because i have visited the garden at dawn the roses blush open in a tender light letting me caress their velvet petals, and i note in the warmth of the now-emerging sun
how they, both Damask and Bourbon, have been dew-kissed by the morning mist glistening upon their blooms and thus made enchanted...they are timeless flowers in this place
perhaps because it is dawn, they are delicate or maybe because they, too, sense they hold much reverence, they appear to be waiting for me to whisper...something
to whatever archaic loves might still reside here that they might awaken from their sweet slumber in which there are gardens and petals and...loves who feel the unspoken language of their embrace
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sumrowgigliotti · 1 day
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lipikkawrites · 3 months
Nobody is your friend until they defend your name in your absence.
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dg-fragments · 11 months
I write to you, of you, not because our souls are intertwined, neither because you're mine or I'm yours, but because I do not know of any other audience, for these thoughts, in the form of mere words, for this fragmented existence, which reveals through the cracks of past experiences, to lose itself in the captivating beauty, that is yourself.
- DG
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writeblrcafe · 2 months
Webzine submissions open for writing!
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Dear writers on tumblr, pour yourself a drink on the house. We've been asking for editors for our webzine in the last few weeks (you can still sign up here). We are focusing on going into different worlds. Now, we can announce that we are accepting writing submissions for it!
Who can submit writing?
All writers can submit writing to our zine, whether you have already published other works. Or have previously shared other writing pieces on [tumblr] or Archive of our own (or similar platforms). Our editors will pick their favourite pieces for each category based on different criteria, the most important thing is how well the pieces fit our theme Portal to Another World.
What kind of writing can I submit?
We are open to any form of writing! You can submit any form of writing from poetry, prose, flash fiction, a short story, song lyrics or even a non-fiction essay. As long as it fits the theme and is unpublished. Our theme is Portal to Another World. Unpublished in this case means it isn't published in print or online. You can't submit excerpts from your WIPs when they can't be understood outside the context of your WIP.
Will you compensate me?
As much as we would love to pay all contributors, we don't have the funds. We discussed this on our server and decided we want our zine accessible to all readers. Understand this is a passion project, so you will not be compensated for your writing. The finished zine will be shared as a free PDF download with a pay-what-you-want option on our KoFi. The little money we make from the zine will be used to fund future projects of writeblrcafé (e.g. a second zine) and boosts for our Discord server.
Where can I submit my writing?
Just fill in the form below! You can submit your writing as a PDF file. The word limit for prose is 2500 words. The limit for poetry is 50 verses. You can only submit one piece of writing. If your piece of writing is longer, feel free to submit it. We will decide on a case-to-case basis. We hope many of you take this chance to collaborate on our webzine, which will be compiled in a compelling design.
Submissions deadline: 15th June
Submissions for artwork will open soon!
Please reblog this post to spread the word in the writing community!
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prasannawrites · 8 months
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before i sleep.
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sparkandashes · 25 days
“We are space dust.”
The more I think about it, the more it hits home.
These tiny particles from ancient stars - each speck, a storyteller - whispering tales of supernovas and interstellar voyages.
I imagine them as celestial breadcrumbs, guiding us through the vast expanse of space.
It’s humbling to realize that we’re made of the same stuff as the stars, reminding us of our place in the universe.
@sparkandashes via tumblr
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i admire her parted lips as they start a melody struggling to comprehend her beautiful song
my bits of vanity...vanish in the dim-lit room filled with murmurs of vowels dancing
a tongue's graceful twirl holds no meaning now as I just listen while another seeks their supper
in the night...her words spark wide-eyed wonder longing for a bridge to comprehension
i borrow whispers from gestures, touch and mold words into a tender embrace
Calista's warning lingers in the air heed this tongue, for it bears muffled echoes
i ponder the languages on the Pont d'Avignon and which story will I unravel tonight
english fills my dreams, unfamiliar no traces of those who came before
it cradles my children...shapes tomorrow demands my all in exchange for life
i see my mother’s lips move in prayer exhortant notre langue maternelle à s'éveiller
yet, my tongue falters, struggles to revive those neglected words left to wither
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endlesswordsonapage · 29 days
I am
my own worst critic.
Flay me if you like
but no one can cut deeper
than my broken fingernails,
no one can spill more blood,
fill a crimson sea
with a gushing river,
than the starving beast beneath
and no one can reduce me
to the barest of nothingness
without the breath
of a single thought.
- Harshness breeds within and the seeds were planted by me
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jmsapphire · 7 months
The metropolitan kid pleads
"I miss the stars I used to dream of
before I was born that I have yet to see"
I look up at a dark night of city sky, empty
Who knew light could taint
And be too much, that it isn't anymore good
But then what are droughts, what are monsoons?
You ask of the province that I am soon to visit;
Well its stars are not the stars I'll look up to
And yet its stars are a new set I'll learn to miss.
- missed even before we met, lost before I've forgotten
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nikithathampy · 10 months
I feel a void in my chest. Where you haven't been in my life, I've shrunk more and more into myself. No pain. Never, any. And, quite honestly that's saddening. I don't find release in tears, in suffering like I usually do. I'm not vulnerable, because I don't have you to show. I don't have words fighting to leave me anymore. No more smiles I could spare if I pick at my thoughts. There is not the dark and the stars I had plucked out from the violet sky to serenade me when I climb back into my mind. There are not the mountain peaks I had fashioned after the book that had had me hopelessly in love. There is not the balcony that overlooked the crashing sea or the music playing in the background. All of it, as if a distant dream. As if I waited and waited, and you never came to me. I am crumbling. I feel as if I can't breathe.
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lipikkawrites · 3 months
Life is too short to argue, just say ok and move on.
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I need a hand, a touch, it doesn't take much to make me feel like this could be real, could be happening... ... could just be me grappling with realities, finalities, the dualities of a coin. Balanced on its side, stuck on the top where there's nowhere to hide - it's either heads or tails. I'm giving teeth and nails to shadows, to forms, to who knows what kinds of storms just to be happy for a minute. A semblance of comfortability - some sort of stability whenever I'm in it. Questions of life? The answers are death - everything makes sense after your last breath. Mine are getting shorter, sharper, the pain of her growing stronger, darker. The air condensing with confusion, immature delusions - it's a matter of pride driving my heart's suicide. Though I'll never once claim it's better to die young, I'd be the one to blame if "I love you" slipped my elder tongue. If the wind should ever forget your name it is forever in my lungs, and if the world should ever do the same, what would you and I become?
- © Paper Heart in a Glass Chest
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dg-fragments · 8 months
Take me home, will you, for I've been out here lost, more than I wanted, longer than I anticipated, and lonelier than I imagined.
- DG
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writeblrcafe · 3 months
Sixth prompt menu (March)
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We are excited to present you our sixth prompt menu this March! This is our sweetest menu yet, consisting of five sugary companions for your drinks at writeblrcafé and sweetening our baked goods. So choose your sweet flavour and order a candied prompt from our menu!
Brown sugar: "If that's all it takes to kill a god, then how easy it must be to become one." by @basalamander-corner
Maple syrup: Write a description of one of your settings from the POV of at least two different characters, so you can see how their unique voices change how the setting appears to the reader. by @asablehart
Honey: Choose a song and write something inspired by that song. by @sadfragilegirl
Agave syrup: "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." - "I can't. I'm sorry." by @basalamander-corner
White sugar cubes: Write about two characters having dinner, but they can't explicitly say what they want to say. by @asablehart
We encourage all forms of original writing. You can check out our other prompts here. Make sure to tag your piece of writing with #wcprompt within the first 5 tags and mention which prompt(s) you used. We will reblog every order!
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prasannawrites · 8 months
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