Scara/Kuni SFW & NSFW
Finally got around to making a blog just for writing!
CW: lots of cursing, mentions of trauma & violence, Yandere vibes & behavior, I think that's it
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I mean, what hasn’t been said about this asshole? He’s equal parts adorable and aggravating and you just want to bang your head against a wall - Why is he both?! You’ve lost it, you’ve officially lost it, and it’s all his fault.
First of all, he’s smug. The smuggest little shit you’ve ever met. He knows he’s a badass and he’s not holding back any more, not after everything he’s been through. (He will not be betrayed again.) He’s a bit narcissistic, defending himself with equal parts real and false bravado and refusing to take accountability for his transgressions. Don’t be fooled: deep within his heart is a broken boy who’s been spiraling into cynicism and insecurity since his mother dumped him. His life has been a landslide since, never safe or consistent, so he’s compensated for his vulnerability with power, as much power as he can fucking get.
Honestly, it’s gonna be an uphill battle with him for a long time. Even far later into your relationship, there will be some explosive times. He’d never hurt you, ever. He’d spiral into madness if he did. But we all know how sharp his tongue is and if you’re the more sensitive type, you’re gonna need to learn how to thicken your skin and roll with the punches quick. Ultimately, it will be worth it, but it’s gonna take a lot of work to get there. 
Depending on when you meet him, you’ll experience him in three stages: 1) sweet summer child, 2) fuck the world, and 3) utterly unhinged. Your relationship will reflect these stages, too. If you meet him before the fall, he’ll be naive and curious. After the fall, with the Fatui, he’s cold and cunning. After the gnosis falls through, he’s feral and the most likely to become straight up yandere. 
Really, there’s 2 main outcomes for a relationship with him make a simulator: Route 1 is the Healing Journey and Route 2 is The Unhinged Yandere. It’s a lot of pressure, but this progression ultimately depends on you. 
Kuni after The Fall™, aka Scaramouche, is obviously a total jerk, but he’s more open to eventual healing compared to the Wanderer. Again, he’s a menace, loves to push buttons and hold his power over others. He doesn’t trust kindness or love and keeps himself safe from it by pushing it away. He’d never admit it, but he craves closeness, which is why he lashes out like he does. He hates that he wants it because of what it’s done to him, how it’s tortured him and twisted him throughout his long life. He just doesn’t see how he could possibly trust another person ever again. But all is not lost. No one ever is forever. There are choices to be made.
Your relationship with him will develop in stages. At first, you’re just a meatsack to him, another person to keep an eye on while he decides whether or not you’re a threat. He’s provocative, wants to get a rise out of you to see what you’ll do. If you take it in stride, he’s honestly a little floored. He just insulted you, why aren’t you pissed? Will poke and prod literally with a stick lmao and ends up finding you both frustrating and fascinating. This is the sticking point for him (haha): once you affect him, he’s stuck on you, wanting to find your weakness and fumbling in the process. Absolutely engages in banter battles and always wants the last laugh. But when that last laugh is yours, he’s totally the type to get all flustered and frustrated about it. Sticks out his tongue and calls you a dumb name hahaha just laugh and keep walking or he might throw a rock at you. 
Very enemies-to-lovers trope lol probably more so “enemies” on his side because everyone is in his perspective. For you, unless he really grates you the wrong way, it’s more of a comedic slow-burn. He’s just so easy to tease! You’re the only person who can make him flush and spit at the same time, the only one who can get away with messing with him without being threatened with the sharp end of a blade. He hates that he keeps coming back to you for more. Even when he defeats you, he’s never sated. Why? What is it about you that’s got him stuck??
Eventually, he realizes that he actually enjoys being around you and goes into a cold sweat. How could this happen?! No, no, this can’t be real, it’s okay, it’s fine, calm down. There’s no way that’s true. It’s not true. It is true. He’s fucked. But he’s the best at being in denial so there’s that. Takes it out on you and even tries running away. Is secretly terrified of being in the same room as you, especially alone. Yet you keep managing to find him and, for a moment, he always finds himself letting some of his guard down with you. For a blissful moment, nothing else exists but your smile and laughter and how they came from him. And it hits him all at once that you enjoy being around him, too.
No, no, no. This is bad. This is wrong. He’s not meant for - this, whatever this is…What is this? He enjoys being around you and you enjoy being around him, okay, yes. But what does that mean? What does that make you? Are you…friends? No! No, he doesn’t have friends. They’ll only hold him back or break him down even more when they inevitably betray him. Friends make one weak and he. is. not. weak! 
But it continues on, the banter and the laughing and eating together - eating together! He needs to stop this, but he keeps coming back to you. It drives him crazy. Like a bug caught in a web, he struggles to free himself until he wears himself out. Then, he takes an almost complete 180: he starts monitoring you to the point of stalking you. You may even catch him in the act and he’ll deny it, but you can feel his eyes on you just about everywhere you go. There’s two main reasons why he’s doing this. One, he wants to ensure that you’re not somehow going to stab him in the back or sell information about him. Two, and he’ll never admit this, is because he’s terrified of something bad happening to you. He’s become attached. He relies on your presence in his life now but he won’t admit it to himself yet.
It all comes to a head when he’s injured in a fight and you start to care for him. He’s so scared of being touched by you, feels so weak and exposed and enraged about it; all that trauma is bubbling up like bile and he’s overwhelmed and he breaks down right then and there, against his will. 
“Don’t touch me!” he shouts, stumbling away from you like a wild animal blindly thrashing against the back wall of a cage. “I don’t need your help! I don’t need help! I’m not weak!” 
The forest is dark with twilight and in his fervor, he can’t quite track his feet. You watch grimly as he collapses against a rock and buckles over, barely managing to hold himself up by his hands planted on the dirt. He crouches there, trembling and hyperventilating, and his fingernails claw the earth into his fists. 
He has never loathed himself more. He swore he’d never break down like this. It’s pathetic. You must think he’s so amusing. And you’d be right. He was made to be. He’s just a puppet and a puppet’s sole purpose is to entertain. Who was he kidding, thinking he could be anything else? 
And then you’re sinking down onto your knees in front of him and he freezes. He can’t find the power to hide from you. He’s utterly exposed; if you try to cut him down now, he doesn’t know how he’ll stop you, but he’ll die trying, won’t he? Why does the thought of hurting you make him feel even more pathetic?
“You’re one of the strongest people I know,” you tell him. “Even if you weren’t, I’d still want to be with you.”
Surely you’re only mocking him, using him - but when he looks up, all he sees is grief, like you can see into the core of him and are hurt by it. Stupid. How could you possibly understand? Why would you want to? 
Fuck you for never having an ulterior motive. Fuck your compassion. His hollow body can’t hold warmth, but when he’s with you, he feels it. It scares him, reminds him of what he’s been through, and yet he can’t let go of you. The only time he feels like there’s anything more meant for him is when he’s with you. 
Relationship Unlocked
Seriously, the day you embrace him in all of his mess is the day something in him finally breaks. He’s obsessed with you now, possessive and protective, panicked if you’re out of his sight for too long. A relationship is entirely new grounds for him and he’s terrified out of his mind by the implications of something so intimate. He thought he was broken before, but if he loses you, he’s certain he’ll crash completely. He needs you, needs to make sure you’re safe, that you’ll stay with him, that no one takes you away. 
How things end up is really on you. If you’re freaked out, he gets more desperate and will eventually cross into full-on yandere territory. If you stand your ground and continue to treat him like you always have, open and honest, he’ll slowly, slowly settle down. He’s still terrified of losing you, but the more consistent you are, the more trust he’s willing to put in you. 
It takes time and a lot of patience to temper your relationship. Kuni’s always gonna be a bit yandere, but depending on the route your relationship takes, that part of him will express itself with differing levels of intensity. Full-On Yandere Kuni completely loses himself to an animalistic nature, but Healing Kuni is way more chill. 
Eventually, he’s back to bantering with you to the point of insult, but never goes too too far. He’ll spar with you and mock you and be the smuggest little shit you’ve ever met, but it’s more companionable than domineering now. He’s not interested in holding any power over you; he considers you equals now, though he’d never admit that outright. 
(worried) Pathetic! You know, you’d die if this was a real fight!
(blushing) Would you stop staring at me? It’s creepy.
(smug) Ugh, you’re so annoying, wanting my attention all the time. Maybe if you do something to deserve it…
(lonely) Is your paperwork more important than your relationships? Is it really that hard to multitask? I - I’m not looking for attention! Shut up!
(got em) Damn, you suck at this. I easily pinned you down - wait, that’s what you were going for, isn’t it?!
Absolute Tsundere.
Still, it’s apparent in how he treats you that he worships you. He considers your opinions and insights, takes your preferences into account, pretends to just randomly finds trinkets you could surely find some use for even though you were just talking about it the other day, pouts when other people have your attention or when you’re too busy to spend all of your time with him, acts like a total grump when you love on him yet he’s also leaning into you and resting his chin on your shoulder - look, we’ll be here all day talking about how adorable he is. You are the center of his universe; the things he gives you - attention, adoration, kindness, consideration, protection - will only ever be given to you alone. And…maybe a kid. But not for a long time.
But he’s still got that mean streak in him that will never go away, especially when it comes to other people. He’s gone through too damn much to be with you just to lose you. No, fuck everyone else, if they think they can get closer to you than you are to him, he’s about to ruin. their. life. 
The type to straight up shit talk someone to their face. Mocks them for thinking they had a shot in the dark with you. It’s painfully obvious that you’re into him and no one else, or maybe this moron is in denial? That’s okay, maybe if I hit you hard enough, your brain will start working again. Roughs them up like a vending machine lmao. 
If you tell him to let it go, he’ll argue with you, but will ultimately do as you say. Looks like you’re lucky today, pissant. But that shitface gets one chance, if Kuni so much as sees them loitering around or if they make a comment about his obedience to you, they’re gonna get it even worse than they would have. Doesn’t usually happen because most people can see the derangement in his eyes and his vibe is absolutely lethal. But every once in a while, some poor, stupid soul will challenge him. They may or may not live to regret it, highly depends on your opinion and the type of infraction against you.
He’s like Shrek. Hear me out: he’s got layers. Many, many layers. Lots of insecurities, the main one being that he’s not meant to have good things. Got an absolute ogre of a temper and he’s an asshole to everyone, but way less of an asshole to the ones he loves. In fact, it’s because of you that he even starts to believe that maybe he’s deserving and loveable. Also acts like an unwilling knight-in-shining-armor but lowkey feels like such a badass when he’s got you oohing and aahing over him. Also, fucking LOVES it when you kick ass for him, he feels like a pampered prince. Will even try to get you jealous just to make you possessive. Fuck, nothing is hotter than when you’re possessive of him.
Jealousy. Lots of jealousy, especially earlier on in the relationship due to paranoia. You could just be talking to someone in passing and he’ll start glaring, inching closer to you or full on storming up to your side if he’s not already beside you. He practically snarls and drags you along. If it’s a work related interaction, he stands nearby, arms crossed and eyes darkened with distrust. Threatens people who seem to like your attention too much, but not when you’re around. If you do find out what he’s doing, feel free to set him straight. It pisses him off, but if you can be both reassuring and hold your boundaries, he’ll relent. 
He doesn’t dance around anything but his feelings, so if anyone seems to be bothersome, he’s going to bring it up to you. Sometimes the solution is as simple as a hug and a kiss, but other times, there needs to be some reassurance. Over time, he finds himself needing less of it, but it still lights him up inside to hear you say it and he will intentionally pester you until you do. He thinks he’s being sly, but you know better lol. It’s actually really fun to coyly tease him because it will either go right over his head that you’re pushing his frustration to the point of pouncing on you or he’ll get all flustered and angry and short-circuits when you finally cave and love on him. Acts like he hates you for it but you both know that couldn’t be further from the truth!
He also isn’t afraid to tell you if something you’ve done has rubbed him the wrong way and expects you to do the same in return. Admittedly, it can be hard to take and give critique at first unless you’re the more straightforward type. On one hand, Kuni can come across super judgemental and aggressive, and when paired with criticism, it can feel like an attack. And, I mean, it kind of is. He doesn’t always realize he’s doing it, but he’s been in survivalism for so long that offense has become his primary mode. He also tends to argue when you bring something up. But again, as he relaxes into your relationship, he becomes a little less offensive and more candid than anything. 
You’re not gonna hit anything with form like that. Try this. 
Your footwork is shit. Doesn’t matter if it worked, you left your backside completely vulnerable. A bug could stab you and you’d be helpless to stop it. I don’t know why a bug would have a knife, doesn’t matter, my case still stands, anything could end you like that. 
I’m in the middle of something, stop bothering me. We can talk all you want over lunch.
You are in a mood today, what’s your problem? (But like seriously is asking you so he can help.)
I told you, I’m fine! Fuck, care less! I can handle this! 
I could go on and I probably will later, but all in all, a relationship with Kuni is well worth it in the long-run. You are his sun, moon, stars, and sky, and he shows you that everyday in his own way. You challenge one another in many ways, but all of the best relationships involve growth pains!
A switch that fights to be a dom and always sounds like a bottom haha. Also a total brat. Whether he’s topping or bottoming, he’s gonna talk shit even when he’s writhing from how stupid he’s been fucked. So loud. You look so stupid. Did I do that? Am I fucking you so good you’ve gone stupid? Ohhh, fuuuck yes, cum on me, cum on me! Doesn’t even mean to be, you just feel so good and he trusts you more than anything. He also loves feeling powerful and nothing gets him off more than the power he holds over your body, fucking you into oblivion. You’re so responsive to him, so attracted to him, it blows his mind that someone could love him so much. His voice gets raspy when he’s close to cumming. Sometimes laughs when he cums, breathless and so satisfied he could bounce off the walls. 
His cock could go one of two ways: 1) his current form has one already or 2) he can have one made for him (or several? hmmm). Anyway - his cock is so pretty and the flushed tip is so suckable. It’s not super long or thick, but it’s got a nice curve that hits you right in the best places. When he grinds into you, that curve brings stars to your eyes and this smug tease knows it. He’ll grind into you like he’s cockwarming until you’re losing your shit and begging him for relief. Too much for you? So scream. Maybe that’ll help.
Is condescending as hell. Yeah, I know it feels good. Feels too much. Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay. Keep cumming. Will make you beg for what you want, too, and then gives it to you suddenly just to surprise you. Thinks it’s cute (it’s mean!). Most of all, wants you to tell the world that you’re his, that you belong to him. Say that you belong to me. Say it. Say it! Don’t. fucking. stop! Is immediately so close to cumming his brains out when you scream it out. If you save it for when he’s just about to cum, he’ll immediately fall off the edge with his toes curling and eyes rolled back in his head. 
It’s so easy to get him riled up, too, you can make a bingo game out of it lmao. Jealousy, anger, victory, sadness, adrenaline from a battle, wearing his clothes or something even incrementally skimpy,
Kisses you passionately and typically doesn’t care if people are around. Just wants everyone to see him marking you, see you marking him, and know for certain that nothing can come between you. But he has times where he’ll kiss you so tenderly and slowly. Happens once you’re both sated, when he feels so close to you it fills him up, when you’re cuddling or one of you is having a bad day, and when he’s making love to you, which doesn’t happen as often as fucking, but that makes it even more special.
Dirty secret time: If he’s feeling jealous/possessive, he loves to set up a make out session with you when and where he knows the person he’s wary of will catch you. Will not allow anyone else to see you exposed - only he gets that honor - but if he’s feeling particularly pissed off about another person, he’ll drag you somewhere private where he knows they’ll hear him seducing you. May or may not tell you what he’s doing. Hands against the wall. Don’t you fucking move them. I wanna see how long you can stand while I’m pumping you. No, don’t you shut up on me! Say it louder! Say. My. Name! 
Absolutely fierce with his tongue. Loves loves loves oral, giving and receiving, it makes him feel so powerful to worship and be worshiped. He doesn’t always have the patience for foreplay, but he’s got to taste you at least once during a session. Is sometimes so nasty, he’ll eat both of your essences off of you and can’t help but cant his hardening dick for some relief. If he’s feeling particularly possessive, he’ll suck and bite down on you for hours, pinning you down by the pelvis as he nudges his nose deeper. You can clamp your thighs around his head, buck your hips, writhe all over the sheets, but he won’t show you mercy; he gets off of torturing you until you’re numb and your voice is hoarse. 
When receiving, he loses his mind. Tries to string his fucked out braincells to form a sentence but devolves into babbling. Ugh, fuck, there! There there there, I - can’t - deep. So so so deep, I - ugh! Will fuck your throat like he’s riding a bull, you’ll probably need to pin him down. In fact, do it anyway and make him take it, he might scream with frustration when he cums. 
His fingers are so long and lithe, they fit so deeply into you. And they’re so smooth, they enter you without the need for much prep. Scissors and rams himself deeper, laughing when you cry out. His fingers will crawl across your thighs and outline your sex underneath tables. If you get him back, he’ll give you the angriest, dirtiest look because now he’s not gonna be able to stop thinking about putting you in your place. Taking control pisses him off and is a great gateway to rough sex and it’s so much fun! Will go one of two ways: he’s either gonna fight for dominance and fuck your soul out of your body or he’s gonna be forced to take it like a good boy, cursing and shit talking with the remnants of his desire for control. Honestly loves it when you take control, he knows you’re not going to hurt him or ignore him if something is too much, but you’ve gotta earn it first. He’ll still fight back a bit, but he feels so so so good when you’re using him and praising him and maybe clamping a hand down on his throat, he could cry.
While he’s down to try just about anything once, he’s not interested in anything you’re not vibing with. He’s obsessed with you, worships you, the last thing he wants is to betray you. Feels like absolute trash if he screws up or hurts you in a way that isn’t welcomed by you during sex and will be really quiet for a while. He’s beating himself up on the inside. Reassure him that things happen during sex that no one can account for and that doesn’t make someone a bad person; still, it’s good to talk about these things. In the long run, he’ll still feel bad about it, but he’ll also become quicker to move on if you want to keep going.
Loves to choke and be choked. Semi-public sex is so hot to him, like taking you on a balcony overlooking a beautiful city or in a deserted area out in nature. Also loves to blindfold you and keep you guessing. Not a big fan of kinks that would hinder his control, like bdsm or being cuffed and blindfolded himself. Maybe if he’s blindfolded without the cuffs or vice versa. He trusts you more than anything, but it doesn’t feel good for him to be totally at your mercy; he doesn’t feel totally safe. Sometimes he’s down for it, but usually, he just feels really uncomfortable.
I could go on and I want to, but then we’d be here forever. In conclusion, Kuni is a freak but also a sweetheart in his own way. Kind of gives me Levi Ackerman vibes, anyone else??
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