winalou-blog · 4 years
Happy new day :)
Day 6
This new year marks absolutely nothing new, its just another thing to remember to change.......2019 to 2020!
However things are going to be better, not because its a new year with new resolutions but its another day i will fight every second to make sure my family know they are loved, safe and important.
I will keep them safe! Its another year we will struggle to get through, knowing the way the world is turning against us as humans. Turning us into worker bees for the money hungry Government and murderers at the top.
Burning ourselves out trying to make a living, but doing it because we have no choice to fight for our family's and values.
Another year recovering from our illnesses, making them hard choices to keep us as
"healthy" as we can in this day and age of forced vaccines, 5G, mandatory GPS tracking and man-made diseases that we do indeed live in.
Knowing how many people lose their lives every day and leave loved ones behind.
People are losing their ability as humans to respect and care for each other (as you see in the news everyday) Where has the kindness of humanity gone :(......I thank God for my life.
Im humbled......it actually makes me just want take every minute of every day with all the people i love and make it so special.
I have been blessed by God with some amazing family/friends! So from me and mine, not happy new year just simply Happy New Day 👊💜💜💜💜
Oh as for the 10 year Challenge, well i didn't see myself anywhere 10 years ago, i try and live day by day because you never know when your times up.
So be kind, be loving, be the memory you want someone else to remember. Don't leave it till tomorrow, do it now.
Web hugs, your internet friend Lou x
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winalou-blog · 4 years
Love you from me :)
                                    Poem of the day
Day 5.
There was a time that no one knew, just all the hurt you was going through.
But i am here to let you know, with all of us........the pain will go.
I stand with you and hold your hand, your tears, your words i'll understand.
No one can take what you mean to me, of which is forever and eternity.
So let my head be filled with your fear, and i have never felt so sincerer!
So all them times your feeling low, just walk the path with me we'll go.
And know that if anyone dares to take you away, i will find you no matter the length of day.
Remember the road that we take in life? To find the end look for my light!
Love ya loads no matter who or where you are.
Web hugs, your internet friend Lou x
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winalou-blog · 4 years
Lazy Sunday afternoons :)
                                  Sunday, lazy day!
Day 4.
I had all intentions of writing something fun and witty today, however my other-half decided to not only do the cleaning, but also cook the best roast dinner he has ever made!
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Its currently 1:28 am here so yer, its been a lazy day watching the reruns of Highway to Heaven :) I can not actually believe 1988 was so long ago?! It only feels like yesterday i was winding my cassette up with a pencil because the player had chewed it :/
Little house on the prairie is another classic i use to love watching as a kid. Sunday's were always the best days when i was a kid, my mum cooking cleaning and us kids watching cheesy tele. Worzel Gummidge, Littlest Hobo, Flash Gordon........
Oh the days of being a kid in the 80s and 90s. I wish my kids could experience the fun without the Ps4,  Xbox, internet and violence outside. They would have loved it. Technology has truly screwed up being a child in my opinion.
Its Monday tomorrow, That means a weeks of waiting till its Sunday again :)
Web hugs, your internet friend Lou x
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winalou-blog · 4 years
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You just gotta laugh :)
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winalou-blog · 4 years
Getting old vs staying young.
We sure do grow up too fast.
Day 3
Sometimes i wanna be a kid again, its all about the hanging out, playing games and just rocking that skipping rope.
Things seem so simple as a kid. I remember i could not wait to stay up late and watch tv till my eyes dropped out of my head lol.
I remember school being the hardest thing i ever had to get up for.
I worried about where i was going to get my next fix of sherbet dip from.
When things got bad for me i would always think "i cant wait to grow up" i think that's cos i thought adults had it "easy".
Waiting for my friends to call for me was the highlight of my day as well as looking for the perfect boyfriend!! All them years of rushing my life past and now...............
Im 36 now and i soooo want to be a kid! A complete turn around i know but the logic in it this time round makes more sense.
The hanging around us adults do now is so called "socialising" meaning we drink till we are so wasted we cant remember who we had arguments with? or even why? Most of us have children and even jobs which means we are so tired that we now HAVE TO SLEEP in order to drag ourselves up and do it all again the next day.
The hardest thing now is simple......its bloody LIFE.
Haha see where im going with this?..............
No one has ever got any money nowadays so sherbet dip is the last thing we need to find money for, a few things that now spring to mind. Rent/mortgage, household bills, the idiot guy that wants to fine you for parking a cm over that bloody yellow line (yes you know the one i mean lol.)
Now when (never mind if ) but when things get bad i really wish i had not wasted my life by trying to grow up to fast, cos them years i will NEVER get back :( None of us will.
Every morning we wake up......its just about getting through the day making sure the kids are happy, fed, bathed and snuggled up, also when i know my darling other half is home safe. That's my highlights now!.
As for being the "perfect person"...pfttttt, well nobody is ever perfect cos we all waste our childhood trying to be older then our years and therefore never take the time to grow.
Until my next thinking moment i shall leave you with this thought........If when we are younger we want to act older and but cant grow up fast enough, then why is it now that we are older we have our moments that we act like children and not the grown up that we should be? Leaving that feeling of guilt that we install into our own brains!
Web hugs, your internet friend Lou x
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winalou-blog · 4 years
“Money talks and bullshit walks!” “Don’t let the tail wag the dog”
The brilliant Hustle! (via winalou-blog)
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winalou-blog · 4 years
Lets focus on a change for the good and the good of a change!
Getting active this year.
Day 2
So, after a chilled out last few years homeschooling and being a stay at home mum i want to make some changes this year.
I wanted the typical new year resolutions, but without the resolution part......as i always procrastinate and end up depressing myself with failed attempts of trying.
Im sure every time i say "next year im going to do this and change that" i end up working myself up that much with self doubt i knacker my brain out, so come the time for change im just like "nah bugger this i cant be asked, maybe i will start Monday" Aha! Im sure we all do that at some point right?
I want to change my health and fitness also i need to get out more. Im seriously like a turtle who's  outgrown their shell, stuck in it to the point i cant get out of it to find a new home (or life in my case.)
I love my family but this hermit lifestyle cant be healthy for any of us.
I would love to be the kind of person that just gets up and goes, however i stress and overthink things like i need to clean and get the house in order first! Are the kids going to be safe? What if the weather changes?.......ect and by the time we decide to even go for a walk its midnight!
Im a killjoy i guess but i just like to have things done and then be spontaneous, but then that's not being spontaneous really is it? Haha, its just being an over-thinker and a spoil sport.
There is so much i need to accomplish this year for my own sanity if anything. I just need to find the energy:0 Like if there was a treatment for finding spare energy well just slap my thigh and call me Kim Kardashian cos im signing up for that jazz!
So day 2 is to focus on a change for the good and the good of a change!
Till Tomorrow....
Web hugs, your internet friend Lou x
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winalou-blog · 4 years
Never underestimate the power your smile has on a stranger!  You might never see the results, but it just might give them the hope to!
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winalou-blog · 4 years
Introduction to my simple mum life of four.
Day 1.
Well hello there. I am coming to you live and almost falling off my bed due to the tiredness and illness that creeps within.
Im no writer. I do like to tap on this new laptop once in a while tho, just to keep me in this world of tech and this mind altering cyber world.
I would like to tell share moments with those that are reading. Not everyone's cup of tea but just a daily insight to me, someone you don't know from a world of weirdness and just stuff.
I am simple girl (In life not mind) born 36 years ago to my only parent (my beautiful mum) who took it upon herself to raise me because my dad was off having affairs and many more children, so my mum looked after me, my sister and 2 brothers until we all became old enough to discover this huge wide world that is really a hidden enemy disguised as "The land of opportunity".
My brother died when i was 5 years old due to having a brain aneurysm when he was 8.....what a sad day that was. Perhaps i will go into that later, now however.....moving on *tears*  i just wanna outline the start of many things that for me.....has turned me into a overbearing mum who stays at home while panicking over silly things like, whether my child is breathing or did they have food in their mouth somehow when they went to bed? are they going to choke? is the duvet over their head? have they got their head stuck inside the pillow???? at 4am while im laying in bed and thinking about the million things that will make me NOT fall asleep.
I am not even joking, being a mum is some hard work and so much brain usage. It would be funny if it wasn't so tiring.
So anyways, i had my first daughter at the tiny age of 15! Yes you read that right 15. I was young but "spoiler alert" she is almost 21 now and an amazing girl/friend/soulmate pregnant with my first grandson :)
Then years later after becoming a full time mum and taking on 2 full time jobs to cover everything you need to get by in life ie: BILLS BILLS BILLS! (i wrote that in capitals because its a massive pain in this world of money hungry Corporations and Government extortionists)......i went on to meet the man of my "lack of dreams" but my man none the less and i had 3 more babies who are now 10, 11, and 13.
Its a strange world we live in nowadays isn't it? I am not very good putting things down.  I left school at 15 and pretty much taught myself  LIFE and WORK......I am proud of how far i have come but disappointed how many people left me behind to fend for myself.
Without these people tho i wouldn't be who i am today, i just wanna be able to get some stuff out of my brain and on to some world wide web somewhere buried deep as a kind of self therapy, i might even help the one person that actually might read this lol.
What ever i get out of this Blog/Diary i hope to look back in a year an see that i am not really that girl people make me out to be. I am not a bad person......I am not worthless.....I am not the abortion my dad hope i would be.
Its real, the struggle with our our mind sometimes. We are our own worst critic at times.....Just remember There is always someone out there willing to listen.....Even if you dont know it yet.
Web hugs, your internet friend Lou x
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winalou-blog · 14 years
"Money talks and bullshit walks!" "Don't let the tail wag the dog"
The brilliant Hustle!
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