#female poets
massivex · 16 hours
That “fall asleep on the phone” love.
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wisteriawench · 2 days
please: an entry
and i’m sure i’ve done something wrong in this lifetime or the last for nobody kind would be cursed like this
i want to fear death not beg for the next how could someone be born so forlorn?
i will repent either way just in case and although i’m still unsure my sins i assure my knees are bruised and i am so so sorry
but i don’t know god so i end up begging my mother to tell me why she made me so where she went wrong how to fix it
please mom i am so so sorry
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starryvomit · 3 days
“If you do not tell your story, someone else will, and they will tell it wrong.”
-Kane Smego, 2014.
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inkwelloftheheart · 3 days
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You taught me that sometimes the most beautiful stories unfold not on a page, but in the messy, unpredictable chapters of real life.
-Flynn Caulfield
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i would read you all my poetry
spill my soul out for you
prick my fingers with a pen
and write with my blood and bruise
and i would give you all i had
just to watch you throw it all away
and i'd whisper "i'm sorry"
as i beg you to stay
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Let them.
Just Let them.
If they want to choose something or someone over you, LET THEM.
If they want to go weeks without talking to you, LET THEM.
If they are okay with never seeing you, LET THEM.
If they are okay with always putting themselves first, LET THEM.
If they are showing you who they are and not what you perceived them to be, LET THEM.
If they want to follow the crowd, LET THEM.
If they want to judge or misunderstand you, LET THEM.
If they act like they can live without you, LET THEM.
If they want to walk out of your life and leave, hold the door open, AND LET THEM.
Let them lose you.
You were never theirs because you were always your own.
So let them.
Let them show you who they truly are, not tell you.
Let them prove how worthy they are of your time.
Let them make the necessary steps to be a part of your life.
Let them earn your forgiveness.
Let them call you to talk about ordinary things.
Let them take you out on a Thursday.
Let them talk about anything and everything just because it’s you they are talking to.
Let them have a safe place in you.
Let them see the heart in you that didn’t harden.
Let them love you.
- Cassie Phillips
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Text ID: “Falling in love felt fluid. It snowed when we fell in love. Everything reminded me of warm milk. Everything seemed less real. I thought my cup was overflowing. I found myself caressing my own face”
Excerpt From: Terese Marie Mailhot. “Heart Berries.”
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hersurvival · 2 days
I heard your voice
For the first time today,
A voice message supplied
For my dreams.
And something about
The way you sounded
When you spoke to me
And your image in my mind -
Well, if I am a sugar cookie
Then you're warm cinnamon pie.
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aslisjournal · 3 days
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What am I, in all that is happening? And where are my wishes and dreams? Asli Hersi
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thepathetickind · 3 days
we never got closer than a seat next to each other when you talk to me your heart is not in it like a fool I stand here and look at you while you flirt with my friends bright lights and loud music around us I wanted to be there, next to you as you walk out, your hand on someone else’s waist leaving with a small goodbye I don’t think you could ever care, while remembering all the things you had whispered in my ear, I stay behind you rather choose the easy game, than stay with the one you had called yours for months this between me and you was just a joke to you
by laurenmaerie, never actually had you
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eccedentesiast-skies · 6 months
You’ve grown into someone who would have protected you as a child. And that is the most powerful move you made.
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humanizationofit · 1 month
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This is me btw
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adeadgirlspoetry · 3 months
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We’re only what we pretend we aren’t.
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inkwelloftheheart · 2 days
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Here I am, content in my own little world. Books for company, stories for escapes.
-Flynn Caulfield
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the words spiral
and wrap around my throat
they choke me to death
and my only thought
is to apologize
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trushe3 · 4 months
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Quotes that made me cry 🥲
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