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Tonight’s dinner was Mayflower chicken curry. A total of 4 syns!
Mushroom and onions added to this for speed! 
I’m back on the wagon!! Maybe I should also start my youtube videos again?
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Back to group and back to BASICS
I’ve been struggling lately to stay to plan. I’ve gained 8lbs in the last three weeks (according to my home scales as I have not been attending group) and I’m feeling quite demotivated. Help!!
So there’s a story behind me not going to group. I’ve been offered a new job (yay! go me!), but, there’s a big gap from when I get paid at my current job and the first pay day with my new employer.
Understandably, I’ve been looking at ways to save money in the run up to the new job and Slimming World weekly meetings had to fall into the ‘not needed’ column of our expenses each month.
HOWEVER, it turns out that they ARE needed!! Very much so. 
So, after speaking to my fiancee, we have decided that Slimming World meetings are a must in the budget and I will be going back to group this Saturday!
Wish me luck!! 
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Fajita Chicken
This is currently one of our favourite meals and we have this at least once a week at the moment.
I’m planning on recording this for a video on my new youtube channel but thought I would post the recipe here for you guys to see.
We serve ours with wedges and lettuce but, of course, you can serve this with rice or wraps - anything you would like to.
This serves 2 people
For the fajita chicken, you will need:
2 chicken breast, chopped into chunks 3 peppers, sliced 1 onion, chopped JD Seasonings Fajita Blend spice blend 1. Fry the peppers and onions for 3-4 minutes before adding the chicken 2. Cook the chicken for 6-7 minutes until the chicken has browned 3. Add the pot of JD Seasonings Fajita Spice Blend and cook for 8 minutes, stirring often 4. Serve the fajita chicken with your choice of side!
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Cinema tonight
Off to the cinema tonight with one of the best friends to see Beauty and the Beast! I’m saving my syns throughout the day so that I can take some Maryland Cookie Bites with me as they are 1 syn each!
So far, I’ve only had 1 syn for half a tbsp of light mayo with my lunch. This means I can take 14 cookie bites with me tonight!! No need to get any snacks at the cinema.
Although, I will purchase a diet coke while I’m there!
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I’ve just uploaded my first Slimming World food vlog to my channel. 
Please check it out!!
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Youtube Channel
I’ve recently started my Youtube channel after wanting to do this for so long!
I’ve been thinking of ideas of what to include on my channel and there are so many ideas on the list!
One of the ideas is for a weekly food vlog and I want to put this into effect straight away. Each week I weigh in at group on Saturday morning and so this will be my start point each week.
I’ve started mine today and so this week it will be Tuesday morning until Friday evening. I will aim to be uploading these every Saturday.
Any ideas you have for my channel, please let me know! 
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Hey guys, so I’ve recently taken the plunge and started a Slimming World Youtube channel! Please check it out? There’s only two videos at the moment and they’re not very good quality at this stage but they are my first videos so please be kind? :)
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Sunday’s call for laziness and roast dinners. This lovely lot was syn free and incredibly yummy! 
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So this is when you know you’re on Slimming World - when you spend a stupid amount on money on fruit and veg! Our shopping bill has escalated so much since starting to eat healthily but its worth it to become healthier and happier people. The fiancee and I are slimming for our wedding and also want children.
This is a lifestyle change and not a diet! I love it!!
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I’ve now been with Slimming World for a good few years on and off. I’ve always failed. Lost motivation, started eating the wrong foods again and then regaining and going higher than my starting weight each time.
This time I’ve kept to plan since christmas and lost 2st 11.5lbs so far! This is the farthest I’ve ever achieved and I can’t let myself slip now.
I’ve never shared this before, but when I started Slimming World at christmas, I was actually 32st 6lbs! I couldn't believe I had let myself get that big. To let myself abuse my body this way.
I was struggling to push the trolley around the supermarket on the weekly food shop. I struggled walking up the stairs at home as we live on the first floor of a block of flats. I couldn't believe I got this bad. But that will NEVER happen again - I WILL continue on the path of Slimming World and ensure that I carry on losing weight. 
2.5lbs until my 3 stone award :) 
Until next time - xoxo
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