all of themand climbed in the ambulance, still cradling Connor’s hand,bringing it to his face and just keeping it there. Sending dirtylooks to the men pouring stuff into his son, trying to get him towake up or at least to stabilize him and shit, this brought back somany bad memories. Memories he wished had stayed hidden, buried underyears of unresolved trauma.
“Ifyou die, Markus is gonna kill you and everyone around him”
Thatseemed to rouse a reaction from the detective android who mumbledsomething for the first time
“Markuswould never be violent, don’t be silly lieutenant”
Hankwas out of his seat in seconds, his hands on Connor’s face, tryingto keep him awake but the android was already in rest mode again.
….Meanwhile in Jericho
“Markuswait you have to calm down”
Inany other situation, Markus would have laughed at the irony of thesituation, North telling him to calm down.
Butthis was no laughing matter.
“North,they still want us as slaves, they kidnap us and sell us and peoplebuy us, and nobody does a shit thing about it except the lieutenantand Connor and now they shot him.” Markus took the lamp sitting onhis desk and threw it at the wall
“They.Shot. My. Boyfriend.” He threw a bowl then “For being an androidwanting to help other androids and I can’t calm down, I’m tiredof being calm. I tried being calm and they shot my fucking boyfriend!And now the press expect me to stay a pacifist when we’re beinghunted and sold and we should all stay quiet as we’re gettin-”
Northducked when Markus threw a glass and the shattered pieces came flyingclose to her face. The other androids who had gathered around to seethe cause of this ruckus left pretty quickly at that but she didn’tpay them any mind, her best friend was hurting in front of her andshe felt her heart break at the sight of her friend’s distress.
“Youthink I don’t know that? You think I’m not mad and worried aboutConnor too? You think I don’t want to grab a car and go there tocheck on him in person?”
Northhad stalked towards Markus and she was now standing a mere few inchesaway from his face so she could hear the broken sob that escapedMarkus and she threw her arms around him, pretending not to noticethat her shirt was now damp or that Markus was holding her a tootightly, probably doing some minor damage to her biocomponents.
“We’llgo see Connor but you have to stay quiet in front of the press andeveryone, no matter how annoying they are. He wouldn’t want you toruin everything you’ve worked for. I know this sucks but you owehim that. So just turn off your audio processor and just follow meMarkus”
WhenMarkus arrived in the hospital, he rushed to Connor’s room andopened the door so quickly that it flew off its hinges.
Seeingthe other android asleep but alive seemed to drain all of the tensionin his frame and he practically threw himself at Connor, hugging himand hiding his face in his hair.
“He’sgonna be okay, kid’s not gonna wake up for a while tho”
Markusnodded to acknowledge the lieutenant and then straightened up “Thanksa lot lieutenant, if it wasn’t for you he might, he could… He”
Hecouldn’t finish the sentence. It was okay though, Hank got the gistand threw him a wobbly smile.
“Sumowould’a missed him too much”
That’swhen North walked in and huffed in relief at the sight of Connor, hereyes were suspiciously wet and she dragged a chair close to the bed.
Theystayed like that, watching over the sleeping android for a whileuntil some policemen came in.
Immediatelythey all were on their feet,
“Whoshot him” that was North.
“Thisis confidential information”
Whichwould have been a reasonable answer that Markus could (eventually)have accepted except he heard someone in the back of the group makinga derogatory comment about androids and the deviant leader had hishands around his throat before he even realized he moved.
“ThisPlastic fuck as you said isreally upset because his boyfriend got shot since you all wouldrather look the other way when you see violence towards androidsrather than do your goddamn job so I’d suggest you shut the hell upbefore I make sure you stay quiet for a very long time”
Itwas as if a switch had been flipped, Markus let go of the man andturned around to see his boyfriend blinking slowly, obviouslydisoriented but so alive. New tears were already gathering up and hecouldn’t help the small smile that broke his face.
Hankwas the first one to hug him and Markus kept to himself, still rootedin place while they murmured between each other. North was next, sheput Connor into a headlock and  threatened bodily harm if he ever didsomething like this again but Markus saw the white on their skin andthe small content smile on Connor’s face meant she was being waynicer in their interfacing.
SoonNorth and Hank left, ushering the policemen outside with them.
Connorwas fiddling with his fingers. Would Markus be mad at him ? He keptasking him to be more careful but he never listened and now Markuslost his temper and rationally Connor knew his fears were unfoundedbut that didn’t mean they would stop coming.
Therewas so much he wanted to say but his thoughts felt jammed together,the way they always did whenever he was alone with Markus but thistime it didn’t bring the warm happy feeling to his core, instead hecould feel the cold creeping back from his thirium pump, extendingtowards his arms, legs, fingers, devouring him whole.
“FuckI’m so glad you’re okay”
Connorlooked up and found himself quickly blinded by the sight of Markussmiling.
“Oh.Yeah me too. I’m…” He took in a slow calming breath, trying tomake some sense of everything he was feeling “I really didn’twant to go, I don’t want to leave you behind, any of you, Josh,Simon, Luther, North, Hank but mostly I don’t want to leave you”
Markuscould already imagine Josh’s comment of “fuck that’s smooth”but he chose to focus on his boyfriend in front of him. He sat on theside of the bed, Connor moving so the tiny hospital bed couldaccommodate them both. Normally Connor would be the one curling intohim but with his injuries Markus took it upon himself to drape hisarm over Connor’s torso and prop his face on the detective’sshoulder.
“Idon’t want you to leave me either” he murmured against hislover’s neck before lifting his head and staring into warm hazeleyes “Are you all right ? Does it still hurt ?”
Connortook a second to look at his boyfriend’s face and felt the sense ofpeace and warmth that always came with Markus.
“I’mfine now”
Thedeviant leader rolled his eyes at the other one “That was so sappygod Con what happened to you”
Connorlaughed and placed his hands on the other’s jaw, lifting it untiltheir lips were a hair’s breadth apart. “You did and you love it”
“Yes,yes I do”
Guys honestly I’m begging u send me prompts, I’ll go perform a striptease at an event of ur choice if u do so
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My roomate’s friend is back. And he’s nice, I never see him bc we have different schedules and stuff but he seems like a nice guy. Except, I was napping and woke up bc it smelt damn good.
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Okay I know it’s not my argument or whatever & I already butted in yesterday (x)
but let me try to explain what we mean when we say the amount of spotlight Gavin900 gets is problematic @heartbreaq (also sorry if I sound disrepectful, I’m honestly trying to show you what we mean, it’ll be messy bc it’s actually such a big, vast, gigantisc subject and racism + sexism + fetishization is actually so long and intertwined that it can’t be really explained in one little post (also, I just woke up and I’m sleepy as hell)
the only reason Reed900 gets so much attention is because people think of them as conventionally attractive + they have charachteristics traits that people love (violent asshole & stuff) but hate in women (North in DBH is a good example of that) or demonize in POC (there’s nothing in the DBH fandom but I’m too tired to get receipts about this, it’s common knowledge) (and everyone on this godsaken website fetishize gay men). BUT the reason people think they are attractive and interesting and want to be able to “wiggle and make hcs or whatever” is because y’all are conditionned on thinking of white men as attractive bc of colonialism and eurocentrism beauty standards.
They ship Reed900 bc they think they’re cute but they think they’re cute bc they’ve been taught that white men are more attractive than POC (even if you don’t think you’re one of those, we all are guilty of this, hundreds of year of colonialism will do that and marketing, hollywood, fashion and all that enforce that idea everyday so there’s no way you could have escaped it unless you actually aknowledged that fact)
Although to be fair I don’t think it’s really any of the shipper’s fault. We live in a society where this is so engrained + there’s also the whole role that queerbaiting does on some big fandoms (like Supernatural or Teen Wolf or whatever I don’t know I don’t watch these) that kind of push fandom people towards shipping these two white men and then it’s like a reflex & they’ll ship white men everywhere. (One should also add that most of them just want to ship men and all of them are white so they got used to shipping white men too) (there’s literal proof everywhere that even if you make as many lgbt characters as straight ones, people will still ship straight characters together as long as they think the characters are attractive. I think it was from the undertale fandom or something I don’t know I wasn’t in it either but I saw a masterpost somewhere)
So yes shipping Gavin900 at the expanse of POC characters is rooted in racism whether you want to admit it or not. But mostly I understand that you don’t see it that way bc it’s not really intentional racism, it’s more that you (not you specifically like people on tumblr and in fandoms) are so used to shipping every white men you see together (& I understand the whole needing/wanting representation stuff but that shouldn’t turn into fetishization) that you fetishize them which in turn obscure every non white non male characters.
And when secondary or hell they aren’t even secondary characters, Luther is, they’re like 5th level of background characters, get so much spotlight and it’s only bc they’re being shipped together and sexualized, you have to admit there’s a problem there.
listen about yesterday’s rant™️, I just don’t understand why reed900 is so popular. It’s probably the most popular ship besides hank/connor, but rk900 doesn’t even talk? Gavin is in like…three scenes? it’s literally all fan speculation. it just makes me annoyed that people would rather create a brand new character to love and talk about than appreciate the many poc characters that get left behind
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@lukeskywalkersdaughter hmu if u ever want to rant about gavin900 and fetishisation of white gay men 😘😘
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“Hey guys, please send me prompts, I have zero motivation to write any of the things I thought about and need the pressure of disappointing you so I can write stuff”
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Wow not all at once
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“where in this ship have you found anything indicating that people like it because it’s two white boys ?” Everywhere actually, Gavin Reed is a background character and while it’s okay to like him I guess he shouldn’t overshadow every other character, Rk900 isn’t even part of the full story, the first time I played the game he never appeared for more than 10 seconds and while I’m not going to shit on the people liking these characters, you have to admit that it’s weird that these guys are so popular.
We basically know nothing about Rk900′s personnality, we don’t even know his name but y’all would rather create him a personnality so you can ship him with Gavin instead of actually caring about the other characters (Luther, Josh, hell even Kara and Markus get less love than them and one of them isn’t even p a r t   o f    t h e  g a m e)
Like I don’t get how you’d rather create entire personnalities and storylines for these guys and make them so popular ? Also, not racism related but sexism related, Gavin basically has the same traits as North (& I didn’t like her romance part either but still) you’d bet your asses if she was a guy, there’d be so much more fanart of her and people would ship her with every guy
Because everyone on the internet fetishize white gay men
listen about yesterday’s rant™️, I just don’t understand why reed900 is so popular. It’s probably the most popular ship besides hank/connor, but rk900 doesn’t even talk? Gavin is in like…three scenes? it’s literally all fan speculation. it just makes me annoyed that people would rather create a brand new character to love and talk about than appreciate the many poc characters that get left behind
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