alcoholics4u · 3 years
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿IT’S COMING HOME🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
eng 2 - 1 den | euro 2020 | 07.07.2021
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alcoholics4u · 3 years
If you wouldn’t go to someone for advice, don’t take their criticism either.
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alcoholics4u · 3 years
What if, and hear me out, people DO love you
Your coworker who loves when they get to work a shift with you, even if you don’t talk
Your cousin who’s relieved when they see you at family gatherings, who thinks you’re “the cool cousin” but hasn’t said anything out loud
Your classmate who thinks you have great taste, even if they’re too shy to speak up about it in class
Your childhood friends who remember you fondly
The waiter you tipped during a busy night
That person you complimented on the street
The little kid you waved to
The old woman you made small talk with
People love you, because you’re lovable. And you’re worthy of love. Even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes
(Self depreciating comments will be removed at best, bluntly and remorselessly told to shut the fuck up at worst. Fuck around. I dare you.)
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alcoholics4u · 3 years
in all seriousness it’s very alienating knowing theres Something Wrong With You. like seeing your mental illness come through in your behaviour and thought processes and knowing it’s irrational and unhealthy, knowing other people are reading you as weird or stupid, and not being able to do anything about it is such a lonely experience
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
soft reminder: when you don’t feel ok, remember your negative thoughts seem more realistic and smart, but in reality they are lies and don’t deserve the extra attention you give them. most negative thoughts want you to repeat bad habits and cycles. they don’t save you from unhealthy habits, disappointment or anxiety, they help reinforce them. so try to only notice those thoughts as they drift in your mind: don’t place any value on them. kind thoughts are hard to trust and seem fake, but focusing on kind thoughts are more helpful for your happiness.
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
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missing this
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
do u ever like feel so absurdly reluctant to do things. like it ain’t even procrastination or laziness anymore u just physically and mentally can’t bring yourself to do anything. u really, really just wanna binge watch youtube until your mind numbs completely or lie on the floor and stare into the abyss. and it’s not like u don’t have “motivation” or anything or even that u don’t want to do it, it’s just. u can’t. idk how ppl just. Do Things. get up and go at it. i have to have an entire existential crisis and like, watch a goddamn motivational film or something first before i do the smallest thing. and it’s june for fuck’s sake.
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
Non-cutesy self-care tips
Have you been eating well? If not, eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. You need vitamins and protein.
You’re probably not drinking enough water.
When is the last time you showered? Take a cold shower to wake you up or a hot shower if you need to relax.
Do the laundry that’s been piling up. You’ve been wearing that sweatshirt for too long.
Take care of the dishes in the sink that have been there for three days and have started to stress you out.
Did you brush your teeth this morning? How about your hair?
Listen to the messages on your phone that have been there for days.
Go outside for at least a couple of minutes. You don’t even have to do anything; just sit down. Breathe in the fresh air and get some vitamin D.
Open your blinds. Your room is too dark and it’s probably making you tired.
Spend some time with your pet. Pet them, feed them, take them for a walk or clean out their litter box. Caring for them will make you feel useful and responsible and give you something to do.
The self-care posts that tell you to take a bath and eat chocolate and read a book are good but do what needs to be done first. Eating chocolate when you haven’t showered in four days and you can’t remember when the last time you changed your underwear was won’t make you feel better. It will probably make you feel worse. Clean yourself up; clean your surroundings up. Then take care of the little things. Tackle life one thing at a time.
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
parents be like you can’t imagine how hard it is for us to deal with your mental illness
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
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Happy pills
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
life gets so much better when you realize that there are no rules. you don’t have to get your license at 16 if you don’t want to. you don’t have to date anyone in your teen years if you don’t want to. you don’t have to move out in your early 20s if you don’t want to. you don’t need to go to any social gathering that you’re not in the mood to go to. and you don’t owe anyone an explanation. sometimes you don’t wanna do something just because you... don’t wanna do it. that’s it. live your life how you wanna live it.
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
Things I never knew about depression until I finally had a doctor explain the disease to me
Depression can manifest as irrational anger.
My complete and total inability to keep anything clean or tidy for any amount of time is a symptom of my depression. I may never be able to do this. It’s important that I remember that and forgive myself when I clean something out (like my car) and it ends up trashed within a week.
Depression IS A DISABILITY. Requiring accommodations is okay.
Medications don’t make you better, they don’t cure your depression. They serve as an aid. Their purpose is to help you get to everyone else’s minimal level of functioning.
Depression can cycle through periods of inactivity. This doesn’t mean it’s gone away.
The reason I don’t feel like other people understand me is because … well … other people DON’T understand me. They can’t. They don’t have my disability.
Paranoia is par for the course.
Depression can and will interfere with your physical mobility. Forgive yourself when you can’t physically do something.
It’s entirely possible that I may never be able to live by myself. I can’t take care of myself. I need help to do it. And that’s okay.
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
*feels both “I am so bored & understimulated I want to do EVERYTHING!” and “I am so exhausted & overwhelmed I can’t do ANYTHING” at the same time*
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
On some days you simply cannot set an intention like Today I will be productive or Today I will be kind. On some days all you can say is Today I will make it through. And that is absolutely okay. You are doing enough. You do not need to try harder. Some days are simply about making it through to another day. It does not make you a failure. It does not make you a bad person. Some days are all about trying not to fall apart. And that is okay. That is okay. That is okay.
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
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This hits home a little too hard
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alcoholics4u · 4 years
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I thought there might be a lot of other people who would benefit from reading this, too.
(Original tweet.)
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