zestiot · 28 days
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zestiot · 28 days
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zestiot · 28 days
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zestiot · 28 days
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zestiot · 28 days
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zestiot · 4 months
Top 5 Aviation Solutions companies to watch out for in 2024
At ZestIOT, they are committed to breaking technological barriers and providing businesses with innovative solutions. Their journey began with an IoT application focused on children’s safety, offering parents a sense of security.
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zestiot · 4 months
Why airports can’t delay digital transformation?
At ZestIoT, we’re at the forefront of this digital revolution, helping airports harness cutting-edge technology to streamline operations. Let us take you through some concrete facts and reasons why Airports can no longer delay digital transformation.
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zestiot · 4 months
Intricacies of Aircraft Turnaround Operations
The clock is always ticking in the aviation industry. You are constantly under pressure to improve customer experience to gain a competitive advantage while trying to make a profit. But there is a common denominator that influences both these outcomes — airport turnaround operations.
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zestiot · 4 months
Top RPA use cases for Automation in airline industry
In the aviation industry, RPA can be used to automate various processes, from ticket booking and baggage handling to maintenance scheduling and flight operations. The use of RPA in the aviation industry is not just about cost savings; it also offers benefits such as improved accuracy, increased speed, and enhanced customer experience.
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zestiot · 4 months
Unveiling AI Vision Systems: Its Significance and Impact
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The reign of subjectivity in manufacturing quality control is nearing its end. Enter the era of Artificial Intelligence Vision Systems (AI Vision Systems), a data-driven revolution poised to reshape the very fabric of industrial inspection. No longer mere science fiction, Artificial Intelligence Vision Systems transcends the limitations of human observation, ushering in an era of unparalleled precision, efficiency, and safety.
This blog dissects the evolution of Artificial Intelligence Vision Systems, tracing its ascent from early neural networks to the sophisticated solutions transforming modern production lines. We demystify its inner workings, revealing how complex algorithms learn and adapt, meticulously parsing images to identify even the most subtle anomalies. 
The Evolution of AI Vision Systems
The journey of AI Vision Systems dates back to the 1950s when the first experiments were conducted using neural networks to detect the edges of an object and sort simple shapes like squares and circles. The technology evolved over the decades, with significant milestones such as the implementation of optical character recognition (OCR) in the 1970s to interpret handwritten text. 
As the internet matured in the 1990s, facial recognition programs thrived. The advent of deep learning in 2010 and beyond further propelled the progress of AI Vision Systems, enabling computers to train themselves and improve over time. Today, AI Vision Systems have found applications in diverse domains, from automotive and healthcare to retail and smartphones.
How Do AI Vision Systems Work?
AI Vision Systems operate much like a jigsaw puzzle. They use neural networks to distinguish between different pieces of an image and identify the model of subcomponents. Instead of providing hints to recognize an object, the computer is fed with images that aid in the precise identification of an object. 
For instance, to train a computer to identify a cat, the system is fed with hundreds or even millions of images of cats. The model thus created learns about different features that make up a cat or differentiate it from other similar animals.
Applications of AI Vision Systems
AI Vision Systems have a wide array of applications. It includes Image Segmentation, a process of partitioning an image into multiple regions and pieces based on pixel characteristics in an image. 
Other applications include Cut Detection, Foreign Object Detection, Material Detection, Spill Detection, Belt Sway Detection, and Boulders and Slump Detection. Additional modules for Idler Condition Detection, Human Safety Intrusion Detection, and Belt Thickness Detection further enhance the capabilities of AI Vision Systems.
ZestIoT solutions Powered by AI Vision
ZestIOT’s PREDICTON is an innovative solution that combines Video Analytics and CameraAI to address challenges in heavy industries. It stands out with an identification accuracy rate of over 99.98% and offers real-time alerts for immediate action. PREDICTON is robust, dust and waterproof, and requires no downtime for installation. 
It offers various detection capabilities and additional modules for comprehensive monitoring. With seamless integration with PLC Systems and an interactive web app for insights, PREDICTON aims to redefine conveyor belt monitoring and enhance efficiency and productivity.
Ground radar 
ZestIOT’s Ground Radar Connected Operations is a transformative technology in the aviation industry. It uses Camera AI/IoT to monitor and analyze ground activity in real-time, enhancing efficiency, safety, and speed of operations. 
Key features include IoT Telemetry for automatic capture of turnaround timings, CameraAI for live visibility of operations, and Aircraft Turnaround Digital Twin for predictive analysis. 
It also ensures Airport Safety Measurable Compliance and offers resource planning features. This system is a prime example of an AI Vision System, utilizing advanced AI and IoT technologies to revolutionize industry operations.
Gone are the days of unreliable manual inspection; Artificial Intelligence Vision Systems stands as a digital sentinel, relentlessly scrutinizing every detail, ensuring product precision and minimizing defects. Its impact extends far beyond mere quality control, optimizing production lines, minimizing downtime, and safeguarding worker well-being.
This technology fosters a collaborative future, where human expertise synergizes with AI's unwavering gaze. Inspectors, liberated from tedious tasks, can now focus on strategic analysis and process optimization, driving innovation and continuous improvement. AI becomes the tireless inspector, and the invaluable data analyst, working in concert with humans to forge a new era of manufacturing excellence.
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zestiot · 4 months
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zestiot · 5 months
A Non Intrusive Vision Based Conveyor Health Monitoring System by ZestIOT
Manual methods are often laid back and sensor based systems are not fool proof. Conveyor belt breakdowns are often a result of cuts, defects and damages, presence of  foreign objects or lumps & boulders. Difficulty in identifying , location and analysing these damages lead to complete failure affecting  plant productivity.
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zestiot · 5 months
TurnTracking — AI Adoption: Is it ready for adoption?
Main challenge in implementing Camera AI based systems in complex and intensive operations, such as flight operations at a busy hub airport with over 1000 air traffic movements, is reliability in all weather conditions. While the aviation has successfully pilot the technology & is very bullish about possibilities of AI technology for acquiring non-disputable data, such as aircraft turnaround information; making it work in all weather conditions to achieve 100% reliability still poses significant challenges. Adverse weather conditions impact airport operations significantly as recently experienced by Munich Airport. Need for accurate & reliable system providing complete visibility of operations to recover from disruptions is very critical for airports.
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zestiot · 5 months
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zestiot · 5 months
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zestiot · 5 months
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zestiot · 5 months
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