lifetara-blog · 3 years
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lifetara-blog · 3 years
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lifetara-blog · 3 years
How to achieve new year resolution. Check out the tips to stick to your new year’s resolutions so you won’t break them within a few days.
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lifetara-blog · 3 years
Difference Between Burning Calories vs Burning Fat
Burning calories vs burning fat are two different things. You can burn your calories just by doing nothing. But for burning fat you have to perform various activities. Calories are basically the units of energy that you need to keep going on for the rest of the day, just like the fuel for any vehicle. But fat & calories are very still inter-related to each other. To burn fat you need to burn more calories than you consume each day. Every gender has a different number of calories and it also depends on starting weight. So, we suggest you consult with your doctor before you burn fat fast at home. Let us have a look at the difference between burning calories & burning fat in different ways.
Storing Fat
The fat that is stored in your body consists of triglycerides, which can also be found in your blood & even in cholesterol. Triglycerides is responsible for forming fats & carbohydrates in your food. So, basically when you eat a meal, the calories that are not used immediately get converted into triglycerides & stored in your fat cells for future use. In order to lose fat you have to use more calories than you consume. So, when you search for "How to burn fat fast at home", you'll mostly find an increase in your activity level & reduction in your daily calorie intake. If we talk about numbers then one pound of body fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. So in order to lose one pound per week, you need to burn extra 500 calories daily.
Removing Excess Fat
This is another important thing that you need to know. Any kind of exercise can reduce or burn calories but not all exercise burns fat. During exercise, your body uses calories from carbohydrates first. Once these are used up, triglycerides are released from the fat stores, & you start burning fat. So, the best way to consume consistently consume fewer calories from time to time until you've reached your weight goal. In the end if you exercise, you still need to eat more calories than necessary, the excess calories will end up stored as triglycerides.
Activities to Burn Fat
As we have already mentioned that every exercise burns calories, and to burn fat you need to perform some specific activities. The high-intensity exercise, like an aerobics class, skiing, cycling, is better for burning calories & fat. Another way is the strength training to burn excess calories to form muscle. Similarly when you burn energy calories while lifting weights, you burn fat in the rest period immediately after. As per the top weight loss gurus, 60 minutes of aerobic exercise daily for long-term weight control. Low intensity exercise, such as pilates or yoga, will help tone your muscles but are not typically fat burning.
Here's the difference between burning calories & burning fat. Now you know which one works in which way. And how & when to burn calories and fats. We hope you find all the information that you have been looking for.  
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lifetara-blog · 3 years
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lifetara-blog · 3 years
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lifetara-blog · 3 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
What does it mean to choose the best motivational book?
Books not only give a lot of joy but also give a lot of knowledge. Books also take the reader to a highly imaginative place. Books are indeed capable of wonders. Likewise, motivational books can also add to the aura of a particular person and their mind. The best motivational books in a way can therefore add to the motivational quota of the person. How does one gain that? Simply read motivational books. Not only read those motivational books, but also treat it with great respect. For those motivational books, by any means, are capable of changing your life. A very common example is that of getting the ‘good’ feeling after reading the Gita. Therefore, motivational books have a great source of power instilled within them.
But, just as you choose things which fit into your sense of ‘perfect’. Life Tara is out here to help you in your pursuit of choosing the best motivational books ever. Below listed are the five best motivational books which help you in making you feel like yourself.
Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor E. Fankl
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s discusses in-depth his experience with living in Nazi death camps and describes the lessons it taught him about spiritual survival. Frankl’s book puts forth a convincing argument that avoiding suffering is not realistic. However, through choosing how we cope with that suffering and the meaning we put to it, we gain the ability to move forward with renewed purpose.
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World by William H. McRaven
Make Your Bed is one of the best motivational books which outlines the lessons contained in a speech given by Admiral William H. McRaven. In this speech, he shared the ten principles he learned during Navy Seal training that helped him overcome the various challenges he faced throughout his career.This book recounts tales from his service and offers practical wisdom and words of encouragement which will inspire you to achieve more in your daily lives!
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is not only a wonderful story but also the greatest of the great motivational books ever. This book is about an inspiring journey towards self-discovery. Mysticism and wisdom combine in this classic novel that has sold millions of copies worldwide. This book encourages you to listen to the musings of your heart and recognize your unique opportunities in life by pursuing  our passions.
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Don Miguel Ruiz uses his book The Four Agreements to reveal the limiting beliefs that we commonly hold which rob us of joy and cause us to endure needless suffering. This book provides an insightful code of conduct which imparts its wisdom in an accessible manner to its readers. This book, one of the best motivational books, encourages self-reflection and encourages us to do better within our everyday lives.
Choose Yourself by James Altucher
Choose Yourself is one of the best motivational books around. James argues that the most valuable asset we have and the one which we should be investing the most time, effort, and resources into is ourselves. This whole book is about how we can achieve success simply by choosing to invest in ourselves and our growth which is the most important part of our lives. Also this book is an excellent resource of motivation for our growing entrepreneurs. 
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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lifetara-blog · 4 years
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