your-kaminess · 3 years
I am looking neither respectfully nor disrespectfully. I gaze without recognition of your form, and without understanding.
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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your-kaminess · 3 years
what the fuck are you doing giggling in the back of some random building, you weird fucker?
(we screamed. I love him)
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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as chronoblossom pointed out for me, the duo that voices Sorey+Mikleo are going to voice Bokuto+Akaashi and that excites me 8) 
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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Final poses
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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Kimura Ryohei's characters. 😂
Yea, I'm just looking for some similarities.. They happen to be my favourites. 🥰
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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Shadow’s embrace
A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on august 1st!
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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Curtain call
A speedpaint video and layered PSD file of this will be available at my Patreon on Nov 1st! 
Keep reading
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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A gift from Emet-Selch. He knew of Elidibus’s plight. Forseeing his own death, he made provisions to bring Elidibus’s suffering to an end, lest his friend be left to continue the struggle alone.
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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I mean… he’s not wrong
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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A parting gift
A step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon on sept 1st!
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your-kaminess · 3 years
Hi~♡ I was wondering if you have any facts on Nubu and Kimu-san? I'd like to know more about their friendship♡ thank you and have a good day!
Hello @misakibr san! Thank you for dropping me an ask! ♥(´∀` )人 (and I’m really really really sorry for I answered it lately coz I’ve just finished my exam this week ;;;;;;;;>_
Ummm this question is hard to conclude in a few sentences xD so it would be quite a long post _(¦3」∠)_
As @rinchin143 has written some facts of nobu and ryohei’s friendship before, let me write other facts instead (mainly from the magazines, events, radio and other niconico or television programs) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ (you can refer Rin chan’s post here ;D
Ok let’s start (๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥
Nobu and Ryohei really love to celebrate each other’s birthday and in which way they celebrate is quite luxurious lol
I think I can write at least three ways that they have celebrated each other’s birthday _(:3JZ)_
Nobu received a surprised birthday cake from Ryohei on his 31st birthday and the brand of this birthday cake is ‘été’, a local brand and it is really expensive and limited. (Well some fans found out that the price of Nobu’s birthday cake costed ¥16200 _(:3JZ)_ ((It really proves Ryohei and Nobu are super close friends (ノ∀`*)
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Ryohei has once took Nobu to a restaurant to celebrate his birthday and since the dress code is formal dressing, Nobu said that was his first time to see Ryohei in very formal dressing (๑´ㅂ`๑) (From Girl’s Smile Radio)
Nobu has once booked a limousine as a birthday surprise to Ryohei after celebrating Ryohei’s birthday with others. A group of people enjoyed a birthday cake and they had a ride to Tokyo Tower (〃∀〃)  (From Girl’s Smile Radio)
Nobu and Ryohei often hang out to have lunch and dinner together (*ˇωˇ*人)
Nobu has received a pair of earrings as a birthday present from Ryohei and Egu (you can see nobu wears a star earring from his profile pic on his agency website
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Actually there’s an “unofficial” seiyuu group of gathering called “Ryohei Club” (良平会)As you may know, Ryohei is a sociable person and loves to invite seiyuus (members such as Nobu, Egu, Wing, Kaito kun, Ayumu kun, Ucchi, Hosoya san, OnoKen, OnoYu, Nobunaga san, Ume san………) to have gathering in his home. However, Ryohei has admitted that Nobu is the one who in charge to arrange the gatherings of “Ryohei Club” and Ryohei doesn’t know who will come on that day wwww
Ryohei has joked that he knows Nobu’s birth weight wwww (from Otsukare 3)
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Nobu and Ryohei’s friendship is closed as if they’re real brothers. Ryohei said Nobu is just like his little brother.
Nobu and Ryohei have traveled with other seiyuus during their holiday! ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡
They went to visit Guam with OnoYu, Nobunaga san and a staff in 2016.
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They went to visit Peru also with Egu and OnoKen of a nearly 2 weeks trip recently! You can read their posts on Nobu’s blog and Ryohei, Egu and OnoKen’s instagram (*´ω`)人(´ω`*) (but somehow I guess they actually went to visit Peru not only for traveling but also for recording nobu’s traveling program, OkamoTravel _(:3JZ)_
Nobu has once sent messages to cheer for Trignal to have a successful performance in their solo live in their “Nobugnal” Line Group and Ryohei replied Nobu with a line stamp of “Like Nobu” (のぶが好き)……….. orz
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Talking about Line and Line Stamps, I need to add extra facts that Nobu and Ryohei had once “argued” with the Line Stamps they used in the “Nobugnal” Line Group. They thought the stickers they used were cute but…… well….. (Egu said both of the stickers are “disgusting” www
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That’s Nobu uses orz
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That’s Ryohei’s uses orz
If you typed “ 木村/良平” in the chat room of Nobu’s blog, you will receive an automatic response that Nobu talks about Ryohei ヾ(*´∀ ˋ*)ノ
Nobu and Ryohei talk about each other in other events even one of them did not participate that event (❁´ω`❁)*✲゚*
Ryohei said that it is hard to choose his favorite song sang by Nobu because he really loves all the songs at all wwww (From Pamphlet of Kirafes 2017)
Talking about Kiramune…… I need to add more facts XDD
Trignal members always “argue” that they are the one being “shot” by Nobu when he sang Sniper. Ryohei emphasized that he’s the only one “shot” by Nobu wwww
There was an incident of Nobu’s 1st full album.
Nobu kept expressing his gratitude to kiramune members, one of them is Ryohei.
After Kakki suggested to sing the chorus part in Nobu’s new song, both Ryohei and Namdai said they would love to join. (You can watch the part that Nobu sings 8piece in Kirafes 2017 and Ryohei and Wing actually cried at the backstage while Nobu sang 8piece)
During the end of Kiramune Reading Live 2016, after Nobu finished his comment, Ryohei went to hug him T-T (according to fans’ report) ((Ryohei posted a photo to his instagram that he was having lunch with Nobu before Reading Live. I think that’s one of the ways that Ryohei showing his support to Nobu TwT
Nobu has said that he really admired Ryohei of being strict to tell the truth at once even if others do not like to receive such response. (from Kiramune Company #7)
I think I really typed a lot…… ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄  but it’s hard to denial the fact that Nobu and Ryohei are REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY CLOSE FRIENDS (JUST LIKE BROTHERS QWQ) Knowing more of their adorable interactions, you will understand how close and friendly they are ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
If you still want to know more, you can actually listen their radio program, Girl’s Smile Radio! Besides informing the news of Otomate games, they always share their daily life (((and there are plenty information of their daily life interactions (〃∀〃)
Thank you for reading till here!!!! (*´ω`)人(´ω`*)
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your-kaminess · 3 years
These two imps…Love how eager those two were about just pouring the whole bottle of mentos into Tosshi’s cola (no matter how much Tosshi tried to protest against that idea…LOL ) and love them even more after “the disaster” actually happened…Just look at how ecstatic they are…XD
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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[Part 1] Kimura Ryouhei
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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Nobu and ryouhei❤ -from Bokura no egaku mirai, Kirafes 2017-
They are so cute😍
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your-kaminess · 3 years
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Osaka Ryota answers FLOW as to why did he become a seiyuu..
and while he explains honestly his reason.. Kimura Ryouhei flirts with Mikleo I mean Osaka lol shows up — (since Osaka was talking about how he somehow wants to be a shujinko in the past)
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