120feetperturn 2 years
paladin called icarus, devoted to a sun god, attempting to overthrow his deity
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120feetperturn 2 years
Warlock, whose patron is a family member who ascended only very recently and isn't well versed in how to appropriately handle a patron-warlock relationship
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120feetperturn 2 years
PC tricked a god into a contract
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120feetperturn 2 years
warlock, whose patron is their probation agent. eg fae he pissed of and now it's trapping him, watching him in case he commits something else against the fae, until he fulfilled some deed. + ancle monitor hehe
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120feetperturn 2 years
a palading called "Perish" omg i don't know why i find this so funny
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120feetperturn 2 years
character who tricked someone into transforming them into a werewolf/something else
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120feetperturn 2 years
monk who was forced into a monastery by their parents, hearing the lesson "gold isn't important for a fulfilling life" and misunderstanding it into carrying around massive amounts of silver and copper on their person
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120feetperturn 2 years
changeling who visits their long-term partner with a different form every day so the neighbours think their partner is a massive hoe
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