sk-lumen · 2 days
What a healthy, secure relationship looks like
He communicates consistently and clearly. Replies promptly, doesn't leave you on seen, checks up on you throughout the day/week according to his schedule and in agreement with your needs as well.
He pays attention to your needs and desires and quirks, and makes your life better using said details. Ie. buys your favorite kind of flowers, makes your favorite tea in the morning, remembers your food allergies when having dinner dates, etc.
Disagreements may still appear even in health relationships, and it's ok, as communication is essentual for a healthy dynamic. However, his approach to disagreements is a secure one: each will share their perspective, and if feelings were hurt or mistakes were made, he takes accountability for his side, and makes genuine apologies followed by reparations and direct actions (ie. "I'm sorry I did x, I didn't mean to hurt you. I will be/do y in the future", and then does as he promised).
Promises are kept. His actions are in alignment with his words, and he keeps his words. If he says he'll call you after work, he does. If he says he needs to cool off during an argument and will reopen the conversation in 1h, he does indeed return in 1h to continue the topic.
If you're anxious, he will reassure you and work through it. He doesn't run away or avoid the topic (as an avoidantly attached person would).
If you come forward communicating your needs, or sharing complaints or grievances, he will hear you out and actively seek a way to improve things. He won't freak out, or get angry or run away in response to you having needs or communicating your thoughts; these are normal relationship things you're entitled to, and a securely attached man knows this.
A man that is well-rounded, with a secure attachment style, will have a rich life of his own: hobbies, interests, circles of friends, activities, etc. He will enjoy having his independence and space, and will respect your need for your own. He is not co-dependent, nor gets in the way of you having your own life outside of him. He knows having individually rich lives is important for a healthy relationship. To expand on this, he encourages you to enjoy your selfcare time, your girl's night out, or whatever other activities nourish you.
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“It suddenly seemed to me that I was lonely, that everyone was forsaking me and going away from me.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky , White Nights
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I love your name. I say it again and again in this summer rain.
Carol Ann Duffy
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amaranthsynthesis · 2 days
A Sacrament to be Taken Kneeling // durgetash cockwarming
A Sacrament to be Taken Kneeling // durgetash // E // 6.8 k // chapter 1/1 Pre-Canon, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Trans Male Character, Cock Warming, Oral Sex, Dom/sub, Subspace, Humiliation, Degradation, Failed Forced Orgasm, Extremely Dubious Consent, Overstimulation, neither safe nor sane and to be honest the consensual is REALLY pushing it, they were husbands and they were horrible your honor, brief references to untagged for kink
They’ve entertained themselves at great length already, and the story is easy to read in the objects sprawled about. There’s a tray of fruit and cream at the foot of the bed, half picked over from breakfast, the half-eaten honey comb oozing and glinting like gold in the sunlight. A second bottle still remains of the light and sparkling wine they had taken alongside it, cork wedged halfway in and cradled with more hope than precision in the pillows. Open and discarded around them are a scattering of books; a tome of medical diagrams, a Netherese history, a blacksmiths logbook, and a single slim volume of Drowish poetry. They’ve eaten, they’ve drank, they’ve regaled one another with conversation and debate and art. And Enver has had, for the last half a candlemark at least, his cock buried in the Bhaalspawn’s throat. - Enver Gortash and the Dark Urge enjoy a rare, lazy morning in bed.
Extraordinarily self-indulgent hedonism. This is the softest I've ever written these two, which is adorable and concerning.
Read it here!
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Been srlsy into the idea of writing more, explicitely fat Reader. Not sure how to tags it thought.
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lipikkawrites · 3 days
In case noone told you today, you are an inspiration.
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thepathetickind · 3 days
a thorn in my chest perhaps I was the one who put it there, as it was the only way to keep a piece of you, while reminding myself that we don't belong together, I know you're not the one
by laurenmaerie, ‘to keep a piece’
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writing-with-sophia · 18 hours
Habits and quirks for characters
A very long time ago post from me. Hopefully it will make you create more believable and interesting characters.
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xmairr · 3 days
In love with the impossibility of us~
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mournfulroses · 2 months
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Vladimir Mayakovsky, from a letter featured in "Love in the Heart of Everything; The Correspondence between Vladimir Mayakovsky & Lili Brik, 1915-1930,"
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feral-ballad · 3 months
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Ama Codjoe, from Bluest Nude: Poems; “Bluest Nude”
[Text ID: “I crave. I want to be seen clearly or not at all.”]
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sk-lumen · 3 days
may June bring you...
miraculous opportunities
financial abundance
healing your inner child
honoring your true self
honoring your soul mission
embracing the soft life
regulated nervous system
healthy routines
beautiful moments with friends
feeling peaceful and anchored deeply within yourself
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Bilal Al-Shams, Sacrifice
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And the poem, I think, is only your voice speaking.
Virginia Woolf, The Waves
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writersshitpost · 7 months
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ivynightshade · 6 months
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fatima aamer bilal, from i mother it the absence of her, iii. i am not a person that can be loved for a very long time excerpt from moony moonless sky.
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