yoursssc-blog · 5 years
I am a support worker with a charitable organisation in a large city in Scotland. We work with vulnerable, complex and marginalized people in society to try and avoid them becoming homeless.
I have been completing the SSSC Open Badges qualifications and have found them interesting and challenging to complete as they make you focus and evaluate your working practice. I was not sure what badge to complete next, and I asked our training manager what badge she would recommend I complete now. She suggested studying for SSSC 23 Digital Learning.
I had a lot of doubts about starting this badge as my IT skills are fairly limited and social media etc is not my forte; however, I embarked upon learning more about digital media forums.
I had quite a few attempts at posting a blog, and used several blogging sites until I found one that was easily accessible: Tumblr.
I have learned by doing this exercise that the fear of IT is more debilitating than actually using the programme.
Secondly, I am actually willing to take risks and try out new things, the only failure would be not to try.
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