adrasteiacurth · 9 years
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
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I have to admit, being here in LA, for a year and half have definitely changed my life. I wish I could say that I would stay but that wouldn’t have been fair as well. Things here have led me to my decision today and it wouldn’t have been made possible if not for the numerous friends I have made during my time in this city as well on the site. I can’t thank all of you enough for being there for me when I needed it the most -- when I need advice (even when I denied having needing it). 
Everyone I have conversed with on this site is special -- I’m sorry if I have ever been rude or callous with any of you. Please forgive silly, old me. To those whom I have not interacted with, have fun on here and be kind to the people here because they deserve only that. I am still contactable even though I’ll be in New York. Don’t you ever think skyping or calling me would never be possible. I am still breathing and kicking... just on the other side of the country.
PS. And when you come to visit, just make sure you're not adorable so I won’t chain you to me. Heh. Oh if there are any weddings, I am bringing my ass down to LA or anywhere else. Don't you worry.
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
I'll be waiting Miss Primm!
Michelle & Adra
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
The food or the men? Because I'm in love with one... okay, okay. I kid. Yes. I do love Italian.. the food... heh
Michelle & Adra
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
We could have it tonight? Since my flight tomorrow is in the afternoon. Davenport's? I love it there.
Michelle & Adra
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
Oh good, that will be very handy. Though I might bring an extra just in case. Maybe some wine as well to make us feel better. Good, I’m glad o hear you won’t try to send me away if I come and visit you. Alright, well I can come over for a while today if you’d like and help out for a bit. It really makes you wonder how much you really need certain things, doesn’t it? Like if it’s worth to pack up or just leave behind.
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Now why would I ever send you away when you come to visit!! Bring Seb just in case or I might chain you to me so you won’t ever leave ever! By the way I really appreciate you coming over to help me. I really do. Thank you.
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
I will have to come out and visit you. We will have to do the beach one last time before you leave. 
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I did enjoy watching the sunrise with you the other day. I think I haven’t thank you enough for listening to me -- my silly rants, my emotional, confusing monologues. Thank you, Keila.
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Keildra | Private
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
Of course. And Bridget Jones too.
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That’s so soon. Let me take you out to dinner before?
Of course!
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Definitely! Why would I never say no to dinner with you. Anywhere you have in mind?
Michelle & Adra
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
Moving way to the east coast? Good lord you must have your friends threatening to lock you up so you can’t leave. I’m sure you are going to be very missed.
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Yeah, I had a few threats already -- some ever told me they’re gonna chain themselves to my ankle so I won’t be able to board the plane. 
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Well, I am going to miss them as well. It goes both ways. 
Aiden & Adra
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
The tenth? But that’s too soon.
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I wanted to be there earlier. Catch me while you can.
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Axel & Adra
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
I'm going to misss you. :(
I am going to miss everyone here too.
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
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Never Let You Go || Headcanon
She longed for his touch. The way he'd caress her soft skin with his fingertips. The way he'd trace the scars marring her abdomen, making them disappear. Adra had always loved how his hand was always warm and yet still able to cause her skin to have goosebumps. She missed his scent on her pillows, the way he usually wrap his strong arms around her and made her feel safe. If it was any other person, Adra would have thought that these were all silly, petty emotions clouding one's mind. So when she experienced it herself, she didn't know what else to do.
"You're coming to New York?"
Nothing could beat the slow smile etching onto his sharp features, the way his light brown hues seem to twinkle as his eyes creased at the corners. Adra knew this decision was the wisest. There was no point running anymore. She loves him as much as he loves her. It was inevitable. Αν θέλετε να είστε μαζί του Κούκλα θα πρέπει να είναι μαζί του. 
"I managed to book a flight on 10 August. But I only start at Yale at the end of August."
Truthfully she had to be in LA till she could sell her house and transfer over the legal deeds. But Adra had decided to let her attorney there liaise with the one she has in New York about any legal matters. It may have sounded silly but she didn’t want to delay any time to be with him anymore. Adra had wasted too much time moping around, making herself feel miserable when the solution was right under her nose. "I get more time with you," he nodded. "I don't think anyone is going to complain." There it was, his chuckle and smile. It thrilled her no matter where he was, whether it was just a video call or face to face. His smile could do wonders to her.
"I love you." It's been sometime since she said those three words to him - funny how only these three words could mean so much. Adra had spent countless days thinking she was too broken to even love someone, let alone be loved. He broke that barrier -- when she least suspects it. "I know I have caused you hurt over these two months for refusing to be with you... I'm sorry." If it was anyone else, Adra knew she'd frustrate them to no end and they would given up with her rollercoaster emotions. But he stood by her as if it didn't faze him atll. He listened to her when she needed him the most, comforted her when she was vulnerable and crying. Adra had never craved to be held so much by one person before and when that epiphany hit her like a ton of bricks.... the regret dragging down her heart was more than enough to make her realise how much she loves him.
"I love you too, Adrasteia Curth. And I promise the next time you turn away from me, I'll never let you go."
"I'll never let you go too."
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
I am. I’m in the top 16. 
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He told me to not come by. But some days I just need to see him. 
It is easier said than done. To everyone around me I look happy and no care in the world, but on the inside, I feel so empty and lost. And I hate thinking about it or trying to accept it’s over. And I know I have to. And I’m tired of people saying time with heal everything. Well it might, but right now I hurt. The distractions will only last for so long and then what?
All the best and always trust your guts and believe in yourself alright?
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There’s only so much I can do really. I mean... I tried to move on. He gave me space and time to move on and I ended up wanting to move away and be with him. I know how you feel. it’s not gonna be easy. It’s not gonna get any easier each time you think about him either. Distractions can only last long and being busy won’t really solve anything. There is only so much I can tell you -- all I can say is that, Fraye, you’re going to be okay. I am sure of that. 
Adra & Fraye | Private
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
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Hey, don’t be like that, I’m not just going to call you when I’m in town. I’ll call you all the time so you can watch Aubrianna grow up and you can tell me about your new job. How long until you leave?
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Promise? I do want to see the little koala grow up. You need to bring her during winter as well so we can make snow angels or go ice-skating! I’ve booked my flight on the 10th. 
Adra & Micah
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
You promise? I would love to come back to New York. I’m going to miss you. 
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I promise, Keila. You can always come and visit me too. Or vice versa depending on our schedules. I am going to miss you a lot too. Especially those times when we just sit on the beach and watch the sunrise or sunset.
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adrasteiacurth · 9 years
Nah nah, I’ll take a sticky bun or some cookies over ice shaven dessert any day. 
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You’re such a keeper. Too bad I am moving away to the east coast of you will get fat from me feeding you loads of those.
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Aiden & Adra
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