who-hip · 5 months
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I’m losing my mind at the implications that this show was so gay that two men kissing wasn’t going to add to it’s gayness 
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who-hip · 3 years
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who-hip · 3 years
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Excuse me while I sneeze 30 times in a row…
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who-hip · 3 years
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there it is, again
that funny feeling
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who-hip · 3 years
Me meeting a genie: Okay, so my first wish is for 1000 dollars a day, deposited to my bank account without any way of tracing it to anything illegal. I want this money to come from the ten richest people in America (100 dollars each), withdrawn under the guise of nebulous, random purchases and surcharges. It would probably be best to split the money into a myriad of smaller fees, though, to reduce the likelihood of anyone noticing. Got all that?
Genie: um
Me, continuing on without a care: For my SECOND wish, I want you to give me the ability to learn any given phoneme, so that I can learn to pronounce new languages perfectly. If you're willing, it'd be nice if it were a little easier to memorize new languages too, but if that's not cool, I'm perfectly fine doing all the legwork myself I mostly just want to be capable of pronouncing things correctly.
Genie, now staring at me like I'm insane: ......okaaayyy?....
Me: For my third wish. I want to always have great ideas for gifts for people. Every birthday, every holiday, I want to be able to come up with something they'd really like, with enough time to actually get it for them.
Genie, just staring at me
Me: I can provide you with a written document if that would help.
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who-hip · 3 years
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25K notes · View notes
who-hip · 3 years
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151K notes · View notes
who-hip · 3 years
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who-hip · 3 years
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who-hip · 3 years
i love how many ships there are featuring murders, cannibals, supervillians, w/e that nevertheless fail to hold a problematic candle to house/wilson. I mean like there are characters who have stabbed one another who have a healthier “thing” going on than those two. i don’t think about them often but I see a gifset and I’m like WOW remember the time when house——-
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who-hip · 3 years
shout out to all the people who identify with gifted kid burnout syndrome who are probably just neurodivergent but werent diagnosed as a child, who used to devour books like it was nothing and never really understood why the protagonist would leave their cool fantasy world behind to go back home at the end of the story, and who are now extremely disappointed in reality and use escapism as their primary coping mechanism. how’s that bisexuality and deep-rooted anger at the school system going for you?
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who-hip · 3 years
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who-hip · 3 years
As an atheist, putting my hand on the Bible and saying an oath before testifying to a court is less likely to get me to tell the truth than a pinkey promise
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who-hip · 3 years
I think part of the issue is people assuming that everyone MUST want to move upwards. Like... it's the next logical step for a person to want to move up the chain: from worker to manager, to district manager, eventually owner.
But I always think of growth like plants.
Aspens grow tall to reach the sun, for sure. But dandelions grow deep, understanding themselves fully so that if some misguided fool tries to uproot them they'd have to try damn hard. And then there's thyme and other creeping plants, which spread themselves out so much that if you chop a part of it off it roots wherever it can find dirt to root in.
It's okay not to have lofty dreams. You know what kind of plant you are better than anyone else.
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who-hip · 3 years
there’s just. there’s just so much to unpack here. I mean:
- jensen emphasising this is the FIRST story he wants to tell about the spn verse (read: the destiel spin off is coming)
- chaos machine's new pride icon
- misha joking the prequel needs a trench-coated angel, which, based on historical data, only means one thing: the prequel absolutely has a trench-coated angel in it (our favourite one with the rainbow wings and squinty eyes, to be specific)
- kripke causing multiple social media platforms to explode by liking said tweet
- jared hearing about the prequel for the first time on twitter at the same time as the rest of us
- misha absolutely not hearing about the prequel for the first time on twitter at the same time as the rest of us
- the entirety of tumblr and twitter trying to fathom why jensen decided to make a show about a character the whole spn fandom have spent fifteen years wanting to punch very hard in the face
- hot topics include: will john's shitty actions be ignored or explored? is the prequel really just a cover for a destiel spinoff?? or just an elaborate and expensive method of ensuring cas finally, in some universe, gets to smite john?
- rowena considered for the prequel but not sam
- it becomes clear danneel and jensen knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they named their production company "chaos machine"
- et tu brute, gutted, bummed
- the increasingly likely possibility that the french mistake and the mockumentary were actually prophetic visions (related: someone check on misha)
- bobo berens and kripke add more fuel to the twittersphere fire
- most of the fandom yelling "fight, fight, fight" at the cast of their favourite show six months after it ending
- a complete, collective tumblr meltdown as fires that have been brewing in opposing corners of the fandom for over a decade implode into either vindication or denial
- unprecedented scenes in fandom history as self-confessed ex-j2 stans quietly let themselves into the cockles trash dumpster
- the realisation that jensen has been plotting this for months (important questions: how long has he known? when they were filming the finale?? at the creation con panel? is this what was going on under all that sexy silence???)
- most of tumblr on tenterhooks simply from watching two middle aged men follow and unfollow each other on twitter
- the fact there are still conventions booked and j2 panels that are absolutely going to happen after all of this
- no one knows if biden is okay
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who-hip · 3 years
Tumblr is my favourite social media site because this place is literally uninhabitable for celebrities. No verification system, no algorithm that boosts their posts, it’s a completely lawless wasteland for them
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who-hip · 3 years
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My favorite moment from ubi forward was undoubtedly the partner of one of the hosts tweeting this from her main, raw and uncut, hashtags included, for the whole world to see. Legendary shit. Nothing from the show came close
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