addiej01 · 9 days
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(I’m accepting commission request, dm if interested ^^*)
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addiej01 · 18 days
just wanted to say that the recent drawing/artwork that you did of Levi and Hange in Jurassic park was the BEST! What’re the odds of getting them again as more iconic movie characters or more of them from Jurassic park? Movies like indiana jones or jaws or back to the future, there is a huge outlet for recreations.
Honestly, I just draw whenever I’m in the mood to draw. I don’t really plan things; I do it spontaneously 😭😭😭
+ Thank you for liking my lvhn jp art!! ^^
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addiej01 · 23 days
Dinosaur nerds 💜💚🦖
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addiej01 · 30 days
Hello?? I feel like I'm having a major crisis here and i need a levihan person to help me out😭
this is abt the rough panel yams drew where all of levi's dead comrades were seeing him for the last time before the paths closed and I've heard lots of people mention that hange's sketch was more prominent than the rest cuz she means so much to levi.
But i can't help thinking it had something to do with the fact that she was the last of them to die - or freshly dead - so she appeared more clearly. Idk maybe some mechanism of the paths😭😭
As an artist if you put urself in that place while drawing the panel, what would it mean??? Plz help I'm dying with self inflicted pain here😩
When I saw the panel (as well as the animation), I thought that it was done to highlight how significant Hange is to Levi 😭 (esp when mappa focused on hange’s hand when they gave the last salute to each other) so if I drew that panel, it means that I wanted to show how important that character is 🥹☝️
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addiej01 · 1 month
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addiej01 · 2 months
HTTYD au 💚💜🐉
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addiej01 · 2 months
Avatar au 💚💜
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addiej01 · 2 months
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addiej01 · 2 months
The way you draw Levi and Hanji (HANJI ESPECIALLY) gives me such serotonin. <3
Thank you 🥹
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addiej01 · 2 months
A levihan fic I wrote inspired by the wonderful art of @addiej01
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Dust motes and overflowing sewerage. Dirty streets, uneven houses, and a large rocky ceiling, cutting out the sight of—Levi could only imagine what it may look like— the sky.
A typical day in the Underground.
Levi was eight, and pissed off at the random men that kept showing up to the small room where they lived. His mother had, as usual, sent him away, sneaking him out through the window and drawing the threadbare curtains over it before anyone could see him. He knew she was doing it—whatever it was—for him, and it also hurt her. And it involved men.
She had explained patiently to him that she was working and he must never peek through the window or she would be very angry and sad. But he’d seen her tired eyes, pale face and the dried tear tracks on her cheeks. He’d seen how she would wince in pain when she moved, and he’d heard her silent sniffles in the deep night when she thought he was asleep. He blamed the men, and her work, that she was so adamant on hiding from him.
He had been tempted to look through the window once. If he knew what was hurting her, he could find a solution. But her words had rung sharply in his mind and he knew if he followed the impulse, his mom would never ever forgive him.
So there he was, wandering the streets on yet another day, feeling helpless and cursing life with all the ferocity a child could muster.
Levi knew his way in the area around his home quite well. He was familiar with the narrow alleyways and passages that ran through the district like a tight network of spider webs. And just like a spider web, they were traps for all the stupid flies that dared to venture into it.
Levi was not a fly; rather he was one of the spiders, albeit a smaller one. Having grown up on those streets, he knew exactly what kind of person to avoid and how to avoid them. As a child he did lack many talents needed on the streets, like strength, fighting tactics and killing, but he knew how to survive, and that’s what mattered most. He was pretty quick and stealthy as well. Though his mom didn’t like the idea of stealing and Levi went along with it, it was still a handy little skill.
Suddenly, the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he instantly looked around. The distant sound of hurried footsteps compelled him to dive into a gaping alley. He flattened behind a dripping pipe, holding his breath, partially due to the stink, and peered out.
A tall, burly man marched through the street; waves of anger were emitting from him and he was fingering the gun in his belt, moving with a purpose.
As he’d suspected, it was one of the spiders. A big one. Levi wouldn’t want to be in its pincers. He waited with bated breath, until the man was out of sight and it was safe for him to come out. But just then, he heard a small squeak and jerked back, fists raised.
‘Who’s there?’ he called out.
When nothing but silence answered, he stepped back into the alley, and squinted in the semi-darkness, eyes roving, searching—there!
A small figure was hunched behind some boxes. Another squeak sounded.
Levi approached it and realized it was a kid, around his age. The kid stumbled back as Levi came closer, hands held in front of him . . . or her? It could be a boy, sure looked like one. He wore glasses and was dressed in fairly bright and expensive looking clothes, but they were covered in dirt, and his short brown hair framed his face in messy strands.
He looked terrified, but was doing a fairly good job in masking it.
‘Who are you?’ Levi asked, folding his arms.
‘H—Hange,’ surprisingly the voice sounded female.
Levi raised his eyebrows, ‘You a girl?’
‘Uh, I . . . yeah,’ her eyes darted around, unsure and nervous.
‘You’re not from here,’ Levi stated flatly.
She winced, ‘Well, yes . . . but I swear I’m not gonna cause any trouble! I just wanted to look around! I’ve never seen the Underground before!’
Levi rolled his eyes; as if it was such a delightful place. So she was from the surface, and completely oblivious to this world. What an idiot.
The perfect fly.
He decided it was better not to let the girl, Hange, wander around by herself, so he accompanied her to the gates. Besides, he had nothing to do anyway.
She liked talking, as he soon found out. A lot. And throughout their little journey, she chattered happily in his ear. In a span of forty minutes, he knew everything from the name of her pet dog to the annoying governess who made her sit through hours of lectures on how to be a proper lady, even though she didn’t want to be one. Apparently, her father was a kind-hearted doctor who had come down to treat the victims of a prevailing disease in the Underground. Naturally, Hange wasn’t allowed to come with him. And naturally her unbridled curiosity made her slip in while her father crossed through the gates. How she managed that feat was beyond him.
He learnt quite a lot about life above the ground, and realized just how different it was from his own. But he really wished she would shut up for a while, otherwise he was sure to have a headache soon.
Thankfully, the gates came in sight, and she turned to him. She was grinning, and her eyes were shining brightly.
‘Thanks for being my guide, Levi!’ she exclaimed.
‘I wasn’t your—’ his retort was cut short as she enveloped him into a hug.
‘Bye! I’ll see you tomorrow, okay!’ she shouted in his ear.
‘Oi! Get off four-eyes!’
She laughed at the nickname and headed towards the gates, preparing to sneak out. She might get caught but it wasn’t like he cared. She’d managed to come in after all, he was sure she could go out as well. He turned on his heel and walked away.
True to her word, Hange came down again the next day. He saw her descend the giant stone steps with a man that could only be her father. It seemed she’d somehow convinced him to bring her along this time. She beamed down at him and adjusted the bag at her shoulders, as the guards held them up by the entrance.
‘You were waiting for me!’ she jumped in excitement as she rushed down.
Levi scowled, ‘I wasn’t.’
Of course he wasn’t waiting for that moron to come; he was simply walking around the gates. It’s not like he was bored or anything.
‘Your father let you come today,’ Levi pointed out.
‘Yeah! I asked him sooo many times yesterday that he just had to,’ she said.
‘But he only agreed when I told him I made a really nice grumpy friend,’ Hange skipped ahead, full of energy. ‘So, where are we going today?’
‘I’m not your friend,’ said Levi, ‘and we’re not going anywhere.’
‘Oh c’mon grumpy pants,’ she pouted. ‘Show me around! I even brought food for us today; we can have a picnic somewhere!’
Levi shook his head, equal parts amused and irritated. What did she think this place was? An amusement park?
‘You can't fool around here,’ he said gruffly. ‘It’s dangerous.’
‘Buuut I wanna explore,’ she whined, ‘and you know the Underground well. Pleeease Levi.’ She looked at him with big, pleading brown eyes.
He sighed and trudged ahead, ‘Come on.’ It wasn’t as if he was busy, some company wouldn’t hurt.
He led her to areas that he knew were relatively safer. Four-eyes tagged along, staring at the shops, houses, bars and people as if she’d never seen those things before. He noted that she stared at the stone ceiling every now and then, mouth half-open in wonder.
‘These people,’ she began after a while, ‘they’ve been in the Underground all their lives?’
‘So that means none of you have ever seen the sky?’
He nodded stiffly. Hange gasped.
‘That’s horrible! You’re telling me you don’t know how it looks like when it’s clear, or cloudy, or early in the morning, or when the sun’s setting?’
‘I don’t.’
She stopped and grasped him by the arms, bending forward. Levi leaned back, eyes widening.
‘Don’t you worry Levi, I’ll take you to see the sky!’ she said earnestly. ‘Why don’t you come with me today when I leave?’
‘I can't,’ he shook his head. ‘None of the Undergrounders can leave just like that.’
‘Oh,’ her shoulders slumped and she frowned, crestfallen.
But then her eyes lit up once more, ‘Y’know, my mom’s a painter, and I just remembered two of her really good paintings about the sky. I’ll bring them tomorrow for you to see!’
And with that she bounded forward, calling for him to catch up.
Levi stood there for a second, not knowing what to make of this overly enthusiastic girl who somehow felt it was her duty to show him something he’d always wished but never had the chance to see. Was this what they called kindness? He couldn’t be sure.
Four-eyes insisted to see a livelier place next, so he took her to the market square, bustling with people. She moved around the stalls with a bright gleam in her eyes and gushed over the local handiworks. After she’d looked around to her heart’s content, they both sat down on the large steps of a storehouse and four-eyes took out food from her bag. Bright-colored fruits, bread, sandwiches, an orange drink.
The sight made his mouth water. How long had it been since he had a proper meal? Weeks? Months? How long since his mother had eaten anything?
Hange nudged him, ‘Go on, I brought this for both of us.’
He picked up a piece of bread gingerly and took a small bite. It was warm and sweet and so painfully real that for a moment he just savored the feeling of something solid and edible filling his mouth. He tore off a large bite, then another and another, filling himself with food. He finished the whole loaf in a minute.
Levi glanced at Hange, expecting her to be staring at him judgmentally, but she was simply chewing an apple, gazing around thoughtfully.
So Levi picked up a sandwich and bit into it, taking time to chew properly and eat slowly this time.
‘So . . . you said you lived with only your mom,’ she started.
‘Where’s your dad?’
‘Dunno, and don’t care,’ he shrugged.
‘Can I meet your mom?’ four-eyes asked eagerly.
‘She’s busy right now, working.’
Her face fell. He hesitated, and then said, ‘Maybe another time?’
‘Of course! I would love to!’
She began taking again, telling him about her life, her little adventures back at home. This time he threw in little comments here and there, making her laugh out loud. It was a nice feeling: to learn that you could make someone smile widely just because of your words.
Much too soon, it was time for her to go. She let him—more like forced him—to take the rest of the food home, and promised to come down tomorrow and show him the paintings.
The next day, Levi greeted her with the words, ‘I want to show you a place.’
‘Ooh!’ Hange was all excitement as she followed him.
He went to the far corner of the district where the tumbledown houses gave way to the high walls that marked the end of the city. The spot was a mess of cracked rock and broken stones protruding from the ground and rising up to a great height.
‘C’mon,’ Levi said, lodging his hands and feet between the gaps in the stone and hoisting himself. He looked back down at four-eyes, ‘Can you climb up?’
She nodded, a bit uncertainly but followed his lead. It wasn’t that hard, the rocks weren’t slippery or steep, but they did have a long way to go. Levi focused on climbing up and kept checking on Hange in between. She seemed to be doing okay.
Finally they reached the wide ledge at the top and Levi pulled himself up and then helped Hange. They both sat there, catching their breath for a while. Hange produced a bottle of water from her bag, drank some and then handed it to Levi.
She turned to look back and gasped.
The whole Underground city was spread out below them. From their great height, the houses looked like children’s toys. The buildings were squashed in close to each other, with narrow streets weaving between them. The tall towers stood out majestically among them. Everything shined in the flickering lights of the city.
Levi looked at four-eyes and almost smiled at her expression of awe. She was quiet for a while, watching the scene intently.
‘This is beautiful,’ she said finally in a quiet voice. Then turned to him and smiled, ‘Thank you for bringing me here, Levi.’
He turned away from her and mumbled, ‘Yeah whatever . . .’
Hange chuckled and settled back comfortably on the ledge. Then opened her bag and took out various food items and patted the space beside her. Levi sat down and they began to eat, looking down.
‘I noticed that there aren’t any plants or flowers in the Underground,’ said Hange.
‘How could there be any, you moron. There’s no sunlight.’
‘I know, but look at that,’ she pointed to the roof that felt way closer now that they were up there. It was damp and covered with fungus. ‘There are parts of the roof that have grown thinner than the rest,’ she went on. ‘And the stone will continue to weather away due to wind and water. It’s possible that a hole might open up in here. So if sunlight comes in there’ll be greenery.’ She smiled.
‘Like I care,’ said Levi, although he did find the idea nice.
‘You will care when it happens. A little green would look good here—oh! I just remembered! I had to show you something!’ she unzipped her bag.
‘Is it those paintings?’ Levi asked, curiosity seeping through the indifference.
‘Yes that too, but there’s one more thing!’ Hange pulled out a book and held it up.
‘I don’t know how to read four-eye,’ he said flatly.
She simply opened the book and pulled out a small leaf from it. It resembled a flower, and had four bright green petals. She held it out to him.
‘That’s a clover leaf,’ she said proudly. ‘And they usually have only three petals. Four petals are sooo rare that people say if you find one, you’re really lucky!’
Levi held the leaf in his hand and observed its fresh green color. Lucky, huh?
‘People will make up anything to satisfy themselves,’ he said and handed the clover back to her. She carefully placed it between the pages once more.
‘But still, seeing how rare it is, it’s still quite a precious thing,’ Hange countered. ‘I’m so glad I found it.’
Next she pulled out two pieces canvas from her bag and showed them to Levi with a grin, ‘As promised, I brought you a glimpse of the sky!’
The two paintings were a splash of color that was so rarely seen in his world.
‘This one’s a sunset,’ she pointed to the one that looked like fire. Molten red and orange hues bathed the canvas, mingling into a gold-yellow. Distant black silhouettes were painted that Levi recognized as mountains and horses. A huge pale orb—the sun—was half-hidden between the hills.
‘And this one’s a clear sky.’ The second painting showed a soft blue shade dotted with something that looked like fluffy pieces of cotton. Little red-roofed houses peppered the ground, surrounded by vibrant green fields. He could see small figures of children, frozen in time, chasing each other. He could almost hear their laughter.
‘You like it?’ Hange asked.
The places in both these pictures felt free. The people there could look up and see an infinite stretch of something that wasn’t the roof of a cage. Something that washed them in different colors at different hours of the day. It wasn’t a monochrome black all the time.
‘It’s . . . nice.’ He said quietly. This was just a picture; the real thing would be a hundred times better. He wondered if his wish to go out in the open would remain a wish forever.
‘I think,’ Hange’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts, ‘the clover leaf really is lucky.’
He raised his eyebrows, ‘And what makes you think that?’
She shrugged, ‘I found the leaf. Then I met you,’ she locked her warm brown eyes with his. ‘And that was indeed very lucky.’
Levi tore his gaze away, not knowing what to say. Hange laughed quietly, ‘You’re a really good friend, Levi.’
Hange kept coming for many days. They would talk, play around, and often climb onto that ledge. She would tell him about the outside world and he would mention brief fragments of his life and the Underground. Once Hange sneaked in some of her mother’s paints and they both spent a good amount of hours on their ledge, making a mess of the colors. He liked the routine; it was the first time he’d made a ‘friend’ and Levi was actually having fun.
One day four-eyes came to him with a sad smile; she was carrying just a book, no backpack. Her father didn’t go off to attend to his patients as he usually did, but stood back at a distance as she approached him.
‘Hey,’ she whispered.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘We’re leaving,’ said Hange. ‘Father’s work here is done, we won’t be coming back.’
He knew she wasn’t going to come down everyday forever, but . . . he hadn’t expected that day to come so soon.
‘I asked him to let me just meet you one last time and only then I’d go,’ she said. Then she handed him the book, and opened a page in the middle. Upon it sat that clover leaf she’d shown him before, carefully dried and pressed between the pages.
‘I dried it. If you keep it inside the book, it’ll last for quite some time.’
Levi shut the book and looked at four-eyes. He had to say something.
‘Thank you,’ he said. She smiled, this time happily. Then he said, ‘And this won’t be last time we’re meeting, four-eyes. I’ll get out of this hellhole with my mother and then we’ll meet again.’
. . . I’ll see if you keep your word . . .
Her eyes widened, and then gleamed behind her glasses. She crushed him in a hug, and he let her do it this once.
‘All right then, I’ll see if you keep your word Levi.’
‘The name’s Levi,’ he stared down at the lined up soldiers who would blindly throw their lives away in the name of freedom. Isabel and Farlan stood on either side of him, both alert and cautious.
Then his eyes caught a familiar sight of messy brown hair and glasses. Vague memories stirred within him.
Well, he did keep it. Here he was, beneath the vast open sky, and four-eyes was right in front of him. He held back a smile. How lucky indeed.
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addiej01 · 2 months
Shoot 💘
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339 notes · View notes
addiej01 · 2 months
Accidental acquisition of a husband💚💜
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addiej01 · 3 months
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addiej01 · 3 months
Dress up (for levi only lmao) 💚💜
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addiej01 · 3 months
A softie 💜💚
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addiej01 · 3 months
What if they met earlier than expected?
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I’m also happy to announce that my commission is open. Check out my commission sheet on twt (@ addie_j01) and if anyone is interested, feel free to dm me ^^*
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addiej01 · 3 months
No boundaries 💚💜
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