xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
Sexual and Romantic Orientation Masterpost
Sexual Orientations
Abrosexual: Someone who’s sexual attraction fluctuates.
Aegosexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction, but does not want to participate in sex. Also known as Autochorissexual.
Akoisexual: Someone who can feel sexual attraction, but loses sexual attraction when sex is a possibility.
Aliquasexual: Someone who only feels sexual attraction under certain circumstances.
Allosexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction.
Androgynosexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction towards androgynous people.
Androsexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to masculinity, no matter what gender.
Apothisexual: Someone who is Asexual and sex-repulsed.
Asexual: Someone who does not feel sexual attraction. Also known as Ace.
Autochorissexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction, but does not want to participate in sex. Also known as Aegosexual.
Autosexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to themselves.
Bambisexual: Someone who enjoys the physical parts of a sexual relationship, such as cuddling, hand holding, kissing, etc., but does not want a sexual relationship.
Bellussexual: Someone who enjoys the affection and aesthetic of a sexual relationship, but does not want a sexual relationship.
Bisexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction towards two genders. Also known as Bi.
Burstsexual: Someone who’s sexual attraction fades after the initial feeling. Also known as Fraysexual.
Ceterosexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to non-binary and/or transgender people.
Cupiosexual: Someone who does not feel sexual attraction, but wants a sexual relationship. Also known as Kalosexual.
Demisexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction after having developed a platonic relationship.
Fraysexual: Someone who’s sexual attraction fades after the initial feeling. Also known as Burstsexual.
Gray/Greysexual: Someone who only feels sexual attraction sometimes, typically at a small level.
Heterosexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction to the opposite gender. Also known as Straight. (Hetero- meaning different, this is the correct definition of this. Popular terminology describes it as attraction to the opposite gender)
Homosexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction to the same gender. Also known as Gay or Lesbian.
Iculasexual: Someone who is Asexual but open to having sex.
Kalosexual: Someone who does not feel sexual attraction, but wants a sexual relationship. Also known as Cupiosexual.
Lamvanosexual: Someone who has no desire to perform sexual acts, but has desire to receive sexual acts from others. The opposite of Placiosexual.
Lithsexual: Someone who can feel sexual attraction, but doesn’t want sexual attraction reciprocated.
Neusexual: Someone who has sexual attraction towards Agender people.
Nocismasexual: Someone who has sexual attraction to everyone but cis men due to oppression or personal trauma.
Nomasexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to every gender but binary males.
Novosexual: Someone who’s sexual attraction changes with their gender expression or identity at the time.
Nowosexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to every gender but binary females.
Pansexual: Someone who feels attraction to any gender. Also known as Pan.
Penultisexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to every gender but their own.
Placiosexual: Someone who has no desire to receive sexual acts, but has desire to perform sexual acts on others. The opposite of Lamvanosexual.
Polarsexual: Someone who either feels extreme sexual attraction or intense repulsion, sometimes fluctuating, sometimes at a standstill.
Polysexual: Someone who feels attraction to multiple genders, but not all genders.
Pomosexual: Someone who does not identify with a known sexuality.
Proquasexual: Someone who feels sexually attracted to femininity when they are feminine.
Proquusexual: Someone who feels sexually attracted to masculinity when they are masculine.
Queer: Someone who is not heterosexual (when used in terms of sexuality).
Recipsexual: Someone who can only feel sexual attraction towards someone after you realize they feel sexual attraction towards you.
Requeissexual: Someone who has little or no sexual attraction due to emotional exhaustion. May be short or long term.
Sanssexual: Someone who feels attraction that randomly changes.
Thymsexual: Someone who is sexual attraction varies based on emotional state.
Venusexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to femininity, no matter what gender.
Romantic Orientations
Amicusromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction towards those who they are platonically attracted to.
Amorromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction, but only wants to be in a Queer Platonic Partnership (QPP)
Platoniromantic: Someone who is unable to tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. Also known as Quoiromantic.
Quoiromantic: Someone who is unable to tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. Also known as Platoniromantic.
Abroromantic: Someone who’s romantic attraction fluctuates.
Aegoromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction, but does not want to participate in romantic actions. Also known as Autochorisromantic.
Akoiromantic: Someone who can feel romantic attraction, but loses romantic attraction when romantic actions are a possibility.
Aliquaromantic: Someone who only feels romantic attraction under certain circumstances.
Alloromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction.
Androgynoromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction towards androgynous people.
Androromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to masculinity, no matter what gender.
Apothiromantic: Someone who is Aromantic and romance-repulsed.
Aromantic: Someone who does not feel romantic attraction. Also known as Aro.
Autochorisromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction, but does not want to participate in romantic actions. Also known as Aegoromantic.
Autoromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to themselves.
Bellusromantic: Someone who enjoys the affection and aesthetic of a romantic relationship, but does not want a romantic relationship.
Biromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction towards two genders. Also known as Bi.
Burstromantic: Someone who’s romantic attraction fades after the initial feeling. Also known as Frayromantic.
Ceteroromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to non-binary and/or transgender people.
Cupioromantic: Someone who does not feel romantic attraction, but wants a romantic relationship. Also known as Kaloromantic.
Demiromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction after having developed a platonic relationship.
Frayromantic: Someone who’s romantic attraction fades after the initial feeling. Also known as Burstromantic.
Gray/Greyromantic: Someone who only feels romantic attraction sometimes, typically at a small level.
Heteroromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction to a gender other than their own. Also known as Straight. (Hetero- meaning different, this is the correct definition of this. Popular terminology describes it as attraction to the opposite gender)
Homoromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction to the same gender. Also known as Gay or Lesbian.
Icularomantic: Someone who is Aromantic but open to having romantic relationships.
Kaloromantic: Someone who does not feel romantic attraction, but wants a romantic relationship. Also known as Cupioromantic.
Lamvanoromantic: Someone who has no desire to perform romantic acts, but has desire to receive romantic acts from others. The opposite of Placioromantic.
Lithromantic: Someone who can feel romantic attraction, but doesn’t want romantic attraction reciprocated.
Neuromantic: Someone who has romantic attraction towards Agender people.
Nocismaromantic: Someone who has romantic attraction to everyone but cis men due to oppression or personal trauma.
Nomaromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to every gender but binary males.
Novoromantic: Someone who’s romantic attraction changes with their gender expression or identity at the time.
Noworomantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to every gender but binary females.
Panromantic: Someone who feels romantic attraction to any gender. Also known as Pan.
Penultiromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to every gender but their own.
Placioromantic: Someone who has no desire to receive romantic acts, but has desire to perform romantic acts on others. The opposite of Lamvanoromantic.
Polarromantic: Someone who either feels extreme romantic attraction or intense repulsion, sometimes fluctuating, sometimes at a standstill.
Polyromantic: Someone who feels attraction to multiple genders, but not all genders.
Pomoromantic: Someone who does not identify with a known romantic orientation.
Proquaromantic: Someone who feels romantically attracted to femininity when they are feminine.
Proquuromantic: Someone who feels romantically attracted to masculinity when they are masculine.
Queer: Someone who is not heteroromantic (when used in terms of romantic orientation).
Recipromantic: Someone who can only feel romantic attraction towards someone after you realize they feel romantic attraction towards you.
Requeisromantic: Someone who has little or no romantic attraction due to emotional exhaustion. May be short or long term.
Sansromantic: Someone who feels attraction that randomly changes.
Thymromantic: Someone who is romantic attraction varies based on emotional state.
Venuromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to femininity, no matter what gender.
Did I miss any sexual or romantic orientations? Add on in the tags, replies, or reblogs.
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
also like “how are cishet aces using up resources they don’t need if they aren’t oppressed hmm???” as if safe spaces away from oppressors aren’t a resource. as if spaces where some fuckin cis straight person venting about being called a plant or a machine doesn’t take precedence over people who are literally dying isn’t a resource. community in itself is a resource, one that takes time & money & sacrifice, often with our lives, to build. if all cishet aces need are info and you can’t even provide that for your own? if it’s cruel that lgbt folks don’t wanna take breaks from trying to survive to spoonfeed you info you could just google or ask an actual ace with that experience? i don’t see how yall intend to survive by doing the bare fucking minimum. if your community is out here struggling but your biggest activism is over a spot in an acronym? yall not gone make it. being in the el gee bee tee community ain’t gonna fix that laziness. you could be accepted tomorrow & what would you do then? yall don’t do any organizing for yourselves beyond calling people aerfs on the internet so good luck
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
I wanna bring up a hot take, bear with me.
So, EVEN IF TERFs were right about trans women being men, about trans people being confused and mentally ill… Like for the sake of this one single post let’s say they’re right.
Then you have a whole bunch of people who know how to live as themselves, and it’s not harming anyone. Some people are like “yeah, you can’t bar all trans people from dating you cuz that’s gross.” And yeah, some will want to be in safe spaces. Sure. They’ll ask you to change your language to be more mindful. So let’s say they’re wrong and you, a TERF, are right.
At the VERY WORST, your accommodating them is inconveniencing you. Your believing them is mildly annoying, maybe even stressful.
But, look at the flip side. When you DON’T accommodate them, they die. Their “mental illness” is never fixed. They kill themselves. They’re murdered. They’re systematically destroyed. They die.
So if you hold these viewpoints, what you’re telling me, from YOUR OWN PERSPECTIVE, is that the lives of a group of people who are inconveniencing you are LESS IMPORTANT than your convenience. You would rather have people die than, what, let them live their delusions? Than leave them alone? You are so incapable of letting people live their lives, so incapable of making small changes, that you would rather have them die?
That’s why you are ALWAYS going to be wrong. You could show me the most extensive research, give the best arguments, PROVE that trans people are the wrong ones. You could do all of that, and you would still be wrong. Because at the end of it, what you’re telling me is that people’s lives, their actual LIVES, are worth less to you than your convenience.
EVEN IF every single trans person is “faking, mentally ill, or confused,” it doesn’t matter. Their lives will ALWAYS be more important than your feelings.
And that’s on top of all the other shit you have to prove before we’ll believe you. Not only do you have to prove how they’re wrong, but you have to prove why your feelings are more important than their lives.
And that’s never going to happen.
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
Not going to go to the original post bc the wording on it is, a lot but, I think it's an important part of relationship to say youre aro/ace because its,,, an integral part of how you experience and participate in relationships. And, people who're equating it to being a closeted bi or trans person?? That's frankly just... not the same? Because, if you're in a relationship, being bi or trans won't affect the relationship in the same way if you stay closeted about it as it would if you were aro or ace. Like, if you're in a relationship with someone, and you're not aro or ace, it's to be assumed that youre attracted to them, no matter whether you're a closeted bi person, or a straight person, so you being closeted bisexual won't really affect how the relationship will be in terms of dynamic. The same goes for if you're trans, it's still going to be assumed that you're attracted to the person youre with no matter your gender, so being a closeted trans person won't affect the dynamic either. But, being aro or ace does inherently affect the dynamic because that means you either dont/can't/(whichever the preferred term is) feel romantic attraction or sexual attraction to your partner. This is something that's a major part of your relationship, seeing as it affects how you and your partner will interact, UNLIKE how being in the closet about being bi or trans will. I personally feel like if you're aro or ace, you should discuss that with your partner because your partner deserves to know whether or not you're romantically or sexually attracted to them? Granted, the sexually attracted part doesnt have to be early in the relationship, it all depends on how fast you go but. assuming its a romantic relationship, I think I'd like to know whether my partner was capable of romantically loving me or not before I committed to them, ya know?
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
love it when i see “pride” posts where someone makes like. 10 pride flag edits and 9 of them are ace micro-identities and then there’s just one bisexual flag or something like. okay. go ahead and ignore the gay, lesbian, pan, trans, and nb flags but i’m sure ur quiodemigraysexual flags are that important
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
unpopular opinion: i like the “standard” ace flag
further unpopular opinion: remaking flags is literally pointless. there’s a reason for why the traditional flags are the way they are and even some of those that have history (like the lesbian flag, or even the bi and trans ones where the general public is concerned) aren’t widely known. remaking them yet again and again is doing nothing for spreading awareness of the existing flags and their meanings, and it erases them and their history
if you want to go make flags for solely personal use and make it clear that you only mean to use them for personal use, okay, whatever, not like anyone can stop you. but don’t act like everyone doesn’t gleefully jump at every opportunity to tear down and criticize remade flags coming from the “other side” for exactly the reasons i mentioned here, only to turn around and do the exact same thing. double standard much?
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
"aces don't get killed for being ace" um i literally don't care. Not our fault gay people get murdered lmao what are aces supposed to do? We don't even get recognised like gay people do sooo you appreciate your privilege a bit more
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
inclusionists: q**er isnt a slur, but this made up shit is bc it hurts our feelings :(
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
honestly as an aro I’ve felt far more validated and supported by the exclusionists I know than the ace community. you guys ignore our existence until it suits you as a discourse gotcha, frequently sex shame us etc. the ace community as it currently stands simply means erasure and sex shaming of aro people. were not included in your positivity or in your discourse, many of you actively seem to hate us and in the end we’re not any worse than you for experiencing sexual attraction nor are we evil or manipulative for not experiencing romantic attraction. and the vast amount of the time you tread all over us, erase us and honestly, there’s a reason there’s not so many aro but not ace inclusionists out there. hint, it’s because maybe you aren’t as inclusive as you really thought.
tldr: we’re not a discourse gotcha, if anything we counter the vast majority of the points you make. deal with your sex shaming and maybe get back to the exclusionists about how ‘aphobic’ they are when you really support everyone in the acomm.
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
asexuality was never in the DSM. spreading that it was is harmful to ace people over anyone else. stop trying to scare ace people into thinking theyre in danger for existing.
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
A lot of yall need to learn about the difference between oppression and horizontal aggression.
Lesbians cannot oppress bisexual women because they do not have the structural power necessary to benefit from the subjugation of bisexual women
Bisexual women cannot oppress lesbians because they do not have the structural power necessary to benefit from the subjugation of lesbians
This doesn’t mean that lesbians can’t be biphobic/bisexuals can’t be lesbophobic. It does mean that neither has privilege over the other–the are both oppressed on the same axis.
Horizontal aggression.
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
also yes, the phrase asexual didnt used to exist, they just were part of the bisexual community because they werent attracted to men or women/because they were attracted to them equally
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
im about to come out to my parents (i’m a heteroromantic demisapiosexual, meaning i only feel sexual attraction to smart people i already have a strong emotional bond with). i hope they accept my Queer identity
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
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oh shit!! did y’all hear!? non-ace lgbp people aren’t told they’re broken or sick for not being straight!! homophobia is over if you experience sexual attraction!!
@yall-aphobes-need-to-stop do you read what you type or do you just punch your keyboard and press send
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
someone on vent was like “I’m aroflux demisexual!” in their bio and like… thanks for telling me absolutely nothing abt ur orientation, buddy
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
this youtuber: what level of mogai are you on?
me: idk, like… 2 or 3 I guess
this youtuber: you are like a child, watch this:
this youtuber: you can be straight and also not straight at the same time
youtube(.)com/watch?v=2kfEDUFTSaI i wanna die
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kfEDUFTSaI watching this video gave me hives
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xxdiscourseblogxx · 7 years
“” transsexual"“ I feel like I’m fucking dying
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There needs to be a whole blog for these because there’s like 5000 and each one is worse than the last
i dont understand the gender binary one 
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