winebeachrave · 1 month
New exchange game
Status: OPEN
Attention to tarot readers interested in astrology
Ppl who read tarot: dm me a reading about a question of my choice and I'll read your chart(vedic). You can ask up to 5 questions too and I'll answer based on the chart.
If anyone is interested, reblog this and dm me that you want to participate. 🙂
See you guys.
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winebeachrave · 2 months
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winebeachrave · 2 months
Hello everyone my name is Stanatha and I love making moodboards and wallpapers on various topics, astrology placements, colors and even name moodboards!!
I'm still exploring my recent interest and to explore it further I'm starting a new tarot game for all astrology lovers ♡
Reblog my recent moodboard and this post
Mention your astrological placements eg: Sun sign, Moon sign or even aspects like Sun conjunction mars
Mention three words about your personality
No anons!!
Mention whether you want a moodboard or a wallpaper
That's all, Hope you're doing fabulous 🐍💗🐍
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winebeachrave · 7 months
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Manhattan, New York (1991)
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winebeachrave · 7 months
Have you done a mood board for Aries and Leo? Both female?
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Aries (f) x Leo (f) ♈♌
Zodiac Couple❤
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winebeachrave · 7 months
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In the haze
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winebeachrave · 8 months
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Shot by Jeremy Scott for Dutch, November 2001
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winebeachrave · 8 months
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winebeachrave · 8 months
How to increase your intuitive powers? ✨️
Here are some tips for enhancing your intuition :
Try Meditation
And Yogic meditation too
Spending time in nature
Eat a healthy diet.
Cleanse your energy by salt water bath ritual
Light incense in your house to remove past energy
Think positively or be optimistic
Spend time with your friends
Stop using energy draining apps like instagram or twitter or tiktok too much.
Don't be on your phone all the time.
Trust yourself. Believe in yourself.
Have a healthy and regular sleep schedule.
Use crystals
Do self care
Do shadow work
Remove negative people or energy vampires from your life.
Trust in god/divine/universe or whatever you believe in.
Don't spread hate for others, be kind.
Do breathing exercises (Breathing yoga exercises are the best spiritually)
Spend time doing your favorite things or hobbies like art, music, cooking etc.
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winebeachrave · 1 year
Mini PAC II - Shufflemancy!
What song best represents your current energy?
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Read from left to right, 1 - 3 then 4 - 6
Paid Readings! || Last PAC
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1. Mile High - Salina Killa
The song "Mile High" by Salina Killa typically represents a vibrant and energetic atmosphere. Its upbeat tempo and catchy melodies often evoke feelings of excitement and positivity. In the context of your current energy, this song suggests that you are in a phase of high energy and enthusiasm.
It encourages you to embrace a sense of adventure and aim for new heights in your endeavors. It signifies a period of striving for greatness and being unafraid to take risks. The lyrics and rhythm of the song may resonate with your desire to push boundaries, explore new horizons, and chase your dreams.
This song reminds you to maintain a positive mindset, harnessing the energy and momentum to propel yourself forward. It signifies that you are in a position to achieve great things, as long as you stay focused and motivated. Embrace the vibrant energy of "Mile High" and let it inspire you to embrace opportunities and overcome any challenges that come your way.
Remember to keep the song's message in mind as you navigate your current situation. It can serve as a reminder to stay determined, embrace excitement, and aim for the highest peaks in your life's journey.
2. Dressed up in white - CAL
The song "Dressed up in white" by CAL often carries a sense of purity, clarity, and introspection. It has a soothing and contemplative vibe, which suggests that your current energy may be centered around self-reflection and inner exploration.
This song encourages you to embrace a sense of tranquility and simplicity in your life. It signifies a period of clarity and a desire for emotional purity. The lyrics and melodic tones of "Dressed up in white" may resonate with your need for a calm and serene state of being.
The song invites you to take a step back, examine your thoughts and emotions, and find solace in the beauty of simplicity. It may signify a time of shedding unnecessary burdens and focusing on what truly matters to you. It encourages you to embrace a more peaceful and centered way of living.
Allow the essence of "Dressed up in white" to guide you towards a state of tranquility and self-awareness. Take this opportunity to engage in introspection, listen to your inner voice, and seek clarity in your thoughts and feelings.
3. Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
The song "washing machine heart" by Mitski is known for its raw and introspective nature. It often delves into themes of vulnerability, emotional turbulence, and the complexities of relationships.
In the context of your current energy, this song suggests that you may be going through a phase of emotional intensity and self-exploration. It signifies a time of grappling with your emotions, perhaps feeling a bit overwhelmed or uncertain about certain aspects of your life.
"Washing machine heart" encourages you to confront and embrace your emotions, even the difficult ones. It speaks to the need for emotional authenticity and the importance of expressing yourself honestly. This song may resonate with your current journey of self-discovery and the exploration of your own emotional landscape.
Allow the essence of "washing machine heart" to guide you in acknowledging and processing your feelings. It reminds you that vulnerability is a strength and encourages you to navigate your emotions with compassion and self-care.
Take this opportunity to reflect on your emotional state, identify any areas of turbulence or unresolved feelings, and seek ways to address them. This song serves as a reminder that you have the strength to confront your emotions and emerge stronger and more self-aware on the other side.
4. Suffer with me - Líue
The song "suffer with me" by líue suggests a tone of shared pain or emotional connection. It may signify that you are going through a challenging phase in your life, where you may be grappling with difficult emotions or experiences. The title implies a desire for empathy and understanding from others during this time.
This song speaks to the importance of companionship and support during times of struggle. It signifies a need for connection and a reminder that you are not alone in your pain. It may be an invitation to reach out to loved ones or seek solace in the support of others who can empathize with your experiences.
While the title may initially sound somber, "suffer with me" can also be seen as a call for solidarity and unity. It suggests that in sharing our burdens, we can find strength and comfort together. This song may resonate with your current energy if you are seeking understanding, empathy, or a sense of community in the face of challenges.
Take this opportunity to lean on your support network, whether it's friends, family, or other individuals who can provide a listening ear or lend a helping hand. Remember that it's okay to ask for help and lean on others during difficult times.
5. Sweetest Pie - Megan Thee Stallion
"Sweetest Pie" by Megan Thee Stallion is known for its confident and empowering vibe. It embodies a sense of self-assuredness, celebrating individuality, and embracing one's own strength and beauty.
In the context of your current energy, this song suggests that you are in a phase of self-empowerment and embracing your unique qualities. It signifies a time of embracing your inner power and being proud of who you are.
"Sweetest Pie" encourages you to exude confidence and to fully embrace your own greatness. It reminds you to celebrate your achievements, talents, and the qualities that make you special. This song may resonate with your current journey of self-acceptance and self-love.
Take this opportunity to fully embrace your own power and individuality. Recognize your worth, appreciate your accomplishments, and let your confidence shine. "Sweetest Pie" serves as a reminder that you have the strength and resilience to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
Embrace the empowering energy of this song and let it inspire you to be unapologetically yourself. Celebrate your unique qualities, love yourself fiercely, and continue to pursue your dreams with confidence and determination.
Remember, this shufflemancy reading is meant to provide guidance and inspiration. Embrace the confident spirit of "Sweetest Pie" as you navigate your current journey of self-empowerment.
6. No - Meghan Trainor
"No" by Meghan Trainor is an empowering anthem that encourages setting boundaries, standing up for oneself, and embracing self-worth. It embodies a strong and assertive energy, reminding listeners of the importance of saying "no" when necessary.
In the context of your current energy, this song suggests that you are in a phase of asserting your boundaries and prioritizing your needs. It signifies a time of self-empowerment and embracing a sense of independence.
"No" encourages you to have the courage to stand up for yourself and make choices that align with your values and desires. It signifies a period of self-confidence and self-assuredness, where you are unafraid to assert your opinions and make decisions that serve your best interests.
Take this opportunity to evaluate your boundaries and ensure that they align with your values and well-being. Embrace the spirit of "No" by learning to say no to things that don't serve you, whether it's unhealthy relationships, excessive commitments, or negative influences.
This song reminds you that it's okay to prioritize yourself and your needs. By asserting your boundaries and saying "no" when necessary, you create space for self-care, personal growth, and pursuing what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.
Remember, this shufflemancy reading is meant to provide guidance and inspiration. Embrace the assertive energy of "No" as you navigate your current journey of setting boundaries and prioritizing yourself.
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winebeachrave · 1 year
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winebeachrave · 1 year
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Jenny Holzer, Truisms, offset poster, 1978, 17 x 22 in.
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winebeachrave · 1 year
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Summertime madness
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winebeachrave · 1 year
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winebeachrave · 1 year
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winebeachrave · 1 year
Sunset at mountain hood…
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winebeachrave · 1 year
PICK A CARD - 10 things you should do to become the person you want to be in 2023.
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PILE 1 //
You can explore your sensual energy.
Remimance on your pain in order to understand how much you have grown.
Enjoy your own star power (writing, singing etc.)
Moses Sumney has a song that says "Think about who gave them their definitions and rewrite those definitions for themselves". Sometimes what you think of yourself comes from someone else's wrong opinion of you - do the work to define you.
Learn more languages, interact with people from different cultures etc. (Make sure you're engaging with people outside of your bubble.
Be more direct, especially with your romantic interests and partners. I see more of "do you want this to be something more?", "how do you feel about me?"
FLIRT (check my flirting PAC on my master list).
Budget in such a way that you have some extra savings that will go toward life's pleasures; get that bag you want, go on a trip etc.
Say NO more - stand your ground and speak up for yourself. Your inner child deserves it. You deserve it.
Attend more live shows and concerts.
PILE 2 //
Take care of building your finances, school or work career - a major focus of the year.
Trust in your own feelings and instincts about other people instead of going with whatever people have to say.
Identify the bad habits you may have, compassionately release them and practice a new helpful habit.
You might struggle with your emotions, and to help you stabilize them, you need some tools. Whether that's having emergency affirmations, meditation, eft tapping, sleeping etc.
A lot of you are transitioning from youth into adulthood and I'm seeing that you need to focus on pushing yourself into the adult role. It'll help you with your responsibilities and socially.
Remain hopeful in love but take care of your feelings.
Instead of asking people for advice and validation, try to tap into your own inner power for the answers.
Prompt more conversations with other people. Get to know other people more. Be more curious - it's good for your own social growth.
Very specific but you may carry spiritual/religious trauma, release the resentment - PLEASE. It gets in the way of how you perceive yourself.
Give yourself credit often. Celebrate your wins. Don't just let life pass you by.
PILE 3 //
You're doing so well. Make some room for some fun - blast music, dance more etc.
You've been alone for too long - you need a kiss or two. Make the effort to date or manifest more romantic opportunities. You deserve it.
Shake off regrets and move forward owning your life and your power. This is your life.
Put more effort into your body and health. Walk more, yoga, weights etc,
Your doubts and fears are just a shadow of your old self. Do everything to maintain the new you. The ideal version of yourself. Stop falling for that trap.
Avoid your ex relationships (family or friendships) and if you can't, take care of yourself as you interact with them. It might set you back a lot. If you're with someone new (romantically or not), do not compare them to those ex relationships.
Doors are opening. Walk through them all.
This needs to be emphasized, you keep replaying bad memories with people from your past, please do the work to overcome this. Let it go. Cut those cords. It keeps you stagnant.
Latto says "Money talks and I speak fluent". Heal your relationship with money. Make space for more money.
Increase your productivity and do the projects, goals etc. you've always had in mind.
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