youstarly · 7 days
Ra's speech
'I am the maker of heaven and earth, the binder of mountains, creator of what exists upon it. I am the maker of water, for the Great Ocean to take form, the maker of the bull for the cow, for their sexual movement to take place, the maker of the secret heaven of the horizon, the one who placed the souls of the gods within it. I am he who opens his eyes and there is light, who shuts his eyes and there is darkness, he at whose command the Nile Flood strikes, whose name the gods cannot know. I am the maker of hours, for day to exist, I am the cleaver of the year, who creates the seasons. I am the maker of the fire of life, to enable the work of the house to take place. I am Khepri in the morning, Ra at noon, Atum who is in the dusk.'
from seshkemet.weebly.com. This is Ra's speech from the myth of Isis and the Name of Ra.
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youstarly · 9 days
“I used to fear In the absence of Ra, What anger have I caused Him? No, He would say, A plant needs more than sunlight To grow to its heights A plant needs the rain, The midnight dew that comes With a night of rest. We need the stars, We need the clouds, Just as much as we need the sun So fret not when I fade away, I will always return at every dawn And we will experience existence together~”
— Advice from Ra on a rainy day (via cradle-the-gods)
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youstarly · 13 days
Dua Ausar, Lord of Life
Fair One, who wakes up complete,
He who repeats rejuvenation,
who defeats decay.
Lord of the West,
Ruler of the Akhu (blessed dead).
May you find my actions to be justified,
and my words in life to be true.
Turn to me,
Foremost of Amentet (West),
The Fairest of All.
Solitary in the Acacia,
You are Lord of Eternity.
May you grant eternal life,
May my heart be found to be light.
Lord of fertility,
Master of the fields,
Dua, Ausar!
King of life and death!
The first King,
Who saved humanity.
May you always be our Savior,
Forever and ever.
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youstarly · 16 days
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devotional khepri stimboard! 🪲
x - x - x | x - x - x | x - x - x
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youstarly · 16 days
Sutekh as a Desert
Sutekh is often misunderstood, in fact he is king of the misunderstood.
What could be more misunderstood than a desert?
An ecosystem that holds 1/4th of the worlds biodiversity, with more plant variation than a square mile of rainforest?
Without the winds of the Saharan desert, the Amazon Rainforest wouldn’t survive.
Often people think of a desert as a lack of nature, with no benefit, serving no purpose.
And yet, the desert continues to work. It does not need to hear the world’s praises to continue keeping it alive.
Dua Set.
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youstarly · 22 days
O' Amun-Re,
Concealed in my heart,
Even as my feet move forward,
tracing the path towards new sands,
you stand with me,
knowing my travels will take me to and fro.
You know my heart lies,
in many lands,
yet you keep me close,
and my praises are sung
in thanks for your warmth.
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youstarly · 23 days
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Khnum, the artisan god of the Nile, is one of the primordial gods who was said to have given the human race its shape. Patron of all arts, the divine potter is also the kind protector of the sacred river as it produces an abudance of clay, which he uses to craft anything his creative mind desires. He seems to be very popular in some parts of Kemet, where people prefer his art more than Ra's! Despite that, Khnum is a very humble God who likes to create for the sake of making the world a more beautiful place.
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youstarly · 24 days
So I'm really thrilled to be re-launching my website, Wepwawet.ca. It has been a real labor of love to get it back up and running again.
I had a conflict with my previous hosting provider where they couldn't seem to solve all the issues which were clearly on their end, but they refused to admit it and kept pawning it off on me (it wasn't me, to be clear) and then paying a bunch of lip service to having "fixed it" (when they most certainly did not fix it) after which I would have the same recurring problems over and over again.
I was frustrated and ripped the whole thing down months ago as a result, and I thought to myself I might never even re-launch it.
But! I had the calling to get it done, and so here we are, back and better than ever: Wepwawet.ca, one Practitioner's devotional work to their beloved Ancient Egyptian Deity: Wepwawet. Every time I think back to my 19-year-old self just getting started with following Wepwawet and a Kemetic path, I get tingles thinking there could be other folks out there looking for more information so that they too can get started.
There are still some areas that need tweaking and improving, and I will probably post more personal content over it over the next few months, but overall it is solid on regular 'commercial' hosting and at least I don't have to worry about the site tuning out every week or so.
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youstarly · 26 days
I cried.
Today I was out and about with my children, my 5 year old daughter and 1 year old son. We stopped at a gas station and lo and behold, when I try to start my car, it doesn’t.
(Side note: I already know what’s wrong with the battery, just havent been able to get a new one.)
I get under the hood and spend 30-45 minutes trying to get the wires to work with me, kids screaming and hungry, 90+ degrees out, in tears because holy fuck I’m a failure of a mom and desperation kicks in.
“Ausir, I know this relationship is new but please, if you have any sort of love for me, please help me get this car running.” I just wanted to get my kids home.
What I didn’t expect, was the older black gentleman who suddenly approached, fixed the problems and put everything back together, got my car started AND THEN HANDED ME $50? FOR NO REASON?
I cried. And I can’t be ashamed because I just felt this wave of relief and I knew it was him.
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youstarly · 1 month
Idk how to tell you this but …. Netjer loves you.
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youstarly · 1 month
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Praise be to Lord of Righteousness, the Ear that hears. I see your creation and marvel at your mastery. Lord of Ineb Hedj, your world is filled with color, you fill us with life and wonder. You, kindly faced Ptah, look down on your creation and help us to heal. Father of Fathers, we praise you, lord of Eternity, Dua Ptah! Dua Apis!
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youstarly · 1 month
Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul is currently flooded
I don't make these kinds of posts, but Rio Grande do Sul (a brazilian estate) is going through its worst natural catastrophe in recorded history and I need everyone to know about this. Its currently looking like this:
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What is going on
Most of Brazil suffers from yearly floods during the rain season. These floods most of the time aren't bad, with water going away a few hours later. Sometimes they are a nightmare, with people losing their homes and most if not all belongings. But this?
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This is not fucking normal.
Currently (May 6th, 2024) there's +80 confirmed deaths and 873 thousand people are being affected by these historical floods. Eight hundred and seventy three THOUSAND people. Once again: THIS. IS. NOT. NORMAL.
Rio Grande has 496 cities, and currently, 364 are reporting problems related to this. It's almost the entirety of Rio Grande - and you know how big Rio Grande is? If you're from the USA, its just a bit bigger than Colorado, and just a bit smaller than Nevada. If you are European, Rio Grande is bigger than the United Kingdom. Can you imagine if almost the entirety of the UK was underwater? Because I sure fucking can just by watching brazilian news!
Rio Grande expects floods. It rains a lot in Brazil. What no one expect is having to deal with 2,30 meters - 7'7 feet for reference - ABOVE the expected flooding level, which is 3 meters (9'10 feet). This means that there were 5,26 meters (17'3 ft) of water. Chart for comparison:
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I live in São Paulo, which is completely unaffected by what is going on over there, but I need people to be aware of this. Why?
How YOU can help
A single US dollar is almost five reais. One euro is around 5,50. This may not be much to a lot of people reading this, but literally anything helps. If you donate U$10, it's R$50 for us. If it's euros, then it's R$55,00.
If you can't donate, please just reblog this post.
If you use euros, here's the donation info:
Standard Chartered Bank Frankfurt Bank
Bank Account: 007358304
If you use dollars, here's the donation info:
Standard Chartered Bank New York Bank
Swift: SCBLUS33
Bank Account: 3544032986001
You need to inform this in order to donate:
IBAN Code: BR5392702067001000645423206C1
Name: Associação dos Bancos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38
If you're brazilian, oi, aqui tá o Pix do canal SOS Rio Grande do Sul para você ajudar:
Pix: CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38 Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul ou Associação dos Bancos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
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youstarly · 1 month
Dua Shu, Prince of the Ennead!
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"Shu is the one that Atum formed,
His mantle is the air of life.
A cry for Him came from Atum's mouth,
The air opened in his ways.
He lights up the sky after the darkness,
His pleasant color is the breath of Atum.
Storm clouds in the sky are its efflux,
Hail and twilight are his sweat.
The length of the sky is his step,
The breadth of the land are his settlements.
All living things on Geb's back,
By order of Atum, Shu governs them;
His life is in his nostrils,
He guides the breath into their throats."
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youstarly · 1 month
Hail to you, O Re, at your rising, O Atum-Horakhty!
Your beauty is worshipped in my eyes when the sunshine comes into being over my breast. 
-Book of the Dead, Faulkner Translation
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youstarly · 1 month
A Prayer For the Breeze
(Or "I Had a Really Nice Walk This Morning")
Dua Shu!
Thank you for the kisses.
I dreamt of sweat and sun;
It was You who wiped my brow
And caressed my back
And bade me onward.
With every breath You lend me life.
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youstarly · 2 months
For There Is Power In Creation
someone was asking about Ptah, and I was gushing out, and this came up
Movement of fingers, deftly or stumbly trying something new, repeating an expertise it can be one, it can be a million it matters not the quality or quantity For There Is Power In Creation and all that which is created is within His domain
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youstarly · 2 months
Nit, or Neith, Goddess of hunting, wisdom, and weaving.
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Nit was a Goddess of many things, and of many backstories. In some myths, she gives birth to Ra (God of the sun and king of the Gods), Sobek (crocodile God), Thoth (God of Wisdom) and more.
Nit is a Goddess of war, hunting, weaving, wisdom, and a protector of the king/creator Goddess. She was one of the four protectors of the deceased, along with Isis, Serket, and Nepthys.
In many myths, she is a virgin Goddess. However, sometimes, she is said to have a husband, which is usually Set or Khnum.
The Egyptians believed that when involked, she could help the people settle arguments and disputes. In the contendings of Seth and Horus, Ra contacts her to pick one to be king. She picks Horus, but gives Seth two wives (Anath and Astarte) as a consolation prize.
She was said to be connected to bodies of water, especially rivers, ponds, and streams.
bows and arrows
weaving utensils
Nit symbol 𓋋
spider webs
the colors gray, blue and red
sewing needles
Depictions of spiders or cows
Writing utensils
Frankincense and myrrh
Mother of Mothers
Mother of Creation
Great Goddess
Divine weaver
Wise Woman
Devotional Acts
Learn martial arts
Weaving, sewing, or crocheting
Learn the art of weaponry or battle
Spend time by bodies of water
Write letters to her
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