zakoltonn · 5 years
Aaliyah: ....you seem keen on risking your life. Don't mind me i'll eat popcorn and watch your eventual demise with muted glee.
Aaliyah: Thank you. That's why they pay me the big bucks.
Aaliyah: .....Maybe its your last meal before you die??
Aaliyah: Either way. There will be cake. Sometimes the universe is funky like that-- gives you cake just because. Go with it.
Aaliyah: It's not a long one. Or an arduous one. It might even involve needing a tall person to do tall person things for me tbh. But I'll get back to you.
Aaliyah: Progress I guess. Progress is progress. I don't know. They could do better than chocolate... like an actual visit but i think it's painful for them so we bury it in sugar and don't speak.
Zak: its apart of the character. 😭🤷‍♂️ I've risked my life for a lot worse.
Zak: whatever brings you pleasure, babe. Just know I'll be going with a smile on my face.
Zak: worth every penny.
Zak: ah, yeah, wouldn't be the first attempted one.
Zak: if you think you have to tell me twice, you're wrong. When life gives you cake, you fucking eat it.
Zak: can not think of a better way to go.
Zak: well, fortunately I know a tall person for tall person things. So definitely let me know. I'm sure tall person will be ready.
Zak: well that's a thought. Definitely one that sounds sensible enough. Look at you.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Isobel: I don't know.
Isobel: It's more complicated than that, Zak.
Isobel: No one stayed, they all leave and it's just... complicated.
Isobel: Not everyone sees me the way you do.
Zak: I dont think this is gonna mean that much coming from me, considering... well, I was one of those people.
Zak: but that's the thing isobel. It was never because you weren't enough or that I didnt care about you.
Zak: theres things, things that don't directly include you. But when I walked into that dinner and everything was thrown at me.. it didnt have as much to do with you as a person as it did with some other shit I've been through in my life.
Zak: I think there's more people who see the worth in you then you allow yourself to believe.
Zak: someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else. And I know that this is usually used as a cop out by some,
Zak: but I seriously mean it with everything in me. You deserve to be happy, you just have not aways surrounded yourself with the right people, or men. But you will be, find someone who isnt gonna play games or who isnt after just one thing.
Zak: I'm not really making sense here, lol.
Zak: but yeah, I've been told it's a curse and gift. It is what it is.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Isobel: You think I'm strong? I mean, I know I'm strong in certain ways but I thought I was always more calculated. There's a lot of times where I feel anything but strong.
Isobel: You do exceptionally well.
Zak: You don't?
Zak: You don't really see yourself how others do.
Zak: You're more then just beauty, Isobel.
Zak: You're strong, and you're intelligent. Just because you've made mistakes, doesn't mean otherwise. We all have.
Zak: More so, you did what you had to survive, anything on the side doesn't matter. You've made smart moves, and used what you had to to get there.
Zak: Eh, if you say so.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Blake: You've caught me on a good day, it's not always this way.
Blake: I guess so — but do you think you'd be able to fit me in your busy schedule?
Blake: Interesting.
Zak: You don't say. I would've never guessed.
Zak: I can hardly fit my own self into my busy schedule. But I still manage, so, sure, why not?
Zak: You have no idea.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Aaliyah: You just want to die and I'll just sit here and watch.
Aaliyah: Coffee is to us what water is to fish. The thing that keeps us swimming.
Aaliyah: .......I shall be teaching you. Expect a box of joy and maaaaybe a chocolate peanut butter cake at your door soon. It's like one of the ten things I know how to make. And it took months of practice. But it's perfect now.
Aaliyah: Owe me huh? Whatever I want? I'll have to consult my list.
Aaliyah: I mean... it kind of works. I'm still not on great terms with them but I stay in touch and might attend their funerals so...
Zak: what can I say? I've always been a fan of testing my limits. Must be doing something right, because here I am still. 😂
Zak: That is definitely one way to put it. If not the best way.
Zak: a whole chocolate peanut butter cake to myself? Did I just die and go to heaven? Why, yes, I think I just did. I dont know what I've done here to deserve this, but I'm down with it.
Zak: I'll be waiting for that list. You help me, I'll always be happy to help ya. That's how this works here.
Zak: that's better than never or impossible. So I think that's definitely progress right there.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
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I do not love working out.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
“Hey Mrs Jenkins!” he shouted loudly as he knocked on the frosted glass of her front door in a quick repetitive motion. “You know you can’t keep letting your cat out into my garden because this is the fifth time this week I’ve found him on my couch and my dogs aren’t as friendly and welcoming as I am!” Harrison knew there was no way she could hear him anyway because he could hear her TV playing at full volume, but he absolutely refused to admit defeat. He stepped backwards, placing his hands on his hips with a heavy frown before noticing a figure in the corner of his eye approaching him. “Hey you uh… Want a cat? Very needy and…” he nodded downwards to the cat brushing its cheek against the person’s leg, “very clingy.”
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Zak had been minding his business. On one of his many runs, earphones in, music blasting. His mind was on nothing more then finishing up his run, and going to catch something to eat. That was until the song came to an end, and there was a momentarily pause between the next song that the sound of pounding and yelling cut in on his thoughts. Coming to a haul, he pulled out a bud as his eyes fell upon the other. Then the male had turned to him, offering up a cat. Having only caught the part about dogs not being so welcoming. He shook his head softly, “Needy and clingy? Yeah, wouldn’t work so well around my schedule.” He commented, “Did the dogs lock you out until you found a home for the cat, or what?” Zak knew what wasn’t it, but the timing was awfully funny.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Her cheek hurt. Actually, her whole head still hurt. The blow to her cheek had caught her directly, mostly because Addison hadn’t been expecting it — though this far into her career, she probably should have been. It wasn’t the first time she’d been hit, and it likely wouldn’t be the last. Sure, when people were high out of their brains, she understood that, but other people struck out just because they were in pain, desperate, scared. And that was just unfair. “Since when was it cool to attack EMTs? We’re only there to help. I get people are in pain, but damn, no need to drag me down too.”
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It hadn’t been difficult to tell that Addison had been in a fight. The cut upon her cheek had given Zak enough of a clue. It wouldn’t be until she began to speak that the full pictures came into focus. “It’s not.” Zak responded, more then aware that she knew that already. Considering the way she was speaking, of course, she thought the same. Unfortunately, however, that was just how the world worked. Hell, he did it for a living. When people brought pain upon another, it made them feel better. As disgusting as that sounded. “I think that goes to any occasion. If someone is having a bad day, it doesn’t matter what you do for a living.” He stated, “It’s a sick world we live in. People will inflict pain on others to make themselves feel better. You know that especially well, Pierce.”
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Zak: nah, I was a pretty thin kid once upon a time. I started bunking up when I first started fighting, around the late teens, early twenties, but still resembled a sulfer dude. Even rocked the short striked hair at all times. Wasnt until I started serving time, because well, the gym was the one thing that kept me sane. And well, its survivor of the fitness.
Zak: figured youd appreciate it
Isobel: You would have never guessed. That's the true, which is why I'll probably die. Or maybe that's why I've always been attracted to strong guys. I have a lot of power with my mind, but not strength wise.
Isobel: you know me so well.
Zak: Well, you know me. I like being not being an easy guess. In a lot of things, strength in mind can go further in that in body. As we both are more then aware, so that just makes you stronger then majority.
Zak: I try.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
[TEXT] | Zak K.
Michael: Nah, Riley and I always agreed on food actually. We both have major sweet tooths.
Michael: Get over it? Did it really get that heated?
Michael: Reese's is good but the best chocolate ever is Godiva. At least as the easier accessible type. You should really try a chocolatier sometime.
Michael: Alright let's duke it out because nothing can beat an ice cold Coca-Cola.
Michael: Take em out for some BBQ. Easy to forgive someone over good grub.
Zak: See, that's the way it should be. Sometimes, however, I think they just disagree to argue with me.
Zak: You wouldn't think, but the smallest thing can turn ugly in this family. I think it sterns from the head of house tbh.
Zak: What can I say? I'm a cheap ass date. Doesn't take much to make happy.
Zak: Why is it that when you put ice cold in front of that, I almost can't disagree with you. In fact, I feel like I could go for one. But only because the ice cold sold it.
Zak: Fight over food, solve over food. Sounds about right.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
[TEXT] | Zak
Haley: you know it only takes one hour to learn something new each day...or was it five minutes...i can't remember
Zak: Well, Sinclair, who says I got that kind of time?
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Blake: I'm sure you could find someone. Come on, I'm always available ;)
Blake: Exactly. Trouble can be fun sometimes.
Blake: Well, you'll just have to try harder to do better.
Zak: Wow, that was surprisingly easy.
Zak: Guess you're just gonna have to show me, now, huh?
Zak: Ah, my speciality.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
[TEXT] | Zak
Spencer: Lol we'll we need to educate them on all fronts, and that includes food
Spencer: I'm a lover of all chocolate, though, can't really go wrong with any of them. Except for Hershey's, they need to up their chocolate game, man
Spencer: So how do you manage to look so fit when you drink those sugar bombs? Tell me your secrets, Zak.
Spencer: Good call on that one. Then again those kids gotta live too ya know, I'd just sneak some in every now and then, become their favorite uncle
Zak: funny, that's what they said about me.
Zak: you're the second person to say that to me. And it's really causing me to wonder where the hell I've been. Because I haven't realize it's that bad?
Zak: I've made a special pact with the man upstairs?
Zak: nah, I honestly dont know. Just a lot of gym time. I also dont really intake this stuff as much as I used to, I guess.
Zak: youd have that down easily and quick. Might just adopt you as their new bro, tbh.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
[TEXT] | Zak.
NATALIE: i mean.
NATALIE: i've had 30 years to develop a deep rooted love affair with twix bars, so i might need to argue that YOU'RE wrong rn... but otherwise I sure as fuck hope not.
NATALIE: i have to remind my little sister on a near daily basis that cheetos are basically heaven on earth and absolutely good enough to count as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
NATALIE: as far as an apology goes, i have it on good authority that bacon cheese fries and tequila can make anything better.
NATALIE: although considering food is how you got yourself into this mess... maybe you need a back up plan.
NATALIE: and maybe even a back up friend bc i'm clearly not very good at this 🤷‍♀️🙃
Zak: twix is good, but it just comes in second for me. Something about chocolate and peanut butter, I mean, cant beat it.
Zak: is that a health thing? Or I just sont wanna cook thing? Because I've been guilty of both and would not judge anyone else for it.
Zak: you know what? The bacon cheese fries could work. The tequila? However, not for another 2-7 years. Although I might need some for myself to get through that.
Zak: hey, nothing can fit a food fight like more food in this family. As long as it works among what they like. 😂 a bunch of stubborn pricks in this family.
Zak: think you're better at it then you know.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Eren: You gotta try some Ghiradelli, man...live a little.
Eren: As far as the soda goes, I might have to defer to your sisters opinion again-- Mt. Dew taste like soap!
Eren: Women are usually mad at me too just on general principle, so that I can relate with. My suggestion is just agree with everything they say, your peace of mind is worth it!
Zak: what can I say? I'm a cheap date.
Zak: I've heard a lot of things as far as the taste of M.D, but soap? Soap is a new one. As someone who has had it shoved in my mouth, eh, not so sure.
Zak: but as for that last part. Sounds like you've broken the code there, man. Smart man.
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zakoltonn · 5 years
Aaliyah: Fair but everyone's preferences will be different. Though I dig a woman who lays down the law so... what she says goes :)
Aaliyah: ....it was a barely concealed code
Aaliyah: why did you want everyone to go all hiroshima? hmm? ...I'm addicted to coffee drinks like a university sorority sister. My orders are complex and obnoxious but always, always amazing.
Aaliyah: ...fight me. Grrrrrr
Aaliyah: ...this is true but reeses is not the best version of it. Like not even at all.
Aaliyah: ...YES. Hershey's has an after taste. That taste is the tears of chocolatier wannabes. One day I shall bring you a box of all that is holy. My grandparents own... a few chocolateries. They send me some often to make up for lost years. It's bribery of the best kind.
Zak: Is boredom a good enough answer? Yeah, boredom would be it.
zak: At least caffeine is something we can all agreed on. Can't go wrong with that magical substance.
Zak: What would be the best version of it then? Teach me the way of life.
Zak: You know what? I like to try new things, you bring me something that beats out what I've grown up on, and I'll owe you. Whatever you want.
Zak: Bribery is a good way to go.
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