alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
be a girl who isn’t afraid to fill her cup first. metaphorically but also literally. stay hydrated bitch.
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
building my rebrand
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getting my money right
one of my main goals right now is to get my money right and save as much as i can. here are some things i am focusing on:
getting a job with lots of opportunity for growth
picking up as many shifts as i can
trying savings challenges on pay days
spread out spending on wants; want something for at least 2 weeks before considering buying
meal plan and buy groceries for those meals rather than buying random things
fill gas tank full when possible rather than filling a little at a time
sleep schedule
my sleep schedule has been off for a little while now due to stress and sickness, so i am focusing on going to sleep at a reasonable hour and around the same time every night and waking up at a reasonable hour and around the same time every morning.
healthy body, healthy mind
taking care of the physical body helps not only your physical health and wellness, but the mental as well. here are some ways i am working to take better care of my body:
some form of exercise per day, even if it’s just stretching
stay mindful of the nutrients in your food, including vitamins, protein, sugar, and fat
stay mindful of water intake and try to drink as much as possible
when sitting or lying down, do not stay in one position for too long. shift and move around regularly.
taking care of your looks
while this may be a bit controversial, it’s important to take care of your appearance, even if it’s in your own way. not only will you make a good impression on others, but you will feel more positive and confident about yourself. some ways i am doing this are:
researching good skincare products and staying consistent with a skincare routine
hair oiling at least once a week
avoid super oily or sugary foods
again, stay hydrated!
strength training and cardio
if you wear makeup, make an effort to find the best style for your face shape
know your body shape and undertones and how to dress accordingly
arguably the most important part! your mindset is everything, as having a negative mindset can ruin even the best experiences for you. constantly reminding yourself of your power and worth among other things is crucial for everything else to fall into place.
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
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Me waking up to all my manifestations ✨
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
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study methods
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🐰 ˚. episode 3 ᵎᵎ of “𓍼ִֶָ The Little Study Guide”
𓂃 masterlist ⊹ . ♡ ۫ .
[💌] hi loves! 💓 today’s blog is about different study techniques! I decided to classify them into two different categories; “test yourself! - active recall” and “study profoundly! - effective studying”. i hope these study methods are helpful for you! <3
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-             BLURTING METHOD
The blurting method is a revision technique using active recall. It can be applied in different ways, for example by reading a section of notes and writing down as much information as you remember without looking at the text, or can be used to practice spaced repetition by writing down everything you remember about a certain subject.
When you test yourself over and over again you’re learning in an active way, thus making your strong recall muscle work harder, which you activate when you use this method, making it effective.
The most important thing about blurting is that you’re challenging yourself to think harder. By doing that you will retain information for a longer period of time.
Make sure you thoroughly understand the material and subject.
Take a piece of paper and write down everything you remember.
Mark your work. Write down everything you forgot. I highly recommend doing this in another color. Always pay attention to detail and highlight the information you missed so you know what you need to focus on.
Attentively go through the material again and try to remember as much as possible. Pay attention to things you’re more likely to get wrong (again).
Keep doing it until you feel like you remember everything.
🎀 The blurting method is a really profound studying method so remember to take breaks!
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The question blank method is a study technique where you cover up the answers or key information in your notes or study material, leaving blanks that you can fill in as you test yourself or review the material.
This method helps you actively engage with the content and test your knowledge. Since you use active recall, this method helps you reinforce your memory.
Read one paragraph of a chapter and turn as much as you can of it into questions. Do the same thing for the entire chapter.
Cover up the key terms or answers in your notes and try to recall them without peeking.
Additionally, you can create flashcards with the questions on one side and the answers on the other, covering the answers as you quiz yourself.
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The Feynman technique is a study method where you explain a concept – essentially simplifying the concept – as if you were teaching it to someone else. This technique helps you identify any gaps in your understanding and simplifies complex ideas. This forces you to break down the material into simpler terms, making it easier to remember and comprehend.
You can combine the Feynman technique with any other study method since it helps simplify complex material and solidify your understanding, making it a versatile tool for learning.
Study the subject and focus on understanding it thoroughly.
Teach it to yourself or anyone else.
Find the gaps in your knowledge and try to fill them.
Simplify the material.
🎀 If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself. – Albert Einstein
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-             SQ4R   METHOD
(survey – question – read – relate – recite  – review)
The SQ4R method stands for survey, question, read, relate, recite and review. It’s a study method that involves actively engaging with the material by previewing, questioning, reading, reflecting, reciting, and reviewing the content.
This is a helpful technique to improve comprehension and retention while studying.
1a. Look at the chapter title and section titles. What do the captions discuss?
1b. Look quickly over charts and graphs.
1c. Summarize and try to get a sense of what the assigned material is covering.
2. Question;
2a. Turn the chapter and section titles into questions.
2b. Read the questions at the beginning or end of the chapter and sections.
2c. Did your instructor cover this information in a lecture or lab? – What do you already know about the subject matter?
2d. Sometimes its helpful to write these questions down so that you can refer to them during your reading.
3. Read;
3a. Read the answers the questions you wrote out (the ones about the content).
3b. Pay attention to captions and section summaries.
3c. Bold, underlined and italicized words and phrases are noteworthy.
3d. Stop and reread if not clear.
3e. Slow down if you need to; quality over quantity.
4. Relate;
4a. Try to link new information to concepts or previous information to what you are familiar with. This could include basic knowledge and everyday information you consume.
4b. How does this new concept relate to the concepts you already know? Does it relate? Why and how?
4c. How does the reading relate to your lecture notes? What are the discrepancies (differences)?
5. Recite;
5a. Ask your questions aloud. Answer the questions you can without looking at the text.
5b. If you need to, revisit the text to answer the questions you found difficult.
5c. Recite key terms and concepts.
5d. Practice all the information aloud and pay attention to things you forgot about.
5e. How would you put the information in your own words?
6. Review;
6a. When finished reading, go back over the chapter and your notes/questions one final time.
6b. Review is ongoing, so take a little time each day to go over your notes and readings for each class.
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-             MIND MAPPING
Mind mapping, a technique that allows you to visually organize information in a diagram. First, you write a word in the center of a blank page. From there, you write major ideas and keywords and connect them directly to the central concept.
This helps you visually organize information in a way that’s easy to understand and remember. It allows you to see connections between different concepts, making it easier to recall and recognize information during exams or while studying.
Begin with a central idea or topic in the center of a page.
Branch out with main categories.
For each main category, create sub-branches to represent subtopics or subcategories.
Keep sub-branching ideas to expand you mind map.
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
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alaskaayoungg15 · 21 days
Start entertaining the best case scenario. Expect the best. Expect miracles. Expect magic. Expectation is such a powerful energy. You always get what you expect in your reality. So stop entertaining the worst case scenarios. They’re not serving you. They don’t have to be a part of your reality.
You create your reality. You’re always in control. By expecting miracles, you will get miracles in your reality. By expecting blessings, you will get blessings in your reality. It always starts with your internal state of being. It always starts with your energy. Expect the best, entertain positive thoughts and feelings, and you will get the reality of your dreams.
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alaskaayoungg15 · 5 months
When you feel better, you attract better. When you feel better, you raise your frequency. When you’re in a higher frequency, your entire reality improves. The blueprint for leaving the life of your dreams comes from within. Everything you need to succeed is already within you. The world of your thoughts and emotions shapes the reality around you.
Become more conscious of your habitual thinking and feeling patterns. Don’t allow your thoughts and feelings to happen to you. Don’t allow your subconscious mind to run on autopilot. Don’t allow society to tell you what to think and feel. Become more aware. Start analyzing your beliefs. Start questioning your beliefs. Release beliefs no longer serving you. Inner work will give you the reality of your dreams. All you have to do is go within and harmonize your inner world.
✨IG: nikasholistic✨
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alaskaayoungg15 · 11 months
How do you deal with passive-aggressive managers?
I'm struggling, please help! My manager discourages me from participating in meetings, making new connections, presents my work as hers, and takes credit for my ideas and when I try to do any of this, she takes it out on me by giving me petty jobs that are not even important. She is extremely insecure and I have tried to mold myself to work with her. But 1.5 yrs later, she is getting worse and worse and I'm getting nowhere. The situation is extremely frustrating and instead of showing maturity, I have started to retaliate. I have tried confronting to her but it hasn't led to anything fruitful.
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alaskaayoungg15 · 11 months
How to save money if you're living hand to mouth
Let's address the elephant in the room. A middle-class person's nightmare. Bills and more bills. Salary credited? Money debited. What are you left with? The Bare minimum to get you through the month, sometimes just weeks. Thanks to credit cards for saving us on rainy days. So, how can we make our financial situation work for us despite the odds? Let's explore.
Make a budget: You just cannot go on spending money if you don't have a budget made well in advance before the salary hits your account. You will always be in a dilemma that you have enough. The truth is - you always have lesser than what you think you can afford. Make your budget at the end of every month, a week before your salary gets credited. It will save you the decision-making exhaustion when you go shopping or plan that trip. Use Excel and let it do the math for you.
Cut all your expenses first from your budget list, and see if you can manage without them: Thought you can't go without a new pair of jeans? Well, imagine you had no money in your bank a/c. Does your life drastically change if you don't have those jeans? You'll thank yourself at the end of the month. Want to travel for a break every 3 months? Well, have you made a budget for your trip 3 months prior? No? Cut it off. I'm not saying don't take that trip, but you need to plan it better so that you know what you're getting into money-wise. By doing this exercise, you will exactly know what your most important expenses are like groceries to make food at home and not eat outside. Mixing and matching old clothes and not buying that new pair of jeans.
Freeze 10% - 20% of your money every month: Make an FD and just put your money out of your reach. You have to be strict with yourself. You may have to struggle initially but that will become a way of life pretty soon. You will feel more secure financially in hindsight. Rainy days - oh they come unannounced!
Keep looking for avenues to earn more: don't settle for average. Keep looking for a better job or a second source of income. You deserve the best! At the same time, don't get flustered, keep a positive outlook and continue to grind.
Gratitude: Thank the universe for everything you have. Pray for more and pray in the present tense. EG: I am Rich! I have all the luxuries in life! Thank you universe for all the abundance!! It's important to align your reality mentally and emotionally. What you think, feel, and say about yourself actually manifests.
Try these tips and if they don't work for you, try something else. You will learn more about how you function.
All the best,
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alaskaayoungg15 · 11 months
oh boi... little assholes
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alaskaayoungg15 · 11 months
Unpopular opinion: Uniqlo isn't for Indian body types!
I absolutely love their clothes but I'm a bit of a fit freak. I want the best-fitted clothes because my body type is a little curvy and I prefer comfort over fashion. I also have a big bust. Uniqlo's clothes are made for Asian body types - petite and skinny. They look really odd on me! I look heavier and curvier which breaks my confidence a little :D For the sake of my love for Uniqlo, I've resorted to window shopping for now :(
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alaskaayoungg15 · 11 months
Right now I want you to become what you desire and continue to be. Think as the person who has everything they desire. That’s all. Don’t worry about the 3D, just fulfil yourself in your imagination. If you have a doubt I want you to ask yourself “if I had what I wanted would I be thinking this?” If the answer is no then start to think as if you have it.
Imagine having your desire right in front of you and think of how you would be feeling and what thoughts you would be having. It all starts within you, not outside of you. Forget about even manifesting, just start being who you want to be and have fun with it! Be as creative as possible, think and imagine whatever makes you feel good; this is all about you. Stop worrying about things outside of you because it’s only a reflection of what is within. So work on yourself, the thoughts you have day to day, and especially the thoughts you have when it comes to your desires!
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alaskaayoungg15 · 1 year
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Keep reading
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alaskaayoungg15 · 1 year
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Just Getting Started
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alaskaayoungg15 · 1 year
Humans have a natural tendency to incline towards happiness. To constantly reach out for it. An everyday quest to feel joyous. Life is anything but static. You are not programmed to be happy forever. It is a state of mind which can't be permanent unless you are on drugs. That's why people fall for addiction because it makes them feel happy consistently. You are not supposed to be happy all the time so stop seeking joy in everything. Start living life as it is. Start feeling all the feelings - sadness, boredom, anger, everything. Don't judge yourself. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Don't try to get out of it. Just let it be. Let it take its own sweet time. Happiness will come, just like other feelings. You gotta let things take their own course. Sober up. Seek experiences that open your mind and free you from the shackles of the lie that you are meant to be happy and if you are not, there is something wrong with you. Social media for instance. It's all about a forever happy mindset. You want to portray you are always happy because that helps build a perception about you in others' minds. It in turn makes someone unhappy because they compare themselves with you. What are we achieving out of it? Lying to ourselves and building this fake image that is flawed.
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