whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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LABOR DAY LOOK: What happens when a good thrift and a a pair of shoes link up! Model: Ty Shorts: Goodwill Shoes: Forever 21
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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“Knowing that God has trusted me to operate a business-yet it’s not for myself but it’s for the clients that he’s blessed me with.” ~ Tiera Dishmon
W.A.Y.S: In three words describe yourself. Tiera: I’d describe myself as a radiantly, bold-optimist. I would describe myself as being “radiant” because like the sun, I try to allow my light to shine “bright”, no matter the situation or circumstance, I attempt to be that much needed light in a dark room. Bold, because I love to step outside of the box and take a positive/daring chance at adventures, faith, style, and life itself. I love to embark new journeys and experiences. With life being tricky at times, sometimes you have to be willing to take the “chance”,even when there is a chance that things won’t go as planned. Last but not least, I feel that I am one of the world’s most optimistic beings that has ever walked the earth. I look for the good in any situation, whether being one of the most horrible situations that could occur in life. I try to find the silver lining in the midst of any downward situations.
W.A.Y.S: What inspires you to do what you do? Tiera: My inspiration for my life and Collections, By. T. Dish… comes from purpose. Daily inspiration comes from my Collectors and the job that’s set before me- knowing that God has trusted me to operate a business-yet it’s not for myself but it’s for the clients that he’s blessed me with. My purpose is to encourage and bring awareness to ladies of all ages and styles-assuring them,that it’s ok, to break the barriers of comfort “zoning” but to be your own kind of beautiful-while building long lasting relationships.
W.A.Y.S: Was the passion for your craft/business always with you or did you develop the love for it over time? Tiera: Honestly, the passion for my business was something I never ever dreamed of doing-that’s how I know this was a purposeful journey. In fact, I would have never in a million years would have “wanted” to be an entrepreneur. My desire after college was to become a high end- fashion buyer for a major company,but little did I know that my senior exit project from college, would be the beginning of a semi-business plan that God was mapping out for me the whole time. Once I realized, a year after completing college, that my business plan would some day be the blue print of my business, the passion and love came effortlessly-born with the vision and while already having the passion for fashion, I fry throughly in love with the vision “birthed” within me.
W.A.Y.S: In three to five years, where do see yourself, and where do you see your business heading towards? Tiera: I visualize myself, devoting and working “Full Time” for “Collections, By T. Dish…”. In addition to being housed in a mobile boutique on wheels-while also becoming globally for the demand in E-Commerce sales and also bridal services and continuous opportunity.
W.A.Y.S: What legacy are you looking to pass on to the many that look up to you? Tiera: I am looking forward to pass on to those who follow me as an individual and also as a business owner which would definitely be to implement the legacy of love, self worth and lastly the drive. I want to assure that no matter when troubles or trials that life may bring a person, that there is a greater purpose in life, that has been uniquely crafted in them and they should walk directly in it, fulfilling their ultimate purpose for life.
Add more dazzle to your accessory collection by shopping with T.Dish! Click the link below!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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“Don’t change the art, change the way you market it. Force people to see the world through your eyes.” ~ Demetrius Blayde
W.A.Y.S: In three words describe yourself. Demetrius: “The Black Batman”. The reason I say this is because on day to day I have so much going on, I have to be clever, think on feet, and remain poker faced! (lol) that name is a little joke I have with myself.
W.A.Y.S: What inspires you to do what you do? Demetrius: I think inspiration can come from so many things. For example, I could look at the sky and be inspired by how the clouds look like textures against the blue, or the orange and blue ombre of the setting sun. These two examples are very unornamated but sometimes the simple things inspire. My personal inspiration comes from everywhere, but mostly Asian Anime, African culture, and Music. For me, inspiration is all about protecting your version of a feeling. A feeling you can get from anywhere.
W.A.Y.S: Was the passion for your craft/business always with you or did you develop the love for it over time? Demetrius: I was always creative as child and I was always into fashion, but I never imagined I’d be clothing designer. I always knew I’d create something, but didn’t understand what it was. Designing started later in my life. I was already altering clothing but my early 20’s started my design career and it’s definitely something I’ve fell in love with over time. I find a lot of peace in it.
W.A.Y.S: In three to five years, where do see yourself, and where do you see your business heading towards? Demetrius: In 3 to 5 years I plan on having my first store in Atlanta, working towards one in New York, and having developed a working relationship with Africa because I feel that my designs would really fit and market well in the culture. I also plan to be featuring or gearing toward featuring in Milan or Paris week. I see my brand becoming a very elite brand in the fashion industry.
W.A.Y.S: What legacy are you looking to pass on to the many that look up to you? Demetrius: The belief that a plan is extremely vital, but within your plan understand that everything won’t go as planned. Adjust and think critically. If you’re an artist work on learning the business side of things to create revenue. You have to look at what you do as a job. If you’re a business man looking to get into the arts then understand that it’s art. Don’t change the art, change the way you market it. Force people to see the world through your eyes.
Get draped in Demi Blvck Designs by clicking the link below!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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MARKED TERRITORY " Me wanting to represent this city well, and me hopefully one day inspiring other young black kids to follow their dreams." ~Chris Evans II W.A.Y.S: In three words describe yourself. Chris: Caring, diligent, & compassionate. W.A.Y.S: What inspires you to do what you do? Chris: Me wanting to represent this city well, and me hopefully one day inspiring other young black kids to follow their dreams. If other people see me succeed then it can encourage them to work towards their dreams. W.A.Y.S: Was the passion for your craft/business always with you or did you develop the love for it over time? Chris: I feel like the passion has always been in me to start my own business. I just had to get out of my own fears and doubt. I always knew from young that I wanted to do something with clothing, so I just started one day. W.A.Y.S: In three to five years, where do see yourself, and where do you see your business heading towards? Chris: I see myself being extremely successful with my brand. I see my clothing line in my own brick and mortar store and possibly expanding to other locations in the United States. W.A.Y.S: What legacy are you looking to pass on to the many that look up to you? Chris: I’m looking to pass on success and opportunity to those who look up to me. I just want people to know and understand that if I can do it then they can do it as well. Dedication, persistence, and consistency will get you far, and I plan on continuing to rise from here. Get marked with Chris' latest threads and follow the movement on IG: @landmarkbeaucoup
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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STIXX IN THE CITY " I want whomever I mentor to come through fearless and compassionate! That's the legacy I want to pass along." ~Stixx W.A.Y.S: In three words describe yourself. Stixx: Resilient, passionate, & colorful. What inspires you to do what you do? The inspiration comes from just being able to open both of my eyes everyday. That's inspiring enough. It's another day for you to do more. Be more. W.A.Y.S: Was the passion for your craft/business always with you or did you develop the love for it over time? Stixx: It has always been with me! Since I was a child I envisioned myself doing something in fashion/beauty. The love has gotten stronger for all that I do over the years as I continue to evolve and acquire more knowledge of the business. W.A.Y.S: In three to five years, where do see yourself, and where do you see your business heading towards? Stixx: I see myself in my Lipstick Bar (location unknown) and traveling the world doing fashion seminars and providing fashion internships to inner city youth hungry to gain access into the fashion industry W.A.Y.S: What legacy are you looking to pass on to the many that look up to you? Stixx: A legacy is a story if someone's life, the things they did, places they went, goals they accomplished, their failures, and more. Legacies are pathways that guild people in decisions with what to do or what not to do. I want whomever I mentor to come through fearless and compassionate! That's the legacy I want to pass along. Fear causes hesitation, hesitation causes your worst nightmares to come true. Compassion for people and compassion to help people along the way takes you far in any industry one may go into. That's what I want to pass. Want those lips to pop without all that gloss? Click the link below for Stixx's latest endeavor with the debut of his Tracé lip line! http://www.stixxinthecity.com
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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“ I am all about growth. I want to grow in all ways, always.” ~ Christina Dang
W.A.Y.S: In three words describe yourself. Christina: Powerful, resilient, and fearless.
W.A.Y.S: What inspires you to do what you do? Christina: Mainly the desire to create. I deal/dealt with a lot of lack of self-confidence, and I feel free and unapologetic when I am creating. I’m learning that I do not have to define myself or box myself into a category. I’ve always had a strong desire to manifest my dreams and aspirations no matter what it may be, no matter the lifespan. There’s nothing more fulfilling than to bring an idea of mine to life, seeing the end result and knowing that I was in full control during the process. That’s empowering. It says that I am capable of both greatness and failingat times because I know that in the end I will always find my way again.
W.A.Y.S: Was the passion for your craft/business always with you or did you develop the love for it over time? Christina: I think that interests are always the driving force in the beginning. But to truly love your craft/brand has to be learned. You can’t say you love something, or that you’re passionate about something if you don’t love its rough edges too. I’m still discovering things about design and sewing that I haven’t before. I think we’re at second or third base. We ain’t just IN THERE, IN THERE. But we chilling.
W.A.Y.S: In three to five years, where do you see yourself, and where do you see your business/brand heading towards? Christina: I’m still asking myself this. I am all about growth. I want to grow in all ways, always. I’m so up in the air about my future and I’m not afraid to admit that. I’m young. I’m still trying to figure it out as best as I can, but I guess the major plan is to gain more experience within the fashion industry, discover myself some more, and create something for the greater good. I’d like to create a business, something way larger than me, that’s lasting. I want to build a legacy.
W.A.Y.S: What legacy are you looking to pass on to the many that look up to you? Christina: People look up to me?! My legacy will be my story. A woman who wasn’t afraid, who wasn’t limited, a woman that made shit happen.
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
I was thinking... After seeking the converse post have you thought about taking your own pictures for your page. Not technically on every topic but something like you last on for example you could have taken pictures from people off the street out of the mall ect. Even through this post was about rihrih. Idk just an idea. But I loved it by the way. It was informative cause I didn't know that
I appreciate the feedback, I have something very special I'm working on that involves just that! So stay tuned to see it all unfold and as always thanks for reading!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY…: Six rings. Michael Jordan goes down in history as not only one of the greatest ball players to ever do it, but one hell of a business man! From the top of his head to the sole of his world renowned shoes, Jordan changed the shoe game for the better and it all started with a little rejection. In the 80s, Jordan was beginning to be endorsed my major labels and wanted to break into the shoe game with companies such as Converse & Adidas to name a few, but was turned down due to deals that were pre-inked by Larry Bird and Magic Johnson (AirJordans HQ.com). That’s when Nike took a leap of faith on Jordan’s rising stardom by offering him his own line of sneakers. Nike at the time was known for running shoes and at the moment their sales were beginning to plummet due to the popularity of other shoe lines such as Converse and Adidas having already signed household names such as Bird and Johnson. It was reported that Jordan himself wasn’t fully invested in signing with Nike either, but soon would reconsider and would go on to become a sneaker god to millions of fans and shoe lovers alike for years to come (AirJordans HQ.com)! Michael Jordan’s line of sneakers have a total of 31 original designs, not including the offspring of variations of such designs, and to this day is one of the most coveted sneaker brands to date (Cardboard Connections.com). Even the greatest had to start from somewhere and it’s the greatest of the great that often start from nowhere at all. To even fathom rejecting Mike in this day in age would be unheard of, but thanks to that Jordan paved the way for many NBA baller sneaker lines we see today. Thanks for standing out Mr. Jordan & Happy Birthday!
For more on Air Jordan's History click the links below! http://airjordanshoeshq.com/air-jordan-brand-history/ http://www.cardboardconnection.com/the-history-of-nikes-air-jordan-shoes-told-through-pictures
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: The King of Pop. Michael Jackson was a star a million times over and not only was the world impacted by his music, his fashion was quite impressionable to say the least. The bedazzled and elaborate military inspired jackets he wore have be reincarnated by many designers and celebs alike have paid homage to the King ranging from Chris Brown, Rihanna, Kanye West, and the Queen Bey herself! It is no coincidence that the King rocked the house at his Super Bowl XXVII performance in with his fashion forward gold trimmed black military jacket and Beyoncé channeled Jackson's flair during Super Bowl XLIX halftime show! Michael's legacy lives on through his music but make no mistake he was a fashion heavy hitter too!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: Activism. Founder and designer, Iris Barbee Bonner, has been making her creative voice heard since 2012 with the launch of ThesePinkLips. The crazy, sexy, and oh so cool line has turned the fashion industry on its head with eye-catching, sexually explicit, and last but not least thought provoking messages for the masses to see. Her Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts and Graphic Design coupled with stylish stance on feministic representation, has prompted her for her successes today! Bonner has used her platform for more than what meets the eye by bringing focus on the power that women have within them aside from being just sexual beings. With an array of items to choose from, such as her "Fuck You Pay Me" collection and "Don't Touch Minnie" dress, allow for activist expression to shine thorough for fashionistas everywhere! ThesePinkLips has caught the attention of many celebs from Cardi B, Blac Chyna & Slut Walk founder, Amber Rose to name a few!
Beginning to End: Iris Barbee Bonner, Fuck You Pay Me bag, Don't Touch Minnie dress, Cardi B, Blac Chyna and Amber Rose.
Express Yourself with ThesePinkLips by clicking the link below!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY…: Politics. There have been many monumental moves made lately, ranging from the establishment of the Black Lives Matter movement to most recently the nation’s transition from America’s first African American President. One company who creates fashion forward pieces with a lasting statement is none other than, Served Fresh. They have created a formula that has combined the love of black culture and politics that have affected lives nationwide. The company recently released a hoodie that commemorates the life of the late Trayvon Martin, one of the many lives that were slain and has been the driving force of the Black Lives Matters movement that calls for justice and equal treatment of African Americans. Stars alike have taken to the site ranging from the great Naomi Campbell, Ms. Fashion Bomb Daily Claire Sulmers, & shown above Karrueche Tran & Chris Brown to name a few! Served Fresh truly understands that clothes are to be worn for more than fashion but most importantly to make a statement that matters.
Beginning to End: Trayvon Hoodie, Alternative Dad Hat, Karrueche Tran & Chris Brown.
Wanna get fresh? Click the link below!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: Black entertainment. Entertainers whether it be actors, musicians, dancers, and many more have inspired the fashion industry. This statement could not be more true for the artist and entrepreneur, Kashmir Thompson. She is the brainchild behind Kashmiir.VIII and has taken social media by storm! Black entertainment enthusiasts and celebs alike have taken notice to the creative artwork of Thompson. Spike Lee and Karrueche Tran are just a few of entertainment heavy hitters that have been spotted sporting her works! Thompson has a background in Visual Communication and Creative Writing which explains how her crazy cool prints and original phrasing. She has proven she knows her audience by reaching back to 80s, 90s, and 2000s for some of her inspiration as well as keeping current with what drives the millennials! Soon after Beyoncé announced her twin pregnancy she dropped her "Oh, Baby" clutch sooner than the Beyhive could handle it! Ms. Thompson has created a plethora of items for us all to go crazy from wall art all the way to clutches. Thanks to Thompson, we can revisit prominent moments of black entertainment's past and keep up with what's happening now with her designs!
Beginning to End: Juice, Lil Kim, Crooklyn, Beyoncé, and Kashmir Thompson
Feenin' for more? Click the link below to shop Kashmir's site Kashmir.VIII!
Business IG: @kasmirviii  Personal IG: @kashmir216
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: Du-rag. The trick to keeping braids fresh and waves on swim since, well forever! The late 90s to early 2000s rappers everywhere had their own take of the beauty supply go to for male grooming. Throughout the years the du-rag has received a bit of a facelift! Popular retailer, Nasty Gal, showcased a more fashion forward vegan leather du-rag. Rihanna took the cake with her dazzling rag where she channeled the late fashion icon, Josephine Baker. She was honored as the Fashion Icon of the Year of 2014 at CFDA Awards, talk about rags to riches!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: Grillz. History states that the origin of the mouth adornment began with the ancient Mayans, but there's no question that the popularity of the mouth jewels were made popular by black culture! Rap legend Slick Rick introduced them to the masses in the late 80s (Huffington Post). St. Louis' native rapper Nelly topped the charts with his love for grillz with his hit "Grillz" back in 2005!  Above are some variations of how grillz have been customized by a few familiar faces.
Beginning to End: Beyoncé, Drake, Kylie, Pharrell, Katy Perry, Chris Brown, & Rihanna.
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: Bantu knots. The cool hairstyle first took place in the southern tribes of Zulu in Africa. You begin the style by sectioning off the hair, twisting, and lastly wrapping the hair until it is in place or you can opt to pin it down. This is one of naturlista's everywhere prep for a twist out or you can simply wear it as is for an edgier look. Stars for years have sported these lovely knots above Miss Fenty and Miley give it a go!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY…: Dashiki’s combine the colorful & elaborate prints of the Motherland & have been a big hit in the states as well! Stars all over have been donning the designs of the African culture favorite, when it warms up you should too!
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whyarentyoustylin · 7 years
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INSPIRED BY...: Cornrows. Box braids. Whatever you call them they are NOT boxer braids! Variations of braids have emerged in pop culture lately that have long been a black culture classic. Stars have been rocking these braids forever from Brandy, Alicia Keys all the way to Queen Bey. Celebs and runways alike have taken to the hairstyle most recently. The new "trend" had been set in black culture years ago and is here to stay! L2R: Degen Runway 2016, Valentino Runway 2016, Beyoncé, & Brandy.
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