yuni-bells · 3 years
Hi, everyone! Hope you've been having a good 2021 so far! It's been a little over a year since I started this blog, so I think an update is well in order! :))
First, thank you so much for the support! I had many worries when I first started this - and I still do, actually. Initially, I only had a vague idea of how to use Tumblr. Themes, pages, and all the wonders of customization were new to me. I had no definite posting schedule - and I become even less active whenever a new semester would start at my university. Still, despite all of these, you've stayed with me and have been so kind. It really means so, so much! Thank you very much for your kindness! I pray that you experience the same kindness - and even more of it - this year and in the future!!!
Second, it doesn't look like much, but I'm gradually making changes to the blog. I'm reorganizing some pages, and fixing some details. I haven't figured out how I want it to look yet, but the amazing theme-making community inspires me to try!
Third, I still haven't forgotten about the Phantom of the Opera game by MaZM. I've made more progress with the walkthrough, but something went wrong with my phone. It kept crashing and wouldn't turn on properly. I was so sad because I couldn't retrieve the walkthrough I had made and because I had to restart the game. I'm very sorry to say that it seems you might have to wait longer.
Fourth, to compensate for my inactivity and for the delay of walkthrough for the said game, I'm making some recommendation posts! I've learned new things over the break that I hope will be useful/entertaining for you also! Please expect to see posts about some useful applications/extensions and nice, chill apps you may want to try.
Lastly, I just want to clarify something! :)) There are countless guides online about how to complete games. There are also numerous videos and lists online for recommending the "Top 10 Apps" for so-and-so. Since I'm not as up-to-date as other people, my posts probably don't matter that much anymore or aren't even relevant. I don't reference other guides when I make my own, so that's one of the reasons why it takes me so long to post. Still, I enjoy making them and hope you will, too!
If you have any question, or anything you might want me to talk about when I make certain posts, feel free to send me a message here or comment on my posts! May you have a blessed and fruitful 2021, everyone!!!
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yuni-bells · 4 years
hello! i’m sorry, where i can find phantom of the opera walkthrough chapter 2?
Hello! I'm still working on it, so I haven't posted it yet. I'm sorry for the wait! It might take a while, but I'll do my best to get it done! I'll create a new post for it, and I'll also include a link to that post in the masterpost. I've finished part of it already, though, so if you would be interested in seeing what I've written, you can just send me a message! :)
Thank you very much for showing interest in my walkthrough! It really, really means a lot. :,) Have a good day! ⭐
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yuni-bells · 4 years
[Otaku Visual Novel] Detective Walkthrough/Guide
A Visual Novel by junichi nakagawa, available on iOS  (Also called Hikikomori Detective Brothers)
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This is a straightforward walkthrough listing the correct choices to get to the end! :>
Notes: - There are more than 50 different endings (yup, you read that right) but only one ultimate end (or true end) to the story. This can be achieved by making all the correct choices (listed like this). - Clicking on a wrong choice will get you one of those 50+ endings, and you’ll either have to start from the beginning of the story or restart the chapter to select the correct choice. - To completely finish the game, you’ll have to get all 50+ endings! But, even just getting the true end is enough! The other 50+ endings are more comedic in nature, so you won’t be missing out on them if you choose not to get them.
"No of course not." "Nah, he's just sleeping." 
"Do it yourself!" "Sheesh. fine......" 
"Shut up! Grow up already!" "Sorry, it's just for a bit!"
"The past." "The future." 
"Sorry I lectured you."  "Never mind! Listen to me!!"
"That must be it."  "No work, no food."  "I'm overthinking." "Never mind that, I'm starving" 
"Gently admonish him." "Abandon him." 
"I strongly punch him."  "I softly slap him."
"Let's go outside and gain experience!!"  "You do have the potential!! Do your best!"
"Never thought like that."  "Never mind about that thought."  "That is a bizarre idea."
"Absolutely impossible." "Well, true." 
"Master the Internet!"  "Then go out into the society!" "I'm annoyed."  "My head hurts." 
"Let's read it." "Let's ignore it." 
"Are you sure you want to trust them?" "Don't get involved! It's too risky!"  “Get his attention with a different topic!" 
"Get yourself together!!" "You're invading her privacy." 
Quietly watch the procedure. Stop him. 
"Go, Shizuku!" Make something nourishing.  Quietly watch him.
Quietly watch the procedure.  "Be careful, Shizuku!"
"Yeah, we must do it thoroughly." "No, this should be enough."  Let's give it a boost.  "Do you see something?" 
Suggest to meet with her. Suggest to call her.
"Your setting is wrong" "Your mindset is wrong"
Force quit the call. Let him speak. Draw attention to me.
Take forceful measures. Quietly watch how it goes.
There's nothing I can do. Shoot, I gotta calm him down. 
It's not too late yet.  It should be fine. Huh, what's this? Go back to cook for him.
"He's fine." "I'm curious."
Coma back later. Go inside using the spare key.
"Hold on! I'll call for the ambulance!"  "Hold on! I'll cook something!"
"Get a hold of yourself!" "Whatever......" "I'll get him something to drink so he can calm down." "I'll drink something to calm myself down."
Hesitate. Lie.
Look outside. It's nothing.
Take him outside. Confront him. Look for something that can put out the fire.
"Let's report it to the police!" "We gotta do something!"
Patience. The speed of lightning.
Watch him. Say my opinion. Make him something.
"Shizuku, it's a waste of time." "Don't be like that and explain it to him, Shizuku."
"Suit yourself." "That's enough."
Gently admonish. Kick. Help Shizuku.  Calm down somehow.
Join them. Come up with a plan. 
Wait for him.  Go inside.
Take on the men.  Eat first. Take on Suzume Furuhashi.
Go full throttle. Go easy on them.
Pressure them thoroughly. Forgive them.
That should be enough. Do it thoroughly. Take a break.
Keep pressuring her. Let her free. 
Decide to let her go. Add more pressure. 
Bow down on the ground. Give up.  Curious about something that's on the desk.  Curious about something that's on the table. 
Hand her the phone. Push the call button and hand her the phone.
"I'm taking the chance!"  "Shizuku, help!" Try to put the fire out with the water nearby.
Quietly listen. Stop him. Watch while eating something. Watch while drinking something.
0 notes
yuni-bells · 4 years
Normal Me and Abnormal Friends Walkthrough/Guide
A Text-Style Visual Novel by Entabridge Co., Ltd. Available for Android
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This walkthrough lists choices that get you to finish the chapter without getting any Bad/Another/Ad End, and these will be made bold. It also lists which ends can be obtained by certain choices.
Note: You can redo choices by watching ads. (If you're not connected to the internet, though, you'll just have to wait a while, and no ad will load!) Otherwise, you'll have to return to the Title Screen and play from the beginning of the chapter to reselect your choice. In the Chapter Menu, you can see all chapters you've cleared and are in the middle of clearing. There's a percentage in the box each chapter that represents your completion progress. This means that, while you can finish a chapter without any Bad/Another/Ad End, you chapter will not necessarily be marked 100%. To get 100%, you'll have to play through all other choices you have not selected. Bad/Another/Ad Ends immediately end the chapter. To continue playing, pick the choices in bold. Bad Ends are, as they're called, bad ends. Another Ends are alternative, actually comedic ends. Ad Ends are ends wherein other characters/stories made by Entabridge appear and end the chapter.
Chapter 1: My Abnormal Friends
Which club activity are you going to look? (pick any you like, since it won't affect the story)
the occult research club
the band club
the track and field club
What am I gonna do?
say sorry and run away (Bad End 1)
ask for details 
What are you gonna ask about? (you'll end up choosing both, so your first choice won’t matter)
What's a "Demon"?
What's a "Witch"?
What am I gonna do?
will do together
will turn it down (Bad End 2)
What I should do is
stop Onitsuka Senpai
rely on Onitsuka Senpai (Bad End 3)
Chapter 2: My Abnormal Internship Experience
Where do you pick as Shinjo Senpai's Internship company? (before picking "a cat café", it's best to any of the other two choices for more story content)
an apparel shop
a maid café
a cat café
What should you do with Onitsuka Senpai's Internship?
do his internship together 
look for the job which requires the heavy physical work (Another End 1)
What am I gonna do?
have him keep going 
have him stop here (Bad End 4)
I gotta stop Onitsuka Senpai!
grab Senpai's arm 
persuade Senpai (Bad End 5)
Chapter 3: Abnormal Magic Lesson
What should I talk about? (you'll end up choosing both, so your first choice won’t matter)
about the cat's café
about everyday school life
That's—— (both choices have the same outcome)
for sure
not how I feel
Help Shinjo Senpai?
No (Another End 2)
Orange liquid?
100% orange juice (Another End 3)
carrot juice 
watercolor painting (Ad Ending 1)
energy drink (Another End 4)
Chapter 4: Here Comes the President of the Student Council!!
What am I gonna do...
say I'll leave the club, wait and see (Bad End 6)
say I won't leave the club 
What am I gonna do?
leave the club (Bad End 7)
don't leave the club 
keep silent (this choice does nothing)
What am I gonna ask about? (you'll have to ask all, and order doesn't matter)
what is the Angel?
why are you beware?
the reason why you became the President of the student council
Chapter 5: Go for it! To the Summer Camping School!
to have them get closer...
go to Karaoke (Another End 5)
talk about the Summer Camping School
to recommend playing a smartphone game (Ad Ending 2)
The most important process is...
ingredients (Another End 6)
Who's gonna be in charge of the rice?
Mari (Another End 7)
Inori (Another End 8)
What... what should I do... (both choices have the same outcome)
turn around
don't turn around
Chapter 6/First: The Future We Select
Who are you going to leave here with? (This one's up to you! You'll have to play through all of them, anyway, to get the chapter to 100%)
with Onitsuka Senpai
with Shinjo Senpai
with Shiraha Senpai
Chapter 6/Second: The Future We Select
What I should do is...
persuade two Senpai (Bad End 8)
confess the wrong fact to the Principal  (if you clicked this, then "No", then this again, it automatically moves you to “Who hit Inori Shiraha San was——”)
cause another incident (Bad End 9)
I should confess the wrong fact to the Principal (This choice is only available after picking "confess the wrong fact to the Principal)
No (picking this takes you back to the previous question, but you can only do this once)
Who hit Inori Shiraha San was—— (this is only available by confessing to the principal or clicking "Yes" in the previous choice)
What should I do?
admit the crime 
confess that it was a lie (Bad End 10)
Chapter 7: My Remaining Friends
really hope for is
forget about Hajime and bring him back 
find the reset for Hajime regardless of time (Completed? Ending)
Chapter 8: Normal Me
True End
Special Edition for Completion
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yuni-bells · 4 years
TLDR: This blog's moving slowly, but things are coming up!
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Hello! I'm very sorry about delays of new posts.
It was my goal to post at least every week, but I'm already falling behind... _(:3 」∠)_
I haven't given up on The Phantom of the Opera game! 😄 I hope to post each part by chapter, so this tumblr wouldn't end up with frequent, short updates. However, it's taking a while to make sure I get 100% while getting all the footnotes. I am checking out other games/apps, so I might be working on those and posting those while I work on The Phantom of the Opera! I hope for your continued patience! ✨✨✨
If you've interacted with any of my posts or have even just seen them, thank you so much for your support! I'd be happy if even I could make even just one person happy! ❤️ I do have some things in store, so please look forward to them! :)) Enjoy! Have a good day!
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yuni-bells : I'm reading Mob Psycho 100, and I love it hahaha. Also, Amatsuki released a new cover! Check it out!
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yuni-bells · 4 years
Stray Cat Doors - Walkthrough/Guide (Stages 4-6)
A Cute Escape Game by PULSMO, INC., available on both iOS and Android
Stage 4 
Tap the binoculars on the chair, and tap on the cave in the distance. You’ll see arrows: up, left, right, right when the compass is facing north. Go to the left side of the boat, and tap on the compass. Because you’re facing east, the equivalent of the cave directions would be to swipe right, up, down, down. You’ll get the first puzzle piece.
Tap the table with food, and solve the sliding puzzle on the suitcase. Go to the left side of the boat to see how to move the mouse family. Go back to the food with table, and get 1 piece of chicken, two slices of apples, and a plate of cupcakes. Then, tap on the mouse family near the bottom of the screen. Give the chicken to the dad, the apples to the mom, and the cupcakes to the baby. The mouse family will leave, and you’ll collect the missing piece of the slider puzzle. Place it in the slider puzzle, and you’ll open the suitcase. You’ll get the second puzzle piece!
Observe the signboard and throw floater rings around the dolphins in that order. Go to the right side of the boat, and tap on the ocean/sea. Tap on the dark circles in the order you saw the sign said, and you’ll get a fish from the dolphin. Go to the left side of the boat, and tap on the yellow bird statue. Place the fish in its mouth. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Get the net, and fish out the corkscrew in the water. Read the book on the table, and you’ll see this: four birds on page 1, five dolphins on page 10, and two boats on page 100. When you multiply these and add these together, you’ll get 254. Enter this code into the blue box on the left side of the boat. Use the corkscrew to open the wine bottle, and you’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Tap on the door to enter the inside of the boat. You’ll get a fish on top of the shelf under the window of Stage 2.
Stage 5
Press the potted plant and get the pawn piece, and don’t forget the scissors. Get the broom by the door, and sweep the pile of leaves to get the king chess piece and a diagram. Then, go to the bookshelf in the top-left corner, and click on the thick red book. Open it to get the horse chess piece. Then, place the pawn, king, and horse on their designated places in front of the chessboard. Doing so will prompt you to place them on the actual chessboard. To know the right positions, click on the giant chessboard at the back, and mimic the positions of the chess pieces. You’ll get the first puzzle piece!
Go to the plants, and observe the plants. You’ll need to remember the positions of the aerial plants for the last puzzle piece, but focus on the lower plants for now, and tap them. Right now, the shadows are a mess, so rearrange them to find numbers. You should end up with numbers formed by the shadows: 1, 5, 2, 3, 5. Go to the birdcage with a golden horse piece, and type this code into padlock. Place the golden horse piece into the hole of the giant horse chess piece. You’ll get the second puzzle piece!
Remember the diagram? Well, get the painted pumpkin, and place it in the vase of water. The vase has a vine hanging on its edge. The pumpkin will reveal a pattern. Remember the pattern, and go press the small box to the right of the door. Copy the pattern there, and you’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Go back to the bookshelf and use the broom to knock down the box on top. Remember the aerial plants: Purple (highest), blue (third), red (second), yellow (lowest)? Mimic this on the slider of the fallen box. Now, use the flashlight to shine light under the couch and get a key. Use the key to open the drawer and get the last puzzle piece.
Tap on the door to enter. You’ll get a jack-o-lantern near the shelf.
Stage 6
Tap on the wooden logs and add one to the fireplace. Then you can see the red lightbulb amidst the spools of yarn. Find the green lightbulb beside the snowman plate with cookies. Place them in the lamp, and switch it on. You’ll see two times: 12:50 and 6:10. Go to the clock beside the snowglobe and input the time for 6:10. You’ll get the roman numeral I which looks like the capital letter I. Look at the doormat, and observe the dark spots. Now, go to the snowglobe, and make sure the blue mimics the positions of the dark spots. Once you’ve finished, tap all the buttons to get the key. Use the key to unlock the glass case surrounding the clock, below the TV. Change the time to 12:50, and you’ll get the roman numeral V which looks like the capital V. Place the I and the V on the picture frame with “Merry Christmas” but with missing letters. You’ll get the first puzzle piece!
Mix the creamer with the coffee to get a snowflake shape. Then, press all the snowflakes that match the picture you saw in the creamer. Use the remote to turn on the tv. Remember the music notes and their placement, especially the first three. Go to the picture with musical notes as its code, and copy the placement of the first three. You’ll get the second piece!
Check out the photo album on the table, and you’ll see numbers: 1, 1, 2, 4, 1. Now, go to the board game, and check out the letters. Count one space from start, and you’ll get D. Count another space, and you’ll get R. Count two spaces from R, and you’ll get E. Continue until you’re done! You’ll get the word DREAM. Go find the picture frame which has the picture of the beach. Type DREAM there. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Remember the markings on the window? The one with the arrows and the paw print? Use that to open the drawers behind the spools of yarn. Open it from the bottom, left drawer, middle right, top left, top right, middle left, bottom right. You’ll get a key which will unlock the picture frame with the picture of rain. You’ll get the fourth puzzle piece!
Remember the snowman in the snowglobe? Visit it again, and pay attention to its buttons: green, red, yellow, blue. Now, go to the number cookies on the table. You’ll find a green one, red seven, yellow nine, and blue four. Put these numbers in the remaining picture frame in this order. You’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Tap on the door to enter. You’ll get a snowman on one of the shelves.
0 notes
yuni-bells · 4 years
Stray Cat Doors - Walkthrough/Guide (Stages 1-3)
A Cute Escape Game by PULSMO, INC., available on both iOS and Android
Stage 1
Tap the key; while it’s selected, unlock the gate
Press the door of house, then tap the boots. Get the bicycle bell, and go back to the wide view. Tap the bike, and, while the bell is selected, tap the bike again.
Remember the symbols under the frog. Go back to the wide view, and tap on the trash can with a lock. Copy the code accordingly to get the first puzzle piece for the cat.
Tap on the box behind the bush in the bike area, and tap it again to open it. You’ll get the second puzzle piece.
Memorize the numbers and colors of the boats (9-blue, 4-yellow, and 3-green).
While you’re in the area, tap on the bucket. Select it again when it is in your inventory, and it will be filled with water. Go back to the wide view. Tap on the umbrella and on the hole under it. Then, tap on the bucket filled with water and tap on the hole. You’ll get the third puzzle piece.
Back to the numbers and colors. Go back to the wide view, and tap on the red mailbox on the left. Input the numbers you saw according to color (3, 9, 4). You’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Go back to the wide view, and tap on the door to enter the house. You’ll get an umbrella beside the door in the menu!
Stage 2
Press the table, and get the candle and the matches. Press the area with the shelf with the nutcracker and the snowman. Place the candle beside the snowman, and light it with the matches. The snowman will melt, and you’ll get the first puzzle piece!
Turn on the lights of the Christmas tree, by pressing the light switch near the trunk, on the floor. Then, tap on the ladder area, and turn off the lights. Go back to the Christmas tree, and get the red ball with a black outline. Go back to the nutcracker, and press the nut in its mouth. Now, place the red ball in its mouth, and tap it to get the second puzzle piece!
Collect the fallen reindeer with a sleigh under the tree, and go back to the wide view. Tap the red box near the ladder, and tap the Santa doll on the shelf. Tap the red box again. Press the reindeer pulling the sleigh, and tap the red box. Place the Santa doll on the sled pulled by the reindeer. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Observe the red and green stars. Remember their order (green, red, red, green, red). Now, tap on the cuckoo clock with the hanging red and green stars. Press the stars in the order above. You’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Go back to the wide view, and tap on the door to enter the house. You’ll get a Christmas tree decor on top of your shelf in the menu!
Stage 3
Tap the shovel and the watering can. Go to the area with the treats on the table, and click the withering plant. Water it with the watering can to get the first puzzle piece!
Use the shovel to dig up the small piles of dirt across the lawn. You’ll come across numbers (11, 28, and 69). Then, go to the addition, code-thing near the bird box. Add all the numbers you saw to get  108. Place the code there, and you’ll get the second puzzle piece!
Click on the stony path leading to the entrance of the house. Remember the footprints: two of a frog’s; three of a duck’s; four of a rabbit’s. Go back to the wide view, and click on the rabbit statue on the bottom right. Press the buttons according to the number of footprints. I pressed the stones this way: twice in the middle, thrice on the right, and four times on the left. You’ll get a key, so go back to the table with treats. Press on the chair, and use the key to unlock the diary. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Go back to the table with treats, and get the cat biscuit. Four symbols and colors will be revealed: red bunny, blue fish, yellow butterfly, pink flower. Then, look at the treats and pay attention to the plate colors. The topmost plate is red, and the symbol that is also red is a bunny. Tap on the bunny treat, and you’ll see a number. Do the same for the rest of the treats, and you should get: (red bunny, 4; pink flower,1; yellow butterfly, 3; blue fish, 2). Go to the birdbox, and type the code in order: pink, blue, yellow, red. Place the cat cookie from the inventory into the bird box, and you’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Go back to the wide view, and tap on the door to enter the house. You’ll get a bunny plushie near your feet in the menu!
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yuni-bells · 4 years
Stray Cat Doors Walkthrough/Guide (Complete)
A Cute Escape Game by PULSMO, INC., available on both iOS and Android
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Stages 1-3 Stages 4-6
yuni-bells: I’ll add pictures/illustrations, as well as edits to this! I just wanted to post this for now! Hope it’ll help!
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yuni-bells · 4 years
The Phantom of the Opera Walkthrough/Guide (Complete)
A Point-and-Click Adventure/Interactive Visual Novel Game by MazM, available on both iOS and Android
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Things to know before/when playing
Chapter walkthroughs
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before going to the chapter walkthroughs/guides, here are some things you might need to know before/when playing:
1. Right when you open the game, it shows precautions.
Overall, I find the game to be scary in the sense that the game feels very real (with its beautiful visuals, effective sounds, and timely effects), and that it is a thrilling experience. However, I don’t find it scary enough to be causing sleepless nights / to be haunting me daily. Just, exercise proper discretion when playing! Here it is - in case you missed it the first time! :)
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2. Read the Game Streaming Guide when you open the app for the first time!
It contains policies and requests from the game-developers that we should all honor! They worked hard on their games, and the least we can do is follow what they ask! It will only take a few seconds/minutes, and will do them a big favor! :) Here it is - in case you missed it the first time! :)
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3. The guide contains information on footnotes and achievements, aside from what to do to progress with the story.
Footnotes might be easily missed, so keep an eye out for them! No worries though! Just follow the guide! :) I’ll also be putting the achievements that can be unlocked, as soon as they can be unlocked, within the walkthrough itself. I’ll be updating the consequences of each choice, though, when I finish the game! 
The game actually contains other extras which I won’t be including like characters and gallery.
4. The game features tokens.
These tokens are used to view additional content in the game such as chapters and gallery pieces. They may be obtained in the Shop, by three ways: watching three ads daily for a total of 35 gold tokens and 720 silver tokens, sharing/following MazM’s SNS pages, or by purchasing special bundles.  The prices of the additional content vary, but they’ll be listed in the post about the game or in the walkthrough itself.
5. The post about the game will not feature an in-depth story of what transpires in the game (see point two).
“So, it’s a meaningless post?” Nope! :)
I’ll feature some pictures and snippets of what to expect when you play the game! As for the actual content, it’ll be a surprise :))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter Walkthroughs/Guides (please check constantly, as I’ll update this part over time!)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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yuni-bells · 4 years
The Phantom of the Opera Walkthrough/Guide (Chapter 1)
A Point-and-Click Adventure/Interactive Visual Novel Game by MazM, available on both iOS and Android
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Full walkthrough/guide 
Chapter 1: Overture: The Phantom Appears
Note: This will be placed either before or after things you need to do in the story, according to when you should do them: C.F. <no.> means Check the corresponding Footnotes to see how/where to get them!
The Beginning of the Story
Footnotes (1)
The Opera House - after playing the mini-game, pick this up before entering the grand foyer
Walk to the Baroness and talk to her.
Go to the right, before picking up the letter, and inspect the cat. Then, click “View ads” to unlock the achievement “Meow-ception”
Inspect the letter and tap when the cursor appears over a blank area. (C.F.!)
Isolation (Side Story)
Footnotes (3)
Faust, The Opera - before joining the crowd at the grand foyer to see what's going on, go to the dressing room hallway via the right stairwell 
Joseph Buquet - after talking to the crowd (but not Joseph Buquet), go back up the right stairwell, near the balcony 
Jewel Song - right after talking to your friends, near the song stand
(C.F.! 1) Join the crowd at the Grand Foyer (C.F.! 2)
Talk to Mr. Buquet
Go to the stage and up the stage (you can't leave until you talk to Carolus Fonta during the break of the cast)
Speak to Sorelli and Jammes (C.F.! 3)
Select the song stand to sing the Jewel Song to your friends
Talk to Meg
Tap the door to see what’s going on
Swipe in the direction of the arrows
Phantom Story
Footnotes (3)
The Firemen - after listening to Jammes' story; it's found on the table with a blue scarf in Christine's dressing room
Emperor - after talking to Madame Giry, along the right stairwell
Mr. Daae - after talking with the Angel of Music, on top of Christine's dresser
Talk to Jammes and listen to the Phantom story (C.F.! 1)
Talk to Meg and hear her version of the Phantom story
Head to the Grand Foyer and find Madame Giry (she's on the same level, near the right stairwell) 
Follow Madame Giry to reunite with your friends (C.F.! 2)
Talk to Meg
Go to the Dressing Room 
Inspect the Mirror (C.F.! 3)
Examine the picture of Christine's father (it's the topmost picture, right above the mirror of the dresser)
New Marguerite
de Chagny family - beside the box keeper, right after the opening scene of this part of the chapter
Faust, the Play - near the leftmost box, right after the opening scene of this part of the chapter
Belle Époque - near the balcony after going up the right stairwell
Perros-Guirec - in the dressing room hallway, after talking to Count Philippe in the dressing room hallway
Trestraou - in the dressing room hallway, after talking to Count Philippe in the dressing room hallway
(C.F.! 1&2) Talk to Count Philippe in front of the stage entrance (Choose: Joke around or Tell the truth) (C.F.! 3)
Talk to Count Philippe in the dressing room hallway (C.F.! 4&5)
Enter Christine's dressing room, then talk to her
Inspect the blue scarf (Choose: Talk about Christine's hometown or Talk about the childhood)
Talk to Christine's maid
Suspicious Voice
No footnotes in this part
Inspect the door of Christine's dressing room
Inspect Christine's mirror (the large one; not the one of her dresser's); tap the circles that appear
Inspect the blue scarf
Inspect the divider 
Inspect the letter on Christine's dresser; tap when the cursor appears over a blank area
Inspect Christine's wardrobe; swipe in the direction of the arrows
Farewell Party
Footnotes (2)
Armand Moncharmin - in front of the stage entrance, after the Phantom appears for the first time
Labour Dispute 1 - after the Phantom appears and addresses the new managers (Moncharmin and Richard) in front of the board to the right of the exit going outside
Arrange the tiles in the right sequence
Inspect the table where the blue scarf used to be
Go to the grand foyer and talk to Meg
(C.F.! 1) Speak to Mr. Debienne and Mr. Poligny (C.F.! 2)
Join the crowd (mainly audience members) in the grand foyer
Speak to Mr. Debienne and Mr. Poligny
Go up the right stairwell and speak to Mr. Debienne and Mr. Poligny
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ yuni-bells: Hi! If you’re reading this, I apologize for the weird order of posts. I was so excited, I wanted to post this walkthrough/guide for Chapter 1! I’ll update it in the future, and I promise I won’t forget! :) If it’s hard for you to find the posts, I recommend waiting for the complete walkthrough where I’ll put links to these different parts about the game! Thank you for your time and support! :) For now, I highlighted options I chose in bold (in the “Choose”) parts, but I have yet to see if they change the story in certain ways. 
I’m also still just putting all the information here and will fix each part to make the guide flow more smoothly after I add more information! Thank you, once again, for all your patience and understanding! :) Update! Jan. 18, 2020 I have fixed the other parts of this guide, so everything is complete, except for the side story (Isolation). It’s pretty straightforward, so I’ll continue playing the game and working on the guide before I update it.
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yuni-bells · 4 years
Dinosaur by AKMU
English Translyrics
Lyrics are free to use, but please give credit! Please read this to see how to do so. :> Enjoy! (Lyrics under the cut for length)
Lyrics:  In my old neighborhood, old neighborhood - a villa's basement Four members of a family, of a family ... they lived happily Under the bathroom door, I know, there was a tiny mouse hole Every night father would toss and turn, but no No problem Didn't know anything then It is still clear, in my mind, the past time that the young me was very unafraid of things But what made me jump But what made me jump What made me jump was... a dinosaur Dinosaur I was young and dreamt about a dinosaur I was young and dreamt about a dinosaur Soon was up with a scream, up with a scream; everyone awoke Those warm and comfy blankets, warm and comfy blankets I kicked off Even though mom hugged me a lot I couldn't hide my tears... TV, she told me to watch to calm down Blinking, blinking back tears; Black room's flashing with fears I still recall the dream that I had when I was young and unafraid of most of life's things But what made me jump But what made me jump What made me jump was... a dinosaur Dinosaur I was young and dreamt about a dinosaur I was young and dreamt about a dinosaur Violently broke down our window; Ferociously roared at my family so, if I''ll see you again, I will make sure by then... I'll shout louder than you I'll shout even louder than you I'll shout even louder than you I'll shout even louder than you (ahh...) Dinosaur Dinosaur I was young and dreamt about a dinosaur I was young and dreamt about a dinosaur
Credits: based on the lyric video by Hamtaro Gasa on YouTube 
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yuni-bells · 4 years
Never (Produce 101 S2)
English Translyrics
Lyrics are free to use, but please give credit! Please read this to see how to do so. :> Enjoy! (Lyrics under the cut for length)
My love for you has seemed to have stopped (yeah) within memories that I cannot block. (yeah, yeah) Everytime, Everywhere (Always reappearing in my mind) Hopefully turning to ashes now (yeah) Hey, erasing you every day is no easy thing; chilling me down to the core, hurt by pieces that you fling. But, looking back, now I know, a bright path is what it shows - not even leaving traces of you being close. Yeah, made my choice - never, ever - so why is it you're back in my heart? We're not forever; filled up with tears. Reconcilliation, not together... End. Never. You who were once loved by me, just get away. Our pure-hearted love once up in the sky. (in the sky) Wanting deep down, I really wanna say: "I love you." (I love you) Why don't you go and leave my side. (yeah) Fear-filled, it won't show 'cause of pride. (yeah) Everytime, Everywhere A love my life was not worth wasting over for. I love you, love you, love you. (oh) Unable to be grasped, it is uncontainable. With time passing, my greed to have you is attainable. Completely surrounded by light, it's blinding. But, you're being pulled away from me in the darkness. Made my choice: never, ever. As for me, you know, it's getting better. We're not forever; filled up with tears. Reconcilliation, not together... End. Never. You who were once loved by me, just get away. Our pure-hearted love once up in the sky. (in the sky) Wanting deep down, I really wanna say: "I love you." (I love you) My heart is filled with raindrops that continue to fall down. By yourself you came down that night. I wanna see you again. Erasing you now! I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know 'bout the perfidy of my heart and the words that you kept, no. To help me forget our times spent together and to help forget you. I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go to our small love's flame so go and blow it away. I let you go.. Yeah... Oh... Oh! Ending my own epilogue so please go move on. I'm going on my way. Made my choice: never, ever. So why is it you're still back in my heart? We're not forever; filled up with tears. Reconcilliation, not together... End. Never. You who were once loved by me, just get away. Our pure-hearted love once up in the sky. (in the sky) Wanting deep down, I really wanna say: "I love you." (I love you)
Credits: based on the lyric video by krystalized on youtube
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yuni-bells · 5 years
The Caged Garden Cock Robin - Walkthrough/Guide
A Visual Novel by SEEC Inc, available on both iOS and Android
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Important Notes (!!! please read !!!)
Walkthrough (different choices and effects for each choice)
Guide to Getting the Keywords
Guide to Getting the Different Endings
!!!   I M P O R T A N T   N O T E S   !!!
The Characters, Chapters, Images, and Keywords in the game will be updated accordingly as you progress through the story, so don’t worry about not having all the information at the start! Some of these may be unlocked by choosing certain choices (and possibly in different episodes), but it does not mean you may make it to the end of the game.
The Walkthrough contains the most important events that happen per episode (no worries, all spoiler-free) as well as the immediate effects of each choice on the true madness bar. I intentionally separated the Endings Guide from the Walkthrough so you can decide whether or not you want to play knowing how to get the different endings already. :))
When you get an Ending, please visit the Endings Guide to see how to continue the game. :))
Some of your questions might be in the FAQs, but if they are not, please leave a comment! I’ll check them out and respond as soon as I can.
“- Different scenes will play out as a result of picking different choices in this chapter -“ means you may miss out on potentially major scenes, or scenes that provide more context, and not simply changes in dialogue as a result of choosing differently.
To avoid confusion, try to play continuously until you reach an Ending (whether an early one or a major one). Try to avoid redoing your choices just because you don’t like the outcome. The effects of some choices may only be felt in later Episodes, so it’s best to play on, no matter the result! Also, the way some Episodes play out will happen differently depending on your choices. This holds true especially for Episodes right before potential Endings.
Finally, for TALKS, it will not matter what choice is selected and in what order the choices are selected because you will have to go through all the options. There will also be no effects to the true madness bar during this time.
Episode.00 - Prologue
- In the first playthrough, no energy will be used; playing through it again, using Game Start will consume 15 energy. - - Different functions available during the gameplay can be learned by pressing “Help” - - True madness bar starts at 50% -
CHOICES: Where am I? (0 - Neutral choice) Who are you? (+5%) Why am I in bed? (-5%)
Episode.01 - Encounter
- Consume 10 energy in order to play this chapter -
TALKS: The Garden Archive The Kitchen The Doctor’s Room The Wardrobe Room
- Consume 10 energy in order to play this chapter -
Episode.02 - A Chance Meeting
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The first Keyword may be unlocked after choosing “Escape anyway”; if “Go back to my room” is chosen, the first Keyword may still be unlocked in Episode.02-2 - - Different scenes will play out as a result of picking different choices in this chapter -
CHOICES: Go back to my room (+5%) Escape anyway (-5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The first Keyword may be unlocked after choosing “Move from here”; you will have no other chance to unlock the first Keyword - - Different scenes will play out as a result of picking different choices in this chapter -
CHOICES: Move from here (-5%) Wait for someone to come (+5%)
- Consume 25 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES: Say something (-5%) Say nothing (+5%)
Episode.03 - The Girl in the Cage
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The second Keyword will be unlocked after making a choice, regardless of what choice will be made -
CHOICES: Ask something (-5%) Leave here (+5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The third Keyword will be unlocked before making a choice -
CHOICES I thought it was scary (+5%) I didn’t think anything at all (0 - Neutral Choice) I thought it was sad (-5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The chapter will end as soon as Drossel has finished answering your last question -
TALKS: About This Castle About Drossel About the Maids About the Closed Doors
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter -
Episode.04 - Komadori
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The fourth Keyword will be unlocked before making a choice - - The fifth Keyword may be unlocked (it’s farther down the list of Keywords) after picking “Have you hidden something from me?”; you will have no other chance to unlock the fifth Keyword -
CHOICES Have you ever seen ghosts? (0 - Neutral Choice) Have you hidden something from me? (+5%) Do you know about “Komadori”? (-5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Say indirectly (+5%) Say directly (-5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - Different scenes will play out as a result of picking different choices in this chapter -
CHOICES You say let’s take a walk (-5%) You say let’s have some snacks (+5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter -
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Are you angry? (+5%) Would you like to eat anything? (0 - Neutral Choice) Do you have anything to say? (-5%)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter - - The sixth Keyword will be unlocked (it’s farther down the list of Keywords) before making a choice - - If you have chosen “Have you hidden something from me?” in Episode.04, this chapter ending will be different, and you will not encounter any choices - - The seventh Keyword will appear after getting the Ending.02 -   - Different scenes will play out as a result of picking different choices in this chapter -
CHOICES Go to the Doctor’s Room (+5%) Not going to the Doctor’s Room (-5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter -
Episode.06 - Happiness
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES What do you think about it? (0 - Neutral Choice) Didn’t you feel scared? (+5%) What would it like to do? (-5%)
- Consume 20 energy in order to play this chapter - - The eighth Keyword will be unlocked before making a choice -
CHOICES How about you? (+5%) I think I’m happy. (-5%) I don’t know. (0 - Neutral Choice)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter - - The ninth Keyword will be unlocked -
Episode.07 - What you can see
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES About Two (-5%) About Jobs (+5%) About Lord Waldstein (0 - Neutral Choice)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Correct (+5%) Wrong (-5%)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES I think it’s creepy (+5%) I don’t think it’s creepy (-5%)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter - - The “Mysterious notes” Keyword will be updated - - The tenth Keyword will be unlocked -
Episode.08 - Perplexity and Determination
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES About Jack (+5%) About ‘Komadori’ (0 - Neutral Choice) About Lord Waldstein (-5%)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES You say let’s take a walk (+5%) Compliment the garden (-5%) Hear about people in the castle (0 - Neutral Choice)
- Consume 30 energy in order to play this chapter -
Episode.09 - Oblivious
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Believe (+5%) Cannot believe (0 - Neutral Choice)
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Change the topic (0 - Neutral Choice) There must be reasons (-5%) I cannot help but doubting it. (+5%)
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Follow it. (-5%) Don’t follow it. (+5%)
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter - - The twelfth Keyword will be unlocked -
Episode.10 - The Ending Night
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter -
TALKS: Talk to Mosca Talk to Skara Talk to Bovy Talk to Owle Talk to Lynette Talk to Poisson Talk to Meel ;  Reeg
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter - - Selecting “Persuade” will allow you to unlock the eleventh Keyword - - Different scenes will play out as a result of picking different choices in this chapter -
CHOICES Escape (+5%) Persuade (-5%)
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter - - If you had selected “Escape” in Episode.10-2, the ending of this Episode will be different - - The Keywords “???” and “Drossel” will be updated -
Episode.11 - Reminiscence
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter - - The thirteenth Keyword will be unlocked -
Episode.12 - Who Killed “Komadori”?
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter -
CHOICES Escape (+5%) You don’t escape. (0 - Neutral Choice)
- Consume 40 energy in order to play this chapter -
- Consume 50 energy in order to play this chapter - - “Robin’s chart” will be updated; the fourteenth Keyword will be unlocked - - If this is your first time encountering “Robin’s chart”, please refer to the Keywords guide to see how you may first attain that Keyword -
- Consume 50 energy in order to play this chapter - - The fifteenth (last) Keyword will be unlocked after getting an Ending, either Ending.06, .07, or. 08 -
G U I D E   T O   G E T T I N G   K E Y W O R D S
Picking certain choices will allow you to get different Keywords and, possibly, in different episodes. Collecting a/some Keyword/s does not necessarily mean you may make it to the end of the game. This guide only says how to get the Keywords as when these Keywords will be updated was mentioned in the Walkthrough.
First Keyword: The door doesn’t open. After choosing “Escape anyway” in Episode.02   OR   “Move from here” in Episode.02-2
Second Keyword: Drossel After making a choice, regardless of what choice is made, in Episode.03
Third Keyword: About ‘Komadori’ 1 Before making a choice in Episode.03-2
Fourth Keyword: About ‘Komadori’ 2 Before making a choice in Episode.04
Fifth Keyword: Secrets After choosing “Have you hidden something from me?”
Sixth Keyword: Mysterious notes Before making any choice in Episode.05-2
Seventh Keyword: Robin’s chart After attaining Ending.02
Eighth Keyword: About ‘Komadori’ 3 Before making a choice in Episode.06-2
Ninth Keyword: Skara’s clothes Near the end of Episode.06-3
Tenth Keyword: About ‘Komadori’ 4 During Episode.07-4
Eleventh Keyword: ??? -> Letter of Introduction After choosing “Persuade” in Episode.10-2
Twelfth Keyword: Mysterious lid During Episode.09-4
Thirteenth Keyword: Family Pictures During Episode.11.
Fourteenth Keyword: The ceremony of the cage During Episode.13
Fifteenth Keyword: About ‘Komadori’ 5 After Episode.13-2 (or after you get an Ending)
E N D I N G S   G U I D E
There are eight endings to the game: five (Endings.01 to .05) are “early” endings that stop you from finding out about the truth and three (Endings.06 to .08) are the ones at the end of the game. When you visit Chapters, these are the purple boxes with question marks. You cannot replay and Ending by clicking on it in the Chapters section in Gallery. You must go to the Episode right before the Ending and select the choice that will enable you to play the ending. This guide already contains the hints to get the different endings, and these hints are accessible in the Chapters section of the Gallery.
If you end up getting an early Ending, first check out how to bypass the Ending you got in this guide. Then, go back to the Episode/s where you need to make the choice/s in order to bypass the given Ending (using Game Start and not Chapters in Gallery). Finally, go back to the Episode right before the ending you got. You will see that the Episode has changed, and you can now proceed with the game! Your true madness bar will be reset to 50%, but as long as you can continue up to the end, you can still make changes to it! :))
TIP: If you make it to the final part of the game, you will get an Ending (either.06, .07, or, .08). If you wish to get the other Endings (Endings.06 to .08), I recommend replaying the Prologue, as it is the Episode where the least amount of energy is needed to make a choice. Just keep selecting the choice with the +5% or the -5% and make sure to finish the Prologue to ensure that the true madness bar can make changes according to your choice. Once you are done and have the desired percentage for the true madness bar, just go back to Episode.13-2 and enjoy the different Endings!
Ending.01: The Secret at Night (achieved after Episode.02-3)
The choices you will need to make to ensure you get this ending are “Go back to my room.” and “Wait for someone to come.” It doesn’t matter what you pick for the other choices, as they will affect the true madness bar on top and will mainly be important for Endings.06, .07, and .08.
To bypass this ending, you must pick either “Escape anyway” in Episode.02 or “Move from here” in Episode.02-2 or both.
Ending.02: Happy Sleep (achieved after Episode.05-2)
After bypassing Ending.01 (and therefore continuing with the story), the only choice you will need to make is “Have you hidden anything from me?” in Episode.04. The other choices will not matter, so they are just there to regulate the true madness bar on top. A seventh Keyword will be also be unlocked after getting this ending.
To bypass this ending, you must select either “Have you ever seen ghosts?” or “Do you know about ‘Komadori’?” in Episode.04.  
Ending.03: Replay (achieved after Episode.09)
After bypassing Ending.02 (and therefore continuing with the story), the only choice you will need to make is “Believe” in Episode.09. The other choices will not matter, so they are just there to regulate the true madness bar on top.
To bypass this ending, you must select “Cannot believe” in Episode.09.
Ending.04: Feather Cut (achieved after Episode.10–3)
After bypassing Ending.03 (and therefore continuing with the story), the only choice you will need to make is “Escape” in Episode.10-2. The other choices will not matter, so they are just there to regulate the true madness bar on top.
To bypass this ending, you must select “Persuade” in Episode.10-2.
Ending.05: Distorted Love (achieved after Episode.12)
After bypassing Ending.04 (and therefore continuing with the story), the only choice you will need to make is “Escape” in Episode.12. The other choices will not matter, so they are just there to regulate the true madness bar on top.
To bypass this ending, you must select “You don’t escape.” in Episode.12.
Ending.06: In the Dream (achieved after Episode.13-2)
Your true madness bar, after Episode.13-2, must lie at a number more than 15% and less than 85%.
Ending.07: Love Nest (achieved after Episode.13-2)
Your true madness bar, after Episode.13-2, must lie at a number more than 15% and less than 85%.
Ending.08: Funeral Procession - TRUE END (achieved after Episode.13-2)
Your true madness bar, after Episode.13-2, must lie at a number more than 15% and less than 85%.
Epilogue (achieved after unlocking all Endings)
F A Q s
Can you go back to a chapter you’ve already accomplished without reusing your energy? What if you go back to a previous chapter using Game Start? You can go back to a chapter you’ve already finished and without using your energy using Chapters in Gallery; however, you can only end up making the same choice. Going back to a previous chapter in Game Start will make you use up your energy again. However, this time, you have the option of picking another choice.
What will happen if you pick a different choice while revisiting a chapter you’ve already accomplished? Will it affect the true madness bar? Picking a different choice in a previous episode might potentially affect a subsequent chapter, aside from affecting the true madness bar. When you get an Ending, the true madness bar will be reset.
Does not getting a Keyword affect getting the other Keywords? Will getting all the Keywords or not affect the possible endings you can have? All the Keywords are related to each other, but they do not affect each other. Some Keywords will also be updated over the course of the game. Also, the game is based on choices and not Keywords, so Keywords will not affect the outcome of the game. In fact, you can attain Endings.06 to .08 without unlocking all Keywords as long as you do not select “Have you hidden something from me?” in Episode.04.
Will the characters start reacting differently to you if you become more True or more Crazy at one point? Depending on your choices, the only possible results are changes in dialogue, in the unfolding of events, and in getting possible endings. The overall backbone of the story will not change, so the characters won’t be reacting differently to you.
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yuni-bells · 5 years
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Howl and Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle
(original characters from the books written by Diana Wynne Jones; film directed by Hayao Miyazaki)
I’ve been meaning to do a Studio Ghibli piece, but I never got around to doing one. I’m so happy I finally had the chance to do so! Howl’s Moving Castle definitely ranks as one of my favorites, so I hope you enjoy this work as much as I enjoyed doing it! I’ve tried doing things I saw from watching many speed paint videos (such as shading for hair!), and I’m happy with the result! ٩(๑`^´๑)۶ Most importantly, aren’t Howl and Sophie so cute??? (о´∀`о)
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yuni-bells · 5 years
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JR from NU’EST - process post
It’s my first time using Tumblr, and I’m really excited to try posting my art! If you have any suggestions about who I couldd draw next (preferably a character), I would love to do so!
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