adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
Get the best results with Dianabol
What is Dianabol?
The production of Dianabol dates back to the middle of the 20th century, during the Olympic Games. While the Russians resorted to doping with testosterone to enhance their performance, the Americans resorted to methandrostenolone to gain muscle while losing weight.
Its success was so strong, that it was used as an anabolic product by actors, professional bodybuilders and top athletes.
If the history of other dietary supplements is associated with the treatment of certain pathologies, that of Dianabol is quite different. Since its creation at the end of the 50s until now, it is primarily used to gain muscle mass.
It owes its anabolic effect to its main active ingredient: methandrostenolone. It is a molecule with a powerful capacity to build muscle mass fast. Its administration is necessary for those who wish to gain weight or who have difficulty in gaining muscle.
Dianabol in Bodybuilding
If the dianabol steroid cycle is above all prized by bodybuilders, it is because it allows a very fast gain of muscle mass. Also, in the case of taking this steroid, the effects described below are to be expected.
Muscle growth is very fast, and very important: it is first of all a consequence of the presence of nitrogen, since this very powerful steroid allows a greater retention of nitrogen. The latter favors the development and renewal of muscles, since it allows to keep it longer in the body: this results in a fast and great growth of muscles. 
This cure also allows a better synthesis of proteins, and nutrients in general, and this is mainly due to its anabolic effect: this has to do with the stimulation of the production of insulin by the body, which is in fact an important protein in the creation of muscles. 
It forces the muscle cells to open up, and feeds them with proteins, which it also helps to synthesize in the body.An important weight loss is also to be expected: the cure allows a phenomenon called "hydrodosed retention phenomenon". 
It is thanks to this that, at the end of the Dianabol intake, the subject generally loses a very important weight, which is often very much appreciated in the context of a dry period for athletes, for example.
However, we must not forget that taking steroids and other doping products, especially on a continuous basis, can have negative effects on the system.
Cycle and Dosage information
The dosage of Dianabol Methandrostenolone varies according to the profile, goals and health conditions of the consumer. Known doses range from 20mg to 80mg per day. Unlike most anabolic steroids, this one is only available in pill form to be taken orally.
It is usually used as a "kickstart" at the beginning of an injectable steroid cycle before switching to other steroids.
It is strongly recommended that a PCT boost phase be performed at the end of the cycle. That is, the body should be allowed to resume its natural secretion of testosterone before starting a new cycle of anabolic steroids. But also to preserve the liver and limit hepatotoxicity.
The higher the daily dose of Dianabol, the more often it should be taken during the day.
The steroid cycle can fluctuate between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the doses used. Note that it is strongly advised not to go beyond a 6-week cycle when using a maximum dianabol dosage.
The PCT for dianabol cycles will depend largely on what other agents have been included in your d-bol cycle. If you are using a long-chain ester in conjunction with d-bol, you may want to consider a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), such as Nolvadex and Clomid or a HCG (which will usually precede your SERM). 
Pyramidal and bridging, normally implemented by advanced users, require more careful structuring. A typical bridging PCT might include very low doses of Nolvadex and dianabol between cycles.
Advantages of Dianabol
Before and after dianabol , we can expect a lot of benefits, among them:
Increases protein synthesis - critical for significant muscle mass gains
Increased glycogenolysis - this is another critical process in both building muscle mass and releasing glucose for rapid bursts of strength
Increased metabolic activity - this allows for the burning of more calories than are used, helping to keep fat gain down during excess caloric intake
Fat accumulation limits during caloric surplus consumption - see above
Recovery times - like all anabolics, the increased number of red blood cells in the blood will aid in recovery, as will the short half-life of D-Bol
Extremely short half-life - 3-5 hour half-life allows for quick results and rapid relief of side effects upon cessation
Eliminates pinprick - no needles...enough said
Highly anabolic - the only way new muscle tissue is built
Very cheap - comparatively speaking, D-bol is one of the cheapest anabolics to be found
Promotes positive nitrogen balance - a positive nitrogen balance allows your system to retain extra protein for muscle building
Great Kickstart for the load cycle - this is where the short half-life comes in as a huge advantage
The steroid that Dianabol constitutes actually plays the analogous role of a hormone that is already well known in the sports field, and even more so in the field of bodybuilding: testosterone.
Male sex hormone par excellence, which is responsible for physical and hormonal changes in men (libido, change of voice, more grace, more hair, gain of muscle mass...). And taking Dianabol stimulates its production.
Hence an even greater synthesis of proteins. Dianabol is therefore most often used by those who want to significantly increase their muscle mass: big bodybuilding stars, bodybuilders, budding athletes or simply those seeking to develop their muscles.
The gains obtained with Dianabol depend on many factors specific to each person: metabolism, state of health, level of bodybuilding, diet and training provided. Thus, it is not possible to give explicit figures on the gains obtained with Dianabol.
It should also be noted that muscle gain is also accompanied by a 10 to 15% water intake. In addition, specific training must be carried out after the Dianabol treatment in order not to lose the gains obtained by the D Bol.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
All about the power of Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone Acetate Overview
Trenbolone is the name given to the most powerful molecule that has ever existed in the world of anabolic steroids. Developed in the 1960s and originally intended for veterinary use, it was for a time used in a version called parabolan. 
Trenbolone acetate is the molecule linked to a short ester that acts quickly from the first 1-2 weeks. This molecule is 5 times more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone. 
It allows muscle gain in a short period of time, without fat gain. Nevertheless, it also remains very powerful, allowing you to burn fat mass while maintaining your muscle mass.
In terms of the performance itself, it significantly increases muscle strength and has a direct effect on the nervous system. In addition, the muscular endurance of the individual is also increased tenfold. 
Trenbolone acetate is a molecule that, because of its potency, generates side effects. However, due to its action often being limited to one day (half-life of one day), these are not as pronounced as some users claim. They can be easily managed if the frequency of injections corresponds to the half-life.
Trenbolone acetate has several names. It should be noted that Trenbolone acetate differs from Trenbolone enanthate and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. It is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), a steroid hormone related to testosterone. 
This synthetic hormone provides anabolic (stimulates muscle production, among other things) and androgenic (produces masculinizing effects) effects by improving protein synthesis. As a reminder, proteins are directly involved in the construction of muscle.
Originally, Trenbolone, also known as Tren, was intended for veterinary use, but it was diverted after some bodybuilders noticed its impressive effects on the human body.
The food industry has also used Trenbolone acetate for beef farming, as it mimics, in part, the effects of growth hormones. 
For profit, producers have taken the liberty of injecting this product into animals in order to increase their muscle volume while decreasing fat retention. This represents a space advantage and a better cost reduction.
How to use Tren A
Besides the use of this molecule in animals, trenbolone acetate is intended for a certain user profile. Athletes and bodybuilders use it to increase their muscle fiber and reach a certain weight. This steroid also has therapeutic properties.
Therefore, it can be used by people who are prone to bone problems due to its pain relief. It is particularly suitable for some patients with osteoporosis. In this case, the patient must strictly respect the medical indications for taking the product.
The trenbolone acetate molecule is certainly not suitable for people with cardiovascular problems. This observation remains valid even if the person concerned is a very gifted sportsman. In the case of women, they should refrain from this androgenic steroid to avoid symptoms of masculinity.
The different versions of Trenbolone can be used in the field of bodybuilding, especially to strengthen the gains in muscle fiber. They all work by stimulating protein synthesis in muscle tissue. In particular, Trenbolone acetate can also increase appetite and facilitate the absorption of mineral components in the body.
In the field of bodybuilding in particular, Trenbolone has quickly gained the trust of bodybuilders.
Trenbolone acetate requires specific protocols due to its potency. It should not be taken by an individual as a result of a personal decision, regardless of the duration. You need a complete blood test before starting any treatment. 
You should also check the condition of your kidneys, liver, platelets, cholesterol, heart, etc. After such an examination, you should start using Trenbolone Acetate gradually if you have never used it before. Start with fairly low doses, combined with testosterone, to test your tolerance.
If the side effects are too severe, decrease the dose and see if the effects are relieved. Given its 1-day half-life, it should ideally be given as a daily injection. 
Thereafter, you can receive injections at least every other day. Also, note that people who inject this product daily seem to experience fewer side effects than those who inject it every other day.
Trenbolone Acetate Dosage
Trenbolone Acetate dosage vary depending on your anabolic goals, levels and tolerance. If you are new to this molecule, you should start with fairly low doses, hovering around 200-250 mg per week during the cycle. This dose can be combined with testosterone for good results.
For moderately experienced users, the dose can be increased to 300-400 mg or even 500 mg per week if the side effects are well tolerated. Finally, doses above 500-600mg are reserved for bodybuilders and other advanced athletes. 
At this level, the difference will first be felt at the neurological level. However, the side effects can be very noticeable and annoying.
Trenbolone Acetate Benefits
Several positive effects are recognized when using these steroids:
High anabolic capacity
Trenbolone Acetate is extremely anabolic due to its ability to retain nitrogen molecules, which are essential for protein synthesis. Therefore, its action promotes the development of muscle cells and fibers.
According to bodybuilders, it is one of the most powerful steroids on the market. Its anabolic and androgenic effects are 5 times superior to testosterone. In addition, it far surpasses Deca Durabolin by 10 times. Thanks to these benefits, it is the flagship product for athletes to gain mass and improve physical performance.
Decrease of cortisol
Did you know that cortisol levels have a considerable effect on muscle tissue? Its increase after exercise favors the destruction of muscle mass, especially during dry periods. 
To avoid its catabolic effect, athletes use trenbolone. Injected before physical activity, this steroid maintains a normal cortisol level, which blocks its catabolic power.
High energy capacity
In cattle, trenbolone acetate for sale mimics the effects of growth hormone. This stimulates their appetite, allowing these animals to eat more. In humans, this molecule has the same effect. In fact, it facilitates digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients (carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and proteins) necessary for muscle growth.
At the same time, its effect on digestion improves physical endurance and performance. Bodybuilders and bodybuilding practitioners use it in dry periods and in periods of mass gain. During the dry period, it protects against fatigue and stress related to diet and fat loss.
Impact on recovery
Trenbolone is one of the active ingredients that have the ability to improve blood circulation. More specifically, it stimulates the production of red blood cells, responsible for supplying oxygen to cells and muscles. 
An adequate supply of O² can significantly improve recovery after exercise. It also helps to increase physical endurance.
Trenbolone Acetate or simply Trenbolone is a doping product (anabolic androgenic steroid). It has allowed many bodybuilders to have a physique with defined muscles to enable them to achieve their bodybuilding goals. 
Unfortunately, this product with incredible anabolic effects is bad for your health. Its side effects will be something to consider if it occurs to you to trenbolone acetate cycle. 
Fortunately, there is a safe and legal alternative that will provide the same results to bodybuilders who wish to preserve their health.
Trenbolone acetate, regardless of the ester attached to it, is still a steroid and should not be taken alone. If you do, you risk libido/erection problems. The molecule must be at least related to testosterone. 
In this case, there are two types of regimens. In the first one, a minimal amount of testosterone is added as a carrier. In the other formula, more testosterone is added than trenbolone acetate.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
Increase your muscle mass with Dianabol
If there is one steroid that was developed specifically to increase muscle mass, it is Dianabol (or, more familiarly, D-bol). Carried by the active ingredient methandrostenolone, this steroid is capable of maximizing muscle production in a matter of days.
As soon as it was discovered, Dianabol quickly seduced bodybuilders who had not been able to surpass their limits in terms of muscle or people who had difficulty gaining weight. 
Especially since Dianabol does not need to be injected into the bloodstream: it is the most widely consumed oral muscle-building steroid in the world.
But it is mainly its pioneering role in the field of doping that explains the popularity of this steroid. Indeed, Dianabol was the first anabolic substance to be used in sports.
How does it work?
Dianabol steroid is derived from testosterone that is administered orally. 
Under its methylated chemical name 17CAA, it is one of the few anabolic compounds in the world that have been formulated specifically for athletic performance enhancement. 
And since its introduction into bodybuilding, the steroid remains a staple for the bodybuilding community, who use it in one way or another throughout their journey.
Behind Dianabol, we find the active ingredient methandrostenolone, a powerful anabolic that has the particularity of its very low binding with the protein associated with serum. 
The compound, therefore, boosts protein synthesis to promote the production of new cells, which will then be used for muscle building.
To explain the worldwide success of Dianabol, it is essential to know that most injectable steroids only release their active ingredients after the second or third week of the treatment cycle. 
With the famous Dianabol, the results will be visible from the first three days of treatment. Dianabol is an anabolic steroid, a class of steroid hormones connected to testosterone. 
Like all anabolic steroids, it will provide two effects once consumed:
An androgenic effect: that is, it will exacerbate male traits and characteristics;
An anabolic effect that promotes muscle anabolism for better muscle mass development.
Cycle and Dosage information
There are well-known instructions regarding dosages and cycles. As with all anabolic steroid use, dosages are based on the user's tolerance level.
Users who have never used Dianabol before should start with the minimum dosage to optimize their safety by determining their tolerance to the product.
Beginners will achieve excellent results using between 20 mg and 30 mg per day, during a 6-week cycle.
Intermediate users will need to take between 30 mg and 50 mg per day, for 8 weeks.
Finally, advanced users should take between 50 mg and 80 mg per day for the same period.
There are several cases of users taking up to 100 mg per day, but at this level, the risk of adverse effects is high.
It is also important to remember that Dianabol has a half-life of 3 to 5 hours, making it well suited to splitting the daily dosage according to one's experience level. This will also result in the user being able to experience the maximum levels of Dianabol cycle at any time.
Benefits of taking Dianabol
Dianabol is excellent for building muscle mass and strength. It is usually used in growth cycles to build muscle mass quickly. 
You can find Dianabol for sale in several shops. It is a very popular steroid among bodybuilders because it gives extraordinary results when you combine it properly with the right dose:
Increases muscle mass quickly
Increases nitrogen retention
Works well with other steroids
Improves power and strength
Improves speed and endurance
Faster recovery rate
Reduces fatigue
Allows users to train longer
Dianabol is a mass steroid widely used during the off-season, and high-quality muscle mass gain is one of the main dianabol results. Remember, only the original and high-quality Dianabol will give you the results you want. 
Always buy anabolic steroids online from the most reputable websites, as many sites sell fake products that affect your health and give no results.
Side effects of Dianabol
Not surprisingly, the steroid Dianabol Methandrostenolone is also known for its potential side effects. Just like its companions, its use is not without risks.
Skin problems: oily skin, acne attacks, skin abscesses...
Baldness: for men, hair loss can occur in case of an overdose of Dianabol.
Virilization: for women, the androgenic aspect can cause a disturbance of the menstrual cycle, a growth of hair more important, and a deeper tone of voice.
Fertility: in case of too much consumption, Dianabol can influence the fertility of users. Thus, making conception more difficult.
Gynecomastia: D-Bol steroid strongly disrupts the hormonal system, even in men. Thus, male users can have quite a significant breast growth.
Aggression and violence: D-Bol has been known to cause anger and violence in regular users. 
Sleep disturbances: as D-Bol is known for its energy-boosting properties, excessive use can cause sleep disturbances and even significant insomnia.
Nausea, vomiting, headaches, migraines...
Heart problems: Methandrostenolone can increase the risk of thickening of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis). A phenomenon that increases the risk of heart disease. 
Dysregulation of testosterone: if the consumption of Dianabol favors the secretion of testosterone, an overdose can have the opposite effect.
Dianabol tablets is an easy-to-take steroid. The first explanation for the popularity of DBOL is simply the convenience and image that the product gives off. Indeed, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that most commonly comes in the form of tablets to be swallowed. 
As a result, this doping product conveys the image of a healthy (or less dangerous) steroid, as there is no need for a syringe to dope.
People who are afraid of injections or who tell themselves that "because it's a pill, it's not serious" will feel less like they are doping. This makes it easier for them to switch to the steroid without injections.
A rapid and significant muscle gain is to be considered. The results that Dianabol brings are quite surprising. 
It is impossible to make a mass gain with such fast results without resorting to this type of anabolic product. You can find good quality dianabol online to get more results.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
Is it safe to take Winstrol steroid?
Winstrol Definition
Also known as Stanozolol, Winstrol is an anabolic substance that is successful in the world of bodybuilders. This product is used by bodybuilding enthusiasts during the dry period only. Winstrol is a formula designed to replicate the action of testosterone. Except that the power of Winstrol is three times higher than that of testosterone.
The product was first developed in the 1960s to help patients who had undergone surgery to maintain a constant weight. Compared to other steroids, Winstrol has a mild taste.
For the record, winstrol steroid was developed in a British laboratory and was originally called Stanozolol. After it was manufactured in 1960, it was not until two years later that the drug was marketed under the name Winstrol.
This medicine also has virtues in improving the vitality of the body, especially in cases of weakness or general fatigue. For quality reasons, the laboratories that manufacture this product are obliged to prove the effectiveness of their invention before putting it on the market. Strict control is operated by the FDA for this purpose.
The evolution of the Winstrol product can be seen even in the animal kingdom. Veterinarians use this product to increase the number of red blood cells in animals. Winstrol is also used to stimulate the appetite in animals. It also helps to stimulate the growth of their muscles.
Winstrol in Bodybuilding
The effects of Winstrol on body sculpting are no longer to be proven. To benefit from all the positive effects of this product, oral winstrol is the one you should prefer. It produces amazing results because the body reacts faster to the capsules.
Once in your system, each Winstrol tablet has the role of promoting oxygenation of the body. Winstrol pills facilitate water retention and avoid problems like a bloated body. 
One of the advantages of Winstrol is that it allows to quickly develop the lean mass of the body. Simply put, the consumption of this anabolic stimulates mass gain and not weight gain. 
In addition to contributing to muscle gain, it is also a product that has androgenic effects. This is one of the reasons why Winstrol is classified as one of the best doping products in the world. It supports the development of quality and durable muscles.
All athletes fear the same thing, namely muscle catabolism. As opposed to anabolism, catabolism is a phase that frequently occurs in the lives of bodybuilders and consists of losing muscle. 
To prevent the body from entering this phase, Winstrol tablets have anabolic effects that have the ability to better boost metabolism. The truth is that Winstrol strengthens the bones and effectively fights against recurrent problems of bone fragility.
Winstrol Dosage and Cycle
Like all drugs, the consumption of Winstrol is subject to clear and precise regulations. Beyond the required standard, you are exposing your body to unnecessary damage.
First of all, it should be understood that Winstrol is a very strong product for women. For the latter, the formula is completely inadvisable, even if some women do not hesitate to consume it at their own risk. As far as men are concerned, the ideal recommended dose is 25 to 35 mg of Winstrol per day for dryness.
For an action against mass gain, you should opt for a dose of 100 mg per day. If, on the other hand, you use this product to gain strength, the ideal dose is 75 mg per day. In view of the composition of the drug, a higher dosage than those mentioned would have serious consequences for your health.
The different ways of administering this product vary depending on the form in which it is consumed. You should therefore find out the right way to consume Winstrol in injectable or aqueous solution. As for the tablet form, you should take it three times a day, in the morning, at noon, and in the evening.
To work effectively, you do not need to consume Winstrol indefinitely. Ideally, you should take this product for a maximum of 6 to 8 weeks. During this period, it is good to observe breaks after one or two weeks, for example. 
This allows the body to better assimilate the product. The respect of the pause between each catch also makes it possible to facilitate the stage of absorption.
To consume this product, some athletes decide to mix it with other anabolic steroids. Most of the time, clenbuterol goes well with Winstrol during a bodybuilding process. 
Others also decide to use sustanon and primobolan or boldenone for mass gain. With Winstrol, it is strictly recommended to use another steroid by mouth. This can cause liver problems.
Advantages of Winstrol steroid
Winstrol before and after on the body are multifaceted. First and foremost, this compound effectively associates with the androgen receptor, making it less likely to cause gynecomastia, the excessive development of the mammary glands in men. 
In addition, Winstrol inhibits the activity of sex hormone globulin and maintains testosterone levels at their optimal level. This dual action maintains the anabolic state while improving the synthesis of collagen and other proteins. 
This is how Winstrol strengthens muscle and bone tissue and stimulates muscle development despite a low-calorie diet.
Some studies have also shown that Winstrol may have an important role in the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to muscle tissue. Muscles that receive enough oxygen are able to grow, while physical performance is continuously improved.
In addition, oxygen, like glucose, contributes to physical strengthening by providing the necessary energy. We are talking about cellular respiration, which makes it possible to provide efforts for only light or moderate training.
However, as the pressure on the muscles increases, the lungs can no longer keep up. So, instead of relying on aerobic respiration, the muscles switch to anaerobic (providing energy without oxygen), but this state does not last. 
In fact, anaerobic activity leads to the formation of lactic acid, resulting in fatigue, muscle soreness, and nausea that will force the athlete to recover.
Winstrol is favorable for both the production of red blood cells and the supply of oxygen, it allows to intensify and prolong physical activities without risk of fatigue or injury. 
It thus increases the endurance and the power of the sportsman without creating an excess of mass, which will be appropriate, particularly for athletes of endurance.
Another particularity of Winstrol is that its androgenic level is much lower compared to other anabolic agents. 
One might think that it presents a lower risk of female virilization, but one must keep in mind that androgenic effects are always irreversible. 
The androgenic level of Winstrol is 30, which is still a reason for women to be very careful when taking this drug. In any case, women should turn to non-steroidal alternatives to avoid any androgenic effects.
Where to buy Winstrol ?
Winstrol for sale online is a very popular product among bodybuilding enthusiasts. If like many steroids, it was initially intended for veterinary use and also to treat certain health problems such as anemia and edema, the product does much better.
Thanks to its anabolic properties, it would stimulate the production of red blood cells, which are essential for boosting the physical performance of athletes. Winstrol is for men and women who want to have more energy, more muscles, and who want to lose weight.
The effects of Winstrol depend on the way the product is consumed by the user. Orally, the effects will be more visible, especially in tablet form as the body will tend to be very reactive to stanozolol and the effects will be observable quickly. 
Athletes prefer to take it in injection form, which increases the oxygenation factor of the body with stimulation of the production of red blood cells. There is also an anabolic effect via protein synthesis, which allows for muscle gain.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
Reviews on taking Anavar with other steroids
In their quest for muscle mass or weight loss, many bodybuilders, athletes or simple sportsmen turn to anabolic steroids. 
Anabolic steroids come in all forms, and each steroid has its own characteristics, as well as its own advantages and disadvantages. In the anabolic steroid market, one product that keeps getting talked about is Anavar.
Oxandrolone, the active ingredient of Anavar, was created in the American laboratory Searle, which, by the way, became a subsidiary of Pfizer. 
The name Anavar was then chosen in 1964 to bring the formula to the market, particularly for pathologies such as osteoporosis, hepatitis, anemia, angioedema and weight loss due to the AIDS virus.
Anavar has quickly become a leading drug because of its positive effect on patients who have lost weight after infection or surgery. The same is true for its quality as a growth hormone, which has helped to promote the development of physiques by contributing to the balance of hormone production.
However, the long-term side effects of Anavar are too great for the human body to still be used. 
How does it work?
Following the light shed by these clinical trials on your drug, Anavar has resurfaced with a vengeance. Oxandrolone is very popular among bodybuilders in dry doping. 
A large majority of bodybuilders have become followers of this anabolic steroid for a very justified cause. Indeed, your doping product is much more effective and powerful than the testosterone that your body produces naturally.
According to experts, the anabolic effects of this drug are 3 to 6 times stronger than endogenous testosterone. We are talking about the testosterone that the body synthesizes naturally. 
Highly consumed by bodybuilders and any other activity requiring strength, Anavar is very beneficial when it comes to increasing mass. Thanks to its anabolic capacity and its very considerable androgenic faculty, this product remains a better alternative for the reinforcement of the muscles.
Cycle of Anavar steroid
Before shedding light on Anavar dosage, it should be noted that this doping product is available in injection or capsule form. Depending on the method of consumption chosen, the results can be varied. 
However, during medical treatment, it is generally advised to take doses of 10 mg maximum daily. This dose is also prescribed according to the case. However, to complete a cycle of Anavar, you need to at least double this medical dose at the beginning.
Very often, the practitioners adopting doping with this molecule begin a cure of Oxandrolone to 20 mg to increase little by little until 50 mg. The cycle of Anavar that exceeds the 80 mg mark causes very severe side effects and weakens its action on muscle gain. 
This is a pity, yet there are practitioners who reach 100 mg of Anavar per day. For best results, you should take this steroid for 6 to 8 weeks and take a break of at least 10 days before starting a new treatment.
Anavar with other steroids
For best results, Anavar can be combined with other doping products. Below are some examples of Anavar Stack.
Anavar and Winstrol Cycle
One of the most common questions regarding Anavar cycles is whether or not an Anavar and Winstrol cycle is possible. 
At first glance, most people always advise against using two methylated oral steroids together; however, if you do it sensibly and carefully, using two oral steroids should have no more impact on your liver than using one compound. 
In the Anavar Winstrol cycle, you should reduce the dose of each by half. For example, if your usual dose of Anavar is 60 mg and your usual dose of Winstrol is 50 mg, you should take 30 mg of the former and 25-30 mg of the latter.
A typical Anavar Winstrol cycle for men takes eight weeks might look like the chart below. Women need to be much more conservative in their dosage. 
It is advisable to take only about a quarter (1/4 = 25%) of the suggested dosage for men. Be sure to read all the dosage factors if you are a beginner.
Anavar and Deca Durabolin cycle
Oxandrolone and Nandrolone are pretty much at opposite ends of the spectrum. The former is used to cut, recompense and get lean, while the latter is generally used to gain volume and mass. 
For this reason, it is unlikely that you would want to use them together. Sure, you could combine them to gain strength, but since Deca is clearly mid-level as far as strength is concerned (there are much better alternatives), we do not recommend combining Anavar and Deca Durabolin.
Anavar and Dianabol Cycle
Just like Anavar and Deca, Anavar and Dianabol is a bit of an odd combination and very few people use it. However, that doesn't mean it can't be used. 
Although the former is a reduction/recompensation compound and the latter is a mass-increasing compound, they are both potent when it comes to strength, so if you don't get along well with other potent strength-inducing drugs, such as Anadrol, Trenbolone or Halostestin, you can certainly pair Var with Dbol.
This combination is probably not a good idea for recompensing and improving your aesthetics, thanks to Methandrostenolone's distinct ability to induce water retention, but there's no reason why they couldn't be used simultaneously for fattening. 
It might not be the most successful drug in the world, but you would gain weight, add muscle, and certainly get stronger!
Since Dianabol aromatizes to estrogen, Testosterone is not 100% necessary, so pairing it with something like Masteron or even Winstrol would make a great six-week cycle of strength and recomping.
Before and after using Anavar
The success of the anabolic steroid among bodybuilders is in fact explained by the many actions it exerts on the musculature on several levels.
 First and foremost, the retention of nitrogen allows the cells to better produce proteins, components that are well known to develop muscle mass more quickly and to preserve the muscles from catabolism (or muscle wasting). 
Very popular for stacking (fat loss), Anavar increases free testosterone levels to boost the effectiveness of other steroids, such as Dianabol or Clenbuterol.
It should also be noted that Anavar inhibits the action of glucocorticoid hormones, which appear to be responsible for fat gain and muscle tissue inhibition. It can be safely described as a fat burner and appetite suppressant, which is particularly suitable for bodybuilders in the drying phase.
Although this use is very controversial in the scientific community, some athletes and bodybuilders use and advocate the use of Anavar for muscle building and rapid muscle gain. Indeed, Anavar could help to:
Promote muscle gain
Reduce recovery time
Improve sports performance
Provide energy gain
Promote dryness and fight against muscle loss.
Side effects of Anavar
This means that even the most powerful steroids do not have only beneficial effects on the human body. And if doping substances are banned in France, it is mainly because they have significant side effects. 
It would be wrong to think that Anavar has a fairly high tolerability rate and that with the right doses, its consumption should not present any risk.
Certainly, Oxandrolone has a definite advantage: it does not generally cause gynecomastia, water retention or high blood pressure. But the bad news is that on the androgenic side, the risk is there. 
Men taking Anavar often lose their hair (especially for men prone to baldness). The same is true for skin disorders and the risk of virilization, which is very disabling for women.
But what should worry most is the action of Anavar on the level of bad cholesterol. Indeed, it has been proven that this substance can decrease good cholesterol and increase up to 30% the level of bad cholesterol. It is therefore best to avoid this anabolic steroid for people with a history of or predisposition to cholesterol problems.
Anavar is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in the world of bodybuilding. It is actually widely used in doping for bodybuilders' lean cases due to its similar or even more interesting action than testosterone.
Many bodybuilders divert the primary use and use it willingly for its anabolic effects, as well as anadrol or nandrolone.  It is also the androgenic anabolic steroid most used by female bodybuilders due to its low androgen content. So you can buy Anavar online if you are considering taking a step into the world of bodybuilding.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
The benefits of Anavar steroids in bodybuilding
You want to optimize your performance without losing muscle mass. Anavar is a product that can help you achieve this goal. It is a doping drug that is not legal to use. 
That is why it is often recommended that anyone who wants to take it learn about its effects, usage and where to buy it. This steroid offers several benefits, but it is also important to consider certain aspects before consuming it.
Anavar is the commercial name for Oxandrolone, a steroid developed in 1964. Very popular with athletes and bodybuilders, it is an anabolic product that increases muscle mass.
On the market, this anabolic steroid comes in many forms with different generic names. As you can see, some brands prefer to use the word "oxandrolone" to describe it. In any case, it is always Anavar, whose properties are almost similar.
Anavar was originally designed to treat osteoporosis in women and muscle wasting in children. At that time, its composition was its advantage. Very low in androgens, it has few side effects.
Currently, it still maintains its reputation as a mild steroid. Therefore, its use is very well tolerated even in women.
How does Anavar work on your body?
Its main ingredient is oxandrolone. As for its other components, you will find:
Lactose ;
Magnesium stearate;
Of the cornstarch.
Let's just go back to oxandrolone. It is an oral steroid that has been modified to help it enter the bloodstream. Without this process, it is also quickly destroyed by the liver upon entering the body.
You can find anavar for sale online in different shops. The main advantage of using it is that it is a non-aromatase steroid that does not convert testosterone into estrogen, so people cannot face serious side effects like gynecomastia, water or fluid retention or bloating.
Moreover, women can use this steroid with a lower dose without worrying about virilization effects. It is an effective compound that helps you to burn excess body fat quickly and is also useful for losing body fat. 
It is an effective steroid for gaining more strength and energy, and endurance levels, which enables you to do more intense workouts. It improves the rate of metabolism, which promotes rapid fat burning.
It also stimulates protein synthesis, which preserves the growth of your lean muscle mass during a weight loss or low-calorie diet cycle. It improves overall performance with great speed.
Anavar cycle and dosage
The prescribed doses for medical treatment are between 10 mg and 20 mg per day, depending on the case. To start an Anavar cycle, you must at least double the starting dose. Most athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs start their Anavar cycles at 20 mg and gradually increase their intake to 50 mg.
After taking 80 mg of Anavar, the side effects are much more detrimental to health. In addition, the product's ability to help build muscle gradually diminishes, resulting in only a few undesirable changes. However, many people who use steroids take doses of up to 100 mg per day. 
The duration of a cycle of oxandrolone, or Anavar, is generally between 6 and 8 weeks. A break of at least 10 days is strongly recommended before starting another cycle of Anavar.
When stacking Anavar, you need to plan your schedule well. So for both men and women, 6-8 weeks of use will be a good rule of thumb, with 6 weeks of use being the standard maximum recommended for most women.
Increasing the total duration can be considered, but in most cases, it is recommended to take a break before starting a new cycle.
Many men find it best to then switch to another anabolic steroid, while women can take a break from the hormone Oxandrolone for 3-4 weeks and then start a new 6-week cycle of Anavar.
Anavar Benefits
Anavar is a very private anabolic steroid in the bodybuilding world. Many practitioners still allow themselves to use Oxandrolone to dope themselves during their muscle-building sessions. Indeed, this product offers several advantages with regard to bodybuilding exercises.
As an oral steroid, Anavar passes directly into the bloodstream, where it produces its main effects on the body:
- Anavar benefits is to improve muscle and athletic performance, as it stimulates the body to carry more oxygen into the muscles. Its action thus increases the number of red blood cells which helps to gain more output than usual.
- This oral steroid is able to retain nitrogen molecules in the muscle fibers, which prevents muscle wasting. Its use is therefore interesting:
To maintain muscle mass after training;
To reinforce the effectiveness of certain food supplements. On this point, it is for example able to boost the effect of other steroids by increasing the level of free testosterone.
In both cases, just remember that Anavar helps recovery after intense physical activities.
- Anavar is an ally in dry periods, as it is able to burn bad fats. Its metabolism-increasing effect effectively mobilizes the fatty acids in the adipose tissue. 
In addition, its fat-burning action is increased tenfold thanks to its ability to reduce the stress hormone, glucocorticoid. This time, it prevents the appearance of fat caused by these hormones.
Anavar is an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) which is also known as Oxandrolone. This product is specifically used in bodybuilding doping and is a synthetic derivative of testosterone. 
This steroid has often been considered as a product with low toxicity and not dangerous for the body. Anavar can only be consumed under medical recommendations.
Basically, the muscle you gain in bodybuilding is the result of the total volume of loads you perform. That said, as you carry more loads in your bodybuilding sessions, the more muscle you gain. That's exactly what Oxandrolone does for you, it helps you increase your training volume to optimize your mass gain.
Women are the great consumers of Anavar thanks to its low level of androgen. They are less likely to develop male attributes, such as:
Increased hair growth;
A deeper voice
Its effects remain moderate in women, provided that they respect the recommended dosage. This one must remain lower than 20 mg per day. Apart from women, athletes and sportsmen also appreciate Anavar because of its capacity to increase their level of performance, without losing muscle mass. If you are unsure, contact bodybuilding experts if you have any doubts or questions about the Anavar cycle.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
How to get better results with Anavar stack?
Definition of Anavar
Anavar is one of the most popular anabolic steroids in the world, used by many celebrities, athletes and professional bodybuilders. It is a very powerful oral steroid, which can be used by both men and women.
Anavar steroid is a drug derived from testosterone, but it is much milder than other anabolic steroids such as Dianabol or Winstrol. This means that it is less likely to cause unwanted side effects, such as fluid retention, high blood pressure or aggression.
Anavar in Bodybuilding
Obesity or fatigue is a common and unwanted side effect that most people face. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 41.9% of people face obesity in the United States. This number has risen sharply from 4.7 percent to 9.2 percent. This is driving individuals to seek out different compounds for weight loss.
One of them is Anavar. It is one of the most effective steroidal fat burners that help people reduce unwanted body fat and improve their overall athletic performance. The original use of Anavar was to treat various medical conditions, but today it is very popular as a performance-enhancing drug.
Knowing the best Anavar compound for fat loss does not mean that you can take it randomly. Without any precautions and expert advice, it can be dangerous. It is necessary to understand all the details of Anavar steroid before using it.
Information about Anavar cycle
The prescribed doses for medical treatment are between 10 mg and 20 mg per day, depending on the case. To start an anavar cycle, you must at least double the starting dose. Most athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs start their Anavar cycles at 20 mg and gradually increase their intake to 50 mg.
After taking 80 mg of Anavar, the side effects are much more detrimental to health. In addition, the product's ability to help build muscle gradually diminishes, resulting in only a few undesirable changes. However, many people who use steroids take doses of up to 100 mg per day. 
The duration of a cycle of oxandrolone, or Anavar, is generally between 6 and 8 weeks. A break of at least 10 days is strongly recommended before starting another cycle of Anavar.
When stacking Anavar, you need to plan your schedule well. So for both men and women, 6-8 weeks of use will be a good rule of thumb, with 6 weeks of use being the standard maximum recommended for most women.
Increasing the total duration can be considered, but in most cases, it is recommended to take a break before starting a new cycle.
Many men find it best to then switch to another anabolic steroid, while women can take a break from the hormone Oxandrolone for 3-4 weeks and then start a new 6-week cycle of Anavar.
Anavar Stack
A stack is an accumulation of products (often anabolic steroids) during a cycle. Anavar stacks will be very different depending on the gender of the individual, but regardless of the goal of the cycle (mass gain or lean) the different stacks will not fundamentally change. 
The hormone Oxandrolone is generally not recommended for men during a mass gain cycle but can be used in a stack with other products, and in most cases, this will prove ineffective.
For the male anabolic steroid user, the hormone Oxandrolone will primarily be used during periods of cutting (dry), the times when body fat reduction is the main concern. For the strong majority, it is recommended to use some form of exogenous testosterone.
Those who are going to add Anavar to testosterone during a weight loss cycle have many other options, other anabolic steroids that stack up well during this period, including for example Trenbolone, Equipoise, Winstrol, Masteron and Primobolan.
For the female athlete, adding Anavar can be very beneficial at any time and for any cycle, whether gaining mass or leaning.
In many cases, and perhaps even in the majority of cases, it will be the only anabolic steroid needed during the cycle, although other hormones and performance boosters can be combined with Anavar.
For the first use of this steroid in a woman, it is generally recommended that the hormone Oxandrolone be used alone, to better assess the body's reaction and ensure that you are tolerating this product well.
For female athletes who choose anavar stack with other anabolic steroids to enhance performance, Oxandrolone will pair well with Primobolan, Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Cytomel, HGH (Growth Hormones), Nolvadex
Advantages to taking Anavar steroid
You can buy anavar because the main advantage of using it is that it is a non-aromatase steroid that does not convert testosterone into estrogen, so people cannot face serious side effects like gynecomastia, water or fluid retention or bloating.
Moreover, women can use this steroid with a lower dose without worrying about virilization effects. It is an effective compound that helps you to burn excess body fat quickly and is also useful for losing body fat. 
It is an effective steroid for gaining more strength and energy, and endurance levels, which enable you to do more intense workouts. It improves the rate of metabolism, which promotes rapid fat burning.
It also stimulates protein synthesis which preserves the growth of your lean muscle mass during a weight loss or low calorie diet cycle. It improves overall performance with great speed.
Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid, but it has powerful effects on the fat-burning process. It is essential to use it properly because random and high doses of Anavar are not good for your health. 
It can be used either for fattening or for weight loss. However, it is very popular for weight loss cycles rather than for growth because it has strong androgenic effects.
A moderate, low dose of Anavar in a solo cycle is not necessary to perform post-cycle therapy. However, a high dose of Anavar and a stack cycle can affect testosterone production, so people should undergo MDT after a stack cycle with a high dose of Anavar. If you are unsure, contact bodybuilding experts if you have any doubts or questions about the Anavar cycle.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
All about the Boldenone steroid cycle
Boldenone Summary
Boldenone is a member of the anabolic steroid family, intended primarily for the veterinary market to improve the performance of horses. It was quickly brought into the bodybuilding world for its effects on strength and muscle mass gain.
Boldenone for Bodybuilding is a moderate androgenic anabolic steroid compared to its competitors like Nandrolone or Dianabol. Boldenone Undecylenate is its main active ingredient. It is a synthetic steroid that mimics the action of natural testosterone. Its effect is much more subtle than other forms of steroids. 
It remains in the body for a long time, so it is still possible to detect it after 5 months of taking it. It is not recognized as exogenous testosterone at low doses and therefore has fewer androgenic effects. Boldenone acts directly on the blood system by increasing hematopoiesis (production of red blood cells).
It has been used primarily for veterinary purposes to increase the physical appearance and performance of horses. But, thanks to its exceptional results, the bodybuilding world quickly seized on it to improve the muscle mass of athletes and their physical and sporting performance. Following several undesirable effects, it became illegal to use it.
Posology of Boldenone
Boldenone is an injectable solution that is administered intramuscularly, especially in the buttocks, arms, or thighs. However, it is important to avoid injecting it into the same area, to prevent the formation of an oily abscess. If possible, the injection points should be changed regularly. 
Boldenone works by increasing the level of testosterone in the body. It improves the process of protein synthesis in the body and promotes muscle gain. The metabolic rate is also increased, which is responsible for fat melting. 
Boldenone promotes faster muscle growth by increasing testosterone levels in the body. Protein levels in the body are also stimulated. All of this contributes to faster muscle gain.
Boldenone is taken for at least 10 weeks. Because of its relatively long undecylenate ester, boldenone is required with more extended use. The average dose for men is 400 mg to 1000 mg per week, but generally, the 500-600 mg dose is maintained.
On the other hand, Buy Boldenone for women is becoming increasingly popular, as the risk of masculinization is virtually zero. The recommended dose is 50-100 mg per week for women. Of course, the dosage varies according to the individual, and his physical and general health conditions.
Benefits of Boldenone
Boldenone is particularly known for its remarkable effects on physical appearance. Here are the main properties of this steroid:
Strong protein synthesis: its anabolic action similar to Anavar allows for the secretion of much more testosterone and therefore promotes protein synthesis. As a result, muscle mass gain is more consistent.
Increased physical energy: Boldenone increases insulin secretion. This increases the consumption of carbohydrates, amino acids, and minerals to increase the overall energy level. As a result, you have more appetite because more calories are needed to meet energy requirements.
Increased physical strength: Since Boldenone steroid is both anabolic and androgenic, it greatly increases physical strength as well as sports performance.
Prevents loss of muscle mass: its anti-catabolic action helps prevent muscle wasting during the dry period.
Better oxygenation of blood vessels: blood circulation is optimized thanks to its vasodilator action. Thus, the consumer has better oxygenation and thus, better endurance during the sessions.
Post-cycle therapy or PCT is an essential process that every athlete must go through after the end of the cycle. The goal of all PCT is to bring the body back to its normal state so that it can start producing testosterone naturally again.
Possible Side effects
Because the use of boldenone is illegal, it is important to take all necessary precautions before taking it. There are always side effects after taking steroids. These effects can range from mild to severe, depending on your body, lifestyle and several other parameters.
The steroid Boldenone carries many health risks across several aspects. Being a direct derivative of testosterone, an overdose of Boldenone can significantly disrupt the hormonal aspect of the individual.
The following side effects can be mentioned:
Hormonal deficiencies,
Decreased or increased libido,
Erectile dysfunction,
Ejaculation problems,
Gynecomastia: development of the chest in men,
Fertility problems in men and women,
Virilization: deeper voice, menstrual cycle disturbance, and hair growth in women,
Testicular atrophy,
Disruption of testosterone secretion,
Renal and hepatic lesions,
Hepatotoxicity: liver toxicity,
Cardiac problems: Boldenone can increase the risk of thickening of arterial walls. A phenomenon that increases the risk of heart disease.
High blood pressure: excessive use of Boldenone can lead to an increase in blood pressure and thus promote cardiovascular disease.
You may see results with Boldenone in the first eight weeks, and they will continue to improve in the following weeks. It is not safe to take Boldenone continuously. You should limit the use of this medication to a maximum cycle of twenty weeks. 
Boldenone is also used to achieve quality lean mass and increase muscle strength and endurance, although the results are quite slow when compared to other products. It can be used alone or layered with other anabolic steroids. 
Recovery is also improved with the use of Boldenone, especially in cases of joint pain. In a reduction cycle, Boldenone works very well to protect lean muscle mass. As this occurs during cutting, calories are lean muscle tissue that can disappear to support the energy the body needs. 
Using Equipoise during a reduction cycle will prevent this and add some conditioning effects to the physique. Experienced steroid users use Boldenone at the end of their cutting cycle because of the possibility of estrogenic activity. 
The amount of muscle mass that can be gained with Boldenone varies from person to person. This is not a constant for everyone, as each individual responds differently to this drug and the results will also be determined by many factors such as the dosage you take, the type of diet you follow, and the aggressiveness of your training program.  When you want to find Boldenone for Sale USA, you need to make sure that you take a good and reputable brand that has proven its quality for years to get better results.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
What do you need to know about Dianabol in bodybuilding?
A very popular doping product, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid widely used in the body-building world. Also known as D-bol, Danabol or Methandrostenolone, it is strictly forbidden for consumption and resale in most countries.
Despite its prohibition and health hazards, many bodybuilders use this product to gain muscle mass and strength faster. The results are certainly incredible, but not without consequences.
Dianabol pills (or methandrostenolone) is the grandfather of doping in modern bodybuilding. Many famous celebrities admit to having used this product during their bodybuilding career in the 60s and 70s, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, who explained that his performance on the weight bench was closely linked to dianabol.
The creation of this steroid dates back to the late 50s. Moreover, it is still used in bodybuilding. John Ziegler, an American doctor, created and developed Dianabol in 1958 in Basel at the Ciba laboratory (now part of the huge Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis).
Originally developed to treat certain diseases, the Americans did not hesitate to use methandienone at the Olympic Games to boost the performance of their team in order to compete against the Russians, who also used anabolic steroids. The Cold War even existed in bodybuilding!
Why is Dianabol used in Bodybuilding?
The scientific community has repeatedly pointed to the negative effects of Dianabol on the body. In addition to harmful effects on the liver, the "miracle" steroid is said to significantly increase blood pressure. 
To clarify all this, scientists have conducted a study on a population of athletes, with the aim of finding a dosage to limit the side effects.
Conducted in the 1980s, the study consisted of administering 100 mg of Dianabol daily to athletes. Of course, this dosage allowed the athletes to maximize their gains in muscle mass, knowing that they would have gained up to 7 kg of muscle, without increasing their fat mass. 
However, the study did not only show the positive effects of the steroid: there were also adverse effects on natural testosterone production and plasma GH levels.
Dianabol is a very common doping product in the world of body-building that is mostly taken orally. There is an Dianabol injection, but it is more difficult to obtain.
It is an anabolic steroid, a class of steroid hormones connected to testosterone.
Like all anabolic steroids, it will provide two effects once consumed:
An androgenic effect: that is, it will exacerbate male traits and characteristics;
An anabolic effect that promotes muscle anabolism for better muscle mass development.
Advantages of Dianabol steroid
You want to make a weight gain intensive? Are you looking for a supplement to maintain your earnings, between two cycles? Then a Dianabol cure is for you. Indeed, Dianabol will provide you with rapid and significant growth in your muscle mass.
The Dianabol cure is very popular among bodybuilders. And this is not surprising because this product allows acquiring muscles in a short time. The effects of the cure are as follows:
A significant muscle growth: this effect is primarily due to the nitrogen. Dianabol promotes the retention of this element which is necessary for the development and renewal of muscles. By retaining it in the body, the product allows a faster and more important muscle growth.
Protein synthesis and nutrients: Dianabol has above all an anabolic effect. And this is somehow related to its ability to stimulate the production of insulin by the body. For information, it is a functional protein that is involved in the muscle building process. Insulin pushes the muscle cells to feed themselves by provoking their opening. Otherwise, this element is also involved in protein synthesis.
An important weight loss: Dianabol also causes what is called "hydrosodic retention phenomenon". At the end of the treatment, the athlete loses weight.
Finally, it is good to know that Dianabol is often used alone. However, it also happens that some athletes stack it with other products, which can improve the effect or target certain specific points.
Dianabol Cycle Information and Dosage
Dianabol is mainly presented in the form of pills to be taken orally and the cycles vary from one practitioner to another. It all depends on the level. Dosages vary from 20mg per day to 80mg maximum depending on the level. The Dianabol cycle fluctuate between 4 and 8 weeks maximum.
Some will spread the dosage over the day in two or three doses while others will take the daily amount in one dose 30 minutes before their workout.
If you consume the maximum amount of Dianabol (i.e. 80mg per day), your cycle should not exceed 6 weeks. It is also important to take a break between cycles. This break must be equal to the duration of the cycle (at least). 
Indeed, in addition to being dangerous for the health of the liver and the heart, Dianabol disrupts the hormonal system. It will then be more difficult to have a normal and natural secretion of testosterone.
For example, a beginner can take 10 mg per day: Either 10mg 30 minutes before the beginning of the workout or 5 mg in the morning to 5 mg at the end of the day.
For the intermediate profiles, generally the doses gravitate around 30 to 40 mg per day in one intake up to three intakes.
As for the confirmed bodybuilders, they will take doses up to 80 mg per day over a period of six weeks maximum.
Dianabol is often used as a "kick start" on a course of treatment before switching to other steroids. That is to say that it is used just at the beginning of a cycle to boost its power before switching to another product. In fact many bodybuilders combine DBOL with other products.
Where to buy Dianabol ?
Behind Dianabol, we find the active ingredient methandrostenolone, a powerful anabolic that has the particularity of being very weakly bound to the protein associated with serum. 
The compound therefore boosts protein synthesis to promote the production of new cells, which will then be used for muscle building. You can find Dianabol for sale online.
To explain the worldwide success of Dianabol, it is important to know that most injectable steroids only release their active ingredients after the second or third week of the treatment cycle. With the famous Dianabol, the results will be visible from the first three days of treatment.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
What to expect from a Winstrol cycle?
 Anabolic steroids can be classified as performance-enhancing substances that greatly facilitate the development of body strength, muscle mass and endurance without bringing a sense of fatigue and restlessness. 
These are just a few of the countless benefits associated with steroid use. In the world of anabolic steroids, you can find an endless choice of steroids, but choosing the right and best one can be a difficult task in the absence of knowledge.
Stanozolol is one of the most popular molecules among athletes of all kinds. Its popularity is so great that it has several little names that fit it perfectly. "Win", "Winny", "Winstrol" and many other variations are used to refer to this anabolic steroid AA17.
Available in oral or injectable form, Winstrol inevitably makes the list of best steroids. This is because this product generates exemplary performance and is very effective when it comes to promoting improvements in muscle hardness and strength.
The fact that taking Winstrol does not expose users to steroid side effects, which are common with most anabolic drugs, allows for the best benefits to be gained with confidence.
This derivative of testosterone, the male sex hormone, effectively stimulates the production of stromelysin, prostaglandin E2, and matrix metalloproteinases collegenase to promote a robust muscle building process. 
The recommended dose of this anabolic, available in oral and injectable forms, is 10-100 mg (milligrams) per day which can be taken with or without meals. Winstrol is usually used with other anabolics such as Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan, testosterone propionate, Dianabol, Trenbolone or Clenbuterol.
Winstrol Dosage and Cycle information
Being originally a drug, Winstrol (Stanozolol) was mainly intended for patients with severe pathologies such as anemia, osteoporosis or dwarfism. The strict prohibition of its sale and marketing therefore restricted its users.
In the 90s, the famous sprinter Ben Johnson tested positive for Winstrol and was suspended by the athletics federation. It is in these years that its consumption spreads to the detriment of the health of the sportsmen.
Today, some bodybuilders who are in favor of doping products consume this type of steroid with the objective of getting all the benefits at the expense of their health. Its popularity has greatly increased
There are generally more dopers who take Winstrol orally than by injection. The information is not fixed, so it should be taken with caution.
Typically, Winstrol cycle last 6-8 weeks and doses can range from 25 mg/d to 50 mg/d. They can be taken every other day.
For example, 100 mg every other day. It would appear that for stanozolol injection use, the dosage is between 100 mg and 300 mg.
Beyond 8 weeks of cycle, it is much more dangerous for health. On the other hand, under 6 weeks, the effects will be less visible.
To potentiate the effects of a Winstrol cure, bodybuilders who dop themselves can combine or stack their cycle with Clenbuterol or Deca-Durabolin for dryness and Anavar for strength.
Benefits of taking Winstrol
You are in a period of dryness, you want to draw your muscles and develop a dry and powerful body, Winstrol for sale can help you to obtain these results.
Muscle Generator, as an anabolic steroid, winny builds muscle mass. The advantage of this product lies in its ratio of anabolic effects (improved muscle development) to androgenic effects. 
Indeed, the anabolic part of the product is clearly superior to the androgenic effects. For a significant muscle gain, this product is among the "best" in doping.
Help for weight loss: a fat burner, one of the main reasons why Winstrol is used in doping among bodybuilders remains in its fat burning action. It is a real asset for people who seek to define their muscles, especially during the dry period. A body with striated muscles is possible with the help of stanozolol.
An anti-catabolic, muscle catabolism is a scourge that bodybuilders seek to avoid... in some cases, at all costs. Catabolism is antagonistic to anabolism: it is the phase where you lose muscle. 
It can also be called muscle wasting and it occurs particularly during a dry period. The anabolic effects of Winstrol are so powerful that they stimulate the metabolism to avoid catabolism.
Increased muscle power and endurance, by stimulating the production of red blood cells, Winstrol improves the oxygenation of your muscles. This increases your endurance, recovery and strength. With an oxygenated body, you'll be able to do much more intense workouts and build even more muscle.
Bone strengthening, some performance-enhancing drugs have the disadvantage of not strengthening your bones, even though they increase your strength. This can be a danger. 
Winstrol, previously used as an adjunct treatment for osteoporosis, is a protection for your bones. Bodybuilding can make your bones weak. That is why it is important to take care of your bones as well.
Possible side effects
Although the benefits seem attractive to bodybuilders, steroids are not without risk. Adverse effects can occur:
Skin problems can occur ranging from oily skin to acne.
Virilization of women using this steroid
Fertility problems in women and men.
Breast growth in men.
Winstrol can cause anger or violence.
Sleep disturbances can occur including insomnia, nighttime awakenings and less restful sleep.
Nausea, vomiting, headaches,
Heart problems
Liver toxicity which is generally called hepatotoxicity.
Reduction of testosterone
Joint problems
In its oral form, Winstrol is of greater interest because it provides more results. This is because the product has a high bioavailability when taken in tablet form. The body will then react more quickly to stanozolol and will be able to benefit from all its effects. 
This is why it is preferred over the injection version. Once consumed, Winstrol increases oxygenation of the body by stimulating the production of red blood cells. 
Unlike other anabolic androgenic steroids, this substance does not promote water retention in the body. 
This avoids the appearance of a bloated body. In continuation, Winstrol is, also and especially, used in bodybuilding, because it acts as a burner of stubborn fat that is sometimes difficult to eliminate simply with nutrition and sport. 
Winstrol also improves protein synthesis for a quality anabolic effect (which promotes muscle development).
The use of doping products in bodybuilding or any other sport remains a danger that must be taken into consideration to avoid falling into a deleterious cycle. Buy Winstrol on trusted sites to get quality products and avoid possible side effects.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
How to use Testosterone Cypionate for Muscle mass gain?
What is testosterone cypionate?
Testosterone cypionate is an injectable solution inserted into the muscle. It is used to treat the symptoms of hypogonadism in men. Testosterone cypionate is also used by bodybuilders and professional athletes. 
In this case, the man does not produce enough testosterone, the sex hormone. According to this study, they conducted various clinical trials on testosterone cypionate
This is a synthetic variation of naturally produced testosterone. Testosterone for muscle mass is a hormone that is responsible for many physical and psychological characteristics in men. 
It promotes fat loss, maintains lean muscle mass, increases bone density and libido. It also protects you from heart disease. All these characteristics will be the same whether you use testosterone or testosterone cypionate.
Testosterone cypionate is one of the well-known ester variants of testosterone. It is available as an injectable solution. It is the most popular variant after testosterone enanthate. 
These two products are very similar, but their active periods/half-life are different from each other. It is a depot product that is released slowly into your bloodstream after being injected. 
All variants of testosterone result in significant muscle mass gain and improve your strength.
How to take Test C ?
When you take testosterone cypionate, it stops the natural production of testosterone levels. 
Therefore, it is essential to perform post-cycle therapy using various supplements like Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG. This will help you to stimulate the natural production of testosterone.
Testosterone cypionate converts estrogen, which causes gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men). But you can overcome these side effects by using different supplements like Nolvadex and Proviron. 
Testosterone cypionate can be taken in a solo cycle, but it is even more effective when you combine it with other steroids when stacking. 
You can consume it with other steroids like Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, Primobolan and Boldenone to build muscle mass and improve body strength.
Testosterone Cypionate Posology
If you are looking for testosterone cypionate for sale, you should know that testosterone cypionate is only available in the form of injections. In medical scenarios, the prescribed dose is administered between once a week and once every four weeks. 
However, the dosage varies in case of bodybuilding, muscle mass gain and for cutting needs. It is advisable to cycle testosterone cypionate to avoid developing dependency and tolerance to this drug. 
When looking for testosterone cypionate injection for sale and buying testosterone cypionate online, make sure to pay attention to the concentration of the drug whether it is 200mg, 300mg or 400mg.
The recommended cycle of testosterone cypionate for bodybuilding is 400 mg to 500 mg for up to twelve weeks. Look for the right concentrations when looking to buy testosterone cypionate. 
This supplement is taken three times a week. You can increase the dosage up to 700 mg.
For muscle mass gain as well, the Testosterone Cypionate cycle above will work. Take three doses per week and do not exceed 700 mg per dose. Limit the injection cycle to a maximum of twelve weeks.
Testosterone Cypionate will help you build muscle mass and melt fat at the same time. You don't need to use a separate cycle for cutting. If you work on building muscle mass using the above dosage, you will simultaneously lose fat and enjoy the benefits of cutting.
Benefits of Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone cypionate injections are one of the most commonly used testosterone hormones by bodybuilders and professional athletes. It helps to increase their muscle mass and improve their performance level. Here are the different benefits of testosterone cypionate mentioned below:
Muscle Gain and Strength
Significant changes in functionality can be caused in men as they grow. Testosterone is a hormone, and it is responsible for many changes in male characteristics. So, if you suffer from low testosterone levels, it can lead to various side effects such as decreased muscle mass, fatigue and decreased strength. So you need to be careful with low testosterone levels.
According to a study, men have gained notable muscle strength and size after testosterone treatment. When you consume testosterone cypionate properly, it will increase your muscle mass and provide significant muscle strength and energy that will improve your overall performance.
Decrease in Body Fat
When you suffer from low testosterone, your fat cell produces aromatase which converts testosterone to estrogen, and this increase in estrogen levels increases your body fat. Excess body fat can lead to a variety of side effects and can also increase the risk of heart disease.
According to one study, they did testosterone experiments in two separate groups to find the effects of testosterone treatment on body fat and lean muscle mass. They found that testosterone treatment helps you reduce more body fat and increase lean mass gains.
Improve your mental focus and spatial ability
According to one study, testosterone can improve mental focus and spatial ability. So when you take testosterone cypionate to increase your testosterone level, it will improve your mental focus and spatial learning.
Strong bones
As we age, our bone density gradually decreases, and this also decreases the natural production of testosterone. This often results in brittle bones, fractures and osteoporosis. According to one study, testosterone plays a critical role in bone mineral density. They also found that injecting testosterone increases bone density in men.
Stronger bones help support your internal organs and are an integral part of muscle health. When you take testosterone cypionate, it can boost your sports performance by increasing bone density and strength.
Improved libido
Increasing age generally affects sexual desire and performance in men. When you suffer from low testosterone, it affects your libido and reduces your sex drive. Erectile dysfunction is common in older men, and older men need to boost their testosterone levels.
According to one study, higher testosterone levels improve your libido and performance. When you take the testosterone injection, it will boost your sexual health and performance.
Only high-quality products will give you the best and most effective results. Before buying them, you should be careful about fake products, because not all resellers or websites sell original products. 
They sell products by giving them "legal products", but in reality, it is a marketing scam. These types of products do not work and waste your money.
 A drop in testosterone can lead to various side effects, and it is essential to carry out a post-cycle therapy. We always advise you to follow the recommended dosage and cycle time. 
This will help you avoid various side effects. If you take Testosterone Cypionate, you will increase your testosterone levels and improve your health. The benefits of testosterone cypionate are considerable when you take it correctly.  Above, we have talked about all the benefits you can get from taking testosterone cypionate. If you have any doubts about testosterone cypionate cycle, you can contact coaching experts at any time; they will solve your problems and advise you on the best cycle.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
Dianabol steroid for effective mass gain
In the world of bodybuilding, Dianabol is one of the most popular steroids. Dianabol steroid was created before the 1960s and is the second steroid on the market after testosterone. Its reputation is due to its rapid actions in increasing muscle mass. 
Dianabol is composed of "Methandrostenolone", also known as "Methandienone", D-bol or Danabol. It owes its androgenic effect and its anabolic action to its components.Therefore, this steroid acts quickly in increasing the amount of protein synthesized in the muscle cells.
 It can therefore be said that its intake promotes considerable mass gain. We can also consider its stimulation of energy during exercise and its actions on the repair of fibers after physical effort. 
The results of taking Dianabol for sale are certainly impressive, but like any other steroid, you can't escape the consequences.Dianabol is often used as a "kick-start" on a course of treatment before moving on to other steroids. 
That is to say that it is used just at the beginning of a cycle to boost its power before moving on to another product. In fact, many bodybuilders combine DBOL with other products.
Dianabol Dosage
Like some steroids, Dianabol comes in 2 forms: Dianabol pills for oral use, and Dianabol injection. Its oral variant is the most taken by bodybuilders, as the pill cannot be disappointed during digestion.
Dianabol pill is taken from 30 to 50 mg per day, taking a cycle of 4 to 6 weeks. Professionals suggest dividing the doses during the day due to the short life of the steroid, varying between 3 and 5 hours. 
This will help maintain blood concentration levels. Taking during meals is favorable for reducing the risk of nausea or other digestive problems.
Dianabol Cycle
For the Dianabol effects to last, bodybuilders must keep them visible to enjoy these benefits. In addition, one must not miss any dosage during the intake and take the suggested breaks during the Dianabol cycle.
1. Cycle for beginnersStarting with a split or low dosage is most recommended. Also, 15 mg per day for a single dosage is more than enough. This recommendation is based on professional advice for the Dianabol cycle. 
A 5 mg tablet can be taken 3 times in one day. Depending on the side effects, the dose may be increased to 25 mg - 30 mg in the third week of the cycle. 
An increase can also be made when significant results are visible, even compared to the low dose administered. It should also be noted that a 6-week cycle of Dianabol is recommended, without exceeding the recommendations.
2. Cycle for experienced usersEven for the most experienced users, it is always advisable to follow a split-cycle rather than a full dosage.
A split dose of 30-40 mg per day is preferred. It is worth noting that for experienced users who have perfectly taken control of a Dianabol intake, the dosage can be increased to 50 mg per day. Stacking Dbol is suggested to avoid more side effects.
It should be noted that this steroid can be taken with other doping products. This combination is called "stack". 
Several benefits can be obtained thanks to Dianabol Stacking such as burning fat, increasing power, and performing better during very intense sessions. Generally, Dianabol is taken with Anavar, Sustanon, or Winstrol.
Benefits of taking Dianabol
As you will have understood, it is necessary to know everything about a product before consuming it. This rule applies to any type of product in general, so steroids too.  
In addition, it is essential to follow the recommended advice for a Dianabol cycle without abuse. Buy Dianabol good quality to get assured results.  
You can find many sites selling steroids online, but make sure it is a reliable site and not a scam that happens to many bodybuilders. Some of Dianabol's results include: 
An increase in protein synthesis
Acts on the red blood cells, which allows for rapid recovery, 
As well as its short half-life, which alleviates side effects upon cessation
Dianabol's benefit is that it is highly anabolic
A release of glucose for rapid bursts of strength
Balances the nitrogen in the system which allows for extra protein, which is conducive to muscle building
Considerable calorie burning, which acts to keep the fat gain down during excess caloric intake.
Dianabol Side effects
When you take Dianabol steroid, you can expect incredible results on muscle mass, but you should not forget that like all other doping products, it has side effects that vary depending on the person following the cycle.These can include:
Very high aromatization
There is the Gynecomastia
Testicular atrophy
Increased blood pressure
An adverse effect on the liver
The appearance of Acne, skin becoming oily, and an effect on hair growth
An effect on water retention
A change in mood, especially aggression
A possibility of insomnia
There may be erectile dysfunction
Dianabol is also slightly androgenic
To avoid side effects, it is necessary to respect the recommended dosages and not to go beyond, because it is irreversible and can be very dangerous for the human body.
Dianabol Post Cycle Therapy
It is always recommended to undergo post-cycle therapy or PCT after completing a cycle of anabolic steroids, such as performance enhancers. 
Indeed, compounds like steroids have many benefits, the most important results are seen in the muscles and accelerated recovery.
The SERMs Nolvadex and Clomid are suggested as post-cycle therapy after a cycle of the steroid Dianabol. They will help restore your body's natural testosterone production to avoid a post-cycle decline.
Where to Buy Dianabol?
Buy Dianabol online with guaranteed delivery from a site that sells quality products. Dianabol in the past and today, is the anabolic/androgenic steroid, among the most commonly used to get a well-sculpted body and performance improvement. 
You can find Dianabol on many leaders in steroid sales and which are very secure online steroid sales sites. One of the advantages of some sites is that you can benefit from free coaching with bodybuilding professionals. 
You can also find various payment methods depending on your country. A well-conducted Dianabol cycle will give you the athletic body you have been dreaming of.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
Do you want to build muscle mass quickly ?
Testosterone Propionate Summary
Testosterone propionate is one of the most popular variants of testosterone esters available in injectable form. It is a testosterone hormone that comes with an acid attached to the propionic. 
When you inject it, your testosterone becomes active, and the ester slowly breaks away and controls the release time. So it is pure testosterone, and it's anabolic to androgenic ratio is 100:100.
A lower dose of testosterone propionate can be effective for men with low testosterone levels. It is one of the best supplements to get rid of the symptoms of low testosterone. 
When you follow the recommended dosage, it will give you the most effective muscle-building results. It helps you build muscle mass and overall performance.
Like all other forms of testosterone, Testosterone Propionate combines with other anabolic steroids, making it a more compatible and versatile steroid for many different uses.
How to use Testosterone Propionate?
Testosterone propionate injection is actually a very simple process once you have done it several times with guidance. Testosterone propionate is only given by injection, which is undoubtedly the most effective way to get testosterone in your body. 
With an injection, you can ensure that your testosterone works very quickly and makes it easier to overcome the side effects of low testosterone.
Your doctor or health care professional will tell you the details, but you should know that testosterone propionate is very easy to administer by simple injection. 
One of the most important factors in the effectiveness of any testosterone propionate treatment you undergo to treat low testosterone is how often you inject the testosterone. 
This is one of the most effective ways to treat low testosterone, but if you don't inject it with the proper frequency, you may have a hard time getting all of the benefits that this treatment has to offer. 
The frequency of injection of testosterone propionate is a dynamic number that is determined with the help of your healthcare professional by taking several factors into account. 
The most ideal frequency for testosterone propionate injections is once every two days to once a day.  The real deciding factor in the frequency of Testosterone Propionate injections is the advice of your healthcare professional or physician.
Why Bodybuilder use Testosterone Propionate?
The overall benefits of Testosterone Propionate are generally the same as those of cycling any other Testosterone ester. 
For example, users can see an increase of about 20 pounds of lean muscle (combined with some fat loss), when they first take Testosterone. Strength will also increase dramatically in the first few weeks, and then continue to increase slowly until the end of your cycle.
The main difference with Propionate is that the results occur in the early stages of a cycle, as opposed to slower esters (like Enanthate or Cypionate), which take longer to work. However, the end result will be the same no matter which testosterone ester you take, as they are essentially the same steroid (they just peak at different times).
Testosterone Propionate Dosage & Cycle
Testosterone propionate is a versatile steroid compound used by men and women for weight gain and weight loss purposes. Depending on your goal, you can use the cycle best recommended for weight gain or weight loss. 
It is also essential to follow a proper diet and workout routine. It is a testosterone-ester steroid that has the shortest half-life, about 4.5 days. 
Therefore, it requires more frequent injections than most forms of testosterone to maintain your blood steroid levels. It is also one of the fastest-acting testosterone esters, released over only a few days.
Testosterone Propionate Cycle varies from eight to ten weeks or as little as six weeks.  The start-up period for this steroid usually occurs two to four weeks into the cycle for most users. 
Beginner and intermediate-level steroid users can enjoy a ten-week solo cycle of Testosterone Propionate and get good results.  This cycle can be used as growth or lean mass cycle (depending on the user's goal).
Any first-time steroid user should consider this cycle.  Testosterone is regarded as the safest steroid and a cycle with this compound will allow the user to assess their tolerance to a steroid. Those more experienced in steroid use can still benefit from a solo cycle of Testosterone Propionate.
Post-cycle treatment:
The use of anabolic steroids can lead to testosterone suppression, so it is always recommended to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the steroid cycle. The main goal of post-cycle therapy is to boost your testosterone levels and bring your body back to its normal state. 
You can use different supplements such as Nolvadex, HCG, and Clomid to perform PCT. The ideal duration of post-cycle testosterone propionate therapy is four weeks.
Testosterone Propionate Benefits
When you buy Testosterone Propionate and use it in the correct dose and combination, it will bring you many benefits, as listed below :
Increased muscle mass
Faster acting steroid
Reduction of body fat
Improved sexual desire
Increased nitrogen retention
Improved protein synthesis
Increased level of endurance
Increase in red blood cell count
Increased energy and strength
Increase in IGF-1
Improved overall performance
Reduction of the stress hormone
Short half-life
A clean set of muscle mass
Remember, all of the above benefits can only be achieved if you follow the recommended dosage and cycle time with protection.
Where to buy Testosterone Propionate?
You can buy Testosterone Propionate steroids from the most reputable steroid websites or the most reputable pharmaceutical companies. 
Before buying them, you should make sure that you are buying the original product, as many websites sell fake products that give you zero results. 
You can buy testosterone propionate online because you can find 100% original and high-quality products that will give you effective results.
Testosterone propionate is not recommended because it is often painful to inject. When you do not follow the recommended dosage, it can cause various side effects that are not good for your health. 
Therefore, long-term use and high doses of Test prop should be avoided. However, users can opt for propionate in the right circumstances when they need it to clear their system quickly. If you need advice, contact free coaching experts without hesitation. They will guide you to the best cycle to achieve your goal.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
How to lose weight with Winstrol?
Winstrol Definition
Winstrol is also known as Stanozolol. It was originally used to treat medical conditions such as angioedema and osteoporosis. Bodybuilders and professional athletes have been using Winstrol for decades; it was created in 1962.
Winstrol is too famous because it gives incredible and valuable results. It also offers a lot of sports performance. Most of the bodybuilders prefer Winstrol during the preparation of a competition; it helps them to burn their fat and gain mass.
Winstrol has strong anabolic and androgenic effects that make it a powerful anabolic steroid. Winstrol has an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 320:30. You can use Winstrol alone, or you can stack it with other anabolic steroids. Winstrol does not cause water retention and does not suffer from estrogenic side effects, making it a perfect steroid for lean mass gain.
Bodybuilders can achieve their goals, be it weight loss, quality mass gain by using Winstrol, but it will surely depend on how they use Winstrol, the dietary supplement they take and the steroids associated with it.
Winstrol is an anabolic steroid that is a derivative form of dihydrotestosterone. It is classified as a 17C-alpha-alkyl derivative of testosterone. It has been developed to treat several medical conditions. Its chemical formulation is C21H32N2O. It is available in different forms: Winstrol pills (Winstrol Oral) and Winstrol Depot (Winstrol by injection).
Winstrol for women is very popular in the bodybuilding world because of its effective results. It boosts users' metabolism and protein synthesis, which promotes significant muscle strength and eliminates body fat.
Information about Winstrol Cycle
Winstrol is an effective steroid for lean mass gains, weight loss, bulking and cutting. Women and men can use Winstrol in a solo cycle or combine it with other anabolic steroids to improve strength and reduce body fat. The ideal Winstrol cycle is 8 to 10 weeks.
Winstrol pills are more toxic to the liver than Winstrol depot, so users should always use Samarin to protect their liver from various damages or diseases. 
Winstrol Oral vs Injection
Oral steroids are mainly marketed in tablet form. But we can also find them in capsule form. The main advantage of oral steroids is that they produce results quickly, over a short period of time. 
Moreover, their oral form is much more affordable for a first treatment. Indeed, it is not always easy to know how to perform an injection correctly. Some people are even reluctant to take injections. 
The oral form is therefore an alternative for all those who are not yet ready to switch to the injectable form of steroids. In 90% of cases, the products offered in a dry cure will be in oral form.
Another feature of oral steroids is that they can be combined with injectable steroids during a cure to increase the effects of the cure.  
Injectable steroids are sold either in small vials or in ampoules. They must be injected into the muscles, which requires the ability to perform an intramuscular injection.
The injectable form of steroids allows you to achieve results over a longer period of time than the oral form. With injectable steroids, the muscle gains are less dramatic, but better and longer lasting.
The second advantage of injectable steroids is that they go directly into the muscle and not through the liver. Thus, the liver is not at risk of damage.  
It is also possible to combine several esters in one course of treatment in order to achieve both rapid and long-lasting results.
Apart from an initial course of treatment, which is often taken orally, bodybuilding professionals usually start with oral steroids to obtain quick results and continue with injectables to consolidate gains and improve their quality.
Taking Winstrol for Weight loss
Steroids are not only compounds that help you build significant muscle mass growth, but some steroids are excellent and give effective results in the fat burning process. 
Steroids are often used by bodybuilders, powerlifters, athletes, or even Hollywood celebrities to perform the weight loss phase. They help them to protect their lean muscle mass and increase the fat burning process. 
But remember that only the right combination and dose of anabolic steroids can give you desirable weight loss results.
Winstrol can give bodybuilders the best effective results when they combine these following factors for weight loss:
Winstrol will give you much better results if you combine it with other anabolic steroids for a growth and reduction cycle.
When you are doing a cutting cycle, diet is the most important part. Winstrol helps you protect your muscle gain when you are on a low-calorie diet.
Winstrol can be widely used by men and women with a recommended dosage cycle.
Winstrol can help your body recover faster and gives you power, strength and speed to do more workouts.
When you use the right dosage of steroids and the right combination of steroids, you will get many benefits including:
It stimulates the production of red blood cells and ensures that your organ gets more oxygen and nutrition. It helps increase energy, power and endurance. It also helps you burn calories and lose weight.
It increases your metabolic rate and promotes strong body fat loss.
It can increase water weight loss and give a perfect lean and hard look.
It is also helpful in reducing excess belly fat.
When you are on a low-calorie diet, it protects your hard-earned lean muscle mass.
Your diet plan and workouts also play a vital role in achieving effective results. So always follow a proper diet and workout.
Where to buy Winstrol?
Anabolic steroids are designed for various purposes: To increase a significant amount of muscle and reduce body fat. Weight loss steroids are very popular in the bodybuilding and fitness world. Among all the steroids, some of them are excellent for burning fat like Winstrol.
If you use anabolic steroids randomly without any knowledge, you will end up with several side effects. Always follow the recommended dosage and cycle time with protection to get maximum results with few side effects. You can also find good quality of Winstrol for sale.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
How to use Testosterone Enanthate for quality muscle?
Testosterone Enanthate Definition
Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is found in both humans and animals. This hormone is mainly produced in the testicles of men. However, it can also be found in the ovaries of women but in very small quantities.
During puberty, the production of testosterone begins to increase significantly, but this production decreases at the age of 30 or 35. It is the male sex hormone that is as important to reproduction as to sexual development.
It is involved in the development of testosterone-chalkboard sexual characteristics during puberty, such as the worsening of the voice and the appearance of facial and full body hair.
This hormone plays a very important role in determining sperm production, fat distribution, muscle strength maintenance, and red blood cell (RBC) production. Testosterone levels can also determine or affect a man's mood.
Decreased testosterone levels can contribute to mood changes, loss of muscle mass, and weight loss. It is sometimes used for medical purposes. For example, It is used to treat cardiovascular disease, cancer and other health problems. Even athletes artificially inject testosterone to gain strength and have 
Testo-E is short for Testosterone Enanthate. It is one of the oldest steroids produced since testosterone was first manufactured, and it has been among the most widely used since it entered bodybuilding communities around the world. 
This popularity is probably because enanthate testosterone is a slow-acting steroid, thus greatly prolonging its effects compared to most steroids. Testo-E was the first form of long ester testosterone used.
Testosterone Enanthate is also among the most commonly used testosterones for the treatment of men suffering from any form of testosterone deficiency. It is also among the cheapest anabolic steroids on the market, is versatile, and is a product that is well tolerated by most users - perfect for all levels. 
Not only is it the ideal product for the first-time steroid user, but it also works perfectly for those who are fully experienced with steroids - although it can have some side effects; which we will discover later in this article. These side effects are easily controlled.
What is Testosterone Enanthate used for?
Testosterone enanthate has both genomic and non-genomic effects on the human body. However, this depends on the individual action of androgen receptors and their gene transcription. 
Androgens ensure the growth and formation of the internal and external organs of the male body. High androgen levels contribute to the retention of nitrogen, sodium, phosphorus, and potassium. The effects of these steroids have a positive impact and play a key role in the human body.
It also increases the number of red blood cells and promotes muscle gain. Test E occurs with the suppression of luteinizing hormone synthesis. The body's pituitary gland secretes LH and FSH. These injections are not hepatotoxic, and they can cause fluid retention. It is widely popular because of its effective results. 
Testosterone enanthate for building muscle
Testosterone enanthate is used for two different purposes:
For medical purposes
As a performance-enhancing drug
Testosterone enanthate is used to treat several medical conditions, such as:
Testicular damage
Androgen deficiency
Delayed puberty in adolescents
Male menopause
Genetic disease
Hormonal insufficiency
When women suffer from uterine fibroids, endometriosis, osteoporosis, and breast cancer, they are diagnosed with testosterone.
Then, Test E is used in the sports world to increase physical performance and to achieve other benefits, including:
Rapid muscle mass gain
Increased strength and endurance
Increased energy levels
Improved mobility and joint health
Faster recovery
Harmonious muscle formation
Reduction of body fat
It is mandatory to perform PCT after the Test E cycle as it boosts your testosterone levels and saves you from the various symptoms of low testosterone levels. It also allows you to combat the multiple side effects that occur when using anabolic steroids. You can use several supplements like Clomid and Nolvadex.
The Effects of using Test E
This is by far the most effective product available if you are looking for mass gain supplements, thanks to its ability to have dramatic effects on strength and muscle gain. With a half-life of about 10 days, it is ideal for those who prefer less frequent injections.
Testosterone enanthate for injection is effective both on its own cycle and when you stack it with other anabolic steroids. You can use it as a primary steroidal compound. 
When you stack Test E with other anabolic steroids, you must use an anti-estrogen that will protect you from various side effects. Here, we will discuss the best-recommended cycle based on your experience level.
The main benefits you can expect from administering enanthate testosterone include, but are not limited to:
Advanced muscle growth
Improved level of recovery
Improved sexual performance
Improved energy levels/feeling of well-being
Higher levels of strength
Protection against hormonal overproduction
Improve fat-burning potential
The better anabolic environment in the body; thus stimulating the effects of other anabolic products
Where to buy Testosterone Enanthate ?
Both anabolic steroids and testosterone replacement therapy are effective methods to increase testosterone levels in the body. 
Always buy testosterone enanthate from the best reputable resources, as many websites sell fake steroid products that do not give any results. 
According to the above discussion, we have proved that TRT is the most effective and best option to increase testosterone levels than anabolic steroids.
TRT is very beneficial because it does not cause serious side effects like anabolic steroids. If you are suffering from symptoms of low testosterone, consult your doctor and undergo TRT treatment immediately to get rid of these symptoms. 
The other benefit of using TRT is that it improves your overall health and makes you feel good all the time.
Enanthate works as a middle ground between propionate and cypionate. But testosterone enanthate is one of the most effective compounds for building mass and increasing your strength. It would be best if you injected enanthate every three days to maintain consistent levels.
The effects of enanthate appear between 24 and 48 hours. These compounds remain in your system for 22 days.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
How to take Dianabol Steroid?
What is a Steroid?
Anabolics are chemical substances that promote anabolism, i.e., the processes of synthesis, and allow for a better flow of energy in order to enhance muscle work. They convert nutrients into living tissue and reduce fat formation. 
A steroid is the steroidal hormone androgen. It is a hormone substitute that has many similarities to testosterone, the main male hormone.
Anabolic steroids therefore have 2 main factors:
the androgenic component, which will accentuate secondary male characteristics, such as increased hair growth and larger vocal cords;
the anabolic factor, sought after by athletes, which will contribute to an increase in muscle mass to the detriment of fat mass, as well as to the thickening of muscle fibers, but also to a reduction in the sensation of fatigue by increasing resistance to pain.
Why is Dianabol used in Bodybuilding?
Human muscles are made up of bundles of cells and fibers. During sports activities, microtraumas occur. By a compensation mechanism, the body heals them, and the fibers regenerate with a certain reserve. This is how muscles are built. 
Steroids (synthetic analogues of male sex hormones are called anabolic steroids) increase metabolism, help to absorb substances essential for building tissue. They are used to redistribute fat and muscle mass. You can increase muscle volume as much as you want.
Once in the bloodstream, either orally or by injection, steroid-anabolics enter individual muscle cells, where they activate their effects on the genes responsible for protein synthesis.
The use of steroids and proper exercise, along with adequate rest and nutrition, can help you achieve the muscle of your dreams.
A very popular doping product, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid widely used in the body-building world. Also known as D-bol, Danabol or Methandrostenolone, it is strictly forbidden for consumption and resale in most countries. Despite its prohibition and its health hazards, many bodybuilders still use Dianabol.
Dianabol (or methandrostenolone) is the grandfather of doping in modern bodybuilding. Many famous celebrities admit to having used this product during their bodybuilding career in the 60s and 70s, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, who explained that his performance on the weight bench was closely linked to dianabol. 
The creation of this steroid dates back to the late 50s. Dianabol is a very common doping product in the world of body-building that is mostly taken orally. There is an injection version, but it is more difficult to obtain.
It is an anabolic steroid, a class of steroid hormones connected to testosterone.
Like all anabolic steroids, it will provide two effects once consumed:
An androgenic effect: that is, it will exacerbate male traits and characteristics;
An anabolic effect that promotes muscle anabolism for better muscle mass development.
Dianabol Benefits and Side effects
Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that usually comes in tablet form. As a result, this doping product conveys the image of a healthy (or less dangerous) steroid, as there is no need for a syringe to dope.
People who are afraid of injections or who tell themselves that "because it's a pill, it's not serious" will feel less like they are doping. This makes it easier for them to switch to this injection-free steroid.
The results that Dianabol Steroid in Bodybuilding brings are quite surprising. It is impossible to gain mass with such fast results without using this type of anabolic product.
Another advantage of this steroid is the ease with which it can be combined with other doping products. This is called stacking one steroid with another. 
Combining Dianabol with other synthetic products allows athletes to burn fat or boost their power for more intense workouts. Dianabol is usually stacke with Anavar, Sustanon or Winstrol.
Some combine an aromatase inhibitor in their cycle. Water retention and bloating are among the side effects of Dianabol. To alleviate this problem, some will take diuretics.
Taking Dianabol, like all other steroids, is not without risks. The following side effects can occur:
Dianabol is recognized as one of the most effective and popular steroids in the world. However, some effects can be quite unpleasant:
Dianabol can cause skin conditions such as hair loss, acne, hair growth.
Gynecomastia and excess water retention in the muscles are among the most common side effects. However, a good aromatase inhibitor can reduce its unsightly effects.
Taking dianabol can also inhibit the body's natural production of testosterone, which leads to a reduction in sperm production triggering the risk of testicular atrophy and fertility problems.
Dianabol presents the risk of increased blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. This drug is strongly discouraged for people who suffer from high blood pressure. In addition, the cholesterol level should be monitored regularly.
Dianabol Cycle Information and Dosage
Steroids are said to be short-lived, which means that to maintain a stable level of dianabol concentration in the blood, it is best to take the daily dose divided into two or three intakes during the day.
It is beneficial to consume the dose within one hour of taking the meal to minimize possible gastric upset.
As far as the Dianabol dosage is concerned, it varies depending on the objective of the consumer. Some dianabol users are satisfied with a dose of 20mg to 25mg per day, but the common dose for taking Dianabol is between 30mg and 50mg per day, with a cycle lasting between 4 and 6 weeks.
In my opinion, 30mg per day maximum is the most recommended dose (in the form of 3x10mg) especially if it is the 1st time you are using this type of product. For a beginner, 15mg (3x5mg) is already good to test. There are pills of different colors: blue, pink or yellow depending on the dosage.
So you should already see good gains in terms of muscle mass, with results before and after visible in front of the mirror at the end of the treatment, while limiting the possible side effects.
More experienced users may wish to take a slightly higher dose... But be aware that there is a dosage level where muscle and strength stabilize and side effects intensify. 
This makes it, in my opinion, unwise to increase the dose. Some may take up to 70-80 mg per day, but such doses require a favorable medical opinion. Of course, take Dbol in combination with a healthy and balanced diet.
Steroids are fatty hormones secreted by endocrine glands - glands that release hormones in humans, animals and plants. They are referred to as steroid hormones in the medical field and as anabolic steroids in the sports world. 
Steroids include sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and androgens), glucocorticoids (cortisone and cortisol) and mineralocorticoids (aldosterone).
Modern bodybuilding is characterized by the fact that each athlete has the opportunity to choose his own special drugs, which are narrowly targeted and can regulate certain processes in the body. And often these preparations can be medical elements for absolutely different purposes.
In fact, the use of drugs has long been controversial. Nevertheless, nowadays it is considered a completely normal phenomenon and anyone can resort to such methods. 
Professional bodybuilders often follow the prescriptions and conditions of use of drugs even more carefully than their patients.  But it is important to note here that before using any type of medication, it is good to start by consulting a more competent person in the field to avoid the risk of possible side effects. You can Buy Dianabol online on many shop with quality products.
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adamsblogmuscu · 1 year
What should you know about Winstrol Cycle?
When to take Winstrol ?
Anabolic-androgenic steroids have been the most exciting topic in the bodybuilding world. Due to their effective results, many bodybuilders and athletes willingly use them to improve their physical appearance, strength and overall performance. 
There are still people who are not aware of the benefits and possible side effects of steroids. In most cases, steroids are used to build large and stronger muscle mass or to reduce excess body fat.
Winstrol has a great ability to reduce body fat and improve the strength of users. Winstrol is also known by other names such as Win, Winny, Stanozolol, or Stanzo. When users perform the right Winstrol Cycle with the right stack, they get several bodybuilding benefits.
Winstrol is an anabolic steroid that is a derivative form of dihydrotestosterone. It is classified as a 17C-alpha-alkyl derivative of testosterone. It has been developed to treat several medical conditions. Its chemical formulation is C21H32N2O. 
It is available in different forms: Winstrol pills (Winstrol Oral) and Winstrol Depot (Winstrol by injection). This steroid compound does not provide users with significant muscle mass growth, but it does provide significant strength and reduces excess body fat. 
This is the main reason why Win is the most favorable steroid for every bodybuilder and athlete. Its anabolic to androgenic ratio is 30:1, and it has a very low androgenic steroid content, so female users can use it without fear of virilizing effects.
Winstrol for women is very popular in the bodybuilding world because of its effective results. It boosts users' metabolism and protein synthesis, which promotes significant muscle strength and eliminates body fat.
Winstrol Cycle and Dosage
Winstrol is an effective steroid for lean mass gains, weight loss, bulking and cutting. Women and men can use Winstrol in a solo cycle or combine it with other anabolic steroids to improve strength and reduce body fat. The ideal cycle for Winstrol is 8 to 10 weeks.
The effective dose of Stanozolol is 50 mg to 100 mg per day. Beginner users can use 50 mg per day, intermediate users can use 75 mg per day and advanced users can use 100 mg per day. 
Keep in mind that higher doses are not healthy and should be avoided. Women can use lower doses than men. A lower dose of Winstrol, such as 10 mg to 20 mg per day, gives effective results to female users. Note that you should use liver protection during the Winstrol cycle if you use Winstrol pills.
Winstrol pills are more toxic to the liver than Winstrol depot, so users should always use Samarin to protect their liver from various damages or diseases.
According to the recommendations of experienced users, they prefer injectable products as they give better and more effective results than oral steroids. 
Oral steroids enter directly into the body and destroy the internal parts of the body, including the liver, kidneys and digestive system. However, bodybuilders still like to use them because Winstrol offers better and faster results in building muscle.
Winstrol for bodybuilding give the most effective results when they combine these factors:
Winstrol will give you much better results if you combine it with other anabolic steroids for a growth and reduction cycle.
When you are doing a cutting cycle, diet is the most important part. Winstrol helps you protect your muscle gain when you are on a low-calorie diet.
Winstrol can be widely used by men and women with a recommended dosage cycle.
Winstrol can help your body recover faster and gives you power, strength and speed to do more workouts.
Advantages to follow Winstrol Cycle
Winstrol steroid is the ideal choice for beginner users as it is the safest and best tolerated anabolic steroid. Users can expect various benefits such as:
It is useful for adding lean muscle mass during a weight loss cycle.
It is excellent for weight loss or rapid fat burning.
It provides increased strength and endurance.
It improves overall performance.
It is available in oral (Winstrol pills) and injectable (Winstrol depot) forms.
It makes the user look harder and leaner.
It develops hard and lean muscle mass.
It is also an anabolic steroid suitable for women.
You can also do post-cycle therapy at the end of the cycle. It will protect you from various health problems and help you keep your hard-won gains. To perform PCT, you can use the most effective products such as Nolvadex, Clomid, HCG and Proviron.
Winstrol Stack for better results
The Sustanon and Winstrol stack is the best weight loss cycle. If users are not looking for a muscle building step, they can use this stack cycle. Winstrol is an excellent agent for weight loss, while Sustanon is the best agent for mass gain. 
It is necessary to follow the recommended dosage and cycle time, as random use of these steroids can lead to various unwanted side effects.
Many experienced users have reported that this stack cycle will not cause joint pain and hair loss like other stacks do.
Stanozolol (Winstrol) is one of the most effective steroids for weight loss and lean mass gain. When you follow the recommended dosage, you will get maximum results with minimum side effects. 
Stanozolol gives you effective and noticeable results in the very short term. Proper diet and workout is essential for more effective results. Winstrol is available in both oral and injectable forms. Both men and women can use Stanozolol to improve their athletic performance.
You can use Winstrol as a solo cycle or stack it with other anabolic steroids like Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, Sustanon and Anavar. 
We recommend you use Winstrol only if you are over 21 years old, and if you have a pre-medical treatment in progress, do not use it. There is many shop to Buy Winstrol Online. Before starting this steroid regimen, consult your doctor and get a complete checkup to make sure everything is okay. 
No matter what anabolic steroids you can use, and some of the experienced users say that they are risky, but if you take them properly with protection, you can avoid all possible side effects and get the best results.
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