wherethesunbeamsend · 24 hours
day one of summer vacation
found a new cult to join. #goals
jk it's not a cult it's Esperanza Spalding
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wherethesunbeamsend · 11 days
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‘Lovers Lane’ - Digital collage
IG: Unknowndeity.png
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wherethesunbeamsend · 11 days
I see myself so clearly in my dreams.
Awake I might get a glimpse of what it feels like to be myself
but the dream life seems timeless and unending and deep with it all
and somehow contains less life. Less reality which isn't very romantic if you're someone who cares about dreams. But they aren't so much trustworthy as they are fun.
Most dreams are purely memory...
the me who won't exist in a present moment struggles with it. Dream me is pure experience.
i've had lucid breakthroughs but... important work does not have to exist in every space. I've learned to let myself drift and bend and take it as it comes.
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wherethesunbeamsend · 1 month
a thought
What does the opposite/undoing of spiritual bypassing look like?
Accountability and ownership of your mistakes?
Admitting you don't know an answer to something, in your own life and that of others?
Accepting the complexity of some things and just letting it be?
Maybe letting go of the need for things to be significant in a cosmic sense. Like, sometimes the world is cruel and hurtful and we just need to allow for all types of coping mechanisms to form within us and around us, cause, like, they will. And there's no use trying to even analyze or summarize all of them. Just notice when you have a pattern and how it serves you or not. I feel like there is some vocabulary I'm missing here. hmm....
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wherethesunbeamsend · 1 month
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'The Merry Wives of Windsor' illustration by Hugh Thomson, 1910
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wherethesunbeamsend · 1 month
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wherethesunbeamsend · 1 month
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jar creatures
twitter/ insta/ store
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wherethesunbeamsend · 2 months
I wanted to read that poem you left for me.
The sly way you slid it onto my things
like a trophy kill, when I wasn't looking,
leaving it there for me to find.
The paper had an inspired balance
ink and space
patterns I glimpsed from my rushed first look.
All the words capitalized
in perfect place
sweet and random and raw.
What felt like a portal to elsewhere
in my palm.
But I didn't read the whole of it
not yet
because I didn't have the strength
to breathe it completely in all at once,
so I'm saving it
like a morsel of chocolate
that I can dream about until the world slows down long enough
for me to let it melt
and become part of me.
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wherethesunbeamsend · 2 months
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I Love Kim on Better Call Saul, and She Needs to Die by Kat Rosenfield (TV Line)
“The fact that Kim is such a significant part of Jimmy’s life in the Better Call Saul timeline makes it that much stranger and sadder that she’s utterly absent from Breaking Bad. And while Saul Goodman makes occasional references to his past, he’s also clearly cut himself loose from it. Saul doesn’t have a family; he doesn’t even have friends, just associates. Is there anyone left in his life - or in the state of New Mexico - who even remembers when ‘Better Call Saul’ was ‘Gimme Jimmy’? It seems unlikely, as much as Saul’s shameless embrace of sleazedom seems unlikely in a world where Kim Wexler still exists. It’s only logical: by the time Better Call Saul catches up to Breaking Bad, Kim pretty much has to be a goner.
I hate the “she has to be dead” assumption. There are so many other possibilities. She could move back to home in Nebraska/Kansas, or join a practice in another city … who knows? The minute the stakes get to anywhere near life threatening for Kim, she is going to GTFO. So in my head cannon, she does not die, but simply leaves town … and will re-enter the story in the Cinnabon Gene timeline. Jimmy will be devastated by losing Kim and Chuck and that is the 1-2 punch to launch the Saul Goodman transformation. This season will close the book on Chuck. I think Season 4 will be about losing Kim and by the end of that season, he’s be full Saul. End of series.
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
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Richard Combes (British-American, b. 1963)
After the Rain St. Thomas, 2009
Oil on canvas
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
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Yoshitaka Amano
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
in a way i'm not surprised
i'm always in my mind
it's mine
in here it's always a little sweet but threatened by darkness
do your best shoot your shot
and let the world continue on
i'm open to the beauty it'll bring
and not scared or shocked by what's bad and painful
i got used to it feeling this messy
still believing peace exists in the present moment
just not sure what that feels like most of the time
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
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'Taking the Moon for a boat ride' by DD Mclinnes
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
another Archive.org appreciation post
This is the first time I've ever created an account on archive.org, and it was done in order to check out a scanned copy of a book I was hunting down.
I'd looked everywhere, and here was a discarded library copy that was uploaded for viewing.
Easy process! Excellent reading experience.
It's a relationship book, and in the first few pages I was thinkign "If I had a highlighter I'd be wanting to highlight this part." And Lo and behold... in the margins and some of the quizzes....
Someone has scribbled little notes and answers to themselves with a pencil. About their relationship.
TMI. But also fascinating. And I can't stop reading now haha. We're processing our relationship journeys together thru spacetime.
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
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Bird's-eye speedwell
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wherethesunbeamsend · 3 months
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Animal Crossing: Wild World (2005)
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