i would read you all my poetry
spill my soul out for you
prick my fingers with a pen
and write with my blood and bruise
and i would give you all i had
just to watch you throw it all away
and i'd whisper "i'm sorry"
as i beg you to stay
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jgmartin · 11 months
me, after clearing my schedule to write:
uhhhh it was raining... and dark (and also night) and um... cold i guess?? anyway, something dramatic~ happened
me, stuck in traffic on my way to work:
Rain tumbled through midnight leaves, casting the forest in liquid moonlight. A low growl shook the horizon. Death had come.
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"A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness."
--Robert Frost
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dariann-garcia · 5 months
Una vez más, me encontraba al fondo de una copa, buscando en su reflejo la razón de por qué, esta vez, no fui suficiente.
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seleennee · 3 months
And when someone's gone and you're the primary keeper of his memory ; letting go would be a kind of murder, wouldn't it?
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soulinkpoetry · 2 months
When his love enters my soul…
Music by Glorybox -Portishead ( Live at Roseland 1998)
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Our souls keep missing each other. Soon, they'll meet up and synchronize.
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-E.S. Tues, April. 23rd / 2024 5:36a.m. @sunkissed-summerdaze
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aengell · 28 days
Suddenly you’re 25
At a friends wedding
You’d always say, that they‘d be the first of your friend group to marry
You’re eating lemon merengue and cherry cakepops with white chocolate
You’re wearing a long white summer dress
The bride wanted an all white wedding
It’s the beginning of May, and the April snow feels like a thing of the past already
It’s like the warm embrace of spring, and its abundant green and yellow fields had cast a spell on everyone
April amnesia
They’re playing that one song by The Cranberries
You remember being 21 and sitting on the train back to your shared Berlin flat
Not wearing any makeup, your hair a faded shade of pink
Planning what your next Sunday bake project is gonna be,
What you’re gonna do next week on your free days,
Wondering when they stopped putting shoe sizes on the sole of the shoes,
What your next tattoo is gonna be
And what flowers you‘ll have at your wedding
You’re dreaming of a brick house with lemon trees in the backyard
Of a husband who’s tall enough to reach and pick the fruits by hand
Of making lemonade with just enough honey and maybe some elderflower sirup
Dreaming of raising a child, returning to your hometown, letting go, an endless spring, listening to The Cranberries with your mother and feeling at ease with April snow and imperfect banana bread
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holeinthehedgerow · 23 days
Missed Connection
My heart goes out to anyone
That ever wrote a missed connection ad.
They smiled at you from across a train platform.
They were next to you at a red light.
They walked passed you on a street.
You are the real hopeless romantics,
With emphasis on the hopelessness,
But romantics,
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shareapoetry · 1 year
I thought I never experienced love,
The rush in your veins,
The racing of your heart,
Things that people call butterflies;
But the love I found was nothing like that,
He was like a fine wine getting better with age,
While I was like a bird rotting in its cage.
He was full of calmness inside,
While I was like a turbulent storm;
Talking with him was all I needed to feel alright,
And his shoulder felt like home;
When he was with me I desired no more,
Because love is found in comfort;
Not in chaos.
Saumya Thapliyal
(Do follow @shareapoetry on Instagram💕)
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des-vanecido · 5 months
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| Mi Instagram//
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poemsonmars · 6 months
i like to write using ink
of her favorite color,
in hopes of putting
more of her into my poems.
in hopes of getting
more of her out of me.
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"Read a thousand books and your words will flow like a river."
--Virginia Woolf
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dariann-garcia · 4 months
Justo cuando te haces amigo de la soledad, la vida te presenta a alguien que cambia tus planes.
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gargiyadav · 2 months
What do I do with my grief?
I know not how to handle my grief.
Where to put it, how to tame its insurmountable spirit.
How to sing it lullabies for my voice always crackles up.
How to call out its name without fearing the worst.
What to say to it when it comes running to me like a child.
What to whisper in its ears so as to soothe its wild nerves.
I know I can very well discard it, get rid of it forever, but if that would have been possible, i would not be writing this poem today titled, "what do I do with my grief"
I know not how it's so capable of being so alive when I, the harbourer, has died so many times.
Isn't this grief that I carry in my belly, my child?
If that's the case, it should have died long time ago.
But here it is, chuckling and stretching its limbs, looking at me with its endearing eyes, waiting to be picked up with utmost affection.
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tragicc · 6 months
Do not stand
By my grave, and weep.
I am not there,
I do not sleep—
I am the thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints in snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle, autumn rain.
As you awake with morning’s hush,
I am the swift, up-flinging rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight,
I am the day transcending night.
Do not stand
By my grave, and cry—
I am not there,
I did not die.
— Clare Harner, The Gypsy, December 1934
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