worde · 4 months
As an artist, if you love something, that's all of the value. The success comes when you feel I like this enough for other people to see it.
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worde · 6 months
A person's deepest desire is to be loved (valued) for who they are.
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worde · 1 year
I will not equate my worthiness of love, belonging or respect based on how willing someone is to give me those things.
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worde · 1 year
Stop fighting existence; We will not win the war against uncertainty by becoming certain. We will not be able to be stable by trying to make the unstable stable. Instead we find certainty and a sense of stability by embracing uncertainty and instability… The universe is always carrying us to our highest good even if our highest good takes us through hell.
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worde · 1 year
Winners live in and deal with reality.
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worde · 1 year
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worde · 2 years
A person who is able to really live is able to fully immerse themselves in moments of simple joy/pleasure.
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worde · 2 years
The more you put someone on a pedestal -- the more they look down on you!
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worde · 2 years
Saying no to others is saying yes to yourself.
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worde · 2 years
"Were afraid we can't hold a boundary (I don't dare) because basically were afraid were going to be alone forever, that's everyone's core fear… Keep writing it (daily practice)… It's part of being human… But the one thing that will keep you out of a relationship forever is emotional entanglement with an unavailable person." Anna Runkle
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worde · 2 years
Joy does not arrive with a fanfare, on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life. Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee, watching the sun hit your favourite tree, just right. And you usher joy away, because you are not ready for it. Your house is not as it must be, for such a distinguished guest. But joy cares nothing for your messy home, or your bank-balance, or your waistline, you see. Joy is supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life, that’s how joy works. You cannot invite her, you can only be ready when she appears. And hug her with meaning, because in this very moment, joy chose you.
Donna Ashworth
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worde · 2 years
Grandma, how do you deal with pain?
With your hands, dear. When you do it with your mind, the pain hardens even more.
With your hands, Grandma?
"Yes, yes. Our hands are the antennas of our soul. When you move them by sewing, cooking, painting, touching the earth or sinking it into the earth, they send signals of caring to the deepest part of you and your soul calms down.This way she doesn't have to send pain anymore to show it.
Are hands really that important?
Yes, my girl. Thinking of babies: they get to know the world thanks to their touches. When you look at the hands of older people, they tell more about their lives than any other part of the body. Everything that is made by hand, so is said, is made with the heart because it really is like this: hands and heart are connected. Masseuses know this: When they touch another person's body with their hands, they create a deep connection. Thinking of lovers: when their hands touch, they love each other in the most sublime way.
My hands, Grandma... how long haven't I used them like that!
Move them my girl, start creating with them and everything in you will move. The pain will not pass away. But it will be the best masterpiece. And it won't hurt anymore. Because you managed to embroider your essence.
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worde · 2 years
The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.
Alan Watts
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worde · 2 years
So the basic conspiracy has been created in every child – the idea that you are absolutely worthless, that you are not up to the standard, that you are not as intelligent as you should be, that you are not as beautiful as you are supposed to be, that your behaviour is ugly, to improve yourself, to prove yourself. That’s what improvement is: an effort to prove ’I am somebody.’ The ego is nothing but an effort to cover this inner worthlessness that has been created by the society. My effort here is to give back the dignity that really belongs to you.
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worde · 2 years
And remember a great paradox: the real dignity has no ego in it; the real splendour has no idea of any superiority. In fact, the ego is just a cover-up for our worthlessness. Because we think ourselves worthless, we try to prove in every way that we are not worthless. That effort is our ego trip – ’I am a president of a country, I am not worthless. I have so much education; I am not worthless.’ ’Look, I have got so many lovers; I am not worthless.’ But deep down we are constantly nagged by our worthlessness. Deep down we know we are worthless, dust unto dust.
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worde · 2 years
Whatsoever you do, you can always imagine better. So a perfectionist is always in misery. He can never be satisfied, never; that is not for him. I want you to be whole. Whatsoever you do, you do totally and you are not concerned with the result. You are only concerned that you are not withholding anything. You love; you love totally. You meditate; you meditate totally. You dance; you dance totally. You just become the dance and forget the dancer completely. Whether the dance was perfect or not is not the question at all. And who is to decide? Only one thing you have to decide — whether you were totally in it or not. If you were totally in it, I say it is perfect — if you were not totally in it, I say it is imperfect. That is my meaning of perfection.
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worde · 2 years
But these types of people become great leaders because they create much guilt in others. The more guilt you can create in people, the greater the leader you can become. Because more and more people feel that yes, you can help them to become perfect. They are imperfect so you can help them to become perfect.
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