粗惡語是故意傷害對方的一種語言,你故意說讓對方嗔恚、惱怒的話,讓他不舒服,這樣就傷害到他了。 Harsh words are intended to hurt others. By intentionally saying something that makes others angry and uncomfortable, you hurt them.
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Why does creating negative karma increase the three types of suffering? Because when doing things driven by greed, it brings the suffering of suffering. In response to the suffering of suffering, we will seek the suffering of change. Through habituation, it becomes pervasive suffering and we no longer have freedom over ourselves. This creates a vicious cycle and traps us in the three types of suffering.
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有了貪嗔癡疑慢邪見這六種煩惱,所做的一切就有了惡業。 When you are defiled by the six afflictions of greed, anger, ignorance, doubt, arrogance, and wrong views, everything you do becomes negative.
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別人丟失的東西、地下屬於全民共有的能源,你據為己有都算是不與取; If you take lost items or shared underground resources for your own, it's taking what is not given. 苛捐雜稅是合法的不與取,行賄受賄是不合法的不與取,都是不與取;賣假冒偽劣商品,也是不與取。 Excessive taxation is legally taking what is not given, while bribery is illegally taking what is not given. Selling fake or substandard products is also taking what is not given. 從商的時候你要是沒有好好地去服務他人、謀取暴利,那都是屬於不與取。 When engaging in business activities, if you fail to provide good service but seek huge profits, it's also taking what is not given.
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兵刀劫來了都是因為殺業,我們作為一個修行人,首先要去尊重每個生命。如果一點悲憫心都生不起來,很麻木,那兵刀劫來了,妳想躲過那個劫難就很難了。 Wars all arise from the karma of killing. As practitioners, we should first respect every sentient being. If you are very apathetic without compassion, when wars break out, you can hardly escape.
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十善業道是一切善法的基礎。一切一切的修行乃至佛道,都是以十善業作為所依止之處。 The ten positive actions are the foundation of all positive actions. All the practices, even till Buddhahood, are based on the ten positive actions.
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从贪嗔痴所引生的一切身语意行为都是不善业;而从无贪无嗔无痴所生的一切行为都是善业。 All thoughts, words, and deeds that arise from greed, anger, and ignorance are negative karma, while those that arise without greed, anger, and ignorance are positive karma. 而一切安乐与痛苦,都是由善恶业所感召,善恶业又源于当下一念心的发动。所以祸福的根源就在于当下一念。 All happiness and suffering are brought by the positive and negative karma, which arises from the present thought. Therefore, the root of fortune and misfortune is the present thought.
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以菩提心摄持所行的一切业才叫做净业,你是否能往生西方呢?看你的净业是否能胜过世间的善业或者恶业。 Only the karma driven by bodhicitta is considered pure karma. Can you be reborn in the Pure Land? It depends on whether your pure karma can surpass your samsaric karma, whether positive or negative. 如果你世间的善业更强大,你一定会生天的,去不了净土。 If your samsaric positive karma is strong, you will definitely be reborn in the heaven and won't go to the Pure Land.
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以极大的贪求心来布施——听说这个果报殊胜,就贪求这个果报来布施。 Giving alms with strong greed - They heard that the karmic reward is great, so hoping to get the reward, they give.
这样的发心,即使千辛万苦发了财,也会像暴发户一样,后面肯定是不好的,最后得的还是穷苦报或者乞丐报。 Driven by such motivation, even if they get rich through great effort, they'll be like upstarts. The result won't be good, possibly they may end up as a poor person or a beggar.
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我们的业只有以对治力忏悔才能够消业, Our karma can only be purified by repenting with antidotes.
你不针对性地忏悔,这个业是消不掉的。 If you don't specifically repent the karma, it won't disappear.
你做了恶业,你行其他的善:打比方你杀生,你来布施,你没有忏这个杀业,而只是做一些布施的话,这个善业和恶业是不能互相抵消的。 If you've committed some negative karma but do another positive action: for example, if you've committed killing, and instead of specifically repenting the karma of killing, you give alms, then it can't cancel out the negative karma of killing.
如是因、如是果,它们不互相抵消。 A cause brings a result. One cause can't cancel out another cause.
只有针对这个恶业做忏悔,用智慧来对治。 The only way is to specifically repent the negative karma and apply the antidote of wisdom.
用定和慧来对治这个业,业才能消得最快。 Only with concentration and wisdom, can the karma be eliminated most quickly.
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着魔的人没几个认为自己着魔了,都是认为自己在行菩萨道。为什么?因为他自己的发心他没有看清楚啊!这是关键啊。 Few of those who are blinded by Māra can realize their situation, but tend to assume that they are practicing the bodhisattva path. Why? Because they haven't clearly seen their intentions. This is the key.
魔发心就存在着问题。发心有问题,行的善业就是魔业。如果发心是纯正的,那就是成佛的资粮了。 The Māra's intention is problematic. If your intention is problematic, even the virtuous actions you do are the actions of Māra; if your intention is pure, they are the merits for attaining Buddhahood.
很微细啊这个因果,大家不要以为因果那么简单啊。 The law of causality is subtle, don't take it for granted.
起心动念,你自己没有观察清楚啊,没有发到位啊,这个因果都是曲折的。 You haven't clearly seen your intention, haven't properly generated bodhicitta. The causality can be complex.
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持戒是让你知道自己错在哪里,并且防范不造,持戒本身并不能消业,只有定和慧才能够正对治这个业。 Upholding precepts makes us realize where we are wrong and prevent us from making mistakes. However, upholding precepts alone can't eliminate karma; only concentration and wisdom is the direct antidote.
没有智慧的话,你自己犯没犯戒也判断不准确的。因为你连自己的发心都没有看清楚,那因果肯定是看不清楚,自己犯了戒都不知道。 Without wisdom, you can't accurately determine whether you have violated the precepts or not. Because you can't even see your intentions clearly, let alone causality. When you break the precepts, you are not even aware.
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面对一件是非,最好是客观地保持不动念。因为我们没有智慧和能力知道真相。 When faced with a dispute, it's best not to have any thoughts, because we don't have the wisdom or ability to know it.
我们的烦恼——嫉妒心、嗔恨心、贪爱心,让我们特别容易自以为是,经常轻易地妄加论断。这是我们最容易犯的毛病,要好好地反省自己。 Because of our afflictions - jealousy, anger, and greed, we tend to be opinionated and often jump to conclusions. This is the most common mistake we tend to make. We should reflect on ourselves carefully.
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我们经常地妄加论断,这是我们最容易犯的毛病, We often jump to conclusions, and this is the most common mistake we tend to make. 我们现在还在天天犯同样的毛病,你只是不知道自己是这样的一个习气,你自己观察不到。 We are still making the same mistake every day. You are just not aware of this habit, you can't see it. 从现在开始我们要好好地观察。 From now on, we need to observe carefully. 你真的把因果看得特别清楚了吗? Have you really seen causality very clearly? 你真的有这个神通吗? Do you really have this supernatural power? 你真的有这么大智慧? Do you really have such great wisdom? 你真的什么都看清楚了?什么都听清楚了? Have you really seen and heard everything clearly?
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The fifth law of karma: What you have sown won't disappear.
Even if a hundred thousand kalpas have passed, the karma that one has created won't disappear. When the causes and conditions come together, one will experience the karmic result. 业由心造,心所造作的业不可能被任何外法所毁灭。
Karma is created by the mind, so it can't be destroyed by any external factors.
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因果完全取决于你的发心,发心就是最重要的因。所以我们一定要搞清楚自己的发心。 Causality totally depends on our intention, which is the most important cause, so we should be clear about our intention.
没有发菩提心,严格意义上来说都不属于佛道,都还是外道。 Without generating bodhicitta, strictly speaking, you are not even on the Buddhist path, but on a non-Buddhist path.
一切果报都是报在心上的,不在事相上,不能从表面上看因果。 All the karmic results ripen in the mind, not in external appearances. We can't look at causality from the surface.
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业的规律四:未作不遇 The fourth law of karma: You won't reap what you didn't sow. 如是因才感得如是之果。如果没有修集能感苦乐的正因之业,就决不可能感受相应的苦乐果报。 An effect must arise from the corresponding cause. Without creating the cause, it's impossible to experience the corresponding result of suffering or happiness.
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