yanderismo · 3 months
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I just came here to leave my absurd desire to read a Yandere platonic Clark Kent from the Smallville series😭😭😭😭😭😭. Bruh, I haven't even watched the series, but I dream about this man. Just imagine being his sister or best friend that he wants to protect. He won't let you go, you're both family. And that little face of his kills međŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­â€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïž
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yanderismo · 3 months
Evite os “verbos de pensamento”: o conselho de Chuck Palahniuk para novos escritores
Esses dias, enquanto buscava na internet matĂ©rias inspiradores que ajudassem a melhorar a minha, ainda falha, escrita, encontrei um post no qual me identifiquei muito. Creio que vocĂȘs vĂŁo gostar tambĂ©m.  O post original Ă© do blog Oxford Comma (recomendo), portanto, crĂ©ditos a maravilhosa NatĂĄlia e, claro, ao Chuck Palahniuk.
HĂĄ alguns anos, eu esbarrei nesse Ăłtimo conselho de Chuck Palahniunk, um escritor que por acaso eu admiro pacas, mas tinha me esquecido completamente dele no fundo do meu arquivo de roubos. O interessante Ă© que, ao contrĂĄrio de muitas outras dicas para escritores que a gente vĂȘ por aĂ­, esse artigo nĂŁo Ă© sobre questĂ”es metafĂ­sicas ou de bloqueio ou conselhos abstratos que a gente gosta de ler mas nĂŁo sabe ao certo como seguir. É uma dica prĂĄtica, do tipo “pegue papel e caneta e comece agora” e eu acredito que, aplicando-a na nossa escrita, realmente pode nos ajudar a lapidar nosso estilo.
Em seis segundos, vocĂȘ vai me odiar. Mas em seis meses, serĂĄ um escritor melhor.
De agora em diante – pelo menos pelo prĂłximo meio ano – vocĂȘ nĂŁo poderĂĄ usar “verbos de pensamento”, incluindo: pensar, saber, entender, perceber, acreditar, querer, lembrar, imaginar, desejar e centenas de outros que vocĂȘ ama.
Essa lista também deve incluir: amar e odiar. E pode se estender a ser e ter, mas nós vamos chegar nesse mais tarde.
AtĂ© mais ou menos o natal, vocĂȘ nĂŁo poderĂĄ escrever: “Kenny se perguntou se MĂŽnica nĂŁo gostava que ele saĂ­sse Ă  noite
Em vez disso, vocĂȘ terĂĄ de desmembrar isso em algo como: “Nas manhĂŁs que se seguiam Ă s noites em que Kenny estava fora depois do Ășltimo ĂŽnibus, quando ele teria que pegar uma carona ou pagar por um carro para chegar em casa e encontrar MĂŽnica fingindo dormir – porque ela nunca dormia daquela forma tĂŁo tranquila – naquelas manhĂŁs, ela sempre colocava apenas sua xĂ­cara de cafĂ© no microondas. Nunca a dele.”
Em vez de fazer seus personagens saberem qualquer coisa, vocĂȘ deve agora apresentar detalhes que permitam que o leitor os conheça. Em vez de fazer seus personagens quererem alguma coisa, vocĂȘ deve agora descrever a coisa para que seus leitores passem a querĂȘ-la tambĂ©m.
Em vez de dizer: “Adam sabia que Gwen gostava dele.”, vocĂȘ terĂĄ que dizer: “No intervalo entre as aulas, Gwen se encostava no armĂĄrio de Adam quando ele se aproximava para abrĂ­-lo. Ela rolava os olhos e partia, deixando uma marca negra no metal, mas tambĂ©m seu perfume. O cadeado ainda estava quente pelo contato com suas nĂĄdegas. E, no prĂłximo intervalo, Gwen estaria encostada ali, outra vez.”
Para resumir, pare de utilizar atalhos. Apenas detalhes sensoriais específicos: açÔes, cheiros, gostos, sons e sensaçÔes.
Normalmente, os escritores usam esses “verbos de pensamento” no inĂ­cio dos parĂĄgrafos (dessa forma, vocĂȘ pode chamĂĄ-los de “afirmação de tese”, e eu vou protestar contra eles mais tarde). De certo modo, eles afirmam a intenção daquele parĂĄgrafo. E, o que se segue, ilustra essa intenção.
Por exemplo: “Brenda sabia que ela nunca cumpriria o prazo. O trĂąnsito estava terrĂ­vel desde a ponte, passadas as primeiras oito ou nove saĂ­das. A bateria do celular havia se esgotado. Em casa, os cachorros precisariam sair para um passeio, caso contrĂĄrio haveria uma grande bagunça para limpar depois. AlĂ©m disso, ela prometeu que aguaria as plantas para o vizinho
VocĂȘ percebe como essa “afirmação de tese” tira o brilho do que se segue? NĂŁo faça isso.
Se não tiver jeito, corte a sentença de abertura e coloque-a depois de todas as outras. Melhor ainda, mude para: “Brenda nunca cumpriria o prazo.”
Pensar Ă© abstrato. Saber e acreditar sĂŁo intangĂ­veis. Sua histĂłria sempre vai ser mais forte se vocĂȘ mostrar apenas as açÔes fĂ­sicas e os detalhes dos seus personagens e permitir que seu leitor pense e saiba. E ame e odeie.
Não diga ao leitor: “Lisa odiava Tom.”
Em vez disso, construa seu caso como um advogado na corte, detalhe por detalhe.
Apresente cada evidĂȘncia. Por exemplo: “Durante a chamada, no instante logo apĂłs a professora dizer o nome de Tom, naquele momento antes que ele respondesse, bem naquele instante, Lisa sussurrava “seu merda” justo quando Tom respondia “Presente”.
Um dos erros mais comuns de escritores iniciantes Ă© deixar seus personagens desacompanhados. Ao escrever,  vocĂȘ pode estar sozinhos. Ao ler, sua audiĂȘncia vai estar sozinha. Mas seus personagens devem passar muito pouco tempo sozinhos. Porque um personagem desacompanhado começa a pensar, a se preocupar ou a se perguntar.
Por exemplo: “Enquanto esperava pelo înibus, Mark começou a se perguntar quanto tempo a viagem tomaria
Uma construção melhor seira: “A programação dizia que o ĂŽnibus chegaria ao meio dia, mas o relĂłgio de Mark dizia que jĂĄ eram 11:57. Dali dava para ver atĂ© o fim da rua, atĂ© o shopping, e ele nĂŁo via nenhum ĂŽnibus vindo. Sem dĂșvidas, o motorista estava parado em algum retorno no fim da linha, tirando uma soneca. O motorista estava dormindo e Mark estava atrasado. Ou pior, o motorista estava bebendo e, quando ele parasse ali, bĂȘbado, cobraria setenta e cinco centavos por uma morte horrĂ­vel em um acidente de trĂąnsito.”
Um personagem sozinho deve mergulhar em fantasia em memĂłria, mas mesmo nesses casos vocĂȘ nĂŁo pode usar “verbos de pensamento” ou qualquer um de seus parentes abstratos.
Ah, e vocĂȘ nĂŁo pode se esquecer dos verbos lembrar e esquecer. Nada de frases como “Wanda lembrou-se de como Nelson costumava escovar seu cabelo”.
Em vez disso, diga: “Quando estavam no segundo ano da faculdade, Nelson costumava arrumar o cabelo dela com escovadas suaves e longas”.
Outra vez: desmembre. NĂŁo utilize atalhos.
Melhor ainda, coloque o seu personagem junto com outro personagem rapidamente. Coloque-os juntos e deixe a ação começar. Deixe a ação e as palavras mostrarem seus pensamentos. Saia da cabeça deles.
E, enquanto estiver evitando os “verbos de pensamento”, seja muito cauteloso ao utilizar os verbos ser e estar.
Por exemplo:
“Os olhos de Ann eram azuis” ou “Ana tinha olhos azuis”
“Ann tossiu e sacudiu uma mão em frente seu rosto, espantando a fumaça de cigarro de seus olhos, olhos azuis, antes de sorrir
Em vez de usar os sem graça “ser” e “ter”, tente enterrar esses detalhes dos personagens em suas açÔes ou gestos. Para simplificar, isso Ă© mostrar sua histĂłria, em vez de contar.
E daqui para frente, depois que vocĂȘ aprender a desmembrar seus personagens, vocĂȘ vai odiar os escritores preguiçosos que se contentam com: “Jim sentou-se ao lado de seu telefone, perguntando-se se Amanda nĂŁo ligaria.”
Por favor. Por enquanto, me odeie com todas as suas forças, mas nĂŁo use “verbos de pensamento”. Depois do natal, sinta-se livre, mas eu apostaria dinheiro que vocĂȘ nĂŁo vai voltar atrĂĄs.
Como tarefa do mĂȘs, vasculhe suas escritas e circule cada “verbo de pensamento” que vocĂȘ encontrar. Depois, encontre uma forma de eliminĂĄ-los. Mate-os atravĂ©s do desmembramento.
Em seguida, vasculhe algum livro de ficção e faça o mesmo. Seja impiedoso.
“Marty imaginou um peixe saltando sob a luz da lua
“Nancy lembrou-se do sabor do vinho
“Larry sabia que ele era um homem morto
Encontre-os. Depois, descubra um jeito de reescrevĂȘ-los. Torne-os mais fortes.
– Chuck Palahniuk
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yanderismo · 3 months
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{yandere platonic justice league x evil scientist reader} borrower au!
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Part 1
WC: 2,172
Summary: As an evil scientist with a dream, you will do whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality. The current situation you find yourself in however is an uncalculated possibility you never accounted for.
A/n because this piece is meant to be a 'crack' fic there are going to be many updates with all the silly little ideas that come to me. This is the first part that sort of kicks off the plot! Please let me know if you enjoy it! I'm not that confident if I come off as an actually comedic writer 😭
Two Years Ago
Apparently It is not an easy job, trying to gain the license to a product that actually would benefit the world
 But it's even harder to do given the fact it seems you have been put on the justice league's radar. You are pretty sure Green Arrow was trying and failing to stalk you. It was pretty easy to avoid him after a while. 
But with newbies popping up more frequently- You are just beginning to understand why so many Gotham alums decide to give up and become criminals. 
While your last six months have been terribly pathetic. And with no outside funding to be gained, your bank accounts were all run dry. Especially your offshore accounts.  But you are nothing if not resourceful. You refuse to give up yet. Even if it means swallowing your pride and hosting this ridiculous charity event. 
Maybe you should have signed up for Lex Luthor's skillshare classes in 'How to use Capitalism for your Advantage' before starting this endeavor
. But it's too late for you to turn back now. 
Gaining a few benefactors to your project was the only way you could move forward with your project. Unless you wanted to give up your life's work for some newbie to stumble across and take all of the credit for. 
So as sad and pathetic as it was, you had no choice but to disguise your event as a brunch hour for the rich struggling to find love. 
The idea worked- you certainly gathered a crowd to the venue. Everyone seemed quite interested in learning about you. Not that you were interested in such a thing. The thought of having to bat your eyes at any of these assholes makes you almost vomit. Maybe you should have thought more of going with the NFT route before doing this

Before your hopes are completely crushed, out of the sea of attendees you make out one notable face who has the potential to financially fund your entire project. It was none other than Bruce Wayne- who by Gotham's own standard was an easy mark.
If you could somehow string along a teary eyed story about your device saving orphans he likely would help you. 
You are able to get close to Bruce with ease thanks to the fact he was wondering aloud if he was able to drink his mimosa due to a fruit allergy. 
After you assured him that there definitely were no Kiwi's within a mimosa, you engage in a fairly casual conversation. He told you his kids had set him up for your event. Which would be sweet if you weren't planning on possibly stealing a billion dollars from their college funds. 
The two of you are only able to talk for a moment before another joins in on your conversation. A very tall and bright-eyed woman who you can't help but feel as if you have seen her before.
"Diana Prince, thank you for keeping Brucie occupied for me. He gets lost so easily". She even ends up  offering you her hand. And it surprises you how strong her handshake is. It feels nothing short of a warning. 
Wonderful, you think.  You have likely just ruined your chances of scamming the man with his lady friend now by his side. 
"May I ask what you do for work?". She asks, all her attention placed on you now. You give her a brief explanation. 
"I am currently a freelance scientist. I used to work for  before I decided to go solo, it gives me time to work on my own personal endeavors".
You say, now well aware of the various gold jewelry pieces she was wearing.
"And what is it that you are currently studying?". 
Bruce asks kindly, trying to keep up with the conversation, bless his heart. 
It surprises your companions just how animated you get when you speak of your current project. The spark of inspiration makes you seem a lot less dull. But this does not make them forget the fact you are a very dangerous person. 
"-I have had various subjects confirm that the process is quite painless". 
It was actually returning to the subject's original size that caused the most pain. Not that your potential donors needed to know that. But to have this technology in the most desperate of situations was nothing short of a miracle. As long as it was never overused there would be no problem in recovery for the users. 
It's clear to the pair how much pride you take within your work. After all, it had taken many months for you to get the science just right. Other scientists could barely touch the surface when it came to your discoveries. 
 And most importantly of all you could guarantee the safety of those who would use the devices.
"That seems like a risky endeavor. You would be sued to hell and back if your product ever got into the wrong hands". 
Bruce chimes in ruining the feeling of momentum you had gained. 
"Like I said before, this is to be used for more domestic living situations to offset pollution and such. It has no use to any heroes or villains alike I assure you".
You say slowly. As if emphasizing each syllable would increase your chances of getting through to him. To make him understand why your work was so valuable. Whateveryone else thought be completely damned. 
"Besides that right now there are almost nine alien races near our own space sector that could benefit from such technology". 
The pair were obviously had doubtful of your words. And you pick up on that fact right away. 
"I can assure you that all the necessary research for this has been made. Supergirl herself confirmed this theory. I doubt you could find someone else more familiar with the benefits my device could provide".
This technology was needed, and it was a necessity. You weren't going to be low balled or forced to think of every way this could go wrong. 
"I see. Still, I would recommend you to be careful. You never know how the government can react to these sorts of things". He said, quite bemused. Which honestly didn't surprise you, Bruce Wayne without a doubt had difficulty operating a toaster. So the idea he would understand your work was laughable.
"I'm sorry to cut our time short Mr.Wayne and Ms.Prince. But I have some more people to speak with. When my product kicks off you will have to read about it in the papers".
You say before sauntering off to the next person with heavy pockets. 
And with that any thoughts of Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince forever leaving your thoughts by the end of the week.
With Batman and Wonder Woman now putting a serious dent in your operation how could you?
Current Time 
The day you were finally captured by the justice league was nothing short of a total disaster. And to make things worse for those who were tasked 
to catch you, you had disappeared entirely. Seemingly out of thin air leaving all of  your partners in crime to be captured and turned over to the proper authorities. 
Usually within a week of laying low villains would pop up again. In the justice league's experience most villains ego's and personal aspirations are not willing then to abandon their scheming for long. 
But this time things were different with you. You had yet to reappear in any of their feeds. The last time anyone saw you was during the fight. There was a sudden burst of light- and then you were gone. 
Needless to say, you being missing was quite worrisome. The only theory the league currently has is that your equipment possibly malfunctioned. 
They were searching your lab again, hoping to find something that would clue them in on what happened to you. It wasn't like a whole grown human could disappear without a trace. Logically it was impossible. Unless you managed to erase yourself with your tech

 Everyone searching for you sincerely hoped that wasn't the case. 
But having searched your lab- there had yet to be any signs you had escaped. 
When the moment came and they felt like they had done all that they could by investiging. Almost all of the team was ready to leave with some prototypes to further study. Or at least they had been until Flash had broken the sound barrier to tell them that you were found. 
"Are they alright?". Black Canary asked unsure what to make of Flash's current expression. It took him a moment to decide on what he should say to the others. 
"It's probably better if you just come see for yourselves". He told the others before running right back to your location. 
It had been by a complete fluke that they had even found you. J'onn thought that finding your escaped lab rats could provide some insight into the side effects your device possibly could cause. 
But instead he found you- small as could be, but without a doubt it was you. 
You had been dragging some shiny objects that caught your attention back to your 'nest'. The whole set-up was eerily similar to an ant farm. Thankfully it seemed like you didn't have any issues gathering your necessities given your current form. 
 You seemed to have been thriving on what looked like leftovers from one of your assistants' lunches.
J'onn quickly noted the numerous candies and raspberries you were keeping inside your small home. He would have to speak to professionals on how to create a more stable diet for you now
 That much sugar certainly couldn't be good for you, he thought. 
Before he had gone to tell Flash it suddenly occurred to the martian that even then he couldn't sense you. The only human minds he could sense were his colleagues
Just what have you done to yourself? He wondered.
Now that you had been found there was a quick meeting of all available league members to discuss what to do with you.
They had yet to find any further explanation on what had how this happened to you. 
"They definitely have amnesia. So that explains why they are so content currently". Black Canary explains before setting you down gently inside a small box.
You hadn't even tried to bite her. Which is something normal size you definitely would have tried
"It also seems likely whatever mishap with the device has altered their personality. If not entirely shifting their demeanor as well". 
"You try getting shrinked and remembering everything right away. Give 'em a week and I'm sure they will be trying to build a death ray from toothpicks". Flash somewhat sensibly warns. 
Despite how sweet you seemed now there was no telling how long your good behavior would last.
So with that it appeared that a possible reversal was not going to be happening anytime soon
 When it came to your scientific studies you had kept everything to yourself. 
None of your assistants had any possible suggestions on how to help you. Leaving then with only a few limited options on how to handle you. 
"What the hell are we supposed to do with them now?". Someone else asked, a little stunned by the whole situation. 
"We could set them up in a little hamster cage". Hal Jordan suggests the idea a little too quickly. Likely out of nostalgia he did have quite a few of the small pets in his youth.
It is clearly supposed to be a joke. But with the long pause, it's apparent everyone is actually considering the idea. Quite literally too.
"A hamster cage would be too small. The only humane option is to give them an area large enough to support their mental and physical needs. Especially during such a stressful change in their environment".  Jonn mused thoughtfully, as if the idea was something they should ever even consider. 
Someone should have shot the possibility down right away. But no one did- There was definitely a certain appeal to it... They wouldn't have to worry about you causing any trouble like this, sure. 
But also with  your current state it would be unsafe if they handed you over to the proper authorities. They probably wouldn't care to even try to give you the type of care you required. 
 And what made it worse was the obvious fact that only thought in your tiny head was the bare basic necessities of survival. 
So maybe that was a bit of a stretch
 Currently you were now attempting to escape the box, but were having little progress doing so.
But the fact still remained. You couldn't harm anyone now. Not like this. 
So it was decided then that until you got better you would be watched on a daily basis- It was the only option the league had to ensure your safety. 
The current question now left unsaid is who would be the first to watch over you

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yanderismo · 3 months
Instead of Dick or Tim, Red Hood straight up goes for kidnapping Bruce Wayne and keeping him hostage just to see how desperate the birds get in trying to find him.
It’s a foolproof plan. Batman won’t blow his cover unless absolutely necessary, and “Brucie” would never know how to slip away from a crime lord of Red Hood’s caliber. It’s foolproof. It’s perfect. Jason can keep dropping hints and make threats towards the birds and watch Bruce squirm without consequences if he plays this right.
But then “Brucie” keeps begging him not to hurt his kids

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yanderismo · 3 months
Oh my thank you for adding Bruce and Alfred ideas! You're an obvious walking red flag to them, but at least you're nice to Alfred. It's also clear that you're Bruce's kid because you got his brains and brawns but you decided to misuse it. Oops.
DAMIAN PUTTING BLIND TRUST IN YOU AWWW and the Talia Al Ghul approving of you too. If Talia approves of you that means that Damian is going to get more attached because he knows that his mom has sky-high standards.
A funnier thing, reader having beef with her father, disappearing, then visiting Gotham only because her baby sibling is an assassin. A talented one at that. I can imagine the first time reader interacting with Damian is when a mission goes out of hand, and the reader decided to step in. That day Damian witnessed your skills that you sharpened for years :) I can also see reader occasionally having secret meetings with Damian to bond with each other but SOMEHOW manages to always avoid the batfam. Reader đŸ€ Damian: officially becoming each other's favorite sibling.
:) ty! I love all of your thoughts as well! I think Damian would run off so much that everyone just naturally assumes he's visiting you, aka has been kidnapped
So when something actually happens, the reader and batfam would have to team up to save him. Which was an awkward situation, to say the least. Especially if it's his favorite siblings that saves him and has to leave right after... he will be pouting for weeks, poor kid 😱
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yanderismo · 3 months
Tim: I could fix Batman
Jason: No, I could fix Batman. But then I fucking died and accidentally made him worse instead
Jason: But when I come back and try to make him worse on PURPOSE, suddenly he won't do it!
Tim, deadly serious: I would've killed The Joker for you
Jason: Aw, thanks Tim
Tim, whispering: I could fix Red Hood...
Jason: Stop it
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yanderismo · 3 months
about superfam, like what would they do if the reader is just super reckless? Jumping off of buildings reckless, running at a guy with a knife reckless.
like they don’t value their life that much? Or are convinced that either way, they won’t die?
The first time any of them see you do something reckless for like a single second, it doesn't faze them - Because nothing they ever do seems reckless thanks to their invulnerability. And lots of heroes are stupidly reckless, but due to the fact its you- that makes their hearts drop.
Superman will ask you nicely just once to stop being so reckless. giving you the chance to be more responsible. After that, everyone in the family is paying close attention to how you handle certain situations... and needless to say your actions don't stop
Ma and Pa Kent literally will be making VHS tapes dedicated to all the reckless descions you are making. And thats only the stuff thats being aired on the news... And due to Clark and Lois working for the news they hear about anything else that's not caught on cameras.
For a reader who doesn't value their life- prepare to be practically swaddled and coddled by everyone with the saddest puppy dog eyes. They won't let you go until your feelings on that behavior changes.
For a reader who doesn't think they are gonna become seriously injured... they are so getting a potential child safety leash... possibly you will be locked in a barn for a bit until you take your safety more seriously
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yanderismo · 3 months
This is what I take for life
Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
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A Study In Physical Injury
Medical Facts And Tips For Your Writing Needs
Broken Bones
Unconsciousness & Head Trauma
Blood Loss
Stab Wounds
Pain & Shock
All About Mechanical Injuries (Injuries Caused By Violence)
Writing Specific Characters
Portraying a kleptomaniac.
Playing a character with cancer.
How to portray a power driven character.
Playing the manipulative character.
Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Writing a character who lost someone important.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing characters with memory loss.
Playing a pyromaniac.
How to write a mute character.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to play a stoner.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
Portraying a character who is anti-social.
Portraying a character who is depressed.
How to portray someone with dyslexia.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
Portraying a character with severe depression.
How to play a serial killer.
Writing insane characters.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
How to write a character with HPD.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with depression.
Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
How to play a victim of rape.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
Writing a character who self-harms.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play the stalker.
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Playing a character with ADHD.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
Portraying an emotionally detached character.
How to play a character with social anxiety.
Portraying a character who is high.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
Portraying a sex addict.
How to play someone creepy.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
Playing a character who struggles with Bulimia.
Illegal Activity
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Domestic Abuse
Internet Fraud
Computer Viruses
Corporate Crime
Political Corruption
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Contemporary Slavery 
Black Market Prices & Profits
AK-47 prices on the black market
Computer Hackers and Online Fraud
Contract Killing
Exotic Animals
Fake Diplomas
Fake ID Cards, Passports and Other Identity Documents
Human Smuggling Fees
Human Traffickers Prices
Kidney and Organ Trafficking Prices
Prostitution Prices
Cocaine Prices
Ecstasy Pills Prices
Heroin Prices
Marijuana Prices
Meth Prices
Earnings From Illegal Jobs
Countries In Order Of Largest To Smallest Risk
Blood Analysis
Book Review
Cause & Manner of Death
Computers/Cell Phones/Electronics
Cool & Odd-Mostly Odd
Corpse Identification
Corpse Location
Crime and Science Radio
crime lab
Crime Scene
Cults and Religions
Document Examination
Fingerprints/Patterned Evidence
Firearms Analysis
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Art
Forensic Dentistry
Forensic History
Forensic Psychiatry
General Forensics
Guest Blogger
High Tech Forensics
Interesting Cases
Interesting Places
Medical History
Medical Issues
Multiple Murderers
On This Day
Poisons & Drugs
Police Procedure
serial killers
Space Program
Stupid Criminals
Time of Death
291K notes · View notes
yanderismo · 3 months
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Tom Welling as Clark Kent in Smallville 1x10 “Shimmer”
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yanderismo · 3 months
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Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil 2 Remake (2019)
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yanderismo · 3 months
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Leather jackets are cool okay đŸ„ș
also Dick has unknowingly opened the door to little birds stealing his clothes from him lol. It's a love language 😌
Inspired by ↓↓
that time Discowing wore a leather jacket:
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and this precious panel of baby Jay:
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yanderismo · 3 months
Yandere Talon!batfam thoughts
From what I have read in most batfam fics usually Dick is the first and only one usually to get captured and turned into a talon. Which to me is totally not fair, like everyone needs to have a feral era imo 😜 // but in all seriousness .... I LOVE the angst of everyone trying but ultimately failing to save each other but still remaining a family in the endđŸ„č
So this particular idea starts with the reader being the 'keeper' of the batfamily so to say, whether you are a high profile member of the court or just a lucky cult member who was in the right place at the right time.
Either way the end result is the same. with a bit of training, you will have them fighting for your attention and figuratively eating out of the palm of your hands. But it takes a lot to get there. Becoming a talon is not a pleasant experience, you have to earn their trust.
Bruce and Dick are the most outright dangerous of the group after becoming talons. And if given the chance they will take anyone out who crosses a line with their family. Any promises you make must be kept. Unless you want to be as disposable as your peers in the court.
The yandere behavior will not show itself until you are viewed as a part of the 'flock'. This probably comes when the reader gets a bit guilty / demanding to their peers on what the proper care of a talon entails.
And shortly after that is when you will discover a lot of things...
Like they naturally kind of move you place yourself between Cass and Jason... Both of the heavy hitters who won't let anything happen to you. Or how anyone who opposes you in the court has a sudden disappearance, that's weird 😳
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yanderismo · 3 months
Anakin, Ahsoka & Reader sitting on the bench with defeated look
Obi-Wan : why are the three of you sitting sad like that?
Reader : sit with us so we can tell you
Obi-Wan, sitting down : well?
Anakin : this bench is freshly painted
Obi-Wan : ...
Ahsoka : yeah, they did it to me too
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yanderismo · 4 months
THIS IS SO GOOD, I NEED THISđŸ˜©âœšâœšâœšđŸ˜©đŸ˜©đŸ‘ŒâœšđŸ‘Œâ€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïžâ€ïž
I love the idea of a darling who's fully accepting the role of thee darling, and using the yandere. I also love yandere batfam.
Like at some point the darling gave up and is totally fine with one of the batfam member always by their side. And if the darling didn't want to spend time with idk Dick, they'll just call Jason and promise him some extra cuddle time if he manages to get Dick away from them.
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this is how I imagine the reader two reacting 2 months in. Like the benefits of being taken care of by a group of billionaires is nothing to bat an eye at. You can easily overlook all their weird habits and more giving this to you is the equivalent of winning the lottery.
On the other hand your yandere's are still concerned despite being happy for your cooperation in your kidnapping.
They all sort of worry you are not doing well due to the isolation...
Damian and Stephanie especially would be so worried about you, I wouldn't put it past them to try releasing you like a bird. They casually come to your room and leave the door open before shouting.
"Be free!". They call out, waiting for you to run off so they can take you back home. Lmao
💜ALSO yeah the reader definitely can work the family in their favor~ Jason especially is willing to take you for a 'day' trip if you can't handle Dick being a cuddle bug or if Bruce is trying too hard to be your dad 🙈
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yanderismo · 4 months
Hmmm I could get tired over any fandom but.... batfam???? Yall would never see me tired of talking about them.
Like think just how absolutely batshit crazy they'd go if reader fractures her limb or something. Maybe reader like slips off the stairs or falls from a swing or something, and the batfam- they have to watch it all happen in slow motion, and nothing- there's absolutely nothing they can do to help you. It's scarring for Dick to watch the color drain from your face as you drip to the ground. It's scarring for Jason to hear the nasty crack as your bone bends in an ugly handle. It's scarring for Tim to hear you scream in pain. It's scarring for Damian to see the blood pour out of your body. And it's oh so heart wrenching for Bruce to hear you cry into his chest as he carries you to Alfred to get your cast done.... how hopeless he felt, unable to soothe your pain.
But things only seem to go even more downhill from there. As you recover, the family has silently decided to double down on their paranoia and be even more coddling and protective of you. You wanna walk down the stairs? Nope, here comes big bro Jason to hold your hand- or better yet, carry you around in his arms. Why risk you even tripping over air?
Wanna get something from the top shelf? Stand back, dont need the shelf or something heavy falling over your head and cracking your skull open. Let Dick pull the cookie jar down for you- but why are you even eating cookies this late???? You need to get some healthy nutrients in you, lest you should have weak frail bones. Heres your broccoli.
Wanna play video games or go on socials? Well, no more! Dont need you getting influenced by the violent storylines and bad news from around the world- Tim wouldnt your mental health to be affected. If you really want, you can use his laptop... under his supervision.
What the fuck do you think youre doing staying up past your bedtime? What do you mean youre too old to have a bedtime???? Get your ass back in bed before Damian drags you back like a gremlin and REMINDS you of the bedtime he has set for YOU, because he doesnt need you becoming an insomniac and turning insane. He will not be the one to bust you out of Arkham asylum (he absolutely would, but hed be complaining all the way) just because you decided you didnt need your 10 hours of sleep!
Wanna go to your therapist? Well, you cant cause he suddenly moved far away and every other therapist in gotham is a maniac in disguise. Bruce doesnt get why you cant just talk to him about your feelings??? Dont you trust him? Your dear father, the very man whod hold you in his arms and shield you from the scary lightening when you were young? The very man who you would ramble on to about everything and anything, including tattling on Damian locking you in his room and throwing a tantrum when Jason took you away when you were all kids? You can tell him anything sweetie, even if you wanna bitch about the batfam... it'll hurt a bit, but hed be okay (absolutely has big sad eyes when you tell him how everyones just too suffocating for you and you wanna leave them)
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yanderismo · 4 months
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Resident Evil 2: Remake (2019)
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yanderismo · 4 months
Damn, self aware leon is actually a super neat concept!!! Re4 is a great Leon to go with, but I wonder...
What would this look like with Re2 leon? Or Re6 leon? I MUST KNOWWW MY CURIOSITY IS TOO STRONG!!!
(You don't have to answer this or write it, I just got curious, is all! Love, 🍄 anon)
Send me a separate ask for re6 leon and i got you >:)
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Finally! You were released from the hell that you called work and were finally able to get home to play your game, Resident Evil 2: Remake. You had been waiting all day to play it (for the fourth time, you had an obsession).
When you loaded the game up, the game glitched for a second, becoming distorted before going back to normal, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
Good to know your ps4 didn't just try to die on you.
As you lead Leon into the West Office, you bit your lip before murmuring.
"Alright, Leon, the combination to the safe is (combination)."
"Roger that."
For a second, you let the character sit idle, blinking. That was a new thing. You'd never heard Leon ever say that before. Was it because of the glitch? Moving into the office, you hummed.
"Better put a bullet in the dead guys head before he gets up."
Without warning nor having to press a button, Leon aimed his gun and put a bullet into the zombies brain, the head exploding loudly and making you jump. Leon's voice had your heart racing as you heard him say.
"Anything else I should know about?"
It was quiet before you blinked, rubbing your eyes before taking a leap.
Holy shit. Holy shit. This wasn't happening. Maybe you were lucid dreaming? That had to be the case. There was a strange sickness in your stomach that bloomed when Leon looked over his shoulder towards the screen and locked eyes with you.
"This isn't real. You're just dreaming."
"I wish that were the case, but this guys head exploding on me definitely says different. What was the safe combination again?"
His character began to move without you using the controller, and you almost felt faint.
"Wait a minute. You're....you're not supposed to be interactive...what's going on?"
Leon looked visibly confused, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)? You're acting strange...you didn't get bit, did you?"
With that, you promptly fainted, falling back into the couch but seeming to fall so much further as everything went black.
The next time you woke up was too someone gently shaking you. Leon's voice was loud and clear as he hovered above you, his blue eyes wide in concern as you woke up, looking absolutely terrified.
"Hey, it's okay. What happened?"
"This isn't happening. No way."
There he was! Right there! But instead of your living room, you were lying on the ground in the West Office with the Leon Kennedy kneeling over you. Leon assumed you were talking about the apocalypse, saying sadly.
"I know, I can't hardly believe it either, but we're in this together. Come on, sweetheart."
Leon wrapped his arm around you, helping you to stand on your wobbly feet, and you couldn't stop staring at him in shock.
"Let's go get those medallions and get the hell out of here."
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