yinepudjesef-blog · 6 years
Hey, I’ve been wondering about Sokar/Seker because his name has been just popping up in my thoughts and mind recently, I’ve never even knew he existed until last week. I can’t really find any lore behind him.
Heya! I have a few links that might help.
http://www.wepwawet.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sokar (many of the offerings are based on personal experience and not necessarily historical)
He’s comparatively a bit obscure, so I’ve had to rely mostly on my impressions when praying, if that makes sense. ^^; It might also help to look up information on Ptah-Sokar-Wesir (Ptah-Sokar-Osiris) and Sokar-Wesir (Sokar-Osiris). He was historically syncretized a lot with other deities, so what applies to Them may not apply to Sokar alone. 
I experience Him as fairly distant and vague. He feels more like the concept of ‘death’ than Yinepu (Anubis) does, who usually seems like more of a guide. I’ve found Him very helpful in coming to terms with the concept of death. My experiences with Him are not very clear-cut, but they’re rewarding all the same. :)
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yinepudjesef-blog · 6 years
Heya! I worship Sokar, but most of my experience is UPG based, since I don't know many other people worship Him as opposed to Sokar-Wesir or Ptah-Sokar-Wesir. Feel free to send an ask!
Hey, do you chance know of anyone who knows of the god Seker?
Not off the top of my head, I don’t - I had a quick check of the kemetic directory but couldn’t find anyone who knows or works with Seker/Sokar.
I’ll toss this into the tags and see if anyone knows?
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yinepudjesef-blog · 6 years
Concerning a/pep, 
Listen, I remember getting shat on by wiccans for worshipping Set when I was new, and it was horrible. I know a lot of us have had that happen. Just because you’re ‘sure’ you’re right doesn’t mean you can turn around and do it to others. 
I’m honestly a bit disgusted by how far this roasting shit has gone. Speaking louder doesn’t convince anyone. We’re better than this.
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
Kind of want my last name to be Killmaster ngl.
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
Astrology Friends?
I need some astrology friends like woah. Like or comment if you like posting about astrology and perhaps talking about it? :D
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
self care is watching hours of r.i.p. vine compilations on youtube
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
For some reason I sometimes read Yinepu as very feminine without actually being female. Not sure why. 
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
I’m here and alive!
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
Gonna check your blogs, but I’d love it if you let me know if you want anything particular tagged. Atm I tend to tag the general trigger-stuff, but I’ll tag for nearly anything.
Tags I appreciate (though are not required) include:
Jump scare
body horror
Static (as in visual static like you see on a tv)
Gifs that are meant only to be creepy/scary. Not sure what tag would work, but I blacklist ‘creepy’ and ‘scary’ just in case.
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
I’m tokophobic as well! 
What I do personally is try to see ‘fertility’ as more like...’creation’? I make art, so I try to link my art to ‘creating’ something, and look at it from that angle. Though, I have yet to apply this and haven’t yet approached any deity related to fertility, so there’s that. 
A weird problem of mine
A huge problem of mine is fertility gods. I’m horribly tokophobic, that’s the fear of pregnancy, so any time I become interested in a deity and find out they’re related to fertility I instantly shut down and run from them. I feel like if I’m somehow worshipping this deity even if it’s not for fertility in any way that aspect will still somehow come into my life and my tokophobia is so bad that that idea gives me panic attacks. For this reason alone I haven’t tried to work with any female deities because a lot of the time they’re related to fertility. Does anyone else have this weird problem or does anyone have some suggestions on how I can deal with idea of fertility without it being about pregnancy??
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yinepudjesef-blog · 7 years
Shemsu here!
Can you like this if you’re Kemetic Orthodox and post about it?
I want to find more bloggers from the House to follow.
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