addictionfreedomnow · 2 months
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Incorporating yoga into your recovery journey can be a game-changer. This ancient practice is more than just physical exercise; it's a holistic approach that can provide numerous benefits for those recovering from addiction.
Here are a few reasons why yoga is so beneficial:
It helps manage stress and anxiety by regulating stress hormones. It promotes mindfulness and focus, essential tools for recovery. It enhances physical health and well-being. It fosters a sense of inner peace and self-awareness.
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addictionfreedomnow · 2 months
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Pause. Breathe. Be present. 🌼
Mindfulness isn't a destination, it's a journey. A few minutes each day can reduce stress, improve focus, and nurture joy. Embrace the beauty of each moment today.
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addictionfreedomnow · 2 months
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Gah. So much to unpack here.
Remember, you're not weird or unworthy. Trauma causes us to protect ourselves in specific ways sometimes. That's okay.
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addictionfreedomnow · 2 months
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Hello, creative souls! 🎨 Have you ever considered art journaling as a tool for recovery? Art journaling is more than just a blend of colors and words, it's a therapeutic process that can aid in healing and self-discovery.
Art journaling allows us to express our feelings and thoughts visually. It's a safe space where we can pour out emotions that might be hard to put into words. It's not about creating perfect art but about letting your inner world shine through.
Here are some benefits of art journaling for recovery:
It helps quiet the noise and spinning thoughts in our heads. It's a powerful means of de-stressing and channeling emotions. It promotes mindfulness and focus. It provides a visual record of your recovery journey.
So, why not pick up a journal, some markers or paint, and start your own art journaling journey? Remember, there's no wrong way to create an art journal. Let your creativity flow and see where it takes you! 🌈
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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Addiction is a disability.
And we as a society should look at addiction from the perception that it is a disability and not a moral failing.
Because there are some people more likely to get addicted than others, and we should not judge them for whatever mental or physical health issues that influences their chances of becoming addicted to substances.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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Experience comfort and style with our Addiction Freedom Now Black Unisex T-shirt. Crafted from 100% cotton, this soft, comfortable tee carries a powerful message of recovery and resilience.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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You become mature once you start choosing what you know is right for your future, instead of what you feel like you want at the moment.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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“Recovery is not about being right; it’s about allowing ourselves to be who we are and accepting others as they are.” ― Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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You can really find out a lot about a person by simply asking them what they think of addicts and homeless people
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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If you needed a little sign, here it is. This is for you.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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there is no shame in being an alcoholic. there is no shame in being any kind of addict. it's a chronic illness and anti-addict stigma is ableist.
it's okay to exist and voice your struggle. in fact, it's encouraged. even if you never recover or don't intend on recovering, your voice matters.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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One of the best things I have learned throughout my recovery has been the power of asking for help. One, I wouldn’t be in recovery and may not be alive if I didn't ask for help. All of my accomplishments since then have come from asking for help whether it’s a small favor, a big favor, some insight or just asking for reassurance. Therapy is badass no matter what anyone says. It’s a tool to help you balance your emotions which in turn can lead to incredible things. Asking for resources surrounding whatever your goals may be is another incredible form of help. Asking for constructive criticism is another one. The world becomes limitless when you realize how valuable asking for help really is.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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Meet our Addiction Freedom Now Large Tote Bag! This isn’t just an ordinary bag; it’s a symbol of resilience, strength, and the journey towards freedom from addiction.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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We have the right to self-care, setting boundaries, and expressing our needs directly. It's not just a right, it's essential for our wellbeing.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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Addiction recovery is a difficult journey, but for those who love and support someone through it, it can be just as challenging. That's why we've put together a new blog post with tips on how to love and support someone in addiction recovery.
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addictionfreedomnow · 3 months
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You’re not alone in your struggles and you definitely won’t be alone in your recovery. Some of my biggest fears before starting my recovery -> I would be alone. I wouldn’t be able face my demons. Life would become boring. None of those fears came true. And so much credit for me getting through those fears is due in large part because of the recovery community and the millions of people who came before me. 🖤
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