whore-mones · 2 years
Until I Found You Din Djarin x f!reader
Rating: M - sexual content, oral sex, angst
Word Count: 3K
This is my first time ever posting my work on Tumblr, as well as my first time writing smut! My AO3 is linked here. Currently, it just has this fic posted, but I plan to get some more posted soon! I'm open to requests as well if I missed any warnings or things like that! Thanks for reading!! 
He’s never had a way with words. 
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You can still remember the first time you saw him. You were selling fruits in the market on your home planet when you saw a looming figure approach you. Tall, covered head to toe in beskar with a cradle trailing behind him, it was hard to tell if he was even a living being or merely a droid. You swallow the lump in your throat and open your mouth to speak. 
“Can I help you?” Your voice comes out strong, somehow manages to hide the growing nervousness you feel in your chest. Sweat drips down your brow and you raise your arm to wipe it while gazing up and the tall figure You.  
“I am looking for some information,” his voice is deep and distorted from his helmet. “Do you know where I can find-“ he’s cut off before he can finish. 
The blaster shots seem to come from every direction. You hardly even have time to react as the creature in metal moves swiftly to provide you with cover. 
“We want the beskar, Mandalorian!” You hear once the dust settles. Your arms are wrapped tightly over your head as you huddle under what’s left of your small stand. 
It’s destroyed. You realizes grimly. It’s your only source of income. 
“Try to stay down,” the creature, the Mandalorian, shouts to you. 
“Believe me, I’m trying,” you gasp out. 
You’re not sure how many assailants there are. All you can hear is consistent ringing of blaster shots and bang! Suddenly, your leg feels like actual fire. You look down to see your brown jumpsuit rapidly turning red as blood slowly pools out of your thigh. You suck in your breath quickly, trying to steady yourself as your head begins to lighten. The world is going dark and all too quickly, you feel yourself slipping away. The silver helmet was the last thing you remember. 
Next thing you knew, you awoke on the floor of the Razor Crest. The Mandalorian offered you shelter and the job of being his in-house nanny to his little green child while he hunts his bounties as an apology for destroying your livelihood and nearly getting you killed. What choice did you have but to accept? 
This was five months ago now. You’ve learned that he is, in fact, a man under all the metal. He’s definitely a man of few words and you would venture to say that everything you’ve learned about him, which hasn’t been much, has probably been against his wishes. Despite this, he’s a kind employer and does his best to make sure you’re comfortable. Your bed is not sufficient? He’ll make sure to buy a new one on the next supply run. You think the baby needs a new cloak? Got it, he’s making a list. His attentiveness to you and the Child did not go unnoticed. Which is the very reason why he’s making a stop today. Your rations are low and you requested some new boots to fend of the cold of hyper-space travel. 
You join the Mandalorian in the cock pit as the ship begins its descent to the surface of Tatooine. You watch the reflection of the window in the sharp angles of his helmet. 
“This is my favorite part,” you say to him. 
“What’s that?” His voice is warm, even through the modulator.
“When we begin to land. Watching the stars shift into the sky.” Your eyes are full of wonder as you gaze out the cockpit, watching as the dark navy lightens to a clear blue sky. 
His silence is comfortable and something you’ve grown accustomed to. You know he doesn’t always know what to say next and you’ve come to enjoy his thoughtful silence. He listens and considers and that’s more than enough for you. 
You wake the baby as the Mandalorian lowers the ramp to disembark the ship. 
“Let’s get some fresh air, little one,” You smile at the child. He coos back to you and waves a three-fingered hand at you, which you press a kiss too lightly and lower him into his cradle. Your gaze meets Mando’s helmet and you can feel his eyes burning into you. The helmet turns away sharply and you hear him huff. 
“Let’s get moving,” he descends the ramp quickly. 
You and the Child share a smile. “He sure is bossy, isn’t he?”
The baby babbles nonsensically back, like he has quite a bone to pick with Mando. You giggle back and walk to follow Mando into town. 
He was just there. You had stopped walking just briefly to get a better look at the boots. When you looked back to ask Mando what he thought, he was gone. It’s fine, you told yourself. I’ll just go back to ship. I’ll get my comm and call him. No big deal. But darkness soon encompassed the town and suddenly, nothing looked familiar. 
Shit shit shit. You weave through the marketplace in search of something, anything really, that could help you find your way back to the ship. 
“You look lost,” the voice came from behind you. The man was wearing a cloak covering his face. He was bigger than you in every way. 
“No, I’m not lost. Just looking for my husband,” the lie came out easily and you hoped he bought it. You keep walking. 
“I can help you find him,” the man’s voice sounds like he was intoxicated by something. “He went this way,” he motions down a dark alleyway. “I’ll show you.”
You almost felt like rolling your eyes. Come on, man. How stupid did he think you looked? “I’m fine, thanks. I already know where to find him.” You pick up your pace to a quick walk, but of course, he doesn’t know when to quit and you feel a hand grip your arm roughly. 
“Look at me, girl. You want my help,” he growls into your ear. 
“Let go of me now!” you hiss back. Your hand pounds on his chest as you yank your arm back from him. Your skin stings from were his nails had dug in. 
“I was looking for you. Are you okay?” The Mandolorian’s voice is an instant comfort to you. You turn to see him directly behind you.
“Yes, love, I was looking for you too! I turned and you were gone!” You grab his hand and he stiffens. You turn back to the man, “Oh, this is my husband. Thanks SO much for all your help,” your hair swishes as turn quickly and drag Mando behind you before he has a chance to react. 
“My gods, where you did go?” You hiss to him once the man is far enough behind you. 
“Did he hurt you?” Mando’s voice is low, his hand is no longer stiff, but now it grips onto yours like he’s scared if he lets go you’ll disappear again. You give it a reassuring squeeze. 
“No, I’m fine. Just please stay closer to me next time,” 
His helmet gazes at you and you stare at your reflection in it. His gloved hand cups yours. It’s strong and warm and engulfs yours. The Mandalorian sighs loudly and shakes his head. 
“What is it?” You murmur to him.
He drops your hand as he turns back to the cradle holding the sleeping baby behind him. “Let’s get back to the ship. Kid’s tired.” He pauses, then looks back you. “Stay close. I can’t-,” he falters briefly and his helmet looks to the ground, “I can’t be separated from you again.”
You know what he means. He won’t be able to say it aloud, and you won’t either. So you swallow the lump of words gathered in your throat and nod. The three of you make your way back to the ship. 
Your new favorite spot is the cockpit, right beside him. You board the ship, tuck the baby in for the night and then you're right back in the chair. Mando checks the baby, taking his fingers in his own and giving a gentle squeeze before climbing in the cockpit with you and taking his seat in the pilot’s chair. You ascend into the night sky and you watch the reflections on his helmet. You think it’s beautiful, a sight to see really. The way the stars seemed to jump onto the shiny beskar and dance. The man under was beautiful too. You felt that deep inside of you. 
“Mando?” Your voice comes out almost a whisper.
“Thank you for coming to find me.”
The helmet turns to you as he shift in his seat and nods, “Of course.”
You hold out your hand to him and to your surprise, he takes it. The leathered glove was well-worn and soft against your hand, but it’s not what you wanted to feel at all. 
“Can I take off your glove?” The words pour out before you can reconsider. 
The helmet stills as if your question took him by surprise, then nods. 
You’re hyper-aware of how quickly your chest rises and falls as you slip the glove over his fingers and get your first glimpse of his tan warm skin. His hands are big, calloused, and fit with yours exquisitely.  Your fingers interlace with his as you look up at with him with a smile, “So you aren’t a robot then?”
A hint of a laugh slips out and he shakes his head, “ I am not, in fact.” You could hear the smile hiding from you beneath the beskar.
Your head falls back to the headrest and your eyes begin to close. The feeling of home and safety wasn’t something your used too, but the feeling was growing rapidly inside of this junky little ship. Your eyes close for the deepest sleep you’ve had in years. 
He’s never going to make the first move. You’ve accepted this. Your pacing around the hull of the ship. You’ve already put the baby to sleep and put on your nicest sleep clothes. The Mandalorian is waiting for you in the cockpit like he does every night. He’s more talkative than he’s ever been, which is still not much, but he’s improving nonetheless. He calls your name from the cockpit. 
“Is everything okay?” 
He’s completely oblivious to the turmoil you’re experiencing at the moment. You want him. You’ve decided. Every night the gloves come off and his hands takes yours and eventually your mind begins to wander. The hands move up from yours to stroke your forearm. Then your neck. Then they finally reach your cheek and rough fingers trace the outline of your lips. By then, you’re a mess and beyond ready for him. It never progresses from there. Until tonight. 
You climb the ladder to the cockpit. It’s cramped, but you’ll make it work. 
“Hey,” you smile.
“Hi,” his gloves are off already and the sight of his hands sends a shiver up your spine.
“Are you tired tonight?” He asks. “If you would like to just go to sleep that’s fine.”
“No,” you answer quickly. “I’m fine, really.” You inhale sharply. Here it goes. 
To your surprise, he holds out his hand to you and you take it happily. It takes its usual course traveling up from your hand to your forearm, then your neck. This time, you intercept when it starts to trail to your cheek. Instead, you slide it slowly down your neck to your chest. You stare at his helmet. “Is this okay?” Your voice is a whisper. 
“Yes,” his voice equally as quiet as yours. 
His hand cups your breast, your eyes don’t leave his helmet. 
“If I asked you to touch me, would you do it?” 
He grabs both of your wrists and pulls you into his lap. The beskar is cold against your bare legs. “Anything you want, it’s yours,” his voice is airy. “Tell me what you need.”
You take his hands and slip them under you tunic. The contrast of his warm hands with the cold beskar made the warmth grow between your legs.  
“I need..” Your voice trails as his hands travel up, inching closer to the curve under your breasts. You wrap your arms loosely around his neck and stare half-lidded into his visor. The words seem to choke you as his hands reach their destination and rough finger pads graze over your nipples. Your hips grind down against him at the sensation and you feel his own arousal growing between you. Your head lowers to rest against the side of his helmet and you can smell his skin briefly, tucked away under his fly suit. It’s a mix of his soap and pine and sweat and its absolutely intoxicating. 
“Talk to me, pretty girl,” he murmurs into your ear. “Please.” He’s breathless and you know he’s unsure what to do next. How far would you take this? Would he overstep boundaries? He wants whatever you’ll give him, but he needs you to let him know. This ache inside of him is frightening and unfamiliar and its tormented him since the moment he first saw you in that market place. The way you took the Crest and made it from a cold empty ship to a cozy little home for him and his child. The way you spoke every thought that came to your head. The way you never placed judgment on his lifestyle or diminished the importance of his Creed. 
“I want you to touch me everywhere,” your voice doesn’t sound like your own. This feels otherworldly. “I want to feel you. Please.” 
He sighs, his head falling into the headrest and exposing a small sliver of skin on his neck. He hesitates for a moment, then mumbles, “Close your eyes.” 
You clamp them shut.
“You can’t open them. No matter what.”
You shake your head quickly, the weight of what he was asking you to do setting in. Your mouth is dry, “I’ll keep them closed. I promise.”
You hear a hiss and then a hunk of metal crashing to the floor. “I know you will,” his voice, raw and unfiltered, reverberated throughout your body. 
Your lips turn up into a smile. “Your voice is perfect.”
His palm presses to the back of your neck, gently pulling you towards him and you feel his forehead press gently against yours. His nose brushes yours and you can feel the stubble of a five o’clock shadow scratching softly against your cheek. And then plush lips graze yours, hesitant at first, like he’s testing the waters before diving in. You part your lips, granting him permission to make you his. 
His hand reaches down to where your legs meet and he traces quick light circles over your shorts, as you inhale sharply. 
“Is this okay?” He says into your mouth. You’ve soaked through your shorts already and he’s only kissed you.
Words won’t form so you nod.
“So wet already,” his words are slurring together. “Is it for me?”
“Only you,” you exhale. His small circles quicken and your head rolls back. You feel the burning sensation growing in your belly, you’re so close already. He pauses briefly to yank away your shirt, cursing under his breath as your tits bounce freely. His hand resumes its busy work, while his mouth takes to your nipple and sucks greedily. His other arm wraps around your waist holding you in place as you squirm in his lap, pleasure over taking your body. 
“I’m gonna-“ your voice falters, “Please-“ 
“Cum for me, pretty girl,” he says, releasing your nipple with a small pop. “I want to watch you cum on my hand.”
It wrecks through your body, all the way down to your toes. But he’s not done yet, not even close. You don’t even get a chance to catch your breath when suddenly your lifted off his lap and laid gently on the floor of the cockpit. Your chest is heaving, spent from the weight of your orgasm, as you listen to the clanking of metal against each other. He’s removing his armor.  You feel light fingertips fluttering at the elastic of your shorts and you raise your hips to comply with their request. 
“Fuck,” he sighs, once the last thing keep your bodies apart is removed. “Look how ready you are for me.”
Your cheeks burn as lay out on display for him. Your legs cross shyly until you feel his hands gently pushing them open. “Is this okay?” He says, lips pressed against your thigh. 
“Mmm,” is all that you could muster as a response. 
“Good girl,” his breath is hot on your skin. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
A gasp escapes your lips when you feel his hot tongue drag against you. It spreads you open effortlessly and begins to make small circles on your sensitive nub. Your body tenses and you instinctively latch on to his hair. It’s softy and wavy under your touch. The thought that this is your first time feeling him so closely flashes through your mind, but you’re far too preoccupied with the sensation building within you to consider it too closely.  
“It’s- I’m gonna-“ you stammer. 
And before you can peak, he suddenly pulls away. “The next time you cum,” he’s out of breath and his voice is rough, “It’ll be on my cock.”
And suddenly, you’re filled to the brim. You moan loudly as your body stretches to accommodate his girth and moan again as you feel his bare chest come to rest on yours, his lips decorating your neck with kisses. 
“You feel,” he sighs, “So good. Fuck.”
All you can do is grip his back as he completely unravels you with the first thrust. You’re whimpering beneath him as he quickens his pacing, loving the sound of your bodies colliding over and over again.  He hits every spot you need. It’s too overwhelming for you; the feeling of his smooth skin against you, the delicious fullness inside of you, and his hot breath and quiet moans in your ear. You come undone, back arching into him, lips crushed against his neck. The Mandalorian couldn’t hold back any longer either. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna-“ he chokes out, “Where should I-?
“Inside,” you gasp out. “Safe.” 
He moans lowly, spilling into you as his pace slows down and eventually halts. You feel a hand caress your cheek and a kiss placed gently on your forehead. So much he wanted to say, and yet the courage to do so evaded him. 
He’ll find the words someday. And he knows you’ll be there to help him with the search. 
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