#be kind to yourself
thepeacefulgarden · 2 days
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Give yourself credit where it's due. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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recoverr · 6 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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classycookiexo · 4 months
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maxiglow · 2 months
be addicted to real dopamine
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be in the present and notice those little things you never saw before, but that have always been there
experience new exciting things that bring you joy
love people, listen to them and create meaningful connections
make art and don’t label it as “good” or “bad,” just let your soul be free
stop scrolling on social media and start turning pages of an interesting book
do mindfulness meditation and feel your body and mind calming down
move your body, no matter how as long as you’re enjoying
listen to music that matches the moment you’re in
eat nourishing food, feel your stomach full without discomfort
get a good night of sleep and feel yourself ready for another day
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girlbossblog444 · 17 days
GET A LIFE not in a mean way but get a life, make new friends, try new hobbies, go on a walk, call your loved ones, get a pet, eat a fulfill meal, write a song, watch a movie, workout, read a book, try knitting, try new dishes
Literally do anything, there's so many options available, any one of them are good
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1. You are someone’s dream girl exactly the way you are right now.
We put so much emphasis on growth and getting to that “next best place”, which is fine, but we always forget that we deserve self-love as we are right now. It does not mean that you aren’t at your “best” physically and/or mentally that you aren’t deserving of love, kindness, and respect.
2. Perspective is everything
Stop stressing over that one bad grade you received at school. In ten years, you won’t even remember what teacher gave it to you. Focus your energy on things that’ll have lasting impacts. When you look back on your life, you want to see the beauty of it, not the anguish.
3. Growth isn’t linear
Don’t blame yourself for messing up. We aren’t perfect and we are bound to mess up every once in a while. Learn from your mistakes, and try to not repeat them. And if you do, that’s okay, there’s always another time. Growth has no time limit.
4. You are not a bad person
If you are sitting here constantly asking yourself if you are a bad person or underserving of love, I’m here to tell you one thing: bad people don’t worry about whether they are perceived as “good” or “bad”. Give yourself grace, and stop letting your overthinking consume you.
So much love,
A girl unfiltered 💋
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yourhealingjournal · 2 months
actually, to have the audacity to live, to take up space, is the scariest and most rewarding gift you can give yourself.
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winewithdann · 2 years
A gentle reminder.
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spiritualseeker777 · 2 months
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k8jax83 · 1 year
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I cried when I read this book. I’m a wreck now I’ve seen it brought to life in film. Here are just some of the beautiful and inspiring messages in it.
Life can be hard but never forget how special and loved you are. Sending love and hope to anyone who needs it right now 💖
***Updated ***
Film: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (Based on the book of the same name by Charlie Mackesy)
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 months
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recoverr · 6 months
you're not a monster. you're you. you're flawed, yes, but you're also incredibly alive. just human. real. capable of great things, capable of change and growth, too. don't define yourself by the inner critic lashing out at you. you're not your worst moments.
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classycookiexo · 5 months
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Good luck, beautiful 💗
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maxiglow · 1 month
be busy. busy not checking messages. busy reading those books you never started or finished. busy having a good night of sleep. busy taking care of yourself and your skin. busy moving your body. busy helping your community. busy reflecting on your life and what you can improve. busy doing things aside from the capitalistic viewpoint of “productivity.” busy slowing down.
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ameliathornromance · 5 months
"Honey?" your Orc Boyfriend peers from your bedroom door. It's dark, the only light source is the candle that flickers dimly on your bedside table. It's stuffy and your bedcovers obscure your entire figure. But he knows you're there, he can smell you. And you smell sad.
You don't respond to his initial call. He comes over to you and bends down to your side of the bed. Your eyes are red and puffy, tears running down your cheeks silently.
"Not a good day, hm?" He asks you.
You don't respond, but that's all he needs to go and grab your favourite snack, a glass of water and your favourite book. He clambers on top of the bedcovers, opening the book to the first page.
"Tomorrow will be better, my love. One bad day does not mean the end of the world, although it may feel like it."
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deesi-academia · 1 year
you ever think about how many people you've accidentally hurt? you do? but when will you think about how many people you've accidentally helped have a better day? what about those parts of you?
if you can remember your bad moments, you can take a moment to remember you peak ones too <3
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