zhestokiiys · 7 years
hmk i remade and the blog is dash only so hmu for the url or look out for the new follow :) there’s a big old rewrite in store so ! yuh!
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
im mobile so i can't see the emojis but dANG if i could use a dank comPLIMENT ❤❤
licks u. okay but. imma be honest with you, i admire you so much. as a writer, the word that i always want to apply to you is Gritty. and what i mean by that is you take everything so far beyond the usual tropes, so far beyond the normal notions and elevate it in ways i’m not sure other people know how to do. you write the dirty beauty, the leather- biker satans and the honey laced wounds. you can take something classic and make it new, real, and … well, gritty. you never, ever bore me. you make even the Nastiest™️ concepts read like scripture, and i don’t think that’s something that can be taught. it brings me back to the things that i loved most about all my favorite authors, the vibrant imagery i can never forget, the fragments of lines that i catch floating through my brain even months after the fact. there are snippets of your writing that i literally catch myself thinking about randomly from time to time, right there alongside the memories of cat valente, mary shelley, stephen king and edgar allan poe. you are no small talent. what you do is pure poetry, and it never gets old. you should always be proud of that, because that can’t be taken from you. and it can’t be imitated.
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
I guess I love you for the silence. You seem to be able to sense when I’m fascinated with the world spinning, and instead of breaking my focus to turn my attentions to You, you just take my hand and listen to the silence with me.
redcapesredlips, writing prompt #7: write about silence (via thedestrcyer)
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
Our traumas breathe down our necks / even the guillotine learned not to grieve.
BURIAL GROUND, Avery Byrd (via averybyrd)
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
sentence prompts ➝ rocky horror picture show
❝Are you having a party?❞
❝Oh, I just love success.❞
❝Do your worst, inferior one!❞
❝Madness takes it toll.❞
❝You killed them!❞
❝By night, i’m one hell of a lover.❞
❝You’re too kind.❞
❝I really love that rock n’ roll.❞
❝My life is a misery.❞
❝You liked it, didn’t you?❞
❝I’m going home.❞
❝Give yourself over to absolute pleasure.❞
❝He never caused her nothing but shame.❞
❝My feet! I can’t move my feet.❞
❝Don’t get hot and flustered!❞
❝I’ll put up no resistance, I want to stay the distance.❞
❝If there’s one fool for you then I am it.❞
❝I’m dressed up with no place to go.❞
❝I’m out of my head.❞
❝I loved you. Do you hear me? I loved you!❞
❝I grow weary of this world.❞
❝I’ll oil you up and rub you down.❞
❝Let me show you around.❞
❝That’s a rather tender subject.❞
❝Hahahaha - SHUT UP.❞
❝I’m frightened. What kind of place is this?❞
❝I could show you my favorite obsession.❞
❝I’d only ever kissed before.❞
❝I don’t want no dissension. Just dynamic tension.❞
❝Nothing can ever be the same.❞
❝I’ve got an itch to scratch. I need assistance.❞
❝When you knocked, he thought you were the candy man.❞
❝Your apple pie don’t taste too nice.❞
❝Do you have any tattoos?❞
❝They didn’t like me. They never liked me.❞
❝Don’t dream it, be it.❞
❝But it seems so unhealthy here.❞
❝Oh, dear, you’re hurt! Did they do this to you?❞
❝Your new playmate is loose.❞
❝I have never been a quitter.❞
❝I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.❞
❝I’ve tasted blood and I want more.❞
❝It’s just a jump to the left.❞
❝Even smiling makes my face ache.❞
❝There’s no crime in giving yourself over to pleasure.❞
❝I’m prepared to forgive you.❞
❝Don’t be upset. It was a mercy killing.❞
❝Well, you got caught with a flat. Well, how ‘bout that?❞
❝A mental mind fuck can be nice.❞
❝That’s not way to behave on your first day out.❞
❝You’re like a sponge. You take, take, take and drain others of their love and emotion.❞
❝If only we were amongst friends or sane persons.❞
❝Don’t judge a book by its cover.❞
❝I thought there’s no use getting into heavy petting. It only leads to trouble.❞
❝I see you shiver with antici..pation.❞
❝You’re lucky. He’s lucky. I’m lucky. We’re all lucky!❞
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
a mix of soviet/modern russian song lyrics as horribly translated by me. feel free to change pronounce, etc.!
’ if only i knew how hard it is to fall asleep alone. ’
’ if only i’d known what’s to come, i would have jumped out of the window. ’
’ hello, we are going to be happy now and forever. ’
’ the silence is scarier when a glass of wine slips from your hand in the middle of the party.’
’ all those people in leningrad and rome think that death is something that happens to the others.’
’ people meet, people fall in love, people get married. i’m so unlucky in that, it’s a disaster. ’
’ we were so late to discover that it’s twice as fun together. ’
’ don’t go meet him, don’t. he has a granite stone in his chest. ’
’ he won’t comfort you, he won’t forgive you. your heart will be broken. ’
’ i am going crazy, or ascending to a high level of madness. ’
’ we were trying to anticipate that day as hard as we could. ’
’ a heart cares, a heart worries. ’
’ a heart remembers, and will never forget. ’
’ you’re not alone. ’
’ may you be lucky enough to find something that burns out and brings you the light. ’
’ i will tear my heart out just to light the way. ’
’ am i a hero or am i a murderer? ’
’ what are my faces hiding? ’
’ who am i without you? ’
’ i’d be lost without you. ’
’ i’m choking on my happiness. ’
’ the sleepless will have to leave at dawn with their eyes closed. ’
’ we are all akin to you on your hopeless way. ’
’ may you be lucky enought to find solace, perhaps. ’
’ anyone capable of reading between the lines is fated to own a gun. ’
’ we are cities apart again. ’
’ you only need to learn to wait. ’
’ you only need to be calm and stubborn. ’
’ my luck is the reward for bravery. ’
’ everything that has been thought of will come true in due time. ’
’ don’t think haughtily of the seconds. ’
’ there will be time and you’ll definitely understand: they are rapid as the whistling bullets near your temple. moments, moments, moments. ’
’ every moment has its reason. ’
’ these moments laddle disgrace and infamy like medals. to some they laddle immortality. ’
’ lethal fire is waiting, and yet it’s powerless against us. ’
’ believe me, you lose the sight of many things from afar. ’
’ life is driving us apart just like before. ’
’ this unknown star in the sky shines like a monument to hope. ’
’ oh life, i love you. hopefully you reciprocate. ’
’ goodnight to you, remember us. ’
’ don’t be sad, smile me goodbye. ’
’ moscow doesn’t believe in tears. ’
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
edgy.  / [ press ] to roughly push my muse against the wall.
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           ❝    it’s almost like you’re not happy to see me. ❞   faux POUT manifests, the purr dripped from her lips with sarcasm, hands reflexively curved into the front of his jacket --- and then they relax, to do so purposefully. she reclines her head against the brick wall he’s shoved her up against, rolling her shoulders backward --- basking in the dull ache that’s bloomed across them in response. gaze is then directed at him through her lashes, smile slowly spreading.  ❝    or maybe just too happy. overwhelmed, perhaps ?  ❞
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
[ choke ] from skulltie :')
edgy.  / [ choke ] to choke my muse.
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           KNEES TO CARPET,  she meets his eyes with none of the humility required for worship — devout in appearance she may be, but her gaze is far from holy. far from humbled. he’s seated comfortably as a king, knees parted to accommodate her knelt between them, her hands resting on his thighs — no hint of retreat shown even as he leans forward, fingers encircling her throat. pulse thuds in his hand, decrying any feigned indifference, even if she’d wanted to pretend.  ( what use is a lie ? )  her lips part, breathless lungs protesting inaudibly within her chest, excitement thrumming along the length of her spine & goosebumps raising on her arms. ( HERE IS MY LIFE IN YOUR HANDS. to have or to break. )  fingertips dig into his thighs, a silent request to fulfill the anticipation, straining forward in his hold to brush her lips against his own.
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
[ press ] // nyello,,
edgy.  / [ press ] to roughly push my muse against the wall.
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         SILVER DIGITS settle cruelly about pale throat, vision blurred in debt to the ringing of her skull against brick — a dull thud which issues forth before the snarl, red - tinted teeth bared against assailant. her own hand raises, prying at the cold fingers which hold her hostage, pause taken between words as she all but coughs them out.  ❝    usually like to save choking — for the second date.   ❞
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
dont be hatin bitch i make this look gud
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        i forgot what we were arguing about, zeb, but just know that you’re tacky and i hate you
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
send one to see how my muse reacts  /  rough ( some nsfw ) edition.
[ press ] to roughly push my muse against the wall.
[ guide ] to roughly grab my muse and pull them into a passionate kiss.
[ yank ] to roughly grab my muses arm preventing them from leaving after an argument.
[ pin ] to roughly grab my muses wrists.
[ tug ] to roughly grab my muses hair.
[ rip ] or [ rip + name clothing piece ]  to roughly rip a piece of clothing off my muse.
[ spank ] to spank my muse.
[ choke ] to choke my muse. 
[ push ] to roughly push my muse onto a bed.
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
‘ what is the point of power if i’m not supposed to use it? ’
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           ❝    who’s telling you to play nice ?   ❞    faux interest coaxes brow upward, lips enduringly upturned.    ❝  by all means, feel free to express yourself. god knows it’s been some time since i’ve seen fireworks.  ❞  
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
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zhestokiiys · 7 years
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