itsaspectrumcomic · 5 months
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Based on a true story
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yourhealingjournal · 2 months
sometimes you really do have to let go what you want to do at least for the moment, not because you don’t deserve it or you are not allowed to have it, but because you have too much on your plate & your peace is more worth keeping than the overwhelm of achieving everything now.
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delusioninabox · 17 days
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Comic #2,531! Logic: "A little goes a long way." My brain: "DO EVERYTHING OR IT'S A FAILURE!"
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
You have to let go of your perfectionism if you want to live your happiest life. It is okay to have high standards, but when they become punishing you are only preventing yourself from growing.
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purlturtle · 5 months
It is important to keep in mind that enjoyable things can be overwhelming too.
Hanging out with a friend talking about your special interest can be overwhelming (too much braining).
Going to dinner with a few people that you love, having your favorite food, can be overwhelming (too loud/too many conversations at once).
Watching an amazing movie, or listening to your favorite concert (even at home!), can be overwhelming (too many feels (also too loud, too many flashes of light/fast cuts, you name it - but even without that, don't forget about the feels.)).
Being hugged and getting head scritches can be hoverwhelming (too much sensory).
Focusing on your favorite thing to do, all by yourself, can be overwhelming (again, too much braining).
And lastly:
Whether or not a thing is overwhelming is sometimes (often!) also a matter of other circumstances, such as: you were drained from the day before already, or slept badly, or had to do a Bad Thing in the morning of that day.
Listen to your body and your brain and your mind, and don't push yourself too hard just because this thing is a thing that you love.
Yes, it sucks. But overwhelm sucks too. Proceed with caution, please, friend.
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liminalweirdo · 24 days
does anyone else get almost like a fever feeling after doing something stressful? it's like once the stress/overwhelm wears off i have a lowgrade fever feeling. i don't actually have a fever but i feel like i do. is this a stress response? is this an autistic thing or just a me thing?
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the-healing-mindset · 2 years
Remember, it's okay if you have to distance yourself from the internet from time to time. Stuff on here can be extremely overwhelming, even the things that are meant to be good for us. If you find yourself being triggered by certain content, then it is especially important to find ways to block that content out either by unfollowing certain media sources or by using built-in features that limit what you may be exposed to. No, this does not mean that you are "weak" or that you need to "toughen up". It just means that you are looking to take better care of your mental health, and that is more important than any rude or condescending comments that you may receive.
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actuallyadhd · 8 months
Is it okay that I want to get adhd diagnosed to get meds? (In my country it's not Adderall, but something that supposedly doesn't give you addiction)
I want to try and see whether medication will actually improve my life, I don't want to try to take matters into my hands anymore. I mean I need to, and will probably have to, but right now I want to see whether I can improve my all-around working capabilities with just meds.
I know that working on yourself is the correct way to go. But the thought that I might actually have adhd has actually made me not want to try and fix everything through ordinary means, I just want to give into the easy way out (if meds are that).
Sent September 28, 2023
Meds are not the easy way out; they just make it easier to manage your symptoms and learn and implement strategies. It's likely that you've got lots of learned behaviours, like procrastinating, due to how your ADHD affects you, and medication won't make you suddenly not do those things.
That said, I don't think it's necessarily wrong to want to get diagnosed and start medication. I think it's pretty normal to want to get things figured out and get appropriate help. There may be other services that a diagnosis will let you access, after all.
I also think wanting to just stop working is natural. We work really hard at doing the things people expect of us, and burnout is very common because of this. Feeling overwhelmed and wanting to just leave everything behind is a big sign of ADHD burnout.
Followers, what do you think about diagnosis and medication? Is there an easy way to deal with ADHD? How do you keep yourself going when you start to burn out?
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Isaiah 43:2 (HCSB) - I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.
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studentbyday · 6 months
week 12/14
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sometimes trying to keep up with school and trying to improve your health and be a better person (and seeing slow progress in every domain) makes you feel like this... i've been here before and it took a long, long time to get out. i thought i outgrew it/learned from it, so i would never have to experience it again, but here we are once more 🤷🏻‍♀️ either the challenges got more challenging as i grew older or i have not learned my lesson. i don't know. maybe it's a bit of both... (as in i improved just enough to get comfortable, then comfortable led to relapse when things got harder and i didn't adapt. i think i must've improved somewhat tho bc on the whole, it's not as bad as it once was... this is my sign to keep trying.)
📈 study stats (50-60/10/30):
M: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 T: 🍅🍅🍅 W: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Th: 🍅🍅🍅🍅 F: 🍅🍅🍅🍅 S: 🍅🍅
🎒 school:
mol bio section 5-7 ✅✅✅
mol bio quizzes (M, F/S) ✅✅
mol bio asst (T-Th) ✅
mol bio lecture 3 (last week) ✅
mol bio lecture 1-3 + overview (this week) ✅✅✅✅
biochem section 4 ✅
finish biochem paper + reflection (T) ✅
biochem discussion post (F) ✅
psyc ch 2-3 (last week) ✅✅
REVIEW FOR PSYC EXAM (weeks 1-2, 2 weeks per day) (guess who relapsed into rereading her notes? 🙋🏻‍♀️ but since i might not take another psyc course after this, idrc. i still plan to review actively for mol bio and biochem tho cuz that's what i really care about. and i might do some re-organizing of my psyc notes cuz they're a mess and i hate how the learning and memory notes are scattered and how my notes on diff chapters repeat themselves at times bc the chapters repeated themselves, etc.) ✅
psyc lab (end of week) ✅
psyc ch 1-2 + overview (this week)
review for biochem exam (hopefully)
review for mol bio exam (hopefully)
🩺 self-care:
no phone first thing in the morning ✅✅✅✅
water goal 💧🥲
clean bathroom
meditate ✅✅
journal ✅✅
physio exercises ✅✅✅✅✅✅
outside!!! 🌲 (why: it's been a while and the air was so fresh one night, the sharp smell of pine and laundry soap, i wanted to cry it was so beautiful)
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
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sheafrotherdon · 1 year
Nile quickly learns that living is exhausting. She isn’t ready to call it a miracle, the way her bones knit back together; there’s too much to take in, too great a weight of information and experience to sort through; she can’t yet give her resurrections a name. She knows barely anything for sure save the fact that it is goddamn tiring to heal and she didn’t expect it. As if immortality is a thing you can expect.
The first few times are a novelty, and she’s running on adrenaline, so the crash takes a while to take hold. But when it comes it’s totalizing, a wholesale inability to cope with one more thing, and god, if Joe doesn’t stop whistling, if Andy doesn’t stop looking at her, if Nicky doesn’t stop being so fucking reasonable she will absolutely lose her shit. She seeks out solitude as soon as she’s able, closing off when there’s no physical escape from her proximity to the others, and they all respect it, which is so fucking annoying she wants to punch something, maybe them. When there’s space and time she sleeps, falling into unconsciousness like she’s pitching over a cliff, waking up hours later hungry and disoriented, pursued by some vague sense of shame and guilt.
But no one takes her aside and tells her she needs to buck up, get with the program, respect the team. Instead Nicky feeds her, no matter the hour, meals that he seems to conjure out of thin air when all Nile was sure they could count on at the safe house was a packet of soup mix and four saltines. Joe is her physical anchor—the first of them, always, to lay a hand at the back of her neck, to knock her foot with his under the table, to jostle her elbow and throw her a smile. And Andy keeps her counsel, dropping wisdom when Nile least expects it, explaining what they’ve figured out about their shared metabolism, and the importance of a good pillow, fuck sleeping on rocks.
It's exhausting and humbling, and there’s grief running beneath everything she feels, and for all that her body can regenerate in a heartbeat, Nile thinks her skin maybe can’t contain everything it must. She feels drunk with feeling, like she’s staggering from one moment to another, hand always outstretched to find something to brace against. And every time it’s one of the others, in word or deed or touch, who provides solidity in a world made fluid. Every time they shore her up. Every time they wait and proffer and tease until she feels the snick of her sense of self falling into place. She’s more tired than she’s ever been, but she’s alive, too. It’s everything and too much and just enough, and she might survive this, she thinks to herself, she really just might.
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hollifo · 4 months
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Uh Oh | Sketch
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purlturtle · 2 months
Neurodiversity and coping mechanisms
So I've recently clocked that I might be ADHD, on top of being highly sensitive (or intermingled with, or whatever). And I've noticed a lot of advice is geared towards people who reacted to "don't make such a fuss/don't be a wuss about it" in childhood with either distrusting themselves (not listening to their bodies/minds about the things that are wrong), or bending themselves into pretzels masking/denying themselves.
Is there anything geared towards people who have such a massive distrust against adults/authority that bleeds into distrust against therapy/therapists/self help approaches?
Like, I worked with a therapist, who didn't even clock that I was HSP and that that was where my problems stemmed from. Unsurprisingly, that therapy went nowhere. (This was before I myself knew about the phenomenon.)
When I read self-help posts or articles, a ton of the time my thoughts are "this isn't gonna work, I tried this already, this doesn't pertain to me, I know I can't achieve that."
I have spent basically the entirety of my childhood trying to hold on to myself and not lose myself among the "don't make such a fuss" world, and most of my adult life trying to shape my life in accommodating ways of my own devising, against a lot of resistance. And now I don't know when leaving my comfort zone (and where to, and how long, etc etc) could actually be helpful, with my resistance to it being maladaptive, and when I should listen to my resistance.
And "just try it out" feels like something I cannot afford, with my mental health being what it is. Going over my limits lands me in migraines, meltdowns, days worth of being unable to work. (and work is one of those areas in which I struggle.)
Anyone here in the same position? (also, please feel free to share this post, so that it hopefully reaches people who have advice on this!)
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greenstudies · 2 years
University pro tip: overwhelmed? Lie down on the floor. I mean it. Flat on the floor. Like a cat.
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