waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 5 months
NYE at my Grandparents'
Some mutually exclusive facts that I need to state before the "incident" : 1. My grandfather (my mother's uncle) is hard of hearing. Like... REALLY hard of hearing. 2. My grandparents' house has two entry doors at right angles to each other.
Now. The Incident.
My family and I went out for some shopping, leaving my uncle (my mother's cousin) at home. Once we returned, my mom rings the bell, seeing as my uncle was home. At the same time, my grandmother goes "Oh no that isn't required," and proceeds to unlock one of the entry doors. Just as she pushes it open, my uncle opens the other door from the inside.
We're all confused.
So turns out, a couple months ago, my uncle and grandmother went out, leaving my grandfather at home. They came back and rang the bell. Once. Twice. Multiple times. He didn't open the door. He didn't hear the bell ONCE.
Mind you, there are two bells for two doors and they're both loud as FUCK. Like. REALLY LOUD. Like. Will wake you up from sleep as if the horns of Armageddon are ringing inside your head kinda loud. And this man couldn't hear them. They had to break the lock.
My grandfather remained blissfully ignorant the entire time.
So now anytime they go out, they lock one of the doors from the outside, even if there is someone at home.
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 8 months
Things I have seen in the first month of my architectural internship (let this be known that I had just passed my second year and was on a two-month unpaid training program) :-
Got offered mangoes on the first day of office (and was then offered it every other day since then for the rest of my tenure).
Realised that 80% of the conversations in the office revolve around food. Be it food items, who is going to give a treat, the price of fruits and vegetable, anything centered around food.
Walked into the office one day to find a mango placed dead center on my desk. Had to actually ask my senior if it was meant to be there (It was for me. Apparently everyone got super confused upon seeing a mango magically appear on their desk that morning).
Realised that a ā€œfree working lunchā€ meant a whole fucking meal, not just some sandwich or salad combo. No they literally serve the whole rice, daal, veggies and chicken/fish thing. Every day.
The office only provided its own pc systems and wifi to permanent employees, so I had to take my laptop to work and use my own mobile data.
But, my boss had unlimited data, and he very generously agreed to share his hotspot with me. So it basically boiled down to me getting free wifi anyway (And I needed it, trust me. Lord knows these rendering softwares are heavy as FUCK).
I literally realised what the ā€œbaby privilegeā€ is. As the official ā€˜kidā€™ in the office, everyone was super nice and super chill with me. And I got free chocolates and coffee whenever we stepped out after lunch.
There was a power cut in the building, on a day when coincidentally, both the bosses were out for a presentation. So the entire office decided to say ā€˜fuck itā€™ and chilled out. There was songs playing from someoneā€™s phone, another person ordered food delivery and everyone just relaxed and pigged out on junk food.
There were three separate instances when I had walked in on an intense debate on Marvel and DC and what not. After my enthusiastic participation the first time, I have officially been deemed a valuable member of the committee. That whatsapp group is still active.
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
If I ever end a text with the šŸ¤” emoji, I am either :
A. Extremely proud of myself after making a truly godawful joke/pun or,
B. at a stage in my life where reality doesn't exist anymore and I'm so done with existing that I'm just smiling at nothing.
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
Three semesters into my college life as an architecture student, and I've come to the very intelligent conclusion that any average adult around me is full of shit.
When I decided to pursue architecture, everyone around me was like 'oh it's because you like drawing, that's all you need for this course etc. etc.' And now I've been studying maths, physics, climatology, history, acoustics, the fucking Constitution and what not, covering every fucking category of subjects taught in the system, ALONG WITH DRAWING DESIGNS.
Long story short, the next person who says that architecture is only drawing is going to get yeeted into the sun I don't fucking care anymore.
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
Fun Fact! The Untamed is actually just 3 gay tragedies in a trench-coat
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
Drew something after a really long time because college has been kicking my ass šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
I'm low-key really proud of this šŸ˜˜
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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Text Post Meme: Strictly JGY Edition
{ 18 / ? }
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
ā€œwe donā€™t talk about Brunoā€ *entire family immediately proceeds to deliver an itemized list of every single grievance and grudge theyā€™ve been holding against Bruno for 2+ decades*
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
i know everyone has their pet interpretations of this and that's fine! but i'm going to clear up the CQL cliff scene for you.
When Wei Wuxian sees Jiang Cheng he's visibly relieved. He is visibly relieved to see Jiang Cheng approaching him with a drawn sword and looking like he wants to kill him. This makes Wei Wuxian feel relieved. Because he wants to die but Lan Wangji wanting him to live has made all this very complicated because he doesn't want to have to be the one to hurt Lan Wangji but he also does not wish to continuing living in that moment. He does not want to continue living after all the horrible shit that has gone down and also he does seem to be rather ailing from the resentful energy. So he is relieved that Jiang Cheng appears to be simplifying things for him. Perhaps he is also relieved that if it's going to be anyone it's Jiang Cheng. Perhaps he thinks it's right that it's Jiang Cheng. Who knows. But he's very happy to see Jiang Cheng ready to kill him. He is relieved and ready to accept dying this way.
If the CQL team had meant for the rock to wobble, believe me, the camera would have lingered on it. This is not a subtle show. The only reason the wobble is a blink and you miss it thing is because the sets were that cheap, it was a really cheap fake rock, they spent all their money on Jiang Cheng's costumes, please look at how beautiful Sandu is instead of the cheap fake rock.
Wei Wuxian only looks distressed when he realizes that Jiang Cheng didn't stab him, isn't going to stab, isn't going to kill him right now, maybe doesn't want him to die, and is probably also too fucked up to know what the hell is going on or what he wants to do. Wei Wuxian only looks upset when he realizes that Jiang Cheng isn't going to siimplify things by killing him but seeing Jiang Cheng also probably makes Wei Wuxian realize that if he listens to Lan Wangji and chooses to live that means he has to accept choosing to live with the consequences of everything that's happened, which is symbolized by Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng's pain and anger and how he's still unable to deal the killing blow but that also still doesn't negate the pain and anger, doesn't undo any of the awful things that have happened. And Wei Wuxian doesn't want to do that.
So he shakes off Lan Wangji's hand and falls. He does in fact kill himself, although he would probably rather have had Jiang Cheng actually do it.
It's also important to note that Jiang Cheng's distressed expression when Wei Wuxian does that is meant to telegraph to the viewer that Jiang Cheng probably didn't actually want him to die, regardless of what he may have wanted to want/what he thought he should want/whatever was passing for thought in his then deeply traumatized mind. There's no other reason they would have shown that. Literally none. Please also think back to Jiang Cheng almost bursting into tears when Lan Jingyi says that he's the one who killed Wei Wuxian.
I think it's very fair to argue that Jiang Cheng's feelings at that moment, and for long after, were so complicated he usually didn't know how he felt, what he wanted, or what he wished he had or hadn't done.
But he did not stab Wei Wuxian or push him off a cliff, literally or figuratively. Wei Wuxian would have much preferred that to having to hurt Lan Wangji by choosing to die.
Lan Wangji absolutely believes that Jiang Cheng literally killed Wei Wuxian but Lan Wangji, like Jiang Cheng, is kind of a demented when it comes to Wei Wuxian.
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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Alas! Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were murdered on their wedding night for being insufferable horny assholes
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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YunmengJiang Sect Shenanigans [part 32098] (That is actually Jin Lingā€™s outfit whenever heā€™s at Lotus Pier. Purple ribbon for jiujiu šŸ˜¤šŸ‘šŸ’œ!!)
And you can pry these headcanons from my cold dead body but the YunmengJiang sect spoils and adores Jin Ling like the little golden prince he is and that Jin Ling had friends waaay before the Junior Quatro. Like cā€™mon #RightsForJiangSectJuniors2k22 !!! We are YMJ disciples and YMJ disciples are us.Ā  (Iā€™m still using those YMJ HCs from a long time ago. Those female YMJ disciples with pink little ribbons are actually Spiders)Ā 
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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just something I wrote on twt and thought I should upload here as well..
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
Today I find myself thinking about Wei Wuxian and all the names he comes up with for things, and how much each one says about his characterā€“his cleverness, his philosophies, his true feelings.
Like when heā€™s debating on what to name his spellā€“Binding or Bonding. This is an English translation, of course, but it still tells us that he wants to get the name right. Heā€™s playing with it, thinking about what connotations each one has.
Heā€™s using this, of course, to tease Lan Wangji in the process. Especially because itā€™s a clear callback (light blue, same wrists, and everything) to the Lan headband in the cave. ā€œIn what way are we bound? In what way does something like this bind a person?ā€
The fact that he thinks so much about words and their meanings, and then sees how to use them at other people like that, is just delightful. Heā€™s just delightful.
Wei Wuxian named his sword Suibian, meaning ā€œWhatever.ā€ But weā€™re specifically told that it was because he had too many names for itā€“over 20ā€“and none of them were good enough. None of them fit. And when he was frustrated enough to say ā€œsuibian!ā€ he thought that, itself, was a great name.
Keep reading
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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ā€œBut if you donā€™t believe me, how can you help me?ā€
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
Wangxian : homoerotic staring whenever they come with 10 feet of each other.
Literally everyone in their vicinity (except perhaps wangxian shipper #1 i.e. lxc) : Really? Right in front of my salad??
Imagine you are one of the disciples during the cloud recesses arc and you have to constantly endure the two-very-talented-and-very-hot students just being gay for each other. One of them flirts non-stop and annoys the living shit out of the other while the other keeps 'glaring', as in, keeps looking like he wants to devour him whole. And you have to just. Pretend its not happening. Right in front of your goddamn eyes.
Just imagine how often the 'no gossip' rule must have been broken as everyone talks about the latest Wangxian update ("He made him say 'piss off'... He made the Lan Wangji say 'piss off'!"). Imagine Lan Wangji thinking that the reason why everyone goes suddenly silent when he appears is because they are all intimidated by him (which, they definitely are, but also....) then later hearing 'Wangxian' here and there and putting two and two together. Imagine Lan Wangji being absolutely flustered by this turn of events.
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waxtrailsonmyshoulders Ā· 2 years
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The Untamed - Episode 48
[ID: seven gifs of episode 48 of the cdrama The Untamed, starring Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao at the Guanyin Temple. The first gif shows Jiang Cheng from the shoulders up, who's sitting on the floor and furiously glaring up at a standing Jin Guangyao. He grits through his teeth: "Jin Guangyao, how vicious you are."
In the second gif, Jin Guangyao swiftly turns his head back to him, a disbelieving look on his face. In the third gif, his expression gradually softens into the start of a smile as he fully turns his body to him. In the fourth gif, Jin Guangyao slowly begins to crouch, smiling all the way with a pitying look on his face.
In the fifth gif, Jin Guangyao reaches Jiang Cheng's height and slightly cocks his head to the left in a delicate manner, never breaking eye contact with Jiang Cheng. In the sixth gif, Jin Guangyao shrugs his shoulders barely a fraction and asks Jiang Cheng with a mocking innocent expression: "Am I?"
The seventh gif shows Jiang Cheng's complicated expression, the tense lines of his neck marking his working throat as he forces himself to stare back at Jin Guangyao without showing how his words affected him. The caption reads: "The Untamed - Episode 48". /end ID]
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