ginadope · 3 days
There is no bridge to the other side It is so close it seems far There is simply a melody A novel to be read Through eye-shaped glasses
I am doing well No translucent heart of yours beat In vain Yet such is the beast's caress Hallowed fight, its loyal scream Against the whispered light
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battle scars  and inner wars a violent scream her call to arms evil swarms lyrical goddess words as bullets firing rapid frothing and rabid spitting forth truth head in a noose one step away  from falling away today everyday battle of wills murder, death, kills word wielding soul dealing poetic endings never come to those non yielding 
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heartofmuse · 7 months
Love is many things but it is also an agreement where both parties state their needs, their expectations, their limits. Both must be honest with each other and themselves, and go in with eyes wide open. Things must be talked out loud, and not assumed. Hurts must not be allowed to fester and anything that bothers or upsets you must be brought out to the light even if it is difficult. Communication must always remain open and vibrant for change is inevitable and these conversations must be had constantly. If there comes a time you cannot come to an understanding then please part before bitterness and hurt take over and obliterate every good memory from both of your hearts. Love is an agreement, a pact, a promise, something that must be held in reverence and honored by those involved. 
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alaskaisnothere · 1 month
isn't it funny how life is wonderful and messy and hard like one day you are crying your eyes out because you feel lost and the next day you are packing your stuff ready to leave your worries behind and start a new chapter in a different country and then you find all these people who love and support you and you still feel lost and you still have no idea what your life is supposed to look like but you're enjoying pink sunset and book dates at the park and overpriced coffees and maybe you just have to enjoy the breeze without expecting a storm
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dg-fragments · 10 months
I write to you, of you, not because our souls are intertwined, neither because you're mine or I'm yours, but because I do not know of any other audience, for these thoughts, in the form of mere words, for this fragmented existence, which reveals through the cracks of past experiences, to lose itself in the captivating beauty, that is yourself.
- DG
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critical-reflex · 1 month
I don't miss you
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ that was ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ yesterday
I've already drowned in that swamp
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ muddy ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ pants
Stains in my pockets, hands secreted
love chemicals ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ potent addictive
High turbulence in my cranium
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ a little crazy ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ feeling
Naysayer slapped sideways
with a vindictive ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ glove
Contents shifting gray to white
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ dark matter ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ matters not
Landing wheels protracted, life
jacket ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ above ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ on standby.
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prasannawrites · 8 months
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before i sleep.
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pigeonheadsmumblngs · 27 days
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Photo credit: Ray Hennessy
Have you ever noticed
how the birds sing out
in a storm?
That’s how I want to be.
Like a songbird
singing, joyful
through the hardest rains
that dare to find me.
~pigeon head~
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slowfalter · 10 months
I tried to write a love letter to my body
For therapeutic purposes
But I wasn’t ready
I cannot see the beauty
In all the things you do for me
I would be lying if I said
Your thighs don’t kind of scare me
But I don’t have hate for you
More just unfair expectations
I wish I could feel differently
Dear body,
I’m afraid I still don’t love you
But truly, I am sorry.
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quaintobsessions · 6 months
The Shape of Things to Come
I swear I’m not staring at her name. It’s only the cast of each letter, the grace, re-entry for my memories carved in clay, all else erased.
That night instead of chasing stray Northern Lights above stone walls of an old water tower, instead of heading back along dark water, singing
through blue air I’d breathed for too many seasons, I arrived at a wheel and a kiln. I swear I’m not staring at her face. It’s just
the effect of her making and unmaking, it’s just her intense concentration. Now that I’m right here, I can’t think of anything else.
I’m only staring at her hands, I swear. Only her hands.
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autumnsunshine10 · 28 days
Poetry in my head
Been beheaded at the bloom
Betrothed to a double agent
Doomed to repeat history
Dusty and abandoned
A band on another reunion tour
Box office blown to bits
Tickets strewn around turnstile
Pick one up and turn it in-
To something sort of worthwhile
Nothing short of unexpected
The starter seed is sown
Before retired eyes
A poem has finally grown
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Will I ever possess the softness I pretend to have?
— Fray Narte
Gif from: Stealing Beauty (1996) // Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci
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learning the language of lust is vital before diving into the forest terrain all begins with absorbing a book's content lust's metamorphosis...now evident
enlightenment unfolds with each new term in unfamiliar lexicons we discern passion, eros, itch, ardor, concupiscence described as powerful, a craving, desire, unbridled admiring the words that describe her leg's splay orbicular, cordate, convex at play veins extending palmate or parallel tips so varied ~ acute, auriculate
armed with words...into beds and sheets we wade matching chaos with categories displayed yet perplexed; single nights of lust might confuse variances juxtaposed, abound
her fertility described, leaving patterns of triple whorls yet the reality sometimes stalls is this a flower, the doubt does linger elm's fan, spruce's peak, or a sweetgum's own bloom
gradually, knowledge seeps in understanding nature's profound skin how language weaves into the world's mesh seizing experience, defying the mundane
contemplate the relentless will to know yielding to nature, resisting the flow nature's conquest, division's insidious fame and knowledge’s quirk, lust whispers their demands
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heartofmuse · 1 year
Truth is that the heart needs more forms of love from your partner than just romantic love. It needs the nurturing and unconditional love like the one that comes from a parent. It needs the love that helps you achieve your maximum potential, that empowers your virtues and is patient with your flaws like that of a teacher. It needs the love of a friend who will listen without judgment, who will laugh with you and be your confidant and accomplice. It needs the devoted love of a healer who will tend to your wounds and hurts and never turn a blind eye to your suffering but rather help the healing process knowing all the time the healing and the timing is all yours. Love is more than just romance and passion, and sooner or later it will die out if you do not nurture all the other faces of love. For if love has a thousand faces, how bland would it be if my love for you were the same one all the time. 
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n-ehpamoi · 5 days
I'm not telling you that you must change you.
There, in and of yourself, you do and will have every right and reason to exist as you are, and/or want to be.
But so often we can only find our edges by meeting with the edges of one another -- that is where we must choose whether to shift, and willingly falter.
I don't know about you, but if they do not want for my imposition, I do not want to force the breadth of my existence upon them.
If I ask you not to cut me, do not cut me. If you ask to be left, I will be gone --
There are walls to our hearts for a reason -- and it means all the more when you get to choose to let someone in.
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dg-fragments · 7 months
Take me home, will you, for I've been out here lost, more than I wanted, longer than I anticipated, and lonelier than I imagined.
- DG
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