if whouffaldi wasn't canon then explain why every doctor has their own catchphrase like "fantastic", "allonsy", "geronimo", "brilliant" but they made the 12th doctors catchphrase "clara" ??? HIS CATCHPHRASE IS JUST HER NAME. AND YOUR TRYING TO TELL ME HE WASNT IN LOVE WITH HER??
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so twelveclara obviously didnt have sex but i think they probably did some weird shit a few times that was sex without having sex. and they were both like hmmmm lets never speak of this
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PETER CAPALDI as THE TWELFTH DOCTOR + dad vibes 🥹 DOCTOR WHO S10E00 “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”
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that scene in deep breath is just.
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the orpheus parallels are obvious, except that clara doesn't look back.
because the thing is, for all that she's seen last vastra's veil, she still doesn't believe that this is still her doctor. he's spent the last day proving that he's nothing like the previous doctor, and he's abandoned her. he can't remember her name. she has no reason to believe that he'll be there.
so she doesn't. she's been bluffing for the whole conversation. she's been trying to see so much as a ghost of her doctor in this strange old man. this is one last bluff, one last hope against hope. she doesn't believe the doctor's going to grab her hand, she only hopes he will, because that's the only thing left.
this is the thing that embodies the eleventh doctor: when nothing else is there, when everything is ending, when there isn't any chance, there is hope. and most of the time, it works.
from the space whale to the tardis exploding to saving gallifrey to surviving, the eleventh doctor is about hoping despite everything.
clara learns that from him. clara hopes even when she doesn't believe, and it works.
the doctor comes through because he and his companions have swapped places for this moment: now, with this new, jumbled up head that thinks outside the box, he gets to be the one making the impossible happen.
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Twelve!!! I love him 🥰
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easily manipulated by beautiful women and proud of it
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Jenna and Peter are so talented. Forever thinking about the way that Twelve leans towards Clara as she walks away like he is a flower and she is his sun. The way he follows after her like a baby duck. The "you're fetching, then. :)" as a subtle way to call him handsome. The way she stops to wait for him so that they can walk side-by-side, finally on the same wavelength again. UGH!!!!
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New year greetings from The Doctor
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Painting studies // All time and Space
The first Doctor Who digital painting I’ve made, and Peter Capaldi as the Doctor is a project that must be done! My favorite Doctor so far.
I’m looking forward to create more like this in the future 😄.
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Happy anniversary, baby.
(Deep Breath first aired 23 August 2014)
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Peter Capaldi in his full makeup as King Kinloch for Maleficent (2012)
Peter was supposed to appear in the opening of the movie as Maleficent's uncle, providing the backstory for the titular character. However, the first act was remade, and his scenes were cut. After over ten years, we can finally see what he would've looked like in the film!
Here's how Capaldi described what it was like to be made up as King Kinloch:
"Well, it's quite weird. You get picked up at half past three in the morning. And you sit in front of the mirror and they start the stuff. And if you have a little itch in your scalp, you know that you're not going to be able to scratch that itch for another 20 hours. I was in make-up for six hours every day to get these large pointed ears and a pointed nose. Once they're done, you look in the mirror and wonder 'Who is this old guy? He looks sort of like Peter Capaldi except for the pointed ears.' Then you walk on set and everyone looks at you and says that they think you look great. But you haven't done anything. You're just wearing all this work that everybody else did."
(pics source) (quote source)
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One wonders what the pair of you will get up to next.
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