witchy-blu · 2 years
hi, my name is ofelia and i got in a car accident a couple weeks ago and i’m moving in November. I need help to be able to afford both those things. While I do work full time I am a teacher and it’s simply not enough to handle both at the same time. and i’m in trouble. so please if you can consider helping me and my soon to be roommates out so we can have a safe place to live. 
paypal / cashapp / gfm / venmo: cosmobaut
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witchy-blu · 2 years
I just wanted to let everybody know the Kissinger Death Tontine is a thing. idk when it's gonna happen, but it has to be within the next few years, right?
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witchy-blu · 2 years
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The Ultimate Guide to Potion Bases
We all spend so much time thinking about the correspondences of the actual ingredients that go into our potions that we often forget to think about what the potion base represents! (At least I do.) It would be nice to have a list of all the various liquids that can be used in place of water. Naturally, I can’t think of everything but I think this is a pretty good starting point! What else can be used? Eventually, at some point down the road, I will compile all these thoughts into a book on potion making and want to include this! Keep in mind that these are my own correspondences. Let me know if you disagree or if you’d change anything up! Let’s see how big we can make this list. Also, I should probably note that not all of these liquids can be ingested. (Obviously.)
The List
Vinegar: Used for cleansing and purification potions.  Lemon Juice: Used in hexing, cursing, or revenge potions.  Cranberry Juice: Used in love potions. Apple Juice: Used in healing, knowledge, and youth potions.  Ammonia: Used in banishing, cursing, purification, and protection  Red Wine: Love potions and potions dealing with death and the afterlife.  White Wine: Used in platonic love potions as well as success brews.  Rum: Used in potions involving spirit work.  Whisky: Another good base for potion work.  Vodka: A good base for work involving rapid banishing.  Laundry detergent: Good for cleansing potions.  Oils: Used to speed up a process.  Molasses: Used in potions intended to slow a situation down.  Rubbing Alcohol: Another good base for cleansing and purification. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used in healing potions.  Milk: Used in potions to promote sleep and peace.  Sour Milk: Used to cause nightmares or in potions designed to torment. Orange Juice: For potions of solar importance, healing, success.  Soda Water: Used in potions designed to encourage laughter and giddiness.  Ginger Ale: Used in health or healing potions.  Olive Juice: Used in peace potions.  Honey: Used in potions to sweeten up another’s disposition. Syrup: Used in abundance and prosperity potions.  Beer: Used in potions intended to induce slumber.  Clam Juice: Used in aphrodisiacs.  Cough Syrup: Used in healing potions and to make someone ‘cough it up.’ Soy Sauce: Used in protection potions. (Thanks Lexa Rosean for this one!) Pineapple Juice: Used in abundance potions and fidelity potions.  Coconut Milk: Used in spiritual and magical cleansing potions.  Ice: Solid first, then melted for transformation potions. Coffee: Really, a potion in and of itself in my book. Vanilla Extract: In small amounts, used in passion potions. Witch Hazel: Used in communication and cleansing potions.
What else can you all think of?
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witchy-blu · 3 years
2021 is going so bad for me
In June i broke my phone
Now in July i lost a part of my tuition fees
I'm $200 short
Please help me even few dollars are helpful
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witchy-blu · 3 years
big commission post
Anything goes, gore / nsfw included
Payable through a GoFundMe link I will send you after we discuss. Pay half up front / half when I am finished with your commission :)
Prices do not change based on complexity of character.
Full color: $40
Base colors (will be neater than my example at the bottom) : $30
Note: if you want a complex background like the first image, it will be extra depending on what you get. Takes way more time.
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Shoulder up in ms paint
Full color: $25
Base colors: $20
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shoulder up (regular application/style)
Full color: $45
Base color: $35 (base for these will still have shaded eyes bc. I cant help myself lol.)
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#4) Thigh up/Waist up (bc tbh it takes same amount of time)
Full color : $50
Base color: $45
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witchy-blu · 3 years
I watched a man have a breakdown take this
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witchy-blu · 3 years
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witchy-blu · 3 years
Here's a collection of hundreds of books about magic and witchcraft.
The server is updated weekly with more books, all of which are vetted by experienced practitioners and organized in an easy to consume way.
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witchy-blu · 4 years
Offerings for the Dead
Most people are reblogging an ask I answered long ago about offerings to give to the dead. It’s long overdue, but I’ve finally typed it up into an actual cohesive post.
~ Herbs ~ 
Lavender, for peace in passing on
Thyme, to give peace to those who have died from violence
Apple, a common Irish symbol for the dead, which I often give to my ancestors 
Pomegranates, myth of Persephone and all that
Rosemary, for remembrance
Myrrh, commonly used in necromancy, also used to give off good vibes
Chervil, often used in rituals for the dead
Mugwort, usually used to aid divination and communication with the dead. I also give it as an offering
Bay, same as mugwort (my mentality is that these herbs will help “send” the offerings to the dead)
Lemonbalm, for peace and healing
Wormwood, to strengthen the communication with the dead, as well as healing and revenge
Frankincense, a traditional herb (usually incense) to honor the dead
~ Flowers ~ 
Calendula, for blessings and eternal love
Rose petals (or the flower) for love and healing
Marigolds, perfect for ancestor worship (as well as spirit work salves and tea)
Lilies, for a sense of security and togetherness; ideal for children
Orchids, for balanced emotions and adoration; ideal for former lovers
Daisies, also ideal for former lovers and lost family members
Tulips, to spread happiness
Dandelions, ideal for connecting with certain spirits (especially when drunk as a tea)
~ Liquids ~
Water, a traditional offering for the dead, often left out for passing spirits
Wine or other alcohol
Juice, namely pomegranate or beet
Oils, such as olive oil, pomegranate oil, coconut, almond, vinegar
~ Other ~
Stones or crystals
Tobacco (I also know some people who use cigarette smoke or ashes)
Grains, traditionally brown bread
Candles, namely dark colored or earth-toned
Cleaning up graveyards, placing offerings on graves and speaking to them also makes a great offering
Song and music
Anything personal to the person you’re sending the offering to
~ What to do with the Offerings ~
Burn herbs or flowers (safely) with a written message to “send” the offering to the soul
Leave coins, flowers or herbs on the grave
Pour liquid into the earth, or leave them out in a bowl
Leave offerings out as a “standing offering” for the dead who pass through (idea from @arachnospooky)
This is SO overdue I’m so sorry but I hope it helps!! 
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witchy-blu · 4 years
Spell Prompts for #BLM Protests
These are prompts to get the witchy juices flowing. You can use these as jumping-off points, mix and match, adapt or subvert, extrapolate however you choose.
I will not be providing instructions, so I encourage new witches to take up the challenge of doing the homework and crafting a spell themselves.
Remember that magic is only half of the equation-- you still need to contribute via mundane means, whether that's marching, donations, volunteering, or just reaching out with love to your Black friends as a listening ear.
Blessings for Protestors
Invoke animal spirits, to be fleet of foot
To be courageous
To be observant
To be quick-witted
For cooperation and teamwork
For endurance
For good cheer and hope
Shields to deflect rubber bullets and tear gas canisters harmlessly
Shields to reduce harm done by police attacks
Veils to avoid being targeted for arrest
Glamour to amplify their peaceful and heartfelt sincerity
Glamour to be found by medics if injured
Glamour for medics to be easily found
Veils to avoid brutality while jailed
Bubble of comfort while jailed
For medics to be clear-minded, calm, and decisive
Energy boosting spell
Pray to a deity for protection
Thwarting Police Weapons
Direct the wind to blow mace and tear gas back into the faces of the police
Hex their munitions to fail or miss harmlessly.
Hex their shields and batons to rubber.
Ask birds and insects to swoop in front of surveillance cameras at key moments
Hex their vehicles: engine overheating, flat tires, dead batteries
Ask the trees to hide protestors from helicopters
Merciful Spells for Police
For the courage to quit their jobs and join the protestors as equals
For a heart open to change
To practice patience and compassion
For the courage to hold their colleagues accountable
For the courage to defy orders to attack protestors
Reduce morale
Energy draining spell
Slow reaction times
Minor distractions
To be unobservant of protestor activity
Fog up face shields
Vengeful Spells against Police
I suggest you ward up if you attempt these. These aren't for everyone, and that's okay. You can of course add "until they change their ways" clauses as desired.
To draw friendly fire
Hex their munitions to misfire dangerously
Heat stroke
Clumsy feet
To be ostracized by their friends and family
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witchy-blu · 4 years
Salted Honey Pie 🍯
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An old fashion pie recipe that’s super simple to make and a great Ostara/Spring Dessert! I’m making one for this Easter with my family.
Honey, Eggs, Cream are all Spring Foods. Honey symbolizes sweetness and the rewards of hardwork just like the little bees that work so hard to make it! 🐝
And Salt banishes negativity and is purifying!
This dessert is perfect for getting rid of the stress or worry of Winter and welcoming any sweet rewards from your hardwork in the future this Spring!
One 9 inch Pie Crust (Store bought or one of your favorite crust recipes)
½ Cup of Melted Butter
¾ Cup of White Sugar
2 Tbs of Cornmeal
¼ tsp of Salt
¾ Cup of Honey
2 Eggs + 1 Egg Yolk
½ Cup of Cream
2 tsp White Vinegar
1 tsp of Vanilla Extract
Salt Flakes for Garnish
Preheat your oven to 350. In a large bowl, mix together your dry ingredients before slowly mixing in your wet ingredients one at a time…. (I never do this and just mix it all together randomly as I go, but it’s up to you.)
Feel free to add a sigil to the base of the pie crust. This is mine -
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Pour mixture into your pie crust, it will be liquid and thin; that’s okay!
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Cook for 45 to 60 minutes or until the top is golden brown and it starts to bubble.(I recommend 60 minutes on the middle rack. Mine didn’t burn at all!)
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Take it out of the oven and let it cool for One hour or more to let it solidify. This step is very important to make sure it isn’t too liquidy. The consitancy should be like Pecan Pie Filling.
Garnish with Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt; any big salt flakes. But regular table salt will do just fine if the others aren’t available.
Done! 🍯🐝🍽😋
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This can be used for Litha too!
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witchy-blu · 4 years
Best kitchen tip my Grandma ever taught me
I keep veggie peelings, cuttings, herb clippings and all other veggie compost in a freezer bag in your freezer for up to a month. At the end of every month I dump this bag into my crockpot, add 6-8 cups of water and cook on low for 6 hours. I drain out the veggies and herbs, and viola! You have like 8 cups of veggie broth.
I save things from veggies like: celery, garlic, onion, carrots, kale, squash, parsnips, peppers, etc. Basically any vegetable that would go into a soup, I save.
I also save bits of herbs that don’t make it into other recipes, or veggies about to go bad I have no other intention for. It’s an amazing way to cut back on costs and food waste. This stock can make enough soup to feed a whole family, or you can freeze it if you are only feeding yourself and thaw as needed.
You can customize with herbs and spices now, or when you go to make your soups. I like to at least toss in garlic, onions, a bay leaf, pepper and rosemary to the broth itself.
I havent bought soup broth in years, and I can make sure my broth is salt free or at least low salt!
It’s such a simple thing to do, and its noticable in your food budget.
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witchy-blu · 4 years
What the fuck happened in DC. What happened to the protestors. The whitehouse dimmed it’s lights, FBI were deployed with suppressors, and DCs power blacked out. the protestors disappeared and the White House’s lawn is empty. Has anybody heard from anyone who went to the White House protest
Live-streams were cut off, signals jammed, something ain’t right.
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Why did they have to cut off all communications (WHICH IS ILLEGAL BY THE WAY) to arrest people unless they used illegal force or worse
(Update) found a news report that the exact time the whitehouse went dark and signals were jammed national guard was called. (4:30 GMT = half past midnight)
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That’s probably who the armed forces in the previous picture are, not the “FBI” like other people said. they have silencers on their guns
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witchy-blu · 4 years
I pray to Thor to protect the people in the front lines of this fight for basic humanity.
I pray to Tyr to stand alongside those fighting for justice in a world that has forgotten the meaning of honor.
I pray to Freyja to give strength to each and every person who screams "Black lives matter" as they face whatever comes their way without backing down
I pray to Frigg to protect and nurture all of us, from the ones on the front lines, to those who speak up in small spaces, those who donate. I call on her to protect those who see the injustice and fight in their own way. She knows you fight with just as much spirit
I pray to Loki who no doubt is doing his part to give strength and courage and even a little mischief to encourage us.
I pray to Odin, who tells us the stories of fights fought decades ago. Who reminds us these fights aren't over yet.
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witchy-blu · 4 years
A Secret Witches Guide to Concealing your craft
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Make sure practicing witchcraft in your home does not put you in any imminent danger! 
Drink tea - A mundane thing, make it a daily thing in order to make people less suspicious. Say short incantations while stirring in your honey. 
Keep a small plain notebook to use as your grimoire - Use this to write all your witchy ideas in. 
Find a well concealed hiding place to put all of your witchy stuff - Put anything that you want to keep concealed in here. 
Create a portable altar - One easy enough to take down and hide quickly. Draw an altar in your grimoire for a simple portable altar.
Meditate - Sit somewhere you won’t be disturbed and meditate. You don’t need any special supplies to meditate therefore, it is easy to hide.
Paint your nails to match your intent  
Glamour your Clothes
Braid your hair while say an incantation
Trace sigils around your room - Use your fingers so they remain discreet and charge them with intent.
Glamour a piece of jewelry to wear daily
Keep plants and candles in your room - No one will draw conclusions if these are in your room.
Decorate a shoe box to dedicate to your practice - Put any witchy things you want if you are unable to find a place to hide your stuff. 
Use knot magick when tying your shoes
Cleanse your room and home using intentions
Water your plants with growth spells - Speak to them while doing this in order to help them grow.
Do your casting in a discreet location outside - this way no one can interrupt you when you are in the middle of a ritual.
Use color magick when picking out what you want to wear
Use scented candles - Although lots of candles may raise suspicion, if they are scented they won’t draw much attention.  
Write sigils in lotion - Cover your body in lotion sigils, in a couple minutes they will fade away and not be visible.
Stir counter clockwise - In your baking or your tea to banish negative energy.
Use playing cards instead of tarot cards
Go for hikes - A way to be with nature and not raise any suspicion.
Clean your room - This is the equivalence of cleansing your room.
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
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witchy-blu · 4 years
Most Powerful Healing Spell I’ve Ever Done
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Note: this is based off of my personal experience. Your experience might differ.
Roughly two years ago my grandmother was slowly passing away from Parkinson’s Disease. She was already in Stage 5 at this point and could hardly remember who I was. I decided to send her some healing and this was my result: a week after doing this spell she passed away from her disease.
This spell is very simple but can be very powerful.
All you need is one blue candle and your own intention.
- Start by lighting the candle in the middle of your alter. - Reflect on the person(s) you wish to send healing to. - Let your emotions run through you and just sing whatever it is your feeling. - I cannot recall the exact words I used, but I remember basically asking for her pain to end. I believe your intent is the most powerful thing you can use. - Sing as long as you want. Once done, blow out the candle and visualize the healing smoke with the flame’s energy going to the person of the spell.
Note: I chose blue because that’s what healing looks like to me. It also reminded me of peace. But green or white would be acceptable colors too.
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witchy-blu · 4 years
Healing Spell
Two people I care about very much were in a very bad car accident, the healing process is very slow and painful and expensive… This is a spell to help for a speedy, healthy recovery after an accident or illness, to keep them safe and healthy for the future, and to promote peace to help them get passed this horrible event emotionally. 
Tools:  - Altar dish or bowl  - Pink candle for love and care  - Pink Salt for cleansing, healing, love and care  - Queen of Pentacles to channel maternal care, love, support, compassion, nurturing, security, practicality  Herbs:  - Bay Leaf: healing, protection - Chamomile: Peace, love, healing  - Cilantro: health, love, peace, protection - Cloves: banishing negative forces  - Cramp Bark: healing, female energy (maternal energy for care and nurturing) - Lemon Balm: healing, peace - Lavender: relief from pain, discomfort, and anxiety  - Rosemary: protection, feeling youthful  - Sage: long life, peace  Crystals:  - Amethyst: healing, soothing, peace  - Citrine: happiness, positivity  - Rose Quartz: love, care  - Black Tourmaline: protection 
How To: 
Step 1: 
Place the dish in the center of the altar, fill the base with pink salt to start with a cleansed base and to promote healing, love, and care. Make a small round space in the center and use melted wax to stick the pink candle in the space. 
Like so: 
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Step 2: 
Place the herbs around the candle, over the salt. Focus on your intent as you spread the herbs in a circle around the candle. Once that’s done, place the crystals over the herbs. Then place the Queen of Pentacles tarot card under the dish/bowl as a way of charging the spell. 
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Light the candle for as long as you would like each night. Every time you light it, imagine the person being their usual happy, healthy, bright personality, loving self. I want them to be ok very badly…  Also huge thank you to @starlesswitchybird for their Inspired Healing post, which was a huge inspiration for this one. I hope you don’t mind the changes to it. 
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