yourfavsinbg3 · 1 day
Honor Mode Live Blog Part 3
Late night update!! wooo!! (part 2 here! go catch up, you!)
This update is slightly differently formatted than previous, because this is when I fought my first Honor Mode Boss (TM). The Phase Spider Matriarch has always been a scary fight for me because I have a habit of rushing in too early and very unprepared. This time, solidly at level 4, with an abundance of supplies, I figured I was ready to take her on.
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Jesus christ was I wrong.
See, this being the first Honor Mode Boss means that it's also my first encounter with legendary actions. And the Matriarch's legendary is fuckin scary, y'all.
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I also didn't realize that the spider's were able to see invisibility in honor mode. I'd like to say my lack of research and out of game preparation is me purposefully adding an extra layer of challenge, but really I'm just lazy. (This also means I'll be going into future boss fights with the same amount of fear and anxiety! Thank god for stealth scouting.)
The plan was to set up three people with alchemists fires, lob that onto the the eggs, and take care of all three groups before the queen realizes what's happened. A nice bonus would've been burning the web from under the Matriarch and dealing shittons of falling damage. So I got Lae'zel, Wyll, and Lyra set up with the potions, Shadowheart on standby with her IGNIS to take care of the web where the Matriarch patrols. I sent an invisible Shovel down to take care of the closest phase spider, aaannnd immediate initiative rolls. No surprise round. This was when I realized they all had see invisibility, and the panic set in. See, when the Matriarch joins combat, she makes her eggs hatch. I would not win a fight where I'm that throughouly outnumbered, and panic swiped at one of the hatchlings with Shovel. (The other party members were still on standby; ngl, I think I forgot about them for a second in the panic.) This, in turn, triggered 'Gossamer Tomb'. I had a rapidfire rollercoaster of emotions over the next few rounds of combat; first, relief that my party could still throw fire on the other two clutches of eggs. Then, elation I'd made the Matriarch waste her legendary action. If she didn't do that, I'd be okay! Then, the horrible realization: it refreshes.
Most of the fight is a haze from there; Shovel got webbed and exploded, panic made maneuvering Lae'zel tricky, Shadowheart went down twice, Wyll could not hit an eldritch blast to save his life... I came out of the haze almost half an hour later, having spend six total alchemist fires, my own spider egg, two potions of haste, too many health potions to count; but, critically, I also used a Sleeping Potion.
See, I forgot I had the potion so I didn't bother considering it in my preparations. Reader, that damn potion saved my life.
I was cornered by the last Phase Spider and the Matriarch. The Matriarch was low on health, but not enough to be killed before her next turn. The Phase Spider was a breath away from death, but out of range and ranged attacks kept missing. I couldn't move anyone far enough to be out of the range of their venomous discharge and both Lyra and Shadowheart (our dedicated healers) were on their last legs. In a panic, I threw the potion of Sleep on the Matriarch; and out of all luck, she failed her constitution save.
Three rounds. I had three rounds to kill the other spider and heal up. This turned out to be more than enough. When not being chased by a giant Spider Queen from my nightmares, it was much easier to kill a single spider. From there, it was simple enough to gank the Matriarch and claim a victory.
Miraculously, everyone survived. Protip: getting the entire party as close as possible before throwing a haste or health potion at their feet is a game changer. Up to four people hasted for the price of one! What's not to like?
But yes. After this fight, I was exhausted and headed off to a well earned long rest. And took a BG3 break for a couple days. I'm not even sure where I plan to go next; I was going to do Ethel, but now I'm terrified.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 6 days
Honor Mode Live Blog p2
(for part one go here)
Shorter update today, but still some good progress made!
It was a nice surprise to find that i Forgot I'd just gotten to level 4 by the end of last time. I'm no longer as worried about the Sunlit Wetlands/ Auntie Ethel/ Goblin Camp, though i will still be procrastinating them as long as I can. those fights are scary
Speaking of Ethel: was going to run right towards the wetlands before realizing I hadn't cleared out the apothecary or the blacksmith. I realized this while talking to Ethel at the entrance of the wetlands, though, so....
Failed that initial insight save to see if she was lying about Mayrina, but figured that having made a save at all was enough of an excuse to have Lyra be suspicious. I'm a recovering metagamer irl, I'm allowed to indulge in my video games.
After Ethel poofed away into the wetlands, I turned around to finish clearing out the Blighted village and...
Lyra was very bold in walking directly up to the ogres and striking up a conversation, considering how bad she is at Deception checks.
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Perhaps Predictably this resulted in a fight. Thank god for the trip maunoever and command, otherwise we would've had some fatalities. Shadowheart was already being aggroed non-stop for some reason. Speaking of--
"hey where's shadowheart?"
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"oh... oh right,, she flew onto the roof to stop being targeted by the ogres...."
Got her down with a handy feather fall potion but the momentary panic was real.
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Directly after the fight Lae'zel attempted to start a romance, but Lyra is both Chaste and Carrying a Candle for Wyll, so I had to turn her down for now.
(At this point I crumbled and starting looking up builds for one of my other four save files. I'm incorrigible.)
From there it was a quick jaunt through the apothecary's basement, where I answered all the Magic Mirror's questions right for the first time in any play-through. Go me!
I also did some releveling shenanigans and now shovel is a permanent fixture of the party :D Shovel's my favorite, and she'll also be a lot of help when it comes to getting surprise rounds with my majority non-stealth party. (Guide to get shovel here. Lyra was briefly a proper spellshite)
Jumped over to the blacksmithy, learned about sussur made masterwork weapons, and was about to engage with the ettercaps before I realized two things
First, I had two total spellslots.
Second, it was very late at night and I was very tired. The last time i initiated combat while tired I nearly died three times in a row. Having learned that I make dumb mistakes when tired, I was eager to Not Do Combat for once.
when long resting for the night, gale ate the first magical artifact of the campaign. I waved goodbye to the silver guidance pendant because i forgot to go to my absolute hoard of unused magic items before talking to him. Remember what i said about dumb mistakes?
I'm also back up to over 1000 camp supplies. It was getting close to 1,100 when I logged off. i might have a problem.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 6 days
After a few days of recharging, I'm ready to get back into it.
Broad overview; the default party is:
Lyra, half-drow Light cleric of Selune and main dex user of the default party;
Shadowheart, storm sorcerer/tempest cleric of Shar;
Lae'zel, githyanki battlemaster;
and Wyll, warlock/oath of ancients paladin.
The Recap:
Lyra and Shart recruited Gale and Astarion without issue. There was a scuffle (failed deception check :/) when it came to recruiting Lae'zel, and we had to knock out the tieflings.
Went to the grove immediately following, had some Words with Aradin and Zevlor.
(this was actually panic inducing, because my game glitched out and I couldn't see any dialogue options except "continue", which, when clicked, Punched Aradin. tool tip: it may be cheating, but a task manager induced crash doesnt not count as a save and quit. I also had to verify files a couple times because BG3 really does not like forced crashing (good!)) Managed to talk everything out in the end, and my cheating powers will only be used to fix glitches.
Along the way Wither's Crypt was cleared out, just in time for me to do some releveling for multiclass shenanigans (Shadowheart as a storm sorcerer + tempest cleric my beloved)
Recruited Wyll, rounding out the complete traveling party, and which lead to the first true in character decision: Lyra at this point would have believed Wyll to the end, no matter the mistake.
Which means that yes. I killed Karlach. I feel eternally guilty and spent a full irl day agonizing over it.
No one was happy when Mizora showed up, Lyra least of all.
After meeting Mizora for the first time and getting the Infernal Robes, it was time to take out some gnolls. Saved the Zhent agents stuck in a cave, and Lyra took the bone flail from Flind for herself. (Not that she'll ever use it, but it's good to have a backup when spells fail. Also, look at how cool she looks now.)
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Then went to Waukeen's Rest and saved Councilor Florrick. Lyra had a heart attack learning that her crush is the son of nobility in addition to being a warlock. We also traded with the Zhentarim. spent a lot of money. Perhaps poorly, but Shadowheart is now also properly kitted out with the Jolty Vest and the lightning quarterstaff. Could I have stolen it? Yes, but I didn't have Astarion in my party at the time and I didn't feel like going to get him, and the idea of failing the roll terrified me.
Somewhere along the way we discovered that Astarion's a vampire and Shadowheart's a Sharran, but i didn't take any screenshots and don't remember when it happened chronologically
Oh! I had Shadowheart's romance scene and had to turn her down. In another save file you shall get so many kisses, Shadowheart, but Lyra has fallen for Wyll and Wyll only
(also they're still fighting about Selune v. Shar every fuckin night, it would not be a healthy relationship)
Bumbled into the Githyanki terrorizing the bridge after that. Had a pants-shittingly terrified moment when I realized I was level 3 and didn't cast guidance on Lae'zel for the deception check, but it passed and Voss flew away into the sky. Thank all gods we did not fight Githyanki that day.
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On the way to the Blighted Village Raphael decided to show his face, and Lyra is so. Done. With. Devils. The party was in complete agreement for the first time in that we shouldn't trust a word Raphael says and we're not making deals with devils.
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God I love to hate Raphael, he's great. What was I talking about.
Fun fact! If you approach the Blighted Village from the North/Risen Road and go immediately to the windmill, the goblins are very hostile and can't be talked to or intimidated away. There's enough of them that it was my second near party wipe moment.
The third near-death experience came when Lae'zel put her shiny metal ass in view of the goblin ambush on the rooftops, and I was fed up enough that I initiated combat while on the ground. Protip: Don't do that.
The fourth near-death experience was when a similar thing happened except it was entirely my fault: while trying to get the drop of the goblins at the east gate, I got Lae'zel to jump onto a roof. Except I misjudged the jump and wasn't sneaking, so Lae'zel once again initiated combat. Luckily Shadowheart was on the roof with her, but unluckily the party wasn't grouped so Lyra and Wyll were across the fucking town and had to run over while also in combat. Everyone was out of spell slots. It was terrible.
It was at this point that my partner came in and yelled at me for having over 1,000 camp supplies and not long resting the instant things got hairy, so I long rested and took at break for a few days to play Potionomics.
(Unrelated, Potionomics is a very good and very cozy game, Highly recommended.)
Phew. That's that all caught up with. Now it's time to see how long I can put off fighting Auntie Ethel and the Goblin Camp.
Honor Mode Live Blog
Because I am a little gremlin, I've started yet another BG3 save file. To make it more interesting, I'm attempting honor mode and will be blogging about it! So... meet Lyra!
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Half-drow cleric of Selune, former guild artisan, and a brand spankin' new adventurer. She was inspired to become a cleric after following stories of The Blade of Frontiers. She was on her first ever solo mission when she got Yoinked by the Nautiloid. Her inexperience and naivety mean she's going to have an intense learning curve along this journey.
My last attempt at making a character to specifically romance Wyll failed so we're doing that again and this time I won't get distracted by Shadowheart... or Gale... or Lae'zel... Wyll's the last person I want to romance so it's just a matter of sticking with the save file.
Main traveling party seems like it's shaping up to be Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel. Double cleric parties can do some real nasty stuff (affectionate) and I have a feeling having more healers won't be a bad thing here. I'm still not sure what builds I'll be going for, so I'm researching that now before gettin beyond the Ravaged Beach.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 10 days
i... may have restarted. Not just because of this! though this is a big part of it. I did find out that it's because Lyra is a half drow, which excludes Baldurian options. This doesn't change the 'headcanon' of her backstory, just slightly annoying.
Anyway. Restarted, and due to me realizing how useful Command is, I have the Everburn blade and did not have to fight commander Zhalk for it, everything else I managed to do along the original timeline.
Honor Mode Update
Yknow, I've played act one a good few times now. I know how to handle the battles, and have actually been rolling pretty good in terms of "important rolls".
But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering restarting because I can't get options that say I'm from Baldur's Gate to show up. Will I restart because of this? Absolutely not that's dumb. Does it bug me incessantly? You betchur sweet ass it does.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 12 days
Honor Mode Update
Yknow, I've played act one a good few times now. I know how to handle the battles, and have actually been rolling pretty good in terms of "important rolls".
But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't considering restarting because I can't get options that say I'm from Baldur's Gate to show up. Will I restart because of this? Absolutely not that's dumb. Does it bug me incessantly? You betchur sweet ass it does.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 12 days
SHART SURVIVED! the timeline remains intact! and i have learned an important lesson that I will not remember.
Honor Mode Live Blog
Because I am a little gremlin, I've started yet another BG3 save file. To make it more interesting, I'm attempting honor mode and will be blogging about it! So... meet Lyra!
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Half-drow cleric of Selune, former guild artisan, and a brand spankin' new adventurer. She was inspired to become a cleric after following stories of The Blade of Frontiers. She was on her first ever solo mission when she got Yoinked by the Nautiloid. Her inexperience and naivety mean she's going to have an intense learning curve along this journey.
My last attempt at making a character to specifically romance Wyll failed so we're doing that again and this time I won't get distracted by Shadowheart... or Gale... or Lae'zel... Wyll's the last person I want to romance so it's just a matter of sticking with the save file.
Main traveling party seems like it's shaping up to be Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel. Double cleric parties can do some real nasty stuff (affectionate) and I have a feeling having more healers won't be a bad thing here. I'm still not sure what builds I'll be going for, so I'm researching that now before gettin beyond the Ravaged Beach.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 12 days
First battle outside of the tutorial, and she's died. Gonna see about reviving her but if not… i have no qualms about remaking a character and restarting, especially if the first run ender is the literal first battle outside the tutorial.
Honor Mode Live Blog
Because I am a little gremlin, I've started yet another BG3 save file. To make it more interesting, I'm attempting honor mode and will be blogging about it! So... meet Lyra!
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Half-drow cleric of Selune, former guild artisan, and a brand spankin' new adventurer. She was inspired to become a cleric after following stories of The Blade of Frontiers. She was on her first ever solo mission when she got Yoinked by the Nautiloid. Her inexperience and naivety mean she's going to have an intense learning curve along this journey.
My last attempt at making a character to specifically romance Wyll failed so we're doing that again and this time I won't get distracted by Shadowheart... or Gale... or Lae'zel... Wyll's the last person I want to romance so it's just a matter of sticking with the save file.
Main traveling party seems like it's shaping up to be Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel. Double cleric parties can do some real nasty stuff (affectionate) and I have a feeling having more healers won't be a bad thing here. I'm still not sure what builds I'll be going for, so I'm researching that now before gettin beyond the Ravaged Beach.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 12 days
Honor Mode Live Blog
Because I am a little gremlin, I've started yet another BG3 save file. To make it more interesting, I'm attempting honor mode and will be blogging about it! So... meet Lyra!
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Half-drow cleric of Selune, former guild artisan, and a brand spankin' new adventurer. She was inspired to become a cleric after following stories of The Blade of Frontiers. She was on her first ever solo mission when she got Yoinked by the Nautiloid. Her inexperience and naivety mean she's going to have an intense learning curve along this journey.
My last attempt at making a character to specifically romance Wyll failed so we're doing that again and this time I won't get distracted by Shadowheart... or Gale... or Lae'zel... Wyll's the last person I want to romance so it's just a matter of sticking with the save file.
Main traveling party seems like it's shaping up to be Wyll, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel. Double cleric parties can do some real nasty stuff (affectionate) and I have a feeling having more healers won't be a bad thing here. I'm still not sure what builds I'll be going for, so I'm researching that now before gettin beyond the Ravaged Beach.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 12 days
Your Favs in BG3: Harry Du Bois, From Disco Elysium
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That's right, good ol' Tequila Sunset himself! He'll be the first of three Disco Elysium builds, because it's one of my favorite games ever and I have a lot to say about the game, its symbolism, and the characters.
I'll preface this by saying that Mr. Du Bois is the least 'solid' of all the builds. Since Disco Elysium focuses so much on player choice and how those choices impact who Harry is at his core, I wanted to stay as true to that as I could. So this isn't one build, it's as many possibilities as you can think of!
That said, let's welcome the overall base we'll be working from! Say hello to Harry Du Bois, the dwarf warlock!
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Reasons and the multitude of possible builds under the cut!
Okay, so first, the elephant in the room. Why is this bitch a dwarf? Harry's canonically and notably Tall. I thought a dwarf was best to represent his sturdy build. Even if you play with negative physical skills in DE, Harry will still be built like a tank. I personally felt dwarf to be the best representation of that.
Second: warlock. This is almost entirely because of the skill systems in DE. Harry is constantly being informed and pushed by his different skills, and bad things might happen if he doesn't listen to them. That felt like a Warlock to me! Warlock is also one of the most versatile in terms of deciding what you want to do with it. Want to be a frontliner? Pact of the Blade. More of a support class? Pact of the Tome. Midliner with good damage? Pact of the Chain.
In terms for subclass, Great Old One feels like the most accurate. What's an older force of the universe than your own reptilian brain whispering what the world is to you? So. Builds. There are three preset builds in DE; Logician (intellect based skills), Sensitive (charisma based skills), and Brute(physical based skills). Some suggested BG3 builds could be a War Wizard (warlock/wizard) for Logician, a Hexadin for Brute, and bardlock for Sensitive. Like I said earlier, warlock is very versatile and pretty much any build can be shoved them. It mostly depends on your opinion of the character and your playstyle.
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yourfavsinbg3 · 2 months
BG3 is TWO games:
Baldur's Gate 3
Character Creation
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yourfavsinbg3 · 3 months
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I think Link and Gale would be friends
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yourfavsinbg3 · 3 months
Attempting to make the Dungeon Meshi group in BG3's character creator
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Laios: Probably the easiest/most accurate. Big strong sleepy-looking fighter
Marcille: Her hair does not exist. Nothing close to her hair exists. She has two braids in front and mostly-down hair in the back. That one hairstyle with two buns would be perfect if it didn't have said buns. Therefore, I go based on vibe
Chilchuck: Everything is fine except he's too wide. I never thought I'd complain about a character in BG3 being too wide. Other than that he's fine
Senshi: I'm so sorry Senshi I don't have your helmet or your magnificent huge beard and stache. It was a case of "he gets the right stache with no beard or he gets the wrong stache with the biggest beard they have" and depriving him of his beard feels like a felony. His face does look a lot like that when he isn't wearing a helmet though
Bonus Falin, who turned out the best of everyone:
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yourfavsinbg3 · 3 months
Family runs through the magic - bg3 rolan,cal,lia comic
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ah, finally, I really wanted to draw something about the tiefling siblings.
headcanon that Rolan wanted to become a wizard to make Lia and Cal happy haha
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yourfavsinbg3 · 3 months
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I've posted BG3 textposts before, but I wanted to make a separate post just for all the Gale ones I have because I love him
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yourfavsinbg3 · 3 months
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What's wrong babe? You've barely touched your Baldur's Age Origins 3
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yourfavsinbg3 · 4 months
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yourfavsinbg3 · 4 months
OP, I hope you don't mind me jumping on your post, but in act two when his mirror image invites you to join him, it describes as having a modicum of gale's personality, and the dorky hand motion it does makes me squeal with joy every time
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Like??? Only some of his personality made it into the projection and the projection is still using it to do an adorable hand motion to prove his point. Literally how are people resisting this man
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This is an appreciation post for all the grumpy pics of Gale that I see cross my dash.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE seeing him happy and smiling (wearing his ‘resting sweetheart face,’ as someone brilliantly put it) but whenever I see photos of him brooding or pondering a serious topic or being displeased about something, I can’t help but think about the whiplash a person would get once they actually met him.
Imagine your first impression of Gale when he’s in his battle robes, wizard staff on his back, looking breathtakingly handsome and wearing a stern expression on his face (literally looking like the photo above, from user eekeric) and all you can think is, “Oh my god, I can already tell this guy is going to be an arrogant, blunt, unfriendly asshole. He probably only speaks to people he considers ‘worthy’ of his greatness.”
And then the minute you introduce yourself he hits you with his thousand-watt smile and he’s all “HELLO :) :) :) I’m GALE of WATERDEEP! *shakes your hand vigorously, bows* I can’t help but notice you’re wearing an amulet of Animal Speaking! *chuckles* My oldest and best friend is my own Tressym companion, Tara. Our conversation topics range from roasted pigeon recipes to advice on expanding my social circle to suggestions for my love life. *raises a finger* Have you met any animals that offered you sage advice in regards to your love life or other topics? Perhaps a dolphin with recommendations for a particularly ‘FIN-tastic’ date? *laughs at his own terrible pun* May I fetch you a glass of wine? I’d love to converse further on—”
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